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Config Files

Boot options

One use of a config file is to set boot flags to execute without having to state them when launching the program.

  • This is set under the [flags] section.
  • These options are generally the same as the long names as other flags (ex: case_sensitive = true).
  • Note that if a flag and an option conflict, the flag has higher precedence (ex: if the -c and temperature_type = kelvin both exist, the Celsius temperature type is ultimately chosen).
  • For temperature type, use temperature_type = "kelvin|k|celsius|c|fahrenheit|f".
  • For default widgets, use default_widget = "cpu_default|memory_default|disk_default|temperature_default|network_default|process_default".


Another use is to set colours, under the [colors]. The following labels are customizable with hex colour code strings:

Labels Details Example
Table header colours Colour of table headers table_header_color="#ffffff"
CPU colour per core Colour of each core. Read in order. cpu_core_colors=["#ffffff", "#000000", "#111111"]
Looks at 256 colours at most.
Average CPU colour The average CPU color avg_cpu_color="#d3869b"
RAM The colour RAM will use ram_color="#ffffff"
SWAP The colour SWAP will use swap_color="#111111"
RX The colour rx will use rx_color="#ffffff"
TX The colour tx will use tx_color="#111111"
Widget title colour The colour of the label each widget has widget_title_color="#ffffff"
Border colour The colour of the border of unselected widgets border_color="#ffffff"
Selected border colour The colour of the border of selected widgets highlighted_border_color="#ffffff"
Text colour The colour of most text text_color="#ffffff"
Graph colour The colour of the lines and text of the graph graph_color="#ffffff"
Cursor colour The cursor's colour cursor_color="#ffffff"
Selected text colour The colour of text that is selected scroll_entry_text_color="#282828"
Selected text background colour The background colour of text that is selected scroll_entry_bg_color="#458588"

Note some colours may not be compatible with the terminal you are using. For example, macOS's default Terminal does not play nice with many colours.

Default config locations

bottom will check specific locations by default for a config file.

  • For Unix-based systems: $HOME/.config/bottom/bottom.toml.
  • For Windows: {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\bottom\bottom.toml (for example, C:\Users\Clement\AppData\Roaming\bottom\bottom.toml).