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page_title: Extending services in Compose page_description: How to use Docker Compose's "extends" keyword to share configuration between files and projects page_keywords: fig, composition, compose, docker, orchestration, documentation, docs

Extending services in Compose

Docker Compose's extends keyword enables sharing of common configurations among different files, or even different projects entirely. Extending services is useful if you have several applications that reuse commonly-defined services. Using extends you can define a service in one place and refer to it from anywhere.

Alternatively, you can deploy the same application to multiple environments with a slightly different set of services in each case (or with changes to the configuration of some services). Moreover, you can do so without copy-pasting the configuration around.

Understand the extends configuration

When defining any service in docker-compose.yml, you can declare that you are extending another service like this:

    file: common-services.yml
    service: webapp

This instructs Compose to re-use the configuration for the webapp service defined in the common-services.yml file. Suppose that common-services.yml looks like this:

  build: .
    - "8000:8000"
    - "/data"

In this case, you'll get exactly the same result as if you wrote docker-compose.yml with that build, ports and volumes configuration defined directly under web.

You can go further and define (or re-define) configuration locally in docker-compose.yml:

    file: common-services.yml
    service: webapp
    - DEBUG=1
  cpu_shares: 5

You can also write other services and link your web service to them:

    file: common-services.yml
    service: webapp
    - DEBUG=1
  cpu_shares: 5
    - db
  image: postgres

For full details on how to use extends, refer to the reference.

Example use case

In this example, youll repurpose the example app from the quick start guide. (If you're not familiar with Compose, it's recommended that you go through the quick start first.) This example assumes you want to use Compose both to develop an application locally and then deploy it to a production environment.

The local and production environments are similar, but there are some differences. In development, you mount the application code as a volume so that it can pick up changes; in production, the code should be immutable from the outside. This ensures its not accidentally changed. The development environment uses a local Redis container, but in production another team manages the Redis service, which is listening at

To configure with extends for this sample, you must:

  1. Define the web application as a Docker image in Dockerfile and a Compose service in common.yml.

  2. Define the development environment in the standard Compose file, docker-compose.yml.

    • Use extends to pull in the web service.
    • Configure a volume to enable code reloading.
    • Create an additional Redis service for the application to use locally.
  3. Define the production environment in a third Compose file, production.yml.

    • Use extends to pull in the web service.
    • Configure the web service to talk to the external, production Redis service.

Define the web app

Defining the web application requires the following:

  1. Create an file.

    This file contains a simple Python application that uses Flask to serve HTTP and increments a counter in Redis:

    from flask import Flask
    from redis import Redis
    import os
    app = Flask(__name__)
    redis = Redis(host=os.environ['REDIS_HOST'], port=6379)
    def hello():
       return 'Hello World! I have been seen %s times.\n' % redis.get('hits')
    if __name__ == "__main__":"", debug=True)

    This code uses a REDIS_HOST environment variable to determine where to find Redis.

  2. Define the Python dependencies in a requirements.txt file:

  3. Create a Dockerfile to build an image containing the app:

    FROM python:2.7
    ADD . /code
    WORKDIR /code
    RUN pip install -r
    CMD python
  4. Create a Compose configuration file called common.yml:

    This configuration defines how to run the app.

      build: .
        - "5000:5000"

    Typically, you would have dropped this configuration into docker-compose.yml file, but in order to pull it into multiple files with extends, it needs to be in a separate file.

Define the development environment

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file.

    The extends option pulls in the web service from the common.yml file you created in the previous section.

        file: common.yml
        service: web
        - .:/code
        - redis
        - REDIS_HOST=redis
      image: redis

    The new addition defines a web service that:

    • Fetches the base configuration for web out of common.yml.
    • Adds volumes and links configuration to the base (common.yml) configuration.
    • Sets the REDIS_HOST environment variable to point to the linked redis container. This environment uses a stock redis image from the Docker Hub.
  2. Run docker-compose up.

    Compose creates, links, and starts a web and redis container linked together. It mounts your application code inside the web container.

  3. Verify that the code is mounted by changing the message in—say, from Hello world! to Hello from Compose!.

    Don't forget to refresh your browser to see the change!

Define the production environment

You are almost done. Now, define your production environment:

  1. Create a production.yml file.

    As with docker-compose.yml, the extends option pulls in the web service from common.yml.

        file: common.yml
        service: web
  2. Run docker-compose -f production.yml up.

    Compose creates just a web container and configures the Redis connection via the REDIS_HOST environment variable. This variable points to the production Redis instance.

    Note: If you try to load up the webapp in your browser you'll get an error— isn't actually a Redis server.

You've now done a basic extends configuration. As your application develops, you can make any necessary changes to the web service in common.yml. Compose picks up both the development and production environments when you next run docker-compose. You don't have to do any copy-and-paste, and you don't have to manually keep both environments in sync.


You can use extends on any service together with other configuration keys. It always expects a dictionary that should always contain two keys: file and service.

The file key specifies which file to look in. It can be an absolute path or a relative one—if relative, it's treated as relative to the current file.

The service key specifies the name of the service to extend, for example web or database.

You can extend a service that itself extends another. You can extend indefinitely. Compose does not support circular references and docker-compose returns an error if it encounters them.

Adding and overriding configuration

Compose copies configurations from the original service over to the local one, except for links and volumes_from. These exceptions exist to avoid implicit dependencies—you always define links and volumes_from locally. This ensures dependencies between services are clearly visible when reading the current file. Defining these locally also ensures changes to the referenced file don't result in breakage.

If a configuration option is defined in both the original service and the local service, the local value either overrides or extends the definition of the original service. This works differently for other configuration options.

For single-value options like image, command or mem_limit, the new value replaces the old value. This is the default behaviour - all exceptions are listed below.

# original service
command: python

# local service
command: python

# result
command: python

In the case of build and image, using one in the local service causes Compose to discard the other, if it was defined in the original service.

# original service
build: .

# local service
image: redis

# result
image: redis
# original service
image: redis

# local service
build: .

# result
build: .

For the multi-value options ports, expose, external_links, dns and dns_search, Compose concatenates both sets of values:

# original service
  - "3000"

# local service
  - "4000"
  - "5000"

# result
  - "3000"
  - "4000"
  - "5000"

In the case of environment, Compose "merges" entries together with locally-defined values taking precedence:

# original service
  - FOO=original
  - BAR=original

# local service
  - BAR=local
  - BAZ=local

# result
  - FOO=original
  - BAR=local
  - BAZ=local

Finally, for volumes, Compose "merges" entries together with locally-defined bindings taking precedence:

# original service
  - /original-dir/foo:/foo
  - /original-dir/bar:/bar

# local service
  - /local-dir/bar:/bar
  - /local-dir/baz/:baz

# result
  - /original-dir/foo:/foo
  - /local-dir/bar:/bar
  - /local-dir/baz/:baz