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default Installing Compose Installing Compose Installing Compose fig, composition, compose, docker

Installing Compose

First, install Docker version 1.3 or greater.

If you're on OS X, you can use the OS X installer to install both Docker and boot2docker. Once boot2docker is running, set the environment variables that'll configure Docker and Compose to talk to it:

$(boot2docker shellinit)

To persist the environment variables across shell sessions, you can add that line to your ~/.bashrc file.

There are also guides for Ubuntu and other platforms in Docker`s documentation.

Next, install Compose:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Optionally, install command completion for the bash shell.

Releases are available for OS X and 64-bit Linux. Compose is also available as a Python package if you're on another platform (or if you prefer that sort of thing):

$ sudo pip install -U docker-compose

That should be all you need! Run docker-compose --version to see if it worked.