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; @file
; Intel TDX APs
; Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
%include ""
; Note: BSP never gets here. APs will be unblocked by DXE
; R8 [31:0] NUM_VCPUS
; [63:32] MAX_VCPUS
; R9 [31:0] VCPU_INDEX
; register itself in [rsp + CpuArrivalOffset]
mov rax, 1
lock xadd dword [rsp + CpuArrivalOffset], eax
inc eax
cmp eax, r8d
je .check_command
mov eax, dword[rsp + CpuArrivalOffset]
jmp .check_arrival_cnt
mov eax, dword[rsp + CommandOffset]
cmp eax, MpProtectedModeWakeupCommandNoop
je .check_command
cmp eax, MpProtectedModeWakeupCommandWakeup
je .do_wakeup
cmp eax, MpProtectedModeWakeupCommandAcceptPages
je .do_accept_pages
; Don't support this command, so ignore
jmp .check_command
; Read the top stack address from arguments
mov rsi, [rsp + AcceptPageArgsTopStackAddress]
; Calculate the top stack address of the AP.
; ApStackAddr = BaseStackAddr + (vCpuIndex) * ApStackSize
xor rdx, rdx
xor rbx, rbx
xor rax, rax
mov eax, [rsp + AcceptPageArgsApStackSize]
mov ebx, r9d ; vCpuIndex
mul ebx
add rsi, rax ; now rsi is ApStackAddr
; Read the function address which will be called
mov rax, [rsp + WakeupVectorOffset]
; vCPU index as the first argument
mov ecx, r9d
mov rdx, [rsp + AcceptPageArgsPhysicalStart]
mov r8, [rsp + AcceptPageArgsPhysicalEnd]
; save the Mailbox address to rbx
mov rbx, rsp
; set AP Stack
mov rsp, rsi
; save rax (the Mailbox address)
push rbx
call rax
; recove rsp
pop rbx
mov rsp, rbx
; recover r8, r9
mov rax, 1
mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
lock xadd dword [rsp + CpusExitingOffset], eax
dec eax
cmp eax, 0
je do_wait_loop
mov eax, dword[rsp + CpusExitingOffset]
jmp .check_exiting_cnt
; BSP sets these variables before unblocking APs
; RAX: WakeupVectorOffset
; RBX: Relocated mailbox address
; RBP: vCpuId
mov rax, 0
mov eax, dword[rsp + WakeupVectorOffset]
mov rbx, [rsp + WakeupArgsRelocatedMailBox]
jmp rax
jmp $