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# bottom
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A graphical top clone, written in Rust. Inspired by both [gtop](https://github.com/aksakalli/gtop) and [gotop](https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop).
![Quick demo recording](assets/recording_1.gif) _Terminal: Kitty Terminal, Font: IBM Plex Mono, OS: Arch Linux_
## Features
Features of bottom include:
- CPU widget to show a visual representation of per-core usage. Average CPU display also exists.
- Memory widget to show a visual representation of both RAM and SWAP usage.
- Networks widget to show a log-based visual representation of network usage.
- Sortable and searchable process widget. Searching supports regex, and you can search by PID and process name.
- Disks widget to display usage and I/O per second.
- Temperature widget to monitor detected sensors in your system.
- Config file support for custom colours and default options.
- Maximizing of widgets of interest.
The compatibility of each widget and operating systems are, as of version 0.1.0, as follows:
| OS | CPU | Memory | Disks | Temperature | Processes | Networks |
| -------------------------------- | --- | ------ | ----- | ----------- | --------- | -------- |
| Linux (tested on Arch Linux) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Windows (tested on Windows 10) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
| macOS (tested on macOS Catalina) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
## Installation
In all cases you can install the in-development version by cloning and using `cargo build --release`. Note this is built and tested with Rust Stable (1.41.0 as of writing). You can also get release versions using `cargo install bottom`, or manually building from the [Releases](https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom/releases) page by downloading and building.
### Linux
Other installation methods based on distros are as follows:
#### Arch Linux
You can get the release versions from the AUR by installing `bottom`.
#### Ubuntu
### Windows
I advise running the program with the `--dot_marker` or `-m` option, as the braille font seems to not work out of the box on Powershell. You may need to install a font like [FreeMono](https://fonts2u.com/free-monospaced.font) and use a terminal like cmder for font support to work properly, unfortunately.
I plan to add a Chocolatey install option in the future.
### macOS
macOS seems to work fine for the most part, barring minor issues with the `Ctrl`-arrow key bindings (use `Shift` instead). I plan to add a Homebrew install option in the future.
## Usage
Run using `btm`.
### Command line options
- `-h`, `--help` shows the help screen and exits.
- `-a`, `--avg_cpu` enables also showing the average CPU usage in addition to per-core CPU usage.
- `-m`, `--dot-marker` uses a dot marker instead of the default braille marker.
- Temperature units (you can only use one at a time):
- `-c`, `--celsius` displays the temperature type in Celsius. This is the default.
- `-f`, `--fahrenheit` displays the temperature type in Fahrenheit.
- `-k`, `--kelvin` displays the temperature type in Kelvin.
- `-v`, `--version` displays the version number and exits.
- `-r <RATE>`, `--rate <RATE>` will set the refresh rate in _milliseconds_. Lowest it can go is 250ms, the highest it can go is 2<sup>128</sup> - 1. Defaults to 1000ms, and lower values may take more resources due to more frequent polling of data, and may be less accurate in some circumstances.
- `-l`, `--left_legend` will move external table legends to the left side rather than the right side. Right side is default.
- `-u`, `--current_usage` will make a process' CPU usage be based on the current total CPU usage, rather than assuming 100% CPU usage.
- `-g`, `--group` will group together processes with the same name by default (equivalent to pressing `Tab`).
- `-S`, `--case_sensitive` will default to matching case.
- `-W`, `--whole` will default to searching for the world word.
- `-R`, `--regex` will default to using regex.
- `--cpu_default`, `--memory_default`, `--disk_default`, `--temperature_default`, `--network_default`, `--process_default` will select the corresponding widget on startup. By default the process widget is selected.
- `-C`, `--config` takes in a file path leading to a TOML file.
### Config Files
One use of a config file is to set flags to execute by default.
- This is set under the `[flags]` section.
- These options are generally the same as the long names as other flags (ex: `case_sensitive = true`).
- Note that if a flag and an option conflict, the flag has higher precedence (ex: if the `-c` and `temperature_type = kelvin` both exist, the Celsius temperature type is ultimately chosen).
- For temperature type, use `temperature_type = "kelvin|k|celsius|c|fahrenheit|f"`.
- For default widgets, use `default_widget = "cpu_default|memory_default|disk_default|temperature_default|network_default|process_default"`.
Another use is to set colours, under the `[colors]`. The following labels are customizable with hex colour code strings:
- Table header colours (`table_header_color="#ffffff"`).
- Every CPU core colour as an array (`cpu_core_colors=["#ffffff", "#000000", "#111111"]`).
- bottom will look at 216 (let's be realistic here) colours at most, and in order.
- If not enough colours are provided for the number of threads on the CPU, then the rest will be automatically generated.
- RAM and SWAP colours (`ram_color="#ffffff"`, `swap_color="#111111"`).
- RX and TX colours (`rx_color="#ffffff"`, `tx_color="#111111"`).
- Widget title colour (`widget_title_color="#ffffff"`).
- General widget border colour (`border_color="#ffffff"`).
- Current widget border colour (`highlighted_border_color="#ffffff"`).
- Text colour (`text_color="#ffffff"`).
- Label and graph colour (`graph_color="#ffffff"`).
- Cursor colour (`cursor_color="#ffffff"`).
- Current selected scroll entry colour (`scroll_entry_text_color="#282828"`, `scroll_entry_bg_color="#458588"`).
bottom will check specific locations by default for a config file.
- For Unix-based systems: `~/.config/btm/btm.toml`.
- For Windows: TBD.
See this [config](./sample_config.toml) for an example.
### Keybindings
#### General
- `q`, `Ctrl-c` to quit. Note if you are currently in the search widget, `q` will not work so you can still type.
- `Ctrl-r` to reset the screen and reset all collected data.
- `f` to freeze the screen from updating with new data. Press `f` again to unfreeze. Note that monitoring will still continue in the background.
- `Ctrl/Shift-Arrow` or `H/J/K/L` to navigate between widgets. **Note that on macOS, `Ctrl`-arrow keys conflicts with an existing macOS binding, use `Shift`-arrow key instead.**
- `Esc` to close a dialog window or exit maximized mode.
- `?` to get a help screen explaining the controls. Note all controls except `Esc` to close the dialog will be disabled while this is open.
- `Enter` on a widget to maximize the widget.
#### Scrollable Tables
- `Up` or `k` and `Down` or `j` scrolls through the list if the widget is a table (Temperature, Disks, Processes).
- `gg` or `Home` to jump to the first entry of the current table.
- `G` (`Shift-g`) or `End` to jump to the last entry of the current table.
#### Processes
- `dd` to kill the selected process
- `c` to sort by CPU usage. Sorts in descending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order.
- `m` to sort by memory usage. Sorts in descending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order.
- `p` to sort by PID. Sorts in ascending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order.
- `n` to sort by process name. Sorts in ascending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order.
- `Tab` to group together processes with the same name. Disables PID sorting. `dd` will now kill all processes covered by that name.
- `Ctrl-f` or `/` to open the search widget.
#### Search Widget
- `Tab` to switch between searching for PID and name respectively.
- `Alt-c` to toggle ignoring case.
- `Alt-m` to toggle matching the entire word.
- `Alt-r` to toggle using regex.
- `Ctrl-a` and `Ctrl-e` to jump to the start and end of the search bar respectively.
- `Esc` to close.
- `Left` and `Right` arrow keys to move the cursor within the search bar.
Note that `q` is disabled while in the search widget.
### Mouse actions
- Scrolling with the mouse will scroll through the currently selected list if the widget is a scrollable table.
## Thanks, kudos, and all the like
- This project is very much inspired by both [gotop](https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop) and [gtop](https://github.com/aksakalli/gtop).
- This application was written with the following libraries:
- [backtrace](https://github.com/rust-lang/backtrace-rs)
- [chrono](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono)
- [clap](https://github.com/clap-rs/clap)
- [crossterm](https://github.com/TimonPost/crossterm)
- [fern](https://github.com/daboross/fern)
- [futures-rs](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs)
- [futures-timer](https://github.com/rustasync/futures-timer)
- [heim](https://github.com/heim-rs/heim)
- [lazy_static](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/lazy-static.rs)
- [log](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/log)
- [sysinfo](https://github.com/GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo)
- [tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio)
- [toml-rs](https://github.com/alexcrichton/toml-rs)
- [tui-rs](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs)
- [winapi](https://github.com/retep998/winapi-rs)