@pokemon.select has an extra argument. If it is set to an attack ID, it will be visible which Pokémon can learn that move while selecting.
Added @Pokemon.CanLearnAttack(PartyIndex,AttackID)
Returns if the Pokémon can learn the specified move.
Returns a string of every move the Pokémon can learn at or below a certain level
* Index (int) = Index of a Pokémon in the player's party
* MaxLevel (int) [optional] = Every move the Pokémon can learn at or below the level specified by this argument is added to the string. When this argument is left out or set to "-1", it will default to the Pokémon's current level.
Executes a script file after something happened (like having moved a certain amount of steps)
Clears the register created with @script.delay, preventing the script from being executed.
Returns a different thing depending on what you write for ReturnType:
"type" - returns what kind of trigger the script delay uses (only "steps" atm)
"script" - returns the script that will be executed after the delay ended
"value" - returns when the trigger ends, like how many steps are left for example
Executes a script file after having moved the given amount of steps.
Clears the register created with @Player.SetScriptSteps, preventing the script from being executed.
Returns the amount of steps before the script as defined by @Player.SetScriptSteps is executed.
Opens an item select screen with only the specified item type pages (separated with ";", e.g. "0;1;2" or "standard;medicine;plants") and possible item IDs (single items separated with ";", or with a "-" if you want a range, e.g. "2000-2066"
Both variables are optional. If AllowedPages is empty, all pages are allowed. If AllowItems is empty, all items are allowed.
Returns the ID of the item selected in the screen opened by @item.select(AllowedPages,AllowedItems)
* <entity.rotation(int)> returns the direction in which an entity is facing
* <level.environmenttype> returns the environmenttype of a level/map
* Added some missing constructs to the ScriptLibrary
- You can now run up and down a slideblock.
- NPC movement type Straight is now less random and more smooth.
- When renaming the rival, the skin visible at the top changes to whatever skin is set as the rivalskin. This way, the rival is not stuck with one skin. This can be useful when the rival's skin changes based on the player's gender for example.
- Text messages that contain <token.tokenname>, where tokenname is a string from the localizations files, have the part between the <> replaced with that string now.
- Text messages that contain <button.buttonname>, where buttonname is one of the controls defined in "Saves\Keyboard.dat", will now have the part between the <> replaced with the key assigned to that control.
- Players can now be genderless instead of only either male or female in scripts.
- Which skins are available in the intro is now defined in the GameMode's definition file instead of being hard-coded
- Old New Game intro now uses the player skin data from the GameMode definition file
- The Pokémon in the old New Game now doesn't fall too far down anymore
- Scripts adjusted to match the new gender functionality
Map Property "Lightning" renamed to "Lighting" (bulk replaced all occurences in the maps)
Map Property "EnviromentType" renamed to "EnvironmentType" (bulk replaced all occurences in the maps)
Replaced the skydomes, sun, moon and stars and updated the lighting to be less dark at times of day other than day itself.