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Fast, isolated development environments using Docker.

Define your app's environment with Docker so it can be reproduced anywhere:

FROM orchardup/python:2.7
ADD . /code
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD python

Define the services that make up your app so they can be run together in an isolated environment:

  build: .
   - db
   - "8000:8000"
   - "49100:22"
  image: orchardup/postgresql

Note When mapping ports in the format HOST:CONTAINER you may experience erroneous results when using a container port lower than 60. This is due to YAML parsing numbers in the format "xx:yy" as sexagesimal (base 60) for this reason it is recommended to define your port mappings as strings.

(No more installing Postgres on your laptop!)

Then type fig up, and Fig will start and run your entire app:

example fig run

There are commands to:

  • start, stop and rebuild services
  • view the status of running services
  • tail running services' log output
  • run a one-off command on a service

Fig is a project from Orchard, a Docker hosting service. Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with Fig and other Docker news.

Installation and documentation

Full documentation is available on Fig's website.

Running the test suite

$ script/test