Tom Lendacky d2b18e6bc2 UefiPayloadPkg: Prepare UefiPayloadPkg to use the AmdSvsmLib library

The MpInitLib library will be updated to use the new AmdSvsmLib library.
To prevent any build breakage, update the UefiPayloadPkg DSC file to
include the AmdSvsmLib NULL library.

Cc: Gua Guo <>
Cc: Guo Dong <>
Cc: James Lu <>
Cc: Sean Rhodes <>
Acked-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Signed-off-by: Tom Lendacky <>
Reviewed-by: Guo Dong <>
2024-04-17 18:30:03 +00:00
BlSupportDxe UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2021-12-07 17:24:28 +00:00
BlSupportSmm BlSupportSmm: fix definition of SetSmrr() 2022-03-07 22:48:49 +00:00
FvbRuntimeDxe UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2021-12-07 17:24:28 +00:00
GraphicsOutputDxe UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2021-12-07 17:24:28 +00:00
Include UefiPayloadPkg: Add FIT support 2023-09-26 07:26:21 +00:00
Library UefiPayloadPkg: CbParseLib: Fix integer overflow 2024-01-22 11:04:21 +00:00
PayloadLoaderPeim UefiPayloadPkg: Add FIT support 2023-09-26 07:26:21 +00:00
PchSmiDispatchSmm UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2021-12-07 17:24:28 +00:00
SmmAccessDxe UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2021-12-07 17:24:28 +00:00
SmmControlRuntimeDxe UefiPayloadPkg: Apply uncrustify changes 2021-12-07 17:24:28 +00:00
Tools UefiPayloadPkg: Make UPL build script arch agnostic 2024-02-23 12:44:58 +00:00
UefiPayloadEntry UefiPayloadPkg: auto-generate SEC ProcessLibraryConstructorList() decl 2024-03-08 09:09:22 +00:00
BuildAndIntegrationInstructions.txt UefiPayloadPkg: Fix architecture in the build instruction 2022-03-29 05:18:43 +00:00 UefiPayloadPkg: Add FIT support 2023-09-26 07:26:21 +00:00 UefiPayloadPkg: Make UPL build script arch agnostic 2024-02-23 12:44:58 +00:00
UefiPayloadPkg.dec UefiPayloadPkg/Gop: Clean up unused protocol and Guid 2024-02-24 13:13:40 +00:00
UefiPayloadPkg.dsc UefiPayloadPkg: Prepare UefiPayloadPkg to use the AmdSvsmLib library 2024-04-17 18:30:03 +00:00
UefiPayloadPkg.fdf UefiPayloadPkg/Crypto: Support external Crypto drivers. 2024-01-26 04:59:33 +00:00 UefiPayloadPkg: UPL arch backward support ELF 2024-03-04 08:57:18 +00:00 UefiPayloadPkg: Provide a wrapper for 2022-09-28 17:52:34 +08:00


Provide UEFI Universal Payload for different bootloader to generate EFI environment


UniversalPayload URL: UniversalPayload URL: ELF Format URL: FIT Format URL:

Uefi UniversalPayload Format

Binary Format HandOffPayload - HOB
ELF V (Default)

Binary Format

  • ELF

                  +  +-----------------------+
                  |  | UniversalPayloadEntry | <----------- UefiPayloadPkg\UefiPayloadEntry\UniversalPayloadEntry.c:_ModuleEntryPoint (HOB)
                  |  +-----------------------+
                  |  | .upld_info            | patch it directly
    ELF Format    |  +-----------------------+
                  |  | .upld.uefi_fv         | patch it directly
                  |  +-----------------------+
                  |  | .upld.bds_fv          | patch it directly
                  |  +-----------------------+
                  |  | .upld.<afpx>_fv       | patch it directly
                  +  +-----------------------+
  • FIT

                  +  +-----------------------+
    FIT Data      |  | FIT Header            | <----------- Generate by pylibfdt
                  +  +-----------------------+
    PECOFF Format |  | UniversalPayloadEntry | <----------- UefiPayloadPkg\UefiPayloadEntry\FitUniversalPayloadEntry.c:_ModuleEntryPoint (HOB)
                  +  +-----------------------+
    Relocate Data |  | reloc-start           |
                  +  +-----------------------+
                  |  | uefi_fv               | patch it directly
                  |  +-----------------------+
    Multi Binary  |  | bds_fv                | patch it directly
                  |  +-----------------------+
                  |  | afp_xxx_fv            | patch it directly
                  |  +-----------------------+
                  |  | afp_xxx_fv            | patch it directly
                  +  +-----------------------+


  • ELF
    Download and install
  • FIT
    • Windows
      Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
      choco install dtc-msys2
      pip3 install pefile
      pip3 install swig
      pip3 install pylibfdt
    • Ubuntu
      sudo apt install -y u-boot-tools
      pip3 install pefile
      pip3 install swig
      pip3 install pylibfdt

How to build UEFI UniversalPayload

  • Windows

    • edksetup Rebuild
  • Linux

    • make -C BaseTools
    • source
  • UniversalPayload.elf

    • python UefiPayloadPkg/ -t <TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>
    • llvm-objdump -h Build/UefiPayloadPkgX64/UniversalPayload.elf

    • python UefiPayloadPkg/ -t <TOOL_CHAIN_TAG> --Fit
    • fdtdump Build/UefiPayloadPkgX64/

Edk2boot + UefiUniversalPayload

ELF Edk2boot use below way to support compress and sign.

  • ELF Behavior - Edk2boot + UefiUniversalPayload.elf
    Boot Flow
    | Platform Init                                                                       | Universal Loader Interface                                                                                | OS                |
    SEC -> PEI -> DXE -> DXE IPL -> UefiPayloadPkg\PayloadLoaderPeim\PayloadLoaderPeim.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Load UniversalPayload.elf -> Operation System
    | Platform Initialize - Edk2                                                                                                                                                                      | UniversalPayload - Edk2        |
    Binary Format
    | BIOS.rom          |
    | Other Firmware    |
    | ...               |  FMMT                                                                                                                                                              
    +-------------------+<----------------+-----------------------+  GenFfs    +-----------------------+  Rsa2048Sha256 Sign +-----------------------+  LzmaCompress +----------------------+  GenSec +--------------------------------+
    |                   |                 | EDK2 FFS Header       |<-----------| Rsa2048Sha256 Hash    |<--------------------| UniversalPayload.lzma |<--------------| EDK2 SEC Header      |<--------| UniversalPayload.elf           |
    | RAW Data          |                 +-----------------------+            +-----------------------+                     +-----------------------+               +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    |                   |                 | Rsa2048Sha256 Hash    |            | UniversalPayload.lzma |                                                             | UniversalPayload.elf |         | upld_info                      |
    |                   |                 +-----------------------+            +-----------------------+                                                             +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    |                   |                 | UniversalPayload.lzma |                                                                                                  | upld_info            |         | upld.uefi_fv                   |
    +-------------------+<----------------+-----------------------+                                                                                                  +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    | ...               |                                                                                                                                            | upld.uefi_fv         |         | upld.bds_fv                    |
    +-------------------+                                                                                                                                            +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    | Other Firmware    |                                                                                                                                            | upld.bds_fv          |         | upld.AFP1                      |
    +-------------------+                                                                                                                                            +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
                                                                                                                                                                     | upld.AFP1            |         | upld.AFP2                      |
                                                                                                                                                                     +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
                                                                                                                                                                     | upld.AFP2            |         | ...                            |
                                                                                                                                                                     +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
                                                                                                                                                                     | ...                  |         | upld.AFPn                      |
                                                                                                                                                                     +----------------------+         +--------------------------------+
                                                                                                                                                                     | upld.AFPn            |

FIT Edk2boot use below way to support compress and sign

  • FIT Behavior - Edk2boot +
    Boot Flow
    | Platform Init                                                                       | Universal Loader Interface                                             | OS                |
    SEC -> PEI -> DXE -> DXE IPL -> *UefiPayloadPkg\PayloadLoaderPeim\PayloadLoaderPeim.c ----------------------------------------------> Load -> Operation System
    Binary Format
    | Platform Initialize - Edk2                                                                                                | UniversalPayload - Edk2 ( --Fit)                                |
    | BIOS.rom          |
    | Other Firmware    |
    | ...               |  FMMT                                                                                         --Fit    tianocore -> data-offset
    +-------------------+<----------------+--------------------------------+  GenFfs +--------------------------------+  GenSec +--------------------------------+ tianocore -> reloc-start +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | EDK2 FFS Header                |<--------| EDK2 SEC Header                |<--------| FIT Header                     |<-------------------------| UniversalPayload.pecoff  |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         | description = "Uefi Payload";  |                          +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | EDK2 SEC Header                |         | FIT Header                     |         | ...                            |
    | RAW Data          |                 +--------------------------------+         |                                |         | images {                       | uefi-fv -> data-offset   +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | FIT Header                     |         |                                |         |   tianocore {...};             |<-------------------------| uefi_fv                  |
    |                   |                 |                                |         +--------------------------------+         |   uefi-fv {...};               | bds-fv -> data-offset    +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 |                                |         | tianocore -> data              |         |   bds-fv {...};                |<-------------------------| bds_fv                   |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         |   afp1-fv {...};               | AFP1 -> data-offset      +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | tianocore -> data              |         | tianocore -> reloc-start       |         |   ...                          |<-------------------------| AFP1                     |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         |   afpn-fv {...};               | AFP2 -> data-offset      +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | tianocore -> reloc-start       |         | uefi-fv -> data                |         | }                              |<-------------------------| AFP2                     |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         | configurations {               | ...                      +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | uefi-fv -> data                |         | bds-fv -> data                 |         |   conf-1 {...}                 |<-------------------------| ...                      |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         | }                              | AFPn -> data-offset      +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | bds-fv -> data                 |         | AFP1-fv -> data                |         |                                |<-------------------------| AFPn                     |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         |                                |                          +--------------------------+
    |                   |                 | AFP1-fv -> data                |         | AFP2-fv -> data                |         |                                |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    |                   |                 | AFP2-fv -> data                |         | ...                            |         | tianocore -> data              |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    |                   |                 | ...                            |         | AFPn-fv -> data                |         | tianocore -> reloc-start       |
    |                   |                 +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+         +--------------------------------+
    |                   |                 | AFPn-fv -> data                |                                                    | uefi-fv -> data                |
    +-------------------+<----------------+--------------------------------+                                                    +--------------------------------+
    | ...               |                                                                                                       | bds-fv -> data                 |
    +-------------------+                                                                                                       +--------------------------------+
    | Other Firmware    |                                                                                                       | AFP1-fv -> data                |
    +-------------------+                                                                                                       +--------------------------------+
                                                                                                                                | AFP2-fv -> data                |
                                                                                                                                | ...                            |
                                                                                                                                | AFPn-fv -> data                |