The code for persisting symmetric keys in a database has been added
along with the corresponding unit tests.
The usage mask list for cryptographic objects is stored as an integer bitmask.
The conversion takes place with a new SQLAlchemy type.
Switched ManagedObject value type to VARBINARY. This prevents errors from
occuring when trying to convert to a string.
Added the ORM code to be able to persist OpaqueData in a database.
This added the code to the base class ManagedObject as well. Unit
tests are added to demonstrate the code is working correctly.
This change adds a KmipSession class that manages individual
client/server connections in a thread of execution separate from the
main thread. A test suite is included.
This pull request adds some unit tests for the server failover code that was recently merged.
Signed-off-by: Hadi Esiely <>
This change adds KMIP authentication suites, which define the TLS
protocols and cipher suites to use for establishing secure network
connections compliant with the KMIP specification. Test suites are
This change add a simple warning that is triggered whenever Python
2.6 is used with PyKMIP. It simply advises the user to use a newer
version of Python. For now, Python 2.6 can still be used with
This update includes several new features:
* Add support for the GetAttributeList operation
* Add integration with Travis CI, Codecov/Coveralls, and Bandit
* Add client/server failover support using multiple IP addresses
* Add additional attribute unit tests
* Update implementations of KMIP primitives
* Reorganize server code to prepare for refactoring
* Remove use of exec when handling library version numbers
* Remove broken server script
This feature enables the PyKMIP library to switch between KMIP service provider
hosts in the event one of them is unavailable. To list more than than one host,
include all necessary host IP addresses separated by commas in the "host" field
in the pykmip.conf file.
Signed-off-by: Hadi Esiely <>
This change creates a new subpackage under services, server, which now
holds all of the software server related code. References to different
pieces of the server code base are updated accordingly.
This change updates the Enumeration primitive, adding a fresh
implementation and documentation. An updated unit test suite for the
primitive is included. Numerous changes to Enumeration usage across the
library are also included to comply with the updated implementation.
This change adds support for the GetAttributeList operation to the
ProxyKmipClient. It updates the Pie client API and provides a demo
showing how to use the operation. All relevant test suites are updated
This change updates the DateTime primitive, adding documentation and
Python string operator support. A new unit test suite for the primitive
is included.
This change adds support for the GetAttributeList operation to the
KMIPProxy client. It adds a new result object for the operation along
with an integration test demonstrating how the operation can be used.
Client unit test cases are also included.
This change adds support for multiple configuration file storage
locations, including the user's home directory and /etc. The preferred
configuration file name is now pykmip.conf. The original name,
kmipconfig.ini, will continue to be supported for legacy installations.
This change fixes various bugs with the original BigInteger
implementation, adding in a working version of the primitive. A full
unit test suite is included.
This change updates the LongInteger primitive, improving class
documentation, adding standard Python operators, cleaning up the
original implementation, and expanding the corresponding unit test suite
to address the modifications.
This change adds a new pytest marker, ignore. It is used to silently
skip the software server integration test suite, which is now broken
from a recent ssl update. A pytest ini configuration file is also added
to register the new marker.
This change updates the AttributeValue factory, removing and
streamlining code. Support for several basic primitive attributes are
added in addition to a redesigned test suite for the factory.
This change splits the original set of primitive object test suites into
separate modules. Minor refactoring to account for structure changes is
This change adds request and response payloads for the GetAttributeList
operation. It updates the payload factories to support these new objects
and updates and adds all associated or required test suites. A new
exception is also included that is thrown by objects attempting to parse
invalid KMIP encodings.
This update includes several new features and bug fixes:
* Add the official Pie API for a simpler KMIP interface
* Add the ProxyKmipClient implementation of the Pie API
* Add key, secret, and opaque objects to the Pie object hierarchy
* Add unit demos for all ProxyKmipClient operations
* Add complete unit and integration test suites for the Pie package
* Add KMIPProxy client support for the Activate and Revoke operations
* Add KMIPProxy client connection timeout support
* Add KMIPProxy integration tests for asymm. key/secret/opaque objects
* Add improved request error logging for the KMIPServer
* Update README with more information about the clients and Pie API
* Remove AUTHORS in favor of Git commit history
* Fix bug with dangling file handle when setting __version__
* Fix bug with dangling socket connection upon client destruction