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default Fig CLI reference

CLI reference

Most commands are run against one or more services. If the service is omitted, it will apply to all services.

Run fig [COMMAND] --help for full usage.



Build or rebuild services.

Services are built once and then tagged as project_service, e.g. figtest_db. If you change a service's Dockerfile or the contents of its build directory, you can run fig build to rebuild it.


Get help on a command.


Force stop service containers.


View output from services.


Print the public port for a port binding


List containers.


Pulls service images.


Remove stopped service containers.


Run a one-off command on a service.

For example:

$ fig run web python shell

By default, linked services will be started, unless they are already running.

One-off commands are started in new containers with the same config as a normal container for that service, so volumes, links, etc will all be created as expected. The only thing different to a normal container is the command will be overridden with the one specified and no ports will be created in case they collide.

Links are also created between one-off commands and the other containers for that service so you can do stuff like this:

$ fig run db psql -h db -U docker

If you do not want linked containers to be started when running the one-off command, specify the --no-deps flag:

$ fig run --no-deps web python shell


Set number of containers to run for a service.

Numbers are specified in the form service=num as arguments. For example:

$ fig scale web=2 worker=3


Start existing containers for a service.


Stop running containers without removing them. They can be started again with fig start.


Build, (re)create, start and attach to containers for a service.

Linked services will be started, unless they are already running.

By default, fig up will aggregate the output of each container, and when it exits, all containers will be stopped. If you run fig up -d, it'll start the containers in the background and leave them running.

By default if there are existing containers for a service, fig up will stop and recreate them (preserving mounted volumes with volumes-from), so that changes in fig.yml are picked up. If you do no want containers to be stopped and recreated, use fig up --no-recreate. This will still start any stopped containers, if needed.

Environment Variables

Several environment variables can be used to configure Fig's behaviour.


Set the project name, which is prepended to the name of every container started by Fig. Defaults to the basename of the current working directory.


Set the path to the fig.yml to use. Defaults to fig.yml in the current working directory.


Set the URL to the docker daemon. Defaults to unix:///var/run/docker.sock, as with the docker client.