PyKMIP - Release 0.3.0

This update includes a bunch of new features and bug fixes:
* Add client support for the DiscoverVersions and Query operations
* Add client support for the CreateKeyPair and RekeyKeyPair operations
* Add support for registering and retrieving Public/PrivateKeys
* Add unit demos showing how to use individual KMIP client operations
* Add client custom configuration support
* Add inline documentation for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
* Add unit tests for new KMIP objects, attributes, and payloads
* Add a dependency for the six library to handle Python version support
* Update README with a condensed description and overview of the library
* Fix bug with unindexed format strings
* Fix missing example certificate files when installing library
This commit is contained in:
Peter Hamilton 2015-03-14 11:41:25 -04:00
parent 43ecea23a6
commit f7ba5abbcf
4 changed files with 159 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
0.2.0 - November 12, 2014
0.3.0 - March 14, 2015
* Add client support for the DiscoverVersions and Query operations
* Add client support for the CreateKeyPair and ReKeyKeyPair operations
* Add support for registering and retrieving PublicKeys and PrivateKeys
* Add unit demos demonstrating how to use individual KMIP client operations
* Add custom configuration support to the KMIP client
* Add inline documentation for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
* Add additional unit test suites for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
* Add dependency for the six library to handle Python version support
* Update README with a condensed description and breakdown of the library
* Fix bug with unindexed format strings (impacts Python 2.6)
* Fix missing certificate file issue when installing library from PyPI
0.2.0 - November 17, 2014
* Add configuration file support
* Add client support for the Locate operation
* Update README with additional information and reStructuredText format

View File

@ -1,145 +1,163 @@
PyKMIP is a Python implementation of the Key Management Interoperability
Protocol (KMIP) specification, supporting version 1.1 of the KMIP standard.
The KMIP standard is governed by the `Organization for the Advancement of
Structured Information Standards`_ (OASIS) and specifies a
client/server-based protocol to perform key, certificate, and secret object
management, including storage and maintenance operations.
Protocol (KMIP). KMIP is a client/server communication protocol for the
storage and maintenance of key, certificate, and secret objects. The standard
is governed by the `Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards`_ (OASIS). PyKMIP supports a subset of features in version 1.1 of
the KMIP specification.
The PyKMIP library currently provides a KMIP client and server supporting
the following operations for the KMIP SymmetricKey managed object:
The PyKMIP library provides a KMIP client supporting the following operations:
* Create
* Register
* Get
* CreateKeyPair
* Destroy
* DiscoverVersions
* Get
* Locate
* Query
* Register
* RekeyKeyPair
Note that KMIP specifies profiles that tailor the standard to specific use
cases. The `KMIP Profile Support`_ section includes several profiles that
need to be developed for PyKMIP to fully support symmetric key storage and
generation capabilities. A list of operations necessary for these profiles
is included.
The library also includes a software-based KMIP server, which supports basic
versions of the following operations:
The PyKMIP software-based KMIP server is intended for use only in testing
and demonstration environments. Note that the PyKMIP server is **NOT**
intended to be a substitute for secured, hardware-based KMIP appliances.
The PyKMIP client should be used for operational purposes only with a
hardware-based KMIP server. The development of the PyKMIP client and server
should take place in parallel to facilitate testing of each operation as it
is developed.
* Create
* Destroy
* Get
* Register
For a high-level overview of KMIP, check out the `KMIP Wikipedia page`_. For
comprehensive documentation from OASIS and information about the KMIP
community, visit the `KMIP Technical Committee home page`_.
The KMIP client can be configured to connect to a KMIP server using settings
found in ``kmip/kmipconfig.ini``. Users can specify the connection
configuration settings to use on client instantiation, allowing applications
to support multiple key storage backends simultaneously, one client per
An example client configuration settings block is shown below::
Many of these settings correspond to the settings for ``ssl.wrap_socket``,
which is used to establish secure connections to KMIP backends. For more
information, check out the `Python SSL library documentation`_.
The KMIP software server also pulls settings from ``kmip/kmipconfig.ini``.
However, the server is intended for use only in testing and demonstration
environments. The server is **not** intended to be a substitute for secure,
hardware-based key management appliances. The PyKMIP client should be used
for operational purposes **only** with a hardware-based KMIP server.
An example server configuration settings block is shown below::
When used together, the KMIP client and KMIP server use certificate files
found in ``kmip/demos/certs``. These files should be replaced with alternative
certificates for standalone deployments.
For examples of how to instantiate the KMIP client and how to use the
different client operations, check out the unit demos found under
The KMIP standard includes various profiles that tailor the standard for
specific use cases (e.g., symmetric key storage with TLS 1.2). These profiles
specify conformance to certain operations and attributes.
The PyKMIP client provides full support for the following profile(s):
* Basic Discover Versions Client KMIP Profile
The development plan for PyKMIP follows the requirements for the following
KMIP profiles. The foundation for symmetric and asymmetric key operation
support is already built into the library.
Client profiles:
* Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile
* Basic Symmetric Key Store Client KMIP Profile
* Basic Symmetric Key Foundry Client KMIP Profile
* Basic Asymmetric Key Store Client KMIP Profile
* Basic Asymmetric Key Foundry Client KMIP Profile
Server profiles:
* Basic Discover Versions Server KMIP Profile
* Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile
* Basic Symmetric Key Store and Server KMIP Profile
* Basic Symmetric Key Foundry and Server KMIP Profile
* Basic Asymmetric Key Store Server KMIP Profile
* Basic Asymmetric Key Foundry and Server KMIP Profile
The PyKMIP test suite is composed of two parts: a unit test suite composed of
over 500 unit tests, and an integration test suite that runs against
instantiations of the software KMIP server. The tests are managed by a
combination of the ``tox``, ``pytest``, and ``flake8`` libraries and cover
approximately 80% of the code.
There are several ways to run different versions of the tests. To run, use one
of the following commands in the PyKMIP root directory.
To run all of the tests::
$ tox
To run the Python syntax and format compliance tests::
$ tox -e pep8
To run the test suite against Python 2.7::
$ tox -e py27
For more information and a list of supported ``tox`` environments, see
``tox.ini`` in the PyKMIP root directory.
PyKMIP has been tested and runs on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
PyKMIP has been tested and runs on the following platform(s):
.. _KMIP Profile Support:
KMIP Profile Support
The KMIP standard includes various profiles that tailor the standard for
specific use cases (e.g., symmetric key storage with TLS 1.2). These
profiles specify conformance to certain operations and attributes. The
operations listed below are needed to support symmetric key profiles, which
are also provided below. We would appreciate help in the development of
these operations, and have listed our recommended order of development
prioritization in descending order. Since active development of these
features is already underway, please check the `code base`_ to assess the
status of operations prior to development.
KMIP operations to add to PyKMIP:
* Discover Versions
* List
* Check
* Revoke
* Get Attributes
* Get Attribute List
* Add Attribute
* Modify Attribute
* Delete Attribute
* Activate
* Query
Note that the Create, Register, Get, and Destroy operations were completed
with the initial version of PyKMIP to allow very basic KMIP symmetric key
Server Profiles
Server profiles that support KMIP symmetric key operations:
* `Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile`_ (includes TLS 1.0+)
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Baseline Server Clause`_) include:
* Locate
* Check
* Get
* Get Attributes
* Get Attribute
* List
* Add Attribute
* Modify Attribute
* Delete Attribute
* Activate
* Revoke
* Destroy
* Query
* Discover Versions
* `Symmetric Key Store and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Store and Server Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile`_ and also the Register operation.
* `Symmetric Key Foundry and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP profile`_
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Foundry and Server Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile`_ and also the Create operation.
Client Profiles
Client profiles that support KMIP symmetric key operations:
* `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_ (includes TLS 1.0+)
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Baseline Client Clause`_) include:
* Locate
* Check
* Get
* Get Attributes
* Get Attribute
* List
* Add Attribute
* Modify Attribute
* Delete Attribute
* Activate
* Revoke
* Destroy
* Query
* Discover Versions
* `Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Store Client Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_ and also the Register operation.
* `Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Foundry Client Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_ and also the Create operation.
* `Storage Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
* Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Storage Client Conformance Clauses`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_, the Register operation from the `Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_, and the Create operation from the `Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_.
* Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
The source code for PyKMIP is hosted on GitHub and the library is available
for installation from the Python Package Index (PyPI):
* `GitHub <>`_
* `PyPI <>`_
* `PyKMIP on GitHub <>`_
* `PyKMIP on PyPI <>`_
For more information on KMIP version 1.1, see the following documentation:
@ -152,17 +170,6 @@ For more information on KMIP version 1.1, see the following documentation:
.. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.1:
.. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Profiles Version 1.1:
.. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Test Cases Version 1.1:
.. _Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile:
.. _Symmetric Key Store and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
.. _Symmetric Key Foundry and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
.. _Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile:
.. _Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
.. _Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
.. _Storage Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
.. _Baseline Server Clause:
.. _Symmetric Key Store and Server Conformance Clause:
.. _Symmetric Key Foundry and Server Conformance Clause:
.. _Baseline Client Clause:
.. _Symmetric Key Store Client Conformance Clause:
.. _Symmetric Key Foundry Client Conformance Clause:
.. _Storage Client Conformance Clauses:
.. _Python SSL library documentation:
.. _KMIP Wikipedia page:
.. _KMIP Technical Committee home page:

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import setuptools
description='KMIP v1.1 library',
author='Peter Hamilton',
@ -35,11 +35,9 @@ setuptools.setup(
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
"Natural Language :: English",
"Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X",
"Operating System :: POSIX",
"Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD",
"Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
"Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
envlist = pep8,py27,py26,py33,py34
envlist = pep8,py26,py27,py33,py34
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt