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Copyright 2020 Docker Compose CLI authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package ecs
import (
ecsapi ""
cloudmapapi ""
cloudmap ""
const (
parameterClusterName = "ParameterClusterName"
parameterVPCId = "ParameterVPCId"
parameterSubnet1Id = "ParameterSubnet1Id"
parameterSubnet2Id = "ParameterSubnet2Id"
parameterLoadBalancerARN = "ParameterLoadBalancerARN"
func (b *ecsAPIService) Convert(ctx context.Context, project *types.Project) ([]byte, error) {
err := b.checkCompatibility(project)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
template, networks, err := b.convert(project)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a NFS inbound rule on each mount target for volumes
// as "source security group" use an arbitrary network attached to service(s) who mounts target volume
for n, vol := range project.Volumes {
err := b.SDK.WithVolumeSecurityGroups(ctx, vol.Name, func(securityGroups []string) error {
return b.createNFSmountIngress(securityGroups, project, n, template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = b.createCapacityProvider(ctx, project, networks, template)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return marshall(template)
// Convert a compose project into a CloudFormation template
func (b *ecsAPIService) convert(project *types.Project) (*cloudformation.Template, map[string]string, error) { //nolint:gocyclo
template := cloudformation.NewTemplate()
template.Description = "CloudFormation template created by Docker for deploying applications on Amazon ECS"
template.Parameters[parameterClusterName] = cloudformation.Parameter{
Type: "String",
Description: "Name of the ECS cluster to deploy to (optional)",
template.Parameters[parameterVPCId] = cloudformation.Parameter{
Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id",
Description: "ID of the VPC",
FIXME can't set subnets: Ref("SubnetIds") see
template.Parameters["SubnetIds"] = cloudformation.Parameter{
Type: "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>",
Description: "The list of SubnetIds, for at least two Availability Zones in the region in your VPC",
template.Parameters[parameterSubnet1Id] = cloudformation.Parameter{
Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id",
Description: "SubnetId, for Availability Zone 1 in the region in your VPC",
template.Parameters[parameterSubnet2Id] = cloudformation.Parameter{
Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id",
Description: "SubnetId, for Availability Zone 2 in the region in your VPC",
template.Parameters[parameterLoadBalancerARN] = cloudformation.Parameter{
Type: "String",
Description: "Name of the LoadBalancer to connect to (optional)",
template.Conditions["CreateCluster"] = cloudformation.Equals("", cloudformation.Ref(parameterClusterName))
cluster := createCluster(project, template)
networks := map[string]string{}
for _, net := range project.Networks {
networks[net.Name] = convertNetwork(project, net, cloudformation.Ref(parameterVPCId), template)
for i, s := range project.Secrets {
if s.External.External {
secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.File)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
name := fmt.Sprintf("%sSecret", normalizeResourceName(s.Name))
template.Resources[name] = &secretsmanager.Secret{
Description: "",
SecretString: string(secret),
Tags: projectTags(project),
s.Name = cloudformation.Ref(name)
project.Secrets[i] = s
createLogGroup(project, template)
// Private DNS namespace will allow DNS name for the services to be <service>.<project>.local
createCloudMap(project, template)
loadBalancerARN := createLoadBalancer(project, template)
for _, service := range project.Services {
definition, err := convert(project, service)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
taskExecutionRole := createTaskExecutionRole(project, service, template)
definition.ExecutionRoleArn = cloudformation.Ref(taskExecutionRole)
taskRole := createTaskRole(service, template)
if taskRole != "" {
definition.TaskRoleArn = cloudformation.Ref(taskRole)
taskDefinition := fmt.Sprintf("%sTaskDefinition", normalizeResourceName(service.Name))
template.Resources[taskDefinition] = definition
var healthCheck *cloudmap.Service_HealthCheckConfig
serviceRegistry := createServiceRegistry(service, template, healthCheck)
serviceSecurityGroups := []string{}
for net := range service.Networks {
serviceSecurityGroups = append(serviceSecurityGroups, networks[net])
dependsOn := []string{}
serviceLB := []ecs.Service_LoadBalancer{}
if len(service.Ports) > 0 {
for _, port := range service.Ports {
protocol := strings.ToUpper(port.Protocol)
if getLoadBalancerType(project) == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication {
// we don't set Https as a certificate must be specified for HTTPS listeners
protocol = elbv2.ProtocolEnumHttp
if loadBalancerARN != "" {
targetGroupName := createTargetGroup(project, service, port, template, protocol)
listenerName := createListener(service, port, template, targetGroupName, loadBalancerARN, protocol)
dependsOn = append(dependsOn, listenerName)
serviceLB = append(serviceLB, ecs.Service_LoadBalancer{
ContainerName: service.Name,
ContainerPort: int(port.Target),
TargetGroupArn: cloudformation.Ref(targetGroupName),
desiredCount := 1
if service.Deploy != nil && service.Deploy.Replicas != nil {
desiredCount = int(*service.Deploy.Replicas)
for dependency := range service.DependsOn {
dependsOn = append(dependsOn, serviceResourceName(dependency))
minPercent, maxPercent, err := computeRollingUpdateLimits(service)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
assignPublicIP := ecsapi.AssignPublicIpEnabled
launchType := ecsapi.LaunchTypeFargate
platformVersion := "1.4.0" // LATEST which is set to 1.3.0 (?) which doesnt allow efs volumes.
if requireEC2(service) {
assignPublicIP = ecsapi.AssignPublicIpDisabled
launchType = ecsapi.LaunchTypeEc2
platformVersion = "" // The platform version must be null when specifying an EC2 launch type
template.Resources[serviceResourceName(service.Name)] = &ecs.Service{
AWSCloudFormationDependsOn: dependsOn,
Cluster: cluster,
DesiredCount: desiredCount,
DeploymentController: &ecs.Service_DeploymentController{
Type: ecsapi.DeploymentControllerTypeEcs,
DeploymentConfiguration: &ecs.Service_DeploymentConfiguration{
MaximumPercent: maxPercent,
MinimumHealthyPercent: minPercent,
LaunchType: launchType,
// TODO we miss support for to select a capacity provider
LoadBalancers: serviceLB,
NetworkConfiguration: &ecs.Service_NetworkConfiguration{
AwsvpcConfiguration: &ecs.Service_AwsVpcConfiguration{
AssignPublicIp: assignPublicIP,
SecurityGroups: serviceSecurityGroups,
Subnets: []string{
PlatformVersion: platformVersion,
PropagateTags: ecsapi.PropagateTagsService,
SchedulingStrategy: ecsapi.SchedulingStrategyReplica,
ServiceRegistries: []ecs.Service_ServiceRegistry{serviceRegistry},
Tags: serviceTags(project, service),
TaskDefinition: cloudformation.Ref(normalizeResourceName(taskDefinition)),
return template, networks, nil
func createLogGroup(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) {
retention := 0
if v, ok := project.Extensions[extensionRetention]; ok {
retention = v.(int)
logGroup := fmt.Sprintf("/docker-compose/%s", project.Name)
template.Resources["LogGroup"] = &logs.LogGroup{
LogGroupName: logGroup,
RetentionInDays: retention,
func computeRollingUpdateLimits(service types.ServiceConfig) (int, int, error) {
maxPercent := 200
minPercent := 100
if service.Deploy == nil || service.Deploy.UpdateConfig == nil {
return minPercent, maxPercent, nil
updateConfig := service.Deploy.UpdateConfig
min, okMin := updateConfig.Extensions[extensionMinPercent]
if okMin {
minPercent = min.(int)
max, okMax := updateConfig.Extensions[extensionMaxPercent]
if okMax {
maxPercent = max.(int)
if okMin && okMax {
return minPercent, maxPercent, nil
if updateConfig.Parallelism != nil {
parallelism := int(*updateConfig.Parallelism)
if service.Deploy.Replicas == nil {
return minPercent, maxPercent,
fmt.Errorf("rolling update configuration require deploy.replicas to be set")
replicas := int(*service.Deploy.Replicas)
if replicas < parallelism {
return minPercent, maxPercent,
fmt.Errorf("deploy.replicas (%d) must be greater than deploy.update_config.parallelism (%d)", replicas, parallelism)
if !okMin {
minPercent = (replicas - parallelism) * 100 / replicas
if !okMax {
maxPercent = (replicas + parallelism) * 100 / replicas
return minPercent, maxPercent, nil
func getLoadBalancerType(project *types.Project) string {
for _, service := range project.Services {
for _, port := range service.Ports {
protocol := port.Protocol
v, ok := port.Extensions[extensionProtocol]
if ok {
protocol = v.(string)
if protocol == "http" || protocol == "https" {
if port.Published != 80 && port.Published != 443 {
return elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumNetwork
return elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication
func getLoadBalancerSecurityGroups(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) []string {
securityGroups := []string{}
for _, network := range project.Networks {
if !network.Internal {
net := convertNetwork(project, network, cloudformation.Ref(parameterVPCId), template)
securityGroups = append(securityGroups, net)
return uniqueStrings(securityGroups)
func createLoadBalancer(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) string {
ports := 0
for _, service := range project.Services {
ports += len(service.Ports)
if ports == 0 {
// Project do not expose any port (batch jobs?)
// So no need to create a PortPublisher
return ""
// load balancer names are limited to 32 characters total
loadBalancerName := fmt.Sprintf("%.32s", fmt.Sprintf("%sLoadBalancer", strings.Title(project.Name)))
// Create PortPublisher if `ParameterLoadBalancerName` is not set
template.Conditions["CreateLoadBalancer"] = cloudformation.Equals("", cloudformation.Ref(parameterLoadBalancerARN))
loadBalancerType := getLoadBalancerType(project)
securityGroups := []string{}
if loadBalancerType == elbv2.LoadBalancerTypeEnumApplication {
securityGroups = getLoadBalancerSecurityGroups(project, template)
template.Resources[loadBalancerName] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer{
Name: loadBalancerName,
Scheme: elbv2.LoadBalancerSchemeEnumInternetFacing,
SecurityGroups: securityGroups,
Subnets: []string{
Tags: projectTags(project),
Type: loadBalancerType,
AWSCloudFormationCondition: "CreateLoadBalancer",
return cloudformation.If("CreateLoadBalancer", cloudformation.Ref(loadBalancerName), cloudformation.Ref(parameterLoadBalancerARN))
func createListener(service types.ServiceConfig, port types.ServicePortConfig, template *cloudformation.Template, targetGroupName string, loadBalancerARN string, protocol string) string {
listenerName := fmt.Sprintf(
//add listener to dependsOn
template.Resources[listenerName] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener{
DefaultActions: []elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener_Action{
ForwardConfig: &elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener_ForwardConfig{
TargetGroups: []elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener_TargetGroupTuple{
TargetGroupArn: cloudformation.Ref(targetGroupName),
Type: elbv2.ActionTypeEnumForward,
LoadBalancerArn: loadBalancerARN,
Protocol: protocol,
Port: int(port.Target),
return listenerName
func createTargetGroup(project *types.Project, service types.ServiceConfig, port types.ServicePortConfig, template *cloudformation.Template, protocol string) string {
targetGroupName := fmt.Sprintf(
template.Resources[targetGroupName] = &elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroup{
HealthCheckEnabled: false,
Port: int(port.Target),
Protocol: protocol,
Tags: projectTags(project),
TargetType: elbv2.TargetTypeEnumIp,
VpcId: cloudformation.Ref(parameterVPCId),
return targetGroupName
func createServiceRegistry(service types.ServiceConfig, template *cloudformation.Template, healthCheck *cloudmap.Service_HealthCheckConfig) ecs.Service_ServiceRegistry {
serviceRegistration := fmt.Sprintf("%sServiceDiscoveryEntry", normalizeResourceName(service.Name))
serviceRegistry := ecs.Service_ServiceRegistry{
RegistryArn: cloudformation.GetAtt(serviceRegistration, "Arn"),
template.Resources[serviceRegistration] = &cloudmap.Service{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("%q service discovery entry in Cloud Map", service.Name),
HealthCheckConfig: healthCheck,
HealthCheckCustomConfig: &cloudmap.Service_HealthCheckCustomConfig{
FailureThreshold: 1,
Name: service.Name,
NamespaceId: cloudformation.Ref("CloudMap"),
DnsConfig: &cloudmap.Service_DnsConfig{
DnsRecords: []cloudmap.Service_DnsRecord{
TTL: 60,
Type: cloudmapapi.RecordTypeA,
RoutingPolicy: cloudmapapi.RoutingPolicyMultivalue,
return serviceRegistry
func createTaskExecutionRole(project *types.Project, service types.ServiceConfig, template *cloudformation.Template) string {
taskExecutionRole := fmt.Sprintf("%sTaskExecutionRole", normalizeResourceName(service.Name))
policies := createPolicies(project, service)
template.Resources[taskExecutionRole] = &iam.Role{
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: ecsTaskAssumeRolePolicyDocument,
Policies: policies,
ManagedPolicyArns: []string{
return taskExecutionRole
func createTaskRole(service types.ServiceConfig, template *cloudformation.Template) string {
taskRole := fmt.Sprintf("%sTaskRole", normalizeResourceName(service.Name))
rolePolicies := []iam.Role_Policy{}
if roles, ok := service.Extensions[extensionRole]; ok {
rolePolicies = append(rolePolicies, iam.Role_Policy{
PolicyDocument: roles,
managedPolicies := []string{}
if v, ok := service.Extensions[extensionManagedPolicies]; ok {
for _, s := range v.([]interface{}) {
managedPolicies = append(managedPolicies, s.(string))
if len(rolePolicies) == 0 && len(managedPolicies) == 0 {
return ""
template.Resources[taskRole] = &iam.Role{
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: ecsTaskAssumeRolePolicyDocument,
Policies: rolePolicies,
ManagedPolicyArns: managedPolicies,
return taskRole
func createCluster(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) string {
template.Resources["Cluster"] = &ecs.Cluster{
ClusterName: project.Name,
Tags: projectTags(project),
AWSCloudFormationCondition: "CreateCluster",
cluster := cloudformation.If("CreateCluster", cloudformation.Ref("Cluster"), cloudformation.Ref(parameterClusterName))
return cluster
func createCloudMap(project *types.Project, template *cloudformation.Template) {
template.Resources["CloudMap"] = &cloudmap.PrivateDnsNamespace{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Service Map for Docker Compose project %s", project.Name),
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.local", project.Name),
Vpc: cloudformation.Ref(parameterVPCId),
func convertNetwork(project *types.Project, net types.NetworkConfig, vpc string, template *cloudformation.Template) string {
if net.External.External {
return net.Name
if sg, ok := net.Extensions[extensionSecurityGroup]; ok {
logrus.Warn("to use an existing security-group, set `network.external` and `` in your compose file")
logrus.Debugf("Security Group for network %q set by user to %q", net.Name, sg)
return sg.(string)
var ingresses []ec2.SecurityGroup_Ingress
if !net.Internal {
for _, service := range project.Services {
if _, ok := service.Networks[net.Name]; ok {
for _, port := range service.Ports {
protocol := strings.ToUpper(port.Protocol)
if protocol == "" {
protocol = "-1"
ingresses = append(ingresses, ec2.SecurityGroup_Ingress{
CidrIp: "",
Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/%s", service.Name, port.Target, port.Protocol),
FromPort: int(port.Target),
IpProtocol: protocol,
ToPort: int(port.Target),
securityGroup := networkResourceName(project, net.Name)
template.Resources[securityGroup] = &ec2.SecurityGroup{
GroupDescription: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s Security Group", project.Name, net.Name),
GroupName: securityGroup,
SecurityGroupIngress: ingresses,
VpcId: vpc,
Tags: networkTags(project, net),
ingress := securityGroup + "Ingress"
template.Resources[ingress] = &ec2.SecurityGroupIngress{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Allow communication within network %s", net.Name),
IpProtocol: "-1", // all protocols
GroupId: cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup),
SourceSecurityGroupId: cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup),
return cloudformation.Ref(securityGroup)
func networkResourceName(project *types.Project, network string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%sNetwork", normalizeResourceName(project.Name), normalizeResourceName(network))
func serviceResourceName(service string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sService", normalizeResourceName(service))
func normalizeResourceName(s string) string {
return strings.Title(regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+").ReplaceAllString(s, ""))
func createPolicies(project *types.Project, service types.ServiceConfig) []iam.Role_Policy {
var arns []string
if value, ok := service.Extensions[extensionPullCredentials]; ok {
arns = append(arns, value.(string))
for _, secret := range service.Secrets {
arns = append(arns, project.Secrets[secret.Source].Name)
if len(arns) > 0 {
return []iam.Role_Policy{
PolicyDocument: &PolicyDocument{
Statement: []PolicyStatement{
Effect: "Allow",
Action: []string{actionGetSecretValue, actionGetParameters, actionDecrypt},
Resource: arns,
PolicyName: fmt.Sprintf("%sGrantAccessToSecrets", service.Name),
return nil
func uniqueStrings(items []string) []string {
keys := make(map[string]bool)
unique := []string{}
for _, item := range items {
if _, val := keys[item]; !val {
keys[item] = true
unique = append(unique, item)
return unique