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Bug Report 🐛 Submit a bug report for an issue you've come across [BUG] 🐛 Bug Lissy93

Thank you for taking the time to raise a bug, and sorry that you've had issues with Dashy 😟

If applicable to your issue, please include:

  • A description of the bug, including actual behavior and if applicable, expected behavior
  • Steps to reproduce
  • Info about your system (device, OS, browser and browser version)
  • Any console errors? If the issue happens at runtime, open up the dev tools [F12], and go to the Console tab. If the output is very long, please use 0bin
  • Any screenshots, if it is a frontend issue

Before submitting, please ensure that:

  • This issue has not already been raised
  • You are using the latest version of Dashy
  • You've included the relevant information above