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## @file
# build a platform or a module
# Copyright (c) 2014, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# Copyright (c) 2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development, L.P.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
# Import Modules
from __future__ import print_function
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
import re
import sys
import glob
import time
import platform
import traceback
import encodings.ascii
import multiprocessing
from struct import *
from threading import *
import threading
from optparse import OptionParser
from subprocess import *
from Common import Misc as Utils
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
from Common.TargetTxtClassObject import TargetTxtClassObject
from Common.ToolDefClassObject import ToolDefClassObject
from Common.DataType import *
from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
from AutoGen.AutoGen import *
from Common.BuildToolError import *
from Workspace.WorkspaceDatabase import WorkspaceDatabase
from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
from BuildReport import BuildReport
from GenPatchPcdTable.GenPatchPcdTable import *
from PatchPcdValue.PatchPcdValue import *
import Common.EdkLogger
import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
from GenFds.GenFds import GenFds, GenFdsApi
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
# Version and Copyright
VersionNumber = "0.60" + ' ' + gBUILD_VERSION
__version__ = "%prog Version " + VersionNumber
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation All rights reserved."
## standard targets of build command
gSupportedTarget = ['all', 'genc', 'genmake', 'modules', 'libraries', 'fds', 'clean', 'cleanall', 'cleanlib', 'run']
## build configuration file
gBuildConfiguration = "target.txt"
gToolsDefinition = "tools_def.txt"
TemporaryTablePattern = re.compile(r'^_\d+_\d+_[a-fA-F0-9]+$')
TmpTableDict = {}
## Check environment PATH variable to make sure the specified tool is found
# If the tool is found in the PATH, then True is returned
# Otherwise, False is returned
def IsToolInPath(tool):
if 'PATHEXT' in os.environ:
extns = os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(os.path.pathsep)
extns = ('',)
for pathDir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.path.pathsep):
for ext in extns:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathDir, tool + ext)):
return True
return False
## Check environment variables
# Check environment variables that must be set for build. Currently they are
# WORKSPACE The directory all packages/platforms start from
# EDK_TOOLS_PATH The directory contains all tools needed by the build
# PATH $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH)/Bin/<sys> must be set in PATH
# If any of above environment variable is not set or has error, the build
# will be broken.
def CheckEnvVariable():
if "WORKSPACE" not in os.environ:
EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
WorkspaceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["WORKSPACE"]))
if not os.path.exists(WorkspaceDir):
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "WORKSPACE doesn't exist", ExtraData=WorkspaceDir)
elif ' ' in WorkspaceDir:
EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "No space is allowed in WORKSPACE path",
os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
# set multiple workspace
PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
mws.setWs(WorkspaceDir, PackagesPath)
for Path in mws.PACKAGES_PATH:
if not os.path.exists(Path):
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "One Path in PACKAGES_PATH doesn't exist", ExtraData=Path)
elif ' ' in Path:
EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "No space is allowed in PACKAGES_PATH", ExtraData=Path)
os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"] = os.path.normcase(os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"])
if "EDK_TOOLS_PATH" not in os.environ:
EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
# check PATH
if "PATH" not in os.environ:
EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
GlobalData.gWorkspace = WorkspaceDir
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"] = os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"]
## Get normalized file path
# Convert the path to be local format, and remove the WORKSPACE path at the
# beginning if the file path is given in full path.
# @param FilePath File path to be normalized
# @param Workspace Workspace path which the FilePath will be checked against
# @retval string The normalized file path
def NormFile(FilePath, Workspace):
# check if the path is absolute or relative
if os.path.isabs(FilePath):
FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(FilePath)
FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(mws.join(Workspace, FilePath))
Workspace = mws.getWs(Workspace, FilePath)
# check if the file path exists or not
if not os.path.isfile(FileFullPath):
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData="\t%s (Please give file in absolute path or relative to WORKSPACE)" % FileFullPath)
# remove workspace directory from the beginning part of the file path
if Workspace[-1] in ["\\", "/"]:
return FileFullPath[len(Workspace):]
return FileFullPath[(len(Workspace) + 1):]
## Get the output of an external program
# This is the entrance method of thread reading output of an external program and
# putting them in STDOUT/STDERR of current program.
# @param From The stream message read from
# @param To The stream message put on
# @param ExitFlag The flag used to indicate stopping reading
def ReadMessage(From, To, ExitFlag):
while True:
# read one line a time
Line = From.readline()
# empty string means "end"
if Line is not None and Line != b"":
To(Line.rstrip().decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'))
if ExitFlag.isSet():
## Launch an external program
# This method will call subprocess.Popen to execute an external program with
# given options in specified directory. Because of the dead-lock issue during
# redirecting output of the external program, threads are used to to do the
# redirection work.
# @param Command A list or string containing the call of the program
# @param WorkingDir The directory in which the program will be running
def LaunchCommand(Command, WorkingDir):
BeginTime = time.time()
# if working directory doesn't exist, Popen() will raise an exception
if not os.path.isdir(WorkingDir):
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=WorkingDir)
# Command is used as the first Argument in following Popen().
# It could be a string or sequence. We find that if command is a string in following Popen(),
# ubuntu may fail with an error message that the command is not found.
# So here we may need convert command from string to list instance.
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
if not isinstance(Command, list):
Command = Command.split()
Command = ' '.join(Command)
Proc = None
EndOfProcedure = None
# launch the command
Proc = Popen(Command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=os.environ, cwd=WorkingDir, bufsize=-1, shell=True)
# launch two threads to read the STDOUT and STDERR
EndOfProcedure = Event()
if Proc.stdout:
StdOutThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Proc.stdout,, EndOfProcedure))
if Proc.stderr:
StdErrThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Proc.stderr, EdkLogger.quiet, EndOfProcedure))
# waiting for program exit
except: # in case of aborting
# terminate the threads redirecting the program output
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
if EndOfProcedure is not None:
if Proc is None:
if not isinstance(Command, type("")):
Command = " ".join(Command)
EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE, "Failed to start command", ExtraData="%s [%s]" % (Command, WorkingDir))
if Proc.stdout:
if Proc.stderr:
# check the return code of the program
if Proc.returncode != 0:
if not isinstance(Command, type("")):
Command = " ".join(Command)
# print out the Response file and its content when make failure
RespFile = os.path.join(WorkingDir, 'OUTPUT', 'respfilelist.txt')
if os.path.isfile(RespFile):
f = open(RespFile)
RespContent =
EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE, ExtraData="%s [%s]" % (Command, WorkingDir))
return "%dms" % (int(round((time.time() - BeginTime) * 1000)))
## The smallest unit that can be built in multi-thread build mode
# This is the base class of build unit. The "Obj" parameter must provide
# __str__(), __eq__() and __hash__() methods. Otherwise there could be build units
# missing build.
# Currently the "Obj" should be only ModuleAutoGen or PlatformAutoGen objects.
class BuildUnit:
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj The object the build is working on
# @param Target The build target name, one of gSupportedTarget
# @param Dependency The BuildUnit(s) which must be completed in advance
# @param WorkingDir The directory build command starts in
def __init__(self, Obj, BuildCommand, Target, Dependency, WorkingDir="."):
self.BuildObject = Obj
self.Dependency = Dependency
self.WorkingDir = WorkingDir
self.Target = Target
self.BuildCommand = BuildCommand
if not BuildCommand:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
"No build command found for this module. "
"Please check your setting of %s_%s_%s_MAKE_PATH in Conf/tools_def.txt file." %
(Obj.BuildTarget, Obj.ToolChain, Obj.Arch),
## str() method
# It just returns the string representation of self.BuildObject
# @param self The object pointer
def __str__(self):
return str(self.BuildObject)
## "==" operator method
# It just compares self.BuildObject with "Other". So self.BuildObject must
# provide its own __eq__() method.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Other The other BuildUnit object compared to
def __eq__(self, Other):
return Other and self.BuildObject == Other.BuildObject \
and Other.BuildObject \
and self.BuildObject.Arch == Other.BuildObject.Arch
## hash() method
# It just returns the hash value of self.BuildObject which must be hashable.
# @param self The object pointer
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.BuildObject) + hash(self.BuildObject.Arch)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.BuildObject)
## The smallest module unit that can be built by nmake/make command in multi-thread build mode
# This class is for module build by nmake/make build system. The "Obj" parameter
# must provide __str__(), __eq__() and __hash__() methods. Otherwise there could
# be make units missing build.
# Currently the "Obj" should be only ModuleAutoGen object.
class ModuleMakeUnit(BuildUnit):
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj The ModuleAutoGen object the build is working on
# @param Target The build target name, one of gSupportedTarget
def __init__(self, Obj, Target):
Dependency = [ModuleMakeUnit(La, Target) for La in Obj.LibraryAutoGenList]
BuildUnit.__init__(self, Obj, Obj.BuildCommand, Target, Dependency, Obj.MakeFileDir)
if Target in [None, "", "all"]:
self.Target = "tbuild"
## The smallest platform unit that can be built by nmake/make command in multi-thread build mode
# This class is for platform build by nmake/make build system. The "Obj" parameter
# must provide __str__(), __eq__() and __hash__() methods. Otherwise there could
# be make units missing build.
# Currently the "Obj" should be only PlatformAutoGen object.
class PlatformMakeUnit(BuildUnit):
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj The PlatformAutoGen object the build is working on
# @param Target The build target name, one of gSupportedTarget
def __init__(self, Obj, Target):
Dependency = [ModuleMakeUnit(Lib, Target) for Lib in self.BuildObject.LibraryAutoGenList]
Dependency.extend([ModuleMakeUnit(Mod, Target) for Mod in self.BuildObject.ModuleAutoGenList])
BuildUnit.__init__(self, Obj, Obj.BuildCommand, Target, Dependency, Obj.MakeFileDir)
## The class representing the task of a module build or platform build
# This class manages the build tasks in multi-thread build mode. Its jobs include
# scheduling thread running, catching thread error, monitor the thread status, etc.
class BuildTask:
# queue for tasks waiting for schedule
_PendingQueue = OrderedDict()
_PendingQueueLock = threading.Lock()
# queue for tasks ready for running
_ReadyQueue = OrderedDict()
_ReadyQueueLock = threading.Lock()
# queue for run tasks
_RunningQueue = OrderedDict()
_RunningQueueLock = threading.Lock()
# queue containing all build tasks, in case duplicate build
_TaskQueue = OrderedDict()
# flag indicating error occurs in a running thread
_ErrorFlag = threading.Event()
_ErrorMessage = ""
# BoundedSemaphore object used to control the number of running threads
_Thread = None
# flag indicating if the scheduler is started or not
_SchedulerStopped = threading.Event()
## Start the task scheduler thread
# @param MaxThreadNumber The maximum thread number
# @param ExitFlag Flag used to end the scheduler
def StartScheduler(MaxThreadNumber, ExitFlag):
SchedulerThread = Thread(target=BuildTask.Scheduler, args=(MaxThreadNumber, ExitFlag))
# wait for the scheduler to be started, especially useful in Linux
while not BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
## Scheduler method
# @param MaxThreadNumber The maximum thread number
# @param ExitFlag Flag used to end the scheduler
def Scheduler(MaxThreadNumber, ExitFlag):
# use BoundedSemaphore to control the maximum running threads
BuildTask._Thread = BoundedSemaphore(MaxThreadNumber)
# scheduling loop, which will exits when no pending/ready task and
# indicated to do so, or there's error in running thread
while (len(BuildTask._PendingQueue) > 0 or len(BuildTask._ReadyQueue) > 0 \
or not ExitFlag.isSet()) and not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, "Pending Queue (%d), Ready Queue (%d)"
% (len(BuildTask._PendingQueue), len(BuildTask._ReadyQueue)))
# get all pending tasks
BuildObjectList = list(BuildTask._PendingQueue.keys())
# check if their dependency is resolved, and if true, move them
# into ready queue
for BuildObject in BuildObjectList:
Bt = BuildTask._PendingQueue[BuildObject]
if Bt.IsReady():
BuildTask._ReadyQueue[BuildObject] = BuildTask._PendingQueue.pop(BuildObject)
# launch build thread until the maximum number of threads is reached
while not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
# empty ready queue, do nothing further
if len(BuildTask._ReadyQueue) == 0:
# wait for active thread(s) exit
# start a new build thread
Bo, Bt = BuildTask._ReadyQueue.popitem()
# move into running queue
BuildTask._RunningQueue[Bo] = Bt
# avoid tense loop
# avoid tense loop
# wait for all running threads exit
if BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
EdkLogger.quiet("\nWaiting for all build threads exit...")
# while not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet() and \
while len(BuildTask._RunningQueue) > 0:
EdkLogger.verbose("Waiting for thread ending...(%d)" % len(BuildTask._RunningQueue))
EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, "Threads [%s]" % ", ".join(Th.getName() for Th in threading.enumerate()))
# avoid tense loop
except BaseException as X:
# TRICK: hide the output of threads left running, so that the user can
# catch the error message easily
BuildTask._ErrorMessage = "build thread scheduler error\n\t%s" % str(X)
## Wait for all running method exit
def WaitForComplete():
## Check if the scheduler is running or not
def IsOnGoing():
return not BuildTask._SchedulerStopped.isSet()
## Abort the build
def Abort():
if BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
## Check if there's error in running thread
# Since the main thread cannot catch exceptions in other thread, we have to
# use threading.Event to communicate this formation to main thread.
def HasError():
return BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet()
## Get error message in running thread
# Since the main thread cannot catch exceptions in other thread, we have to
# use a static variable to communicate this message to main thread.
def GetErrorMessage():
return BuildTask._ErrorMessage
## Factory method to create a BuildTask object
# This method will check if a module is building or has been built. And if
# true, just return the associated BuildTask object in the _TaskQueue. If
# not, create and return a new BuildTask object. The new BuildTask object
# will be appended to the _PendingQueue for scheduling later.
# @param BuildItem A BuildUnit object representing a build object
# @param Dependency The dependent build object of BuildItem
def New(BuildItem, Dependency=None):
if BuildItem in BuildTask._TaskQueue:
Bt = BuildTask._TaskQueue[BuildItem]
return Bt
Bt = BuildTask()
Bt._Init(BuildItem, Dependency)
BuildTask._TaskQueue[BuildItem] = Bt
BuildTask._PendingQueue[BuildItem] = Bt
return Bt
## The real constructor of BuildTask
# @param BuildItem A BuildUnit object representing a build object
# @param Dependency The dependent build object of BuildItem
def _Init(self, BuildItem, Dependency=None):
self.BuildItem = BuildItem
self.DependencyList = []
if Dependency is None:
Dependency = BuildItem.Dependency
# flag indicating build completes, used to avoid unnecessary re-build
self.CompleteFlag = False
## Check if all dependent build tasks are completed or not
def IsReady(self):
ReadyFlag = True
for Dep in self.DependencyList:
if Dep.CompleteFlag == True:
ReadyFlag = False
return ReadyFlag
## Add dependent build task
# @param Dependency The list of dependent build objects
def AddDependency(self, Dependency):
for Dep in Dependency:
if not Dep.BuildObject.IsBinaryModule and not Dep.BuildObject.CanSkipbyHash():
self.DependencyList.append(BuildTask.New(Dep)) # BuildTask list
## The thread wrapper of LaunchCommand function
# @param Command A list or string contains the call of the command
# @param WorkingDir The directory in which the program will be running
def _CommandThread(self, Command, WorkingDir):
self.BuildItem.BuildObject.BuildTime = LaunchCommand(Command, WorkingDir)
self.CompleteFlag = True
# Run hash operation post dependency, to account for libs
if GlobalData.gUseHashCache and self.BuildItem.BuildObject.IsLibrary:
HashFile = path.join(self.BuildItem.BuildObject.BuildDir, self.BuildItem.BuildObject.Name + ".hash")
SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, self.BuildItem.BuildObject.GenModuleHash(), True)
# TRICK: hide the output of threads left running, so that the user can
# catch the error message easily
if not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
GlobalData.gBuildingModule = "%s [%s, %s, %s]" % (str(self.BuildItem.BuildObject),
BuildTask._ErrorMessage = "%s broken\n %s [%s]" % \
(threading.currentThread().getName(), Command, WorkingDir)
# Set the value used by hash invalidation flow in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking to 'SUCCESS'
# If Module or Lib is being tracked, it did not fail header check test, and built successfully
if (self.BuildItem.BuildObject.Arch in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking and
self.BuildItem.BuildObject in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[self.BuildItem.BuildObject.Arch] and
GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[self.BuildItem.BuildObject.Arch][self.BuildItem.BuildObject] != 'FAIL_METAFILE' and
not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet()
GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[self.BuildItem.BuildObject.Arch][self.BuildItem.BuildObject] = 'SUCCESS'
# indicate there's a thread is available for another build task
## Start build task thread
def Start(self):
EdkLogger.quiet("Building ... %s" % repr(self.BuildItem))
Command = self.BuildItem.BuildCommand + [self.BuildItem.Target]
self.BuildTread = Thread(target=self._CommandThread, args=(Command, self.BuildItem.WorkingDir))
self.BuildTread.setName("build thread")
## The class contains the information related to EFI image
class PeImageInfo():
## Constructor
# Constructor will load all required image information.
# @param BaseName The full file path of image.
# @param Guid The GUID for image.
# @param Arch Arch of this image.
# @param OutputDir The output directory for image.
# @param DebugDir The debug directory for image.
# @param ImageClass PeImage Information
def __init__(self, BaseName, Guid, Arch, OutputDir, DebugDir, ImageClass):
self.BaseName = BaseName
self.Guid = Guid
self.Arch = Arch
self.OutputDir = OutputDir
self.DebugDir = DebugDir
self.Image = ImageClass
self.Image.Size = (self.Image.Size // 0x1000 + 1) * 0x1000
## The class implementing the EDK2 build process
# The build process includes:
# 1. Load configuration from target.txt and tools_def.txt in $(WORKSPACE)/Conf
# 2. Parse DSC file of active platform
# 3. Parse FDF file if any
# 4. Establish build database, including parse all other files (module, package)
# 5. Create AutoGen files (C code file, depex file, makefile) if necessary
# 6. Call build command
class Build():
## Constructor
# Constructor will load all necessary configurations, parse platform, modules
# and packages and the establish a database for AutoGen.
# @param Target The build command target, one of gSupportedTarget
# @param WorkspaceDir The directory of workspace
# @param BuildOptions Build options passed from command line
def __init__(self, Target, WorkspaceDir, BuildOptions):
self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir
self.Target = Target
self.PlatformFile = BuildOptions.PlatformFile
self.ModuleFile = BuildOptions.ModuleFile
self.ArchList = BuildOptions.TargetArch
self.ToolChainList = BuildOptions.ToolChain
self.BuildTargetList= BuildOptions.BuildTarget
self.Fdf = BuildOptions.FdfFile
self.FdList = BuildOptions.RomImage
self.FvList = BuildOptions.FvImage
self.CapList = BuildOptions.CapName
self.SilentMode = BuildOptions.SilentMode
self.ThreadNumber = BuildOptions.ThreadNumber
self.SkipAutoGen = BuildOptions.SkipAutoGen
self.Reparse = BuildOptions.Reparse
self.SkuId = BuildOptions.SkuId
if self.SkuId:
GlobalData.gSKUID_CMD = self.SkuId
self.ConfDirectory = BuildOptions.ConfDirectory
self.SpawnMode = True
self.BuildReport = BuildReport(BuildOptions.ReportFile, BuildOptions.ReportType)
self.TargetTxt = TargetTxtClassObject()
self.ToolDef = ToolDefClassObject()
self.AutoGenTime = 0
self.MakeTime = 0
self.GenFdsTime = 0
GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd = BuildOptions.OptionPcd if BuildOptions.OptionPcd else []
#Set global flag for build mode
GlobalData.gIgnoreSource = BuildOptions.IgnoreSources
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
GlobalData.gUseHashCache = BuildOptions.UseHashCache
GlobalData.gBinCacheDest = BuildOptions.BinCacheDest
GlobalData.gBinCacheSource = BuildOptions.BinCacheSource
GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread = BuildOptions.GenfdsMultiThread
GlobalData.gDisableIncludePathCheck = BuildOptions.DisableIncludePathCheck
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest and not GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData="--binary-destination must be used together with --hash.")
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource and not GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData="--binary-source must be used together with --hash.")
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest and GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData="--binary-destination can not be used together with --binary-source.")
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
BinCacheSource = os.path.normpath(GlobalData.gBinCacheSource)
if not os.path.isabs(BinCacheSource):
BinCacheSource = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, BinCacheSource)
GlobalData.gBinCacheSource = BinCacheSource
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource is not None:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Invalid value of option --binary-source.")
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
BinCacheDest = os.path.normpath(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest)
if not os.path.isabs(BinCacheDest):
BinCacheDest = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, BinCacheDest)
GlobalData.gBinCacheDest = BinCacheDest
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest is not None:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Invalid value of option --binary-destination.")
if self.ConfDirectory:
# Get alternate Conf location, if it is absolute, then just use the absolute directory name
ConfDirectoryPath = os.path.normpath(self.ConfDirectory)
if not os.path.isabs(ConfDirectoryPath):
# Since alternate directory name is not absolute, the alternate directory is located within the WORKSPACE
# This also handles someone specifying the Conf directory in the workspace. Using --conf=Conf
ConfDirectoryPath = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, ConfDirectoryPath)
if "CONF_PATH" in os.environ:
ConfDirectoryPath = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["CONF_PATH"]))
# Get standard WORKSPACE/Conf use the absolute path to the WORKSPACE/Conf
ConfDirectoryPath = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, 'Conf')
GlobalData.gConfDirectory = ConfDirectoryPath
GlobalData.gDatabasePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ConfDirectoryPath, GlobalData.gDatabasePath))
self.Db = WorkspaceDatabase()
self.BuildDatabase = self.Db.BuildObject
self.Platform = None
self.ToolChainFamily = None
self.LoadFixAddress = 0
self.UniFlag = BuildOptions.Flag
self.BuildModules = []
self.HashSkipModules = []
self.Db_Flag = False
self.LaunchPrebuildFlag = False
self.PlatformBuildPath = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache', '.PlatformBuild')
if BuildOptions.CommandLength:
GlobalData.gCommandMaxLength = BuildOptions.CommandLength
# print dot character during doing some time-consuming work
self.Progress = Utils.Progressor()
# print current build environment and configuration
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("WORKSPACE", os.environ["WORKSPACE"]))
if "PACKAGES_PATH" in os.environ:
# WORKSPACE env has been converted before. Print the same path style with WORKSPACE env.
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PACKAGES_PATH", os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["PACKAGES_PATH"]))))
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("EDK_TOOLS_PATH", os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"]))
if "EDK_TOOLS_BIN" in os.environ:
# Print the same path style with WORKSPACE env.
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("EDK_TOOLS_BIN", os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_BIN"]))))
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("CONF_PATH", GlobalData.gConfDirectory))
if "PYTHON3_ENABLE" in os.environ:
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PYTHON3_ENABLE", PYTHON3_ENABLE))
if "PYTHON_COMMAND" in os.environ:
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PYTHON_COMMAND", os.environ["PYTHON_COMMAND"]))
if self.Prebuild:
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PREBUILD", self.Prebuild))
if self.Postbuild:
EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("POSTBUILD", self.Postbuild))
if self.Prebuild:
self.TargetTxt = TargetTxtClassObject()
self.ToolDef = ToolDefClassObject()
if not (self.LaunchPrebuildFlag and os.path.exists(self.PlatformBuildPath)):
## Load configuration
# This method will parse target.txt and get the build configurations.
def LoadConfiguration(self):
# Check target.txt and tools_def.txt and Init them
BuildConfigurationFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gBuildConfiguration))
if os.path.isfile(BuildConfigurationFile) == True:
StatusCode = self.TargetTxt.LoadTargetTxtFile(BuildConfigurationFile)
ToolDefinitionFile = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_CONF]
if ToolDefinitionFile == '':
ToolDefinitionFile = gToolsDefinition
ToolDefinitionFile = os.path.normpath(mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, 'Conf', ToolDefinitionFile))
if os.path.isfile(ToolDefinitionFile) == True:
StatusCode = self.ToolDef.LoadToolDefFile(ToolDefinitionFile)
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=ToolDefinitionFile)
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=BuildConfigurationFile)
# if no ARCH given in command line, get it from target.txt
if not self.ArchList:
self.ArchList = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TARGET_ARCH]
self.ArchList = tuple(self.ArchList)
# if no build target given in command line, get it from target.txt
if not self.BuildTargetList:
self.BuildTargetList = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TARGET]
# if no tool chain given in command line, get it from target.txt
if not self.ToolChainList:
self.ToolChainList = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG]
if self.ToolChainList is None or len(self.ToolChainList) == 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, ExtraData="No toolchain given. Don't know how to build.\n")
# check if the tool chains are defined or not
NewToolChainList = []
for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
if ToolChain not in self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG]:
EdkLogger.warn("build", "Tool chain [%s] is not defined" % ToolChain)
# if no tool chain available, break the build
if len(NewToolChainList) == 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
ExtraData="[%s] not defined. No toolchain available for build!\n" % ", ".join(self.ToolChainList))
self.ToolChainList = NewToolChainList
ToolChainFamily = []
ToolDefinition = self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase
for Tool in self.ToolChainList:
if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY not in ToolDefinition or Tool not in ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY] \
or not ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][Tool]:
EdkLogger.warn("build", "No tool chain family found in configuration for %s. Default to MSFT." % Tool)
self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily
if self.ThreadNumber is None:
self.ThreadNumber = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER]
if self.ThreadNumber == '':
self.ThreadNumber = 0
self.ThreadNumber = int(self.ThreadNumber, 0)
if self.ThreadNumber == 0:
self.ThreadNumber = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except (ImportError, NotImplementedError):
self.ThreadNumber = 1
if not self.PlatformFile:
PlatformFile = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_ACTIVE_PLATFORM]
if not PlatformFile:
# Try to find one in current directory
WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd()
FileList = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkingDirectory, '*.dsc')))
FileNum = len(FileList)
if FileNum >= 2:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
ExtraData="There are %d DSC files in %s. Use '-p' to specify one.\n" % (FileNum, WorkingDirectory))
elif FileNum == 1:
PlatformFile = FileList[0]
EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
ExtraData="No active platform specified in target.txt or command line! Nothing can be built.\n")
self.PlatformFile = PathClass(NormFile(PlatformFile, self.WorkspaceDir), self.WorkspaceDir)
## Initialize build configuration
# This method will parse DSC file and merge the configurations from
# command line and target.txt, then get the final build configurations.
def InitBuild(self):
# parse target.txt, tools_def.txt, and platform file
# Allow case-insensitive for those from command line or configuration file
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = self.PlatformFile.Validate(".dsc", False)
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
def InitPreBuild(self):
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = self.PlatformFile.Validate(".dsc", False)
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if self.BuildTargetList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = self.BuildTargetList[0]
if self.ArchList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = self.ArchList[0]
if self.ToolChainList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = self.ToolChainList[0]
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = self.ToolChainList[0]
if self.ToolChainFamily:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[0]
if 'PREBUILD' in GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines:
self.Prebuild = GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines.get('PREBUILD')
self.Db_Flag = True
Platform = self.Db.MapPlatform(str(self.PlatformFile))
self.Prebuild = str(Platform.Prebuild)
if self.Prebuild:
PrebuildList = []
# Evaluate all arguments and convert arguments that are WORKSPACE
# relative paths to absolute paths. Filter arguments that look like
# flags or do not follow the file/dir naming rules to avoid false
# positives on this conversion.
for Arg in self.Prebuild.split():
# Do not modify Arg if it looks like a flag or an absolute file path
if Arg.startswith('-') or os.path.isabs(Arg):
# Do not modify Arg if it does not look like a Workspace relative
# path that starts with a valid package directory name
if not Arg[0].isalpha() or os.path.dirname(Arg) == '':
# If Arg looks like a WORKSPACE relative path, then convert to an
# absolute path and check to see if the file exists.
Temp = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, Arg)
if os.path.isfile(Temp):
Arg = Temp
self.Prebuild = ' '.join(PrebuildList)
self.Prebuild += self.PassCommandOption(self.BuildTargetList, self.ArchList, self.ToolChainList, self.PlatformFile, self.Target)
def InitPostBuild(self):
if 'POSTBUILD' in GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines:
self.Postbuild = GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines.get('POSTBUILD')
Platform = self.Db.MapPlatform(str(self.PlatformFile))
self.Postbuild = str(Platform.Postbuild)
if self.Postbuild:
PostbuildList = []
# Evaluate all arguments and convert arguments that are WORKSPACE
# relative paths to absolute paths. Filter arguments that look like
# flags or do not follow the file/dir naming rules to avoid false
# positives on this conversion.
for Arg in self.Postbuild.split():
# Do not modify Arg if it looks like a flag or an absolute file path
if Arg.startswith('-') or os.path.isabs(Arg):
# Do not modify Arg if it does not look like a Workspace relative
# path that starts with a valid package directory name
if not Arg[0].isalpha() or os.path.dirname(Arg) == '':
# If Arg looks like a WORKSPACE relative path, then convert to an
# absolute path and check to see if the file exists.
Temp = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, Arg)
if os.path.isfile(Temp):
Arg = Temp
self.Postbuild = ' '.join(PostbuildList)
self.Postbuild += self.PassCommandOption(self.BuildTargetList, self.ArchList, self.ToolChainList, self.PlatformFile, self.Target)
def PassCommandOption(self, BuildTarget, TargetArch, ToolChain, PlatformFile, Target):
BuildStr = ''
if GlobalData.gCommand and isinstance(GlobalData.gCommand, list):
BuildStr += ' ' + ' '.join(GlobalData.gCommand)
TargetFlag = False
ArchFlag = False
ToolChainFlag = False
PlatformFileFlag = False
if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.BuildTarget:
TargetFlag = True
if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.TargetArch:
ArchFlag = True
if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.ToolChain:
ToolChainFlag = True
if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.PlatformFile:
PlatformFileFlag = True
if TargetFlag and BuildTarget:
if isinstance(BuildTarget, list) or isinstance(BuildTarget, tuple):
BuildStr += ' -b ' + ' -b '.join(BuildTarget)
elif isinstance(BuildTarget, str):
BuildStr += ' -b ' + BuildTarget
if ArchFlag and TargetArch:
if isinstance(TargetArch, list) or isinstance(TargetArch, tuple):
BuildStr += ' -a ' + ' -a '.join(TargetArch)
elif isinstance(TargetArch, str):
BuildStr += ' -a ' + TargetArch
if ToolChainFlag and ToolChain:
if isinstance(ToolChain, list) or isinstance(ToolChain, tuple):
BuildStr += ' -t ' + ' -t '.join(ToolChain)
elif isinstance(ToolChain, str):
BuildStr += ' -t ' + ToolChain
if PlatformFileFlag and PlatformFile:
if isinstance(PlatformFile, list) or isinstance(PlatformFile, tuple):
BuildStr += ' -p ' + ' -p '.join(PlatformFile)
elif isinstance(PlatformFile, str):
BuildStr += ' -p' + PlatformFile
BuildStr += ' --conf=' + GlobalData.gConfDirectory
if Target:
BuildStr += ' ' + Target
return BuildStr
def LaunchPrebuild(self):
if self.Prebuild:"\n- Prebuild Start -\n")
self.LaunchPrebuildFlag = True
# The purpose of .PrebuildEnv file is capture environment variable settings set by the prebuild script
# and preserve them for the rest of the main build step, because the child process environment will
# evaporate as soon as it exits, we cannot get it in build step.
PrebuildEnvFile = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache', '.PrebuildEnv')
if os.path.isfile(PrebuildEnvFile):
if os.path.isfile(self.PlatformBuildPath):
if sys.platform == "win32":
args = ' && '.join((self.Prebuild, 'set > ' + PrebuildEnvFile))
Process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
args = ' && '.join((self.Prebuild, 'env > ' + PrebuildEnvFile))
Process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
# launch two threads to read the STDOUT and STDERR
EndOfProcedure = Event()
if Process.stdout:
StdOutThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stdout,, EndOfProcedure))
if Process.stderr:
StdErrThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stderr, EdkLogger.quiet, EndOfProcedure))
# waiting for program exit
if Process.stdout:
if Process.stderr:
if Process.returncode != 0 :
EdkLogger.error("Prebuild", PREBUILD_ERROR, 'Prebuild process is not success!')
if os.path.exists(PrebuildEnvFile):
f = open(PrebuildEnvFile)
envs = f.readlines()
envs = [l.split("=", 1) for l in envs ]
envs = [[I.strip() for I in item] for item in envs if len(item) == 2]
os.environ.update(dict(envs))"\n- Prebuild Done -\n")
def LaunchPostbuild(self):
if self.Postbuild:"\n- Postbuild Start -\n")
if sys.platform == "win32":
Process = Popen(self.Postbuild, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
Process = Popen(self.Postbuild, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
# launch two threads to read the STDOUT and STDERR
EndOfProcedure = Event()
if Process.stdout:
StdOutThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stdout,, EndOfProcedure))
if Process.stderr:
StdErrThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stderr, EdkLogger.quiet, EndOfProcedure))
# waiting for program exit
if Process.stdout:
if Process.stderr:
if Process.returncode != 0 :
EdkLogger.error("Postbuild", POSTBUILD_ERROR, 'Postbuild process is not success!')"\n- Postbuild Done -\n")
## Error handling for hash feature
# On BuildTask error, iterate through the Module Build tracking
# dictionary to determine wheather a module failed to build. Invalidate
# the hash associated with that module by removing it from storage.
def invalidateHash(self):
# Only for hashing feature
if not GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
# GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking contains only modules or libs that cannot be skipped by hash
for moduleAutoGenObjArch in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking.keys():
for moduleAutoGenObj in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[moduleAutoGenObjArch].keys():
# Skip invalidating for Successful Module/Lib builds
if GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[moduleAutoGenObjArch][moduleAutoGenObj] == 'SUCCESS':
# The module failed to build, failed to start building, or failed the header check test from this point on
# Remove .hash from build
ModuleHashFile = os.path.join(moduleAutoGenObj.BuildDir, moduleAutoGenObj.Name + ".hash")
if os.path.exists(ModuleHashFile):
# Remove .hash file from cache
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
FileDir = os.path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest, moduleAutoGenObj.Arch, moduleAutoGenObj.SourceDir, moduleAutoGenObj.MetaFile.BaseName)
HashFile = os.path.join(FileDir, moduleAutoGenObj.Name + '.hash')
if os.path.exists(HashFile):
## Build a module or platform
# Create autogen code and makefile for a module or platform, and the launch
# "make" command to build it
# @param Target The target of build command
# @param Platform The platform file
# @param Module The module file
# @param BuildTarget The name of build target, one of "DEBUG", "RELEASE"
# @param ToolChain The name of toolchain to build
# @param Arch The arch of the module/platform
# @param CreateDepModuleCodeFile Flag used to indicate creating code
# for dependent modules/Libraries
# @param CreateDepModuleMakeFile Flag used to indicate creating makefile
# for dependent modules/Libraries
def _BuildPa(self, Target, AutoGenObject, CreateDepsCodeFile=True, CreateDepsMakeFile=True, BuildModule=False, FfsCommand={}):
if AutoGenObject is None:
return False
# skip file generation for cleanxxx targets, run and fds target
if Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
# for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
if not self.SkipAutoGen or Target == 'genc':
self.Progress.Start("Generating code")
if Target == "genc":
return True
if not self.SkipAutoGen or Target == 'genmake':
self.Progress.Start("Generating makefile")
AutoGenObject.CreateMakeFile(CreateDepsMakeFile, FfsCommand)
if Target == "genmake":
return True
# always recreate top/platform makefile when clean, just in case of inconsistency
if EdkLogger.GetLevel() == EdkLogger.QUIET:
EdkLogger.quiet("Building ... %s" % repr(AutoGenObject))
BuildCommand = AutoGenObject.BuildCommand
if BuildCommand is None or len(BuildCommand) == 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
"No build command found for this module. "
"Please check your setting of %s_%s_%s_MAKE_PATH in Conf/tools_def.txt file." %
(AutoGenObject.BuildTarget, AutoGenObject.ToolChain, AutoGenObject.Arch),
makefile = GenMake.BuildFile(AutoGenObject)._FILE_NAME_[GenMake.gMakeType]
# run
if Target == 'run':
return True
# build modules
if BuildModule:
BuildCommand = BuildCommand + [Target]
LaunchCommand(BuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
return True
# build library
if Target == 'libraries':
for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, makefile)), 'pbuild']
LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
return True
# build module
if Target == 'modules':
for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, makefile)), 'pbuild']
LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
for Mod in AutoGenObject.ModuleBuildDirectoryList:
NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Mod, makefile)), 'pbuild']
LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
return True
# cleanlib
if Target == 'cleanlib':
for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
LibMakefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, makefile))
if os.path.exists(LibMakefile):
NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', LibMakefile, 'cleanall']
LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
return True
# clean
if Target == 'clean':
for Mod in AutoGenObject.ModuleBuildDirectoryList:
ModMakefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Mod, makefile))
if os.path.exists(ModMakefile):
NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', ModMakefile, 'cleanall']
LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
LibMakefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, makefile))
if os.path.exists(LibMakefile):
NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', LibMakefile, 'cleanall']
LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
return True
# cleanall
if Target == 'cleanall':
RemoveDirectory(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, True)
except WindowsError as X:
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_DELETE_FAILURE, ExtraData=str(X))
return True
## Build a module or platform
# Create autogen code and makefile for a module or platform, and the launch
# "make" command to build it
# @param Target The target of build command
# @param Platform The platform file
# @param Module The module file
# @param BuildTarget The name of build target, one of "DEBUG", "RELEASE"
# @param ToolChain The name of toolchain to build
# @param Arch The arch of the module/platform
# @param CreateDepModuleCodeFile Flag used to indicate creating code
# for dependent modules/Libraries
# @param CreateDepModuleMakeFile Flag used to indicate creating makefile
# for dependent modules/Libraries
def _Build(self, Target, AutoGenObject, CreateDepsCodeFile=True, CreateDepsMakeFile=True, BuildModule=False):
if AutoGenObject is None:
return False
# skip file generation for cleanxxx targets, run and fds target
if Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
# for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
if not self.SkipAutoGen or Target == 'genc':
self.Progress.Start("Generating code")
if Target == "genc":
return True
if not self.SkipAutoGen or Target == 'genmake':
self.Progress.Start("Generating makefile")
if Target == "genmake":
return True
# always recreate top/platform makefile when clean, just in case of inconsistency
if EdkLogger.GetLevel() == EdkLogger.QUIET:
EdkLogger.quiet("Building ... %s" % repr(AutoGenObject))
BuildCommand = AutoGenObject.BuildCommand
if BuildCommand is None or len(BuildCommand) == 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
"No build command found for this module. "
"Please check your setting of %s_%s_%s_MAKE_PATH in Conf/tools_def.txt file." %
(AutoGenObject.BuildTarget, AutoGenObject.ToolChain, AutoGenObject.Arch),
# build modules
if BuildModule:
if Target != 'fds':
BuildCommand = BuildCommand + [Target]
AutoGenObject.BuildTime = LaunchCommand(BuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
return True
# genfds
if Target == 'fds':
if GenFdsApi(AutoGenObject.GenFdsCommandDict, self.Db):
EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE)
return True
# run
if Target == 'run':
return True
# build library
if Target == 'libraries':
# not build modules
# cleanall
if Target == 'cleanall':
RemoveDirectory(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, True)
except WindowsError as X:
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_DELETE_FAILURE, ExtraData=str(X))
return True
## Rebase module image and Get function address for the input module list.
def _RebaseModule (self, MapBuffer, BaseAddress, ModuleList, AddrIsOffset = True, ModeIsSmm = False):
if ModeIsSmm:
AddrIsOffset = False
for InfFile in ModuleList:
sys.stdout.write (".")
ModuleInfo = ModuleList[InfFile]
ModuleName = ModuleInfo.BaseName
ModuleOutputImage = ModuleInfo.Image.FileName
ModuleDebugImage = os.path.join(ModuleInfo.DebugDir, ModuleInfo.BaseName + '.efi')
## for SMM module in SMRAM, the SMRAM will be allocated from base to top.
if not ModeIsSmm:
BaseAddress = BaseAddress - ModuleInfo.Image.Size
# Update Image to new BaseAddress by GenFw tool
LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--rebase", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleOutputImage], ModuleInfo.OutputDir)
LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--rebase", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleDebugImage], ModuleInfo.DebugDir)
# Set new address to the section header only for SMM driver.
LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--address", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleOutputImage], ModuleInfo.OutputDir)
LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--address", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleDebugImage], ModuleInfo.DebugDir)
# Collect function address from Map file
ImageMapTable = ModuleOutputImage.replace('.efi', '.map')
FunctionList = []
if os.path.exists(ImageMapTable):
OrigImageBaseAddress = 0
ImageMap = open(ImageMapTable, 'r')
for LinStr in ImageMap:
if len (LinStr.strip()) == 0:
# Get the preferred address set on link time.
if LinStr.find ('Preferred load address is') != -1:
StrList = LinStr.split()
OrigImageBaseAddress = int (StrList[len(StrList) - 1], 16)
StrList = LinStr.split()
if len (StrList) > 4:
if StrList[3] == 'f' or StrList[3] == 'F':
Name = StrList[1]
RelativeAddress = int (StrList[2], 16) - OrigImageBaseAddress
FunctionList.append ((Name, RelativeAddress))
# Add general information.
if ModeIsSmm:
MapBuffer.append('\n\n%s (Fixed SMRAM Offset, BaseAddress=0x%010X, EntryPoint=0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleName, BaseAddress, BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.EntryPoint))
elif AddrIsOffset:
MapBuffer.append('\n\n%s (Fixed Memory Offset, BaseAddress=-0x%010X, EntryPoint=-0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleName, 0 - BaseAddress, 0 - (BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.EntryPoint)))
MapBuffer.append('\n\n%s (Fixed Memory Address, BaseAddress=0x%010X, EntryPoint=0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleName, BaseAddress, BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.EntryPoint))
# Add guid and general seciton section.
TextSectionAddress = 0
DataSectionAddress = 0
for SectionHeader in ModuleInfo.Image.SectionHeaderList:
if SectionHeader[0] == '.text':
TextSectionAddress = SectionHeader[1]
elif SectionHeader[0] in ['.data', '.sdata']:
DataSectionAddress = SectionHeader[1]
if AddrIsOffset:
MapBuffer.append('(GUID=%s, .textbaseaddress=-0x%010X, .databaseaddress=-0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleInfo.Guid, 0 - (BaseAddress + TextSectionAddress), 0 - (BaseAddress + DataSectionAddress)))
MapBuffer.append('(GUID=%s, .textbaseaddress=0x%010X, .databaseaddress=0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleInfo.Guid, BaseAddress + TextSectionAddress, BaseAddress + DataSectionAddress))
# Add debug image full path.
MapBuffer.append('(IMAGE=%s)\n\n' % (ModuleDebugImage))
# Add function address
for Function in FunctionList:
if AddrIsOffset:
MapBuffer.append(' -0x%010X %s\n' % (0 - (BaseAddress + Function[1]), Function[0]))
MapBuffer.append(' 0x%010X %s\n' % (BaseAddress + Function[1], Function[0]))
# for SMM module in SMRAM, the SMRAM will be allocated from base to top.
if ModeIsSmm:
BaseAddress = BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.Size
## Collect MAP information of all FVs
def _CollectFvMapBuffer (self, MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList):
if self.Fdf:
# First get the XIP base address for FV map file.
GuidPattern = re.compile("[-a-fA-F0-9]+")
GuidName = re.compile("\(GUID=[-a-fA-F0-9]+")
for FvName in Wa.FdfProfile.FvDict:
FvMapBuffer = os.path.join(Wa.FvDir, FvName + '')
if not os.path.exists(FvMapBuffer):
FvMap = open(FvMapBuffer, 'r')
#skip FV size information
for Line in FvMap:
MatchGuid = GuidPattern.match(Line)
if MatchGuid is not None:
# Replace GUID with module name
GuidString =
if GuidString.upper() in ModuleList:
Line = Line.replace(GuidString, ModuleList[GuidString.upper()].Name)
# Add the debug image full path.
MatchGuid = GuidName.match(Line)
if MatchGuid is not None:
GuidString ="=")[1]
if GuidString.upper() in ModuleList:
MapBuffer.append('(IMAGE=%s)\n' % (os.path.join(ModuleList[GuidString.upper()].DebugDir, ModuleList[GuidString.upper()].Name + '.efi')))
## Collect MAP information of all modules
def _CollectModuleMapBuffer (self, MapBuffer, ModuleList):
sys.stdout.write ("Generate Load Module At Fix Address Map")
PatchEfiImageList = []
PeiModuleList = {}
BtModuleList = {}
RtModuleList = {}
SmmModuleList = {}
PeiSize = 0
BtSize = 0
RtSize = 0
# reserve 4K size in SMRAM to make SMM module address not from 0.
SmmSize = 0x1000
for ModuleGuid in ModuleList:
Module = ModuleList[ModuleGuid]
GlobalData.gProcessingFile = "%s [%s, %s, %s]" % (Module.MetaFile, Module.Arch, Module.ToolChain, Module.BuildTarget)
OutputImageFile = ''
for ResultFile in Module.CodaTargetList:
if str(ResultFile.Target).endswith('.efi'):
# module list for PEI, DXE, RUNTIME and SMM
OutputImageFile = os.path.join(Module.OutputDir, Module.Name + '.efi')
ImageClass = PeImageClass (OutputImageFile)
if not ImageClass.IsValid:
EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, ExtraData=ImageClass.ErrorInfo)
ImageInfo = PeImageInfo(Module.Name, Module.Guid, Module.Arch, Module.OutputDir, Module.DebugDir, ImageClass)
PeiModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
PeiSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
BtModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
BtSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
RtModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
RtSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
SmmModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
SmmSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
if Module.ModuleType == SUP_MODULE_DXE_SMM_DRIVER:
PiSpecVersion = Module.Module.Specification.get('PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION', '0x00000000')
# for PI specification < PI1.1, DXE_SMM_DRIVER also runs as BOOT time driver.
if int(PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
BtModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
BtSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
# EFI image is final target.
# Check EFI image contains patchable FixAddress related PCDs.
if OutputImageFile != '':
ModuleIsPatch = False
for Pcd in Module.ModulePcdList:
ModuleIsPatch = True
if not ModuleIsPatch:
for Pcd in Module.LibraryPcdList:
ModuleIsPatch = True
if not ModuleIsPatch:
# Module includes the patchable load fix address PCDs.
# It will be fixed up later.
PatchEfiImageList.append (OutputImageFile)
# Get Top Memory address
ReservedRuntimeMemorySize = 0
TopMemoryAddress = 0
if self.LoadFixAddress == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
TopMemoryAddress = 0
TopMemoryAddress = self.LoadFixAddress
if TopMemoryAddress < RtSize + BtSize + PeiSize:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS is too low to load driver")
# Patch FixAddress related PCDs into EFI image
for EfiImage in PatchEfiImageList:
EfiImageMap = EfiImage.replace('.efi', '.map')
if not os.path.exists(EfiImageMap):
# Get PCD offset in EFI image by GenPatchPcdTable function
PcdTable = parsePcdInfoFromMapFile(EfiImageMap, EfiImage)
# Patch real PCD value by PatchPcdValue tool
for PcdInfo in PcdTable:
ReturnValue = 0
ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_PEI_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (PeiSize // 0x1000))
ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_DXE_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (BtSize // 0x1000))
ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_RUNTIME_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (RtSize // 0x1000))
elif PcdInfo[0] == TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_SMM_PAGE_SIZE and len (SmmModuleList) > 0:
ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_SMM_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (SmmSize // 0x1000))
if ReturnValue != 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "Patch PCD value failed", ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
MapBuffer.append('PEI_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (PeiSize // 0x1000))
MapBuffer.append('BOOT_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (BtSize // 0x1000))
MapBuffer.append('RUNTIME_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (RtSize // 0x1000))
if len (SmmModuleList) > 0:
MapBuffer.append('SMM_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (SmmSize // 0x1000))
PeiBaseAddr = TopMemoryAddress - RtSize - BtSize
BtBaseAddr = TopMemoryAddress - RtSize
RtBaseAddr = TopMemoryAddress - ReservedRuntimeMemorySize
self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, PeiBaseAddr, PeiModuleList, TopMemoryAddress == 0)
self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, BtBaseAddr, BtModuleList, TopMemoryAddress == 0)
self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, RtBaseAddr, RtModuleList, TopMemoryAddress == 0)
self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, 0x1000, SmmModuleList, AddrIsOffset=False, ModeIsSmm=True)
sys.stdout.write ("\n")
## Save platform Map file
def _SaveMapFile (self, MapBuffer, Wa):
# Map file path is got.
MapFilePath = os.path.join(Wa.BuildDir, Wa.Name + '.map')
# Save address map into MAP file.
SaveFileOnChange(MapFilePath, ''.join(MapBuffer), False)
if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
sys.stdout.write ("\nLoad Module At Fix Address Map file can be found at %s\n" % (MapFilePath))
## Build active platform for different build targets and different tool chains
def _BuildPlatform(self):
SaveFileOnChange(self.PlatformBuildPath, '# DO NOT EDIT \n# FILE auto-generated\n', False)
for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = BuildTarget
index = 0
for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = ToolChain
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = ToolChain
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[index]
index += 1
Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
self.Fdf = Wa.FdfFile
self.LoadFixAddress = Wa.Platform.LoadFixAddress
# Add ffs build to makefile
CmdListDict = {}
if GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread and self.Fdf:
CmdListDict = self._GenFfsCmd(Wa.ArchList)
for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
Pa = PlatformAutoGen(Wa, self.PlatformFile, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
for Module in Pa.Platform.Modules:
# Get ModuleAutoGen object to generate C code file and makefile
Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, Module, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile)
if Ma is None:
self._BuildPa(self.Target, Pa, FfsCommand=CmdListDict)
# Create MAP file when Load Fix Address is enabled.
if self.Target in ["", "all", "fds"]:
for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
# Check whether the set fix address is above 4G for 32bit image.
if (Arch == 'IA32' or Arch == 'ARM') and self.LoadFixAddress != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and self.LoadFixAddress >= 0x100000000:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS can't be set to larger than or equal to 4G for the platform with IA32 or ARM arch modules")
# Get Module List
ModuleList = {}
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Ma in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
if Ma is None:
if not Ma.IsLibrary:
ModuleList[Ma.Guid.upper()] = Ma
MapBuffer = []
if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
# Rebase module to the preferred memory address before GenFds
self._CollectModuleMapBuffer(MapBuffer, ModuleList)
if self.Fdf:
# create FDS again for the updated EFI image
self._Build("fds", Wa)
# Create MAP file for all platform FVs after GenFds.
self._CollectFvMapBuffer(MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList)
# Save MAP buffer into MAP file.
self._SaveMapFile (MapBuffer, Wa)
## Build active module for different build targets, different tool chains and different archs
def _BuildModule(self):
for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = BuildTarget
index = 0
for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
WorkspaceAutoGenTime = time.time()
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = ToolChain
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = ToolChain
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[index]
index += 1
# module build needs platform build information, so get platform
# AutoGen first
Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
self.Fdf = Wa.FdfFile
self.LoadFixAddress = Wa.Platform.LoadFixAddress
# Add ffs build to makefile
CmdListDict = None
if GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread and self.Fdf:
CmdListDict = self._GenFfsCmd(Wa.ArchList)
MaList = []
ExitFlag = threading.Event()
self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - WorkspaceAutoGenTime)))
for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
AutoGenStart = time.time()
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
Pa = PlatformAutoGen(Wa, self.PlatformFile, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
for Module in Pa.Platform.Modules:
if self.ModuleFile.Dir == Module.Dir and self.ModuleFile.Name == Module.Name:
Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, Module, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile)
if Ma is None:
if Ma.CanSkipbyHash():
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
EdkLogger.quiet("cache hit: %s[%s]" % (Ma.MetaFile.Path, Ma.Arch))
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
EdkLogger.quiet("cache miss: %s[%s]" % (Ma.MetaFile.Path, Ma.Arch))
# Not to auto-gen for targets 'clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds'
if self.Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
# for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
if not self.SkipAutoGen or self.Target == 'genc':
self.Progress.Start("Generating code")
if self.Target == "genc":
return True
if not self.SkipAutoGen or self.Target == 'genmake':
self.Progress.Start("Generating makefile")
if CmdListDict and self.Fdf and (Module.File, Arch) in CmdListDict:
Ma.CreateMakeFile(True, CmdListDict[Module.File, Arch])
del CmdListDict[Module.File, Arch]
if self.Target == "genmake":
return True
# Initialize all modules in tracking to 'FAIL'
if Ma.Arch not in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking:
GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[Ma.Arch] = dict()
if Ma not in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[Ma.Arch]:
GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[Ma.Arch][Ma] = 'FAIL'
self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - AutoGenStart)))
MakeStart = time.time()
for Ma in self.BuildModules:
if not Ma.IsBinaryModule:
Bt = BuildTask.New(ModuleMakeUnit(Ma, self.Target))
# Break build if any build thread has error
if BuildTask.HasError():
# we need a full version of makefile for platform
EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
# Start task scheduler
if not BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
BuildTask.StartScheduler(self.ThreadNumber, ExitFlag)
# in case there's an interruption. we need a full version of makefile for platform
if BuildTask.HasError():
EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeStart)))
MakeContiue = time.time()
self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeContiue)))
if BuildTask.HasError():
EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
self.BuildReport.AddPlatformReport(Wa, MaList)
if MaList == []:
"Module for [%s] is not a component of active platform."\
" Please make sure that the ARCH and inf file path are"\
" given in the same as in [%s]" % \
(', '.join(Wa.ArchList), self.PlatformFile),
# Create MAP file when Load Fix Address is enabled.
if self.Target == "fds" and self.Fdf:
for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
# Check whether the set fix address is above 4G for 32bit image.
if (Arch == 'IA32' or Arch == 'ARM') and self.LoadFixAddress != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and self.LoadFixAddress >= 0x100000000:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS can't be set to larger than or equal to 4G for the platorm with IA32 or ARM arch modules")
# Get Module List
ModuleList = {}
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Ma in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
if Ma is None:
if not Ma.IsLibrary:
ModuleList[Ma.Guid.upper()] = Ma
MapBuffer = []
if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
# Rebase module to the preferred memory address before GenFds
self._CollectModuleMapBuffer(MapBuffer, ModuleList)
# create FDS again for the updated EFI image
GenFdsStart = time.time()
self._Build("fds", Wa)
self.GenFdsTime += int(round((time.time() - GenFdsStart)))
# Create MAP file for all platform FVs after GenFds.
self._CollectFvMapBuffer(MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList)
# Save MAP buffer into MAP file.
self._SaveMapFile (MapBuffer, Wa)
def _GenFfsCmd(self,ArchList):
# convert dictionary of Cmd:(Inf,Arch)
# to a new dictionary of (Inf,Arch):Cmd,Cmd,Cmd...
CmdSetDict = defaultdict(set)
GenFfsDict = GenFds.GenFfsMakefile('', GlobalData.gFdfParser, self, ArchList, GlobalData)
for Cmd in GenFfsDict:
tmpInf, tmpArch = GenFfsDict[Cmd]
CmdSetDict[tmpInf, tmpArch].add(Cmd)
return CmdSetDict
## Build a platform in multi-thread mode
def _MultiThreadBuildPlatform(self):
SaveFileOnChange(self.PlatformBuildPath, '# DO NOT EDIT \n# FILE auto-generated\n', False)
for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = BuildTarget
index = 0
for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
WorkspaceAutoGenTime = time.time()
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = ToolChain
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = ToolChain
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[index]
index += 1
Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
self.Fdf = Wa.FdfFile
self.LoadFixAddress = Wa.Platform.LoadFixAddress
# Add ffs build to makefile
CmdListDict = None
if GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread and self.Fdf:
CmdListDict = self._GenFfsCmd(Wa.ArchList)
# multi-thread exit flag
ExitFlag = threading.Event()
self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - WorkspaceAutoGenTime)))
for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
AutoGenStart = time.time()
GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
Pa = PlatformAutoGen(Wa, self.PlatformFile, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
if Pa is None:
ModuleList = []
for Inf in Pa.Platform.Modules:
# Add the INF only list in FDF
if GlobalData.gFdfParser is not None:
for InfName in GlobalData.gFdfParser.Profile.InfList:
Inf = PathClass(NormPath(InfName), self.WorkspaceDir, Arch)
if Inf in Pa.Platform.Modules:
for Module in ModuleList:
# Get ModuleAutoGen object to generate C code file and makefile
Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, Module, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile)
if Ma is None:
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
if Ma.CanSkipbyHash():
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
EdkLogger.quiet("cache hit: %s[%s]" % (Ma.MetaFile.Path, Ma.Arch))
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
EdkLogger.quiet("cache miss: %s[%s]" % (Ma.MetaFile.Path, Ma.Arch))
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
# Not to auto-gen for targets 'clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds'
if self.Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
# for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
if not self.SkipAutoGen or self.Target == 'genc':
if self.Target == "genc":
if not self.SkipAutoGen or self.Target == 'genmake':
if CmdListDict and self.Fdf and (Module.File, Arch) in CmdListDict:
Ma.CreateMakeFile(True, CmdListDict[Module.File, Arch])
del CmdListDict[Module.File, Arch]
if self.Target == "genmake":
# Initialize all modules in tracking to 'FAIL'
if Ma.Arch not in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking:
GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[Ma.Arch] = dict()
if Ma not in GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[Ma.Arch]:
GlobalData.gModuleBuildTracking[Ma.Arch][Ma] = 'FAIL'
self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - AutoGenStart)))
MakeStart = time.time()
for Ma in self.BuildModules:
# Generate build task for the module
if not Ma.IsBinaryModule:
Bt = BuildTask.New(ModuleMakeUnit(Ma, self.Target))
# Break build if any build thread has error
if BuildTask.HasError():
# we need a full version of makefile for platform
EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
# Start task scheduler
if not BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
BuildTask.StartScheduler(self.ThreadNumber, ExitFlag)
# in case there's an interruption. we need a full version of makefile for platform
if BuildTask.HasError():
EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeStart)))
MakeContiue = time.time()
# All modules have been put in build tasks queue. Tell task scheduler
# to exit if all tasks are completed
self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeContiue)))
# Check for build error, and raise exception if one
# has been signaled.
if BuildTask.HasError():
EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
# Create MAP file when Load Fix Address is enabled.
if self.Target in ["", "all", "fds"]:
for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
# Check whether the set fix address is above 4G for 32bit image.
if (Arch == 'IA32' or Arch == 'ARM') and self.LoadFixAddress != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and self.LoadFixAddress >= 0x100000000:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS can't be set to larger than or equal to 4G for the platorm with IA32 or ARM arch modules")
# Get Module List
ModuleList = {}
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Ma in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
if Ma is None:
if not Ma.IsLibrary:
ModuleList[Ma.Guid.upper()] = Ma
# Rebase module to the preferred memory address before GenFds
MapBuffer = []
if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
self._CollectModuleMapBuffer(MapBuffer, ModuleList)
if self.Fdf:
# Generate FD image if there's a FDF file found
GenFdsStart = time.time()
if GenFdsApi(Wa.GenFdsCommandDict, self.Db):
EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE)
# Create MAP file for all platform FVs after GenFds.
self._CollectFvMapBuffer(MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList)
self.GenFdsTime += int(round((time.time() - GenFdsStart)))
# Save MAP buffer into MAP file.
self._SaveMapFile(MapBuffer, Wa)
## Generate GuidedSectionTools.txt in the FV directories.
def CreateGuidedSectionToolsFile(self):
for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
FvDir = Wa.FvDir
if not os.path.exists(FvDir):
for Arch in self.ArchList:
# Build up the list of supported architectures for this build
prefix = '%s_%s_%s_' % (BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
# Look through the tool definitions for GUIDed tools
guidAttribs = []
for (attrib, value) in self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary.items():
if attrib.upper().endswith('_GUID'):
split = attrib.split('_')
thisPrefix = '_'.join(split[0:3]) + '_'
if thisPrefix == prefix:
guid = self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[attrib]
guid = guid.lower()
toolName = split[3]
path = '_'.join(split[0:4]) + '_PATH'
path = self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[path]
path = self.GetFullPathOfTool(path)
guidAttribs.append((guid, toolName, path))
# Write out GuidedSecTools.txt
toolsFile = os.path.join(FvDir, 'GuidedSectionTools.txt')
toolsFile = open(toolsFile, 'wt')
for guidedSectionTool in guidAttribs:
print(' '.join(guidedSectionTool), file=toolsFile)
## Returns the full path of the tool.
def GetFullPathOfTool (self, tool):
if os.path.exists(tool):
return os.path.realpath(tool)
# We need to search for the tool using the
# PATH environment variable.
for dirInPath in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
foundPath = os.path.join(dirInPath, tool)
if os.path.exists(foundPath):
return os.path.realpath(foundPath)
# If the tool was not found in the path then we just return
# the input tool.
return tool
## Launch the module or platform build
def Launch(self):
if not self.ModuleFile:
if not self.SpawnMode or self.Target not in ["", "all"]:
self.SpawnMode = False
self.SpawnMode = False
if self.Target == 'cleanall':
RemoveDirectory(os.path.dirname(GlobalData.gDatabasePath), True)
def CreateAsBuiltInf(self):
all_lib_set = set()
all_mod_set = set()
for Module in self.BuildModules:
for Module in self.HashSkipModules:
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
for Module in all_mod_set:
for lib in Module.LibraryAutoGenList:
for lib in all_lib_set:
if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
self.BuildModules = []
self.HashSkipModules = []
## Do some clean-up works when error occurred
def Relinquish(self):
OldLogLevel = EdkLogger.GetLevel()
if self.SpawnMode == True:
def ParseDefines(DefineList=[]):
DefineDict = {}
if DefineList is not None:
for Define in DefineList:
DefineTokenList = Define.split("=", 1)
if not GlobalData.gMacroNamePattern.match(DefineTokenList[0]):
EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID,
"The macro name must be in the pattern [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*",
if len(DefineTokenList) == 1:
DefineDict[DefineTokenList[0]] = "TRUE"
DefineDict[DefineTokenList[0]] = DefineTokenList[1].strip()
return DefineDict
gParamCheck = []
def SingleCheckCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
if option not in gParamCheck:
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
parser.error("Option %s only allows one instance in command line!" % option)
def LogBuildTime(Time):
if Time:
TimeDurStr = ''
TimeDur = time.gmtime(Time)
if TimeDur.tm_yday > 1:
TimeDurStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", TimeDur) + ", %d day(s)" % (TimeDur.tm_yday - 1)
TimeDurStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", TimeDur)
return TimeDurStr
return None
## Parse command line options
# Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool.
# @retval Opt A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options
# @retval Args Target of build command
def MyOptionParser():
Parser = OptionParser(description=__copyright__, version=__version__, prog="build.exe", usage="%prog [options] [all|fds|genc|genmake|clean|cleanall|cleanlib|modules|libraries|run]")
Parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", action="append", type="choice", choices=['IA32', 'X64', 'EBC', 'ARM', 'AARCH64'], dest="TargetArch",
help="ARCHS is one of list: IA32, X64, ARM, AARCH64 or EBC, which overrides target.txt's TARGET_ARCH definition. To specify more archs, please repeat this option.")
Parser.add_option("-p", "--platform", action="callback", type="string", dest="PlatformFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
help="Build the platform specified by the DSC file name argument, overriding target.txt's ACTIVE_PLATFORM definition.")
Parser.add_option("-m", "--module", action="callback", type="string", dest="ModuleFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
help="Build the module specified by the INF file name argument.")
Parser.add_option("-b", "--buildtarget", type="string", dest="BuildTarget", help="Using the TARGET to build the platform, overriding target.txt's TARGET definition.",
Parser.add_option("-t", "--tagname", action="append", type="string", dest="ToolChain",
help="Using the Tool Chain Tagname to build the platform, overriding target.txt's TOOL_CHAIN_TAG definition.")
Parser.add_option("-x", "--sku-id", action="callback", type="string", dest="SkuId", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
help="Using this name of SKU ID to build the platform, overriding SKUID_IDENTIFIER in DSC file.")
Parser.add_option("-n", action="callback", type="int", dest="ThreadNumber", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
help="Build the platform using multi-threaded compiler. The value overrides target.txt's MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER. When value is set to 0, tool automatically detect number of "\
"processor threads, set value to 1 means disable multi-thread build, and set value to more than 1 means user specify the threads number to build.")
Parser.add_option("-f", "--fdf", action="callback", type="string", dest="FdfFile", callback=SingleCheckCallback,
help="The name of the FDF file to use, which overrides the setting in the DSC file.")
Parser.add_option("-r", "--rom-image", action="append", type="string", dest="RomImage", default=[],
help="The name of FD to be generated. The name must be from [FD] section in FDF file.")
Parser.add_option("-i", "--fv-image", action="append", type="string", dest="FvImage", default=[],
help="The name of FV to be generated. The name must be from [FV] section in FDF file.")
Parser.add_option("-C", "--capsule-image", action="append", type="string", dest="CapName", default=[],
help="The name of Capsule to be generated. The name must be from [Capsule] section in FDF file.")
Parser.add_option("-u", "--skip-autogen", action="store_true", dest="SkipAutoGen", help="Skip AutoGen step.")
Parser.add_option("-e", "--re-parse", action="store_true", dest="Reparse", help="Re-parse all meta-data files.")
Parser.add_option("-c", "--case-insensitive", action="store_true", dest="CaseInsensitive", default=False, help="Don't check case of file name.")
Parser.add_option("-w", "--warning-as-error", action="store_true", dest="WarningAsError", help="Treat warning in tools as error.")
Parser.add_option("-j", "--log", action="store", dest="LogFile", help="Put log in specified file as well as on console.")
Parser.add_option("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", type=None, dest="SilentMode",
help="Make use of silent mode of (n)make.")
Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
"including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
"and warning messages, etc.")
Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
Parser.add_option("-D", "--define", action="append", type="string", dest="Macros", help="Macro: \"Name [= Value]\".")
Parser.add_option("-y", "--report-file", action="store", dest="ReportFile", help="Create/overwrite the report to the specified filename.")
Parser.add_option("-Y", "--report-type", action="append", type="choice", choices=['PCD', 'LIBRARY', 'FLASH', 'DEPEX', 'BUILD_FLAGS', 'FIXED_ADDRESS', 'HASH', 'EXECUTION_ORDER'], dest="ReportType", default=[],
help="Flags that control the type of build report to generate. Must be one of: [PCD, LIBRARY, FLASH, DEPEX, BUILD_FLAGS, FIXED_ADDRESS, HASH, EXECUTION_ORDER]. "\
"To specify more than one flag, repeat this option on the command line and the default flag set is [PCD, LIBRARY, FLASH, DEPEX, HASH, BUILD_FLAGS, FIXED_ADDRESS]")
Parser.add_option("-F", "--flag", action="store", type="string", dest="Flag",
help="Specify the specific option to parse EDK UNI file. Must be one of: [-c, -s]. -c is for EDK framework UNI file, and -s is for EDK UEFI UNI file. "\
"This option can also be specified by setting *_*_*_BUILD_FLAGS in [BuildOptions] section of platform DSC. If they are both specified, this value "\
"will override the setting in [BuildOptions] section of platform DSC.")
Parser.add_option("-N", "--no-cache", action="store_true", dest="DisableCache", default=False, help="Disable build cache mechanism")
Parser.add_option("--conf", action="store", type="string", dest="ConfDirectory", help="Specify the customized Conf directory.")
Parser.add_option("--check-usage", action="store_true", dest="CheckUsage", default=False, help="Check usage content of entries listed in INF file.")
Parser.add_option("--ignore-sources", action="store_true", dest="IgnoreSources", default=False, help="Focus to a binary build and ignore all source files")
Parser.add_option("--pcd", action="append", dest="OptionPcd", help="Set PCD value by command line. Format: \"PcdName=Value\" ")
Parser.add_option("-l", "--cmd-len", action="store", type="int", dest="CommandLength", help="Specify the maximum line length of build command. Default is 4096.")
BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache Add three new options: --hash enables hash-based caching during build process. when --hash is enabled, build tool will base on the module hash value to do the incremental build, without --hash, build tool will base on the timestamp to do the incremental build. --hash option use md5 method to get every hash value, DSC/FDF, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and build command are calculated as global hash value, Package DEC and its include header files are calculated as package hash value, Module source files and its INF file are calculated as module hash value. Library hash value will combine the global hash value and its dependent package hash value. Driver hash value will combine the global hash value, its dependent package hash value and its linked library hash value. When --hash and --binary-destination are specified, build tool will copy generated binary files for each module into the directory specified by binary-destination at the build phase. Binary-destination directory caches all generated binary files. When --hash and --binary-source are specified, build tool will try to get the binary files from the binary source directory at the build phase.If the cached binary has the same hash value, it will be directly used. Otherwise, build tool will compile the source files and generate the binary files. Cc: Liming Gao <> Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Yonghong Zhu <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-09-19 08:31:09 +02:00
Parser.add_option("--hash", action="store_true", dest="UseHashCache", default=False, help="Enable hash-based caching during build process.")
Parser.add_option("--binary-destination", action="store", type="string", dest="BinCacheDest", help="Generate a cache of binary files in the specified directory.")
Parser.add_option("--binary-source", action="store", type="string", dest="BinCacheSource", help="Consume a cache of binary files from the specified directory.")
Parser.add_option("--genfds-multi-thread", action="store_true", dest="GenfdsMultiThread", default=False, help="Enable GenFds multi thread to generate ffs file.")
Parser.add_option("--disable-include-path-check", action="store_true", dest="DisableIncludePathCheck", default=False, help="Disable the include path check for outside of package.")
(Opt, Args) = Parser.parse_args()
return (Opt, Args)
## Tool entrance method
# This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options.
# If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know
# if it's executed successfully or not.
# @retval 0 Tool was successful
# @retval 1 Tool failed
def Main():
StartTime = time.time()
# Initialize log system
GlobalData.gCommand = sys.argv[1:]
# Parse the options and args
(Option, Target) = MyOptionParser()
GlobalData.gOptions = Option
GlobalData.gCaseInsensitive = Option.CaseInsensitive
# Set log level
if Option.verbose is not None:
elif Option.quiet is not None:
elif Option.debug is not None:
EdkLogger.SetLevel(Option.debug + 1)
if Option.LogFile is not None:
if Option.WarningAsError == True:
if platform.platform().find("Windows") >= 0:
GlobalData.gIsWindows = True
GlobalData.gIsWindows = False
EdkLogger.quiet("Build environment: %s" % platform.platform())
EdkLogger.quiet(time.strftime("Build start time: %H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y\n", time.localtime()));
ReturnCode = 0
MyBuild = None
BuildError = True
if len(Target) == 0:
Target = "all"
elif len(Target) >= 2:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "More than one targets are not supported.",
ExtraData="Please select one of: %s" % (' '.join(gSupportedTarget)))
Target = Target[0].lower()
if Target not in gSupportedTarget:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Not supported target [%s]." % Target,
ExtraData="Please select one of: %s" % (' '.join(gSupportedTarget)))
# Check environment variable: EDK_TOOLS_PATH, WORKSPACE, PATH
Workspace = os.getenv("WORKSPACE")
# Get files real name in workspace dir
GlobalData.gAllFiles = Utils.DirCache(Workspace)
WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd()
if not Option.ModuleFile:
FileList = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkingDirectory, '*.inf')))
FileNum = len(FileList)
if FileNum >= 2:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "There are %d INF files in %s." % (FileNum, WorkingDirectory),
ExtraData="Please use '-m <INF_FILE_PATH>' switch to choose one.")
elif FileNum == 1:
Option.ModuleFile = NormFile(FileList[0], Workspace)
if Option.ModuleFile:
if os.path.isabs (Option.ModuleFile):
if os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath(Option.ModuleFile)).find (Workspace) == 0:
Option.ModuleFile = NormFile(os.path.normpath(Option.ModuleFile), Workspace)
Option.ModuleFile = PathClass(Option.ModuleFile, Workspace)
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = Option.ModuleFile.Validate(".inf", False)
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if Option.PlatformFile is not None:
if os.path.isabs (Option.PlatformFile):
if os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath(Option.PlatformFile)).find (Workspace) == 0:
Option.PlatformFile = NormFile(os.path.normpath(Option.PlatformFile), Workspace)
Option.PlatformFile = PathClass(Option.PlatformFile, Workspace)
if Option.FdfFile is not None:
if os.path.isabs (Option.FdfFile):
if os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath(Option.FdfFile)).find (Workspace) == 0:
Option.FdfFile = NormFile(os.path.normpath(Option.FdfFile), Workspace)
Option.FdfFile = PathClass(Option.FdfFile, Workspace)
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = Option.FdfFile.Validate(".fdf", False)
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if Option.Flag is not None and Option.Flag not in ['-c', '-s']:
EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, "UNI flag must be one of -c or -s")
MyBuild = Build(Target, Workspace, Option)
GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines['ARCH'] = ' '.join(MyBuild.ArchList)
if not (MyBuild.LaunchPrebuildFlag and os.path.exists(MyBuild.PlatformBuildPath)):
# All job done, no error found and no exception raised
BuildError = False
except FatalError as X:
if MyBuild is not None:
# for multi-thread build exits safely
if Option is not None and Option.debug is not None:
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
ReturnCode = X.args[0]
except Warning as X:
# error from Fdf parser
if MyBuild is not None:
# for multi-thread build exits safely
if Option is not None and Option.debug is not None:
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
EdkLogger.error(X.ToolName, FORMAT_INVALID, File=X.FileName, Line=X.LineNumber, ExtraData=X.Message, RaiseError=False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR
if Option is not None and Option.debug is not None:
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
if MyBuild is not None:
# for multi-thread build exits safely
# try to get the meta-file from the object causing exception
Tb = sys.exc_info()[-1]
MetaFile = GlobalData.gProcessingFile
while Tb is not None:
if 'self' in Tb.tb_frame.f_locals and hasattr(Tb.tb_frame.f_locals['self'], 'MetaFile'):
MetaFile = Tb.tb_frame.f_locals['self'].MetaFile
Tb = Tb.tb_next
"Unknown fatal error when processing [%s]" % MetaFile,
ExtraData="\n(Please send email to %s for help, attaching following call stack trace!)\n" % MSG_EDKII_MAIL_ADDR,
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR
if ReturnCode == 0:
Conclusion = "Done"
Conclusion = "Failed"
elif ReturnCode == ABORT_ERROR:
Conclusion = "Aborted"
Conclusion = "Failed"
FinishTime = time.time()
BuildDuration = time.gmtime(int(round(FinishTime - StartTime)))
BuildDurationStr = ""
if BuildDuration.tm_yday > 1:
BuildDurationStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", BuildDuration) + ", %d day(s)" % (BuildDuration.tm_yday - 1)
BuildDurationStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", BuildDuration)
if MyBuild is not None:
if not BuildError:
MyBuild.BuildReport.GenerateReport(BuildDurationStr, LogBuildTime(MyBuild.AutoGenTime), LogBuildTime(MyBuild.MakeTime), LogBuildTime(MyBuild.GenFdsTime))
EdkLogger.quiet("\n- %s -" % Conclusion)
EdkLogger.quiet(time.strftime("Build end time: %H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y", time.localtime()))
EdkLogger.quiet("Build total time: %s\n" % BuildDurationStr)
return ReturnCode
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = Main()
## 0-127 is a safe return range, and 1 is a standard default error
if r < 0 or r > 127: r = 1