Added Step Script commands & constructs

Executes a script file after having moved the given amount of steps.

Clears the register created with @Player.SetScriptSteps, preventing the script from being executed.

Returns the amount of steps before the script as defined by @Player.SetScriptSteps is executed.
This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2023-10-29 17:59:39 +01:00
parent c76ee70b08
commit dae406f887
4 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -151,6 +151,15 @@
End Set
End Property
Public Property ScriptSteps() As Integer
Return _scriptSteps
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_scriptSteps = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property SaveCreated() As String
Return _saveCreated
@ -399,6 +408,7 @@
Private _lastSavePlace As String = "yourroom.dat"
Private _lastSavePlacePosition As String = "1,0.1,3"
Private _repelSteps As Integer = 0
Private _scriptSteps As Integer = 0
Private _saveCreated As String = "Pre 0.21"
Private _daycareSteps As Integer = 0
Private _poisonSteps As Integer = 0
@ -849,6 +859,8 @@
End If
Case "repelsteps"
RepelSteps = CInt(Value)
Case "scriptsteps"
ScriptSteps = CInt(Value)
Case "lastsaveplace"
LastSavePlace = Value
Case "lastsaveplaceposition"
@ -1347,6 +1359,7 @@
"LastRestPlacePosition|" & LastRestPlacePosition & Environment.NewLine &
"DiagonalMovement|" & DiagonalMovement.ToNumberString() & Environment.NewLine &
"RepelSteps|" & RepelSteps.ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
"ScriptSteps|" & ScriptSteps.ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
"LastSavePlace|" & LastSavePlace & Environment.NewLine &
"LastSavePlacePosition|" & LastSavePlacePosition & Environment.NewLine &
"Difficulty|" & DifficultyMode.ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
@ -1779,6 +1792,7 @@
@ -1872,6 +1886,35 @@
End If
End Sub
Private Sub StepEventCheckScript(ByVal stepAmount As Integer)
If ScriptSteps > 0 Then
ScriptSteps -= stepAmount
If ScriptSteps <= 0 Then
If CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then
If CanFireStepEvent() = True Then
Dim registerContent() As Object = ActionScript.GetRegisterValue("SCRIPTSTEPS")
If registerContent(0) Is Nothing Or registerContent(1) Is Nothing Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "ScriptComparer.vb: No valid script has been set to be executed.")
ActionScript.UnregisterID("SCRIPTSTEPS", "str")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim lValue As String = CStr(registerContent(0))
CType(CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(lValue, 0, False)
ActionScript.UnregisterID("SCRIPTSTEPS", "str")
ScriptSteps = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub StepEventWildPokemon()
If CanFireStepEvent() = True Then
If Screen.Level.WildPokemonFloor = True And Screen.Level.Surfing = False Then

View File

@ -376,6 +376,18 @@
Dim newOpacity As Single = sng(argument.Replace("~", Screen.Level.OwnPlayer.Opacity.ToString().Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
Screen.Level.OwnPlayer.Opacity = newOpacity
IsReady = True
Case "setscriptsteps"
If argument.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim args() As String = argument.Split(CChar(","))
Core.Player.ScriptSteps = CInt(args(0))
ActionScript.RegisterID("SCRIPTSTEPS", "str", args(1))
End If
IsReady = True
Case "clearscriptsteps"
ActionScript.UnregisterID("SCRIPTSTEPS", "str")
Core.Player.ScriptSteps = 0
IsReady = True
Case Else
IsReady = True
End Select

View File

@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
ReturnBoolean(Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True AndAlso GameJolt.LogInScreen.UserBanned(GameJoltSave.GameJoltID) = False)
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave)
Case "scriptsteps"
Return Core.Player.ScriptSteps
End Select
End Function

View File

@ -518,6 +518,8 @@ Namespace ScriptVersion2
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "setrivalname", {New ScriptArgument("name", ScriptArgument.ArgumentTypes.Str)}.ToList(), "Sets the rival's name."))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "setrivalskin", {New ScriptArgument("skin", ScriptArgument.ArgumentTypes.Str)}.ToList(), "Sets the rival's skin."))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "setopacity", {New ScriptArgument("opacity", ScriptArgument.ArgumentTypes.Sng)}.ToList(), "Sets the player entity's opacity."))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "setscriptsteps", {New ScriptArgument("stepAmount", ScriptArgument.ArgumentTypes.Int), New ScriptArgument("scriptPath", ScriptArgument.ArgumentTypes.Str)}.ToList(), "Executes a script file after having moved the given amount of steps."))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "clearscriptsteps", "Clears the register created with @player.setscriptsteps, preventing the script from being executed."))
' Constructs:
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "position", "sngarr", {New ScriptArgument("coordinate", ScriptArgument.ArgumentTypes.StrArr, {"x", "y", "z"}, True, "")}.ToList(), "Returns the position of the player. The normal coordinate combination is ""X,Y,Z"".", ",", True))
@ -543,6 +545,7 @@ Namespace ScriptVersion2
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "gamejoltid", "str", "Returns the player's GameJolt ID.", ",", True))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "haspokedex", "bool", "Returns if the player received the Pokédex.", ",", True))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "haspokegear", "bool", "Returns if the player received the Pokégear.", ",", True))
r(New ScriptCommand("player", "scriptsteps", "int", "Returns the amount of steps before the script as defined by @player.setscriptsteps is executed.", ",", True))
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DoNPC()