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Windows XP / Server 2003 Keygen

Zulip chat - #mspid

Plan of Action / ToDo List

In light of the recent exponential interest in this project I've decided to put updates of this project here:


What does it do?

  • This program allows you to generate endless Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 keys. You also can use it to check your already existing keys.

How does it work?

How do I use it?

  • It all comes down to four simple steps:


1. Download the latest version of WindowsXPKg

  • (GitHub account required)

    • Download the latest experimental version using the Actions tab (Windows, Linux).
  • (GitHub account *not* required)

    • Download the latest release for your operating system and architecture from the releases page
  • Note: Before continuing, please ensure you have both the xpkey program and the keys.json datum extracted and in the same directory

2. Run xpkey to generate a key, or add --help to see more options.

3. (Activation step for Retail and OEM only)

  • After installation, you will be prompted to activate Windows.

  • Select the telephone activation method, then, run xpkey -i <Installation ID> using the Installation ID the activation Wizard provides for you

4. Profit!


The list of people who have helped to bring the XP generation to where it is now:

  • z22
  • MSKey
  • sk00ter
  • diamondggg
  • pottzman
  • Endermanch
  • Neo-Desktop
  • WitherOrNot
  • TheTank20

(the list will be updated to add more collaborators)

Development Requirements:

  • CMake, make, gcc (build-essential)
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1+ (libssl-dev)
  • git

Build Steps:

  1. git clone
  2. cd build/ && cmake ../ && make