
30 KiB

About Icinga 2

What is Icinga 2?

Icinga 2 is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.

Scalable and extensible, Icinga 2 can monitor large, complex environments across multiple locations.


Icinga 2 and the Icinga 2 documentation are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, you will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the source package.


Support for Icinga 2 is available in a number of ways. Please have a look at the support overview page.


There are many ways to contribute to Icinga -- whether it be sending patches, testing, reporting bugs, or reviewing and updating the documentation. Every contribution is appreciated!

Please get in touch with the Icinga team at https://www.icinga.org/community/.

If you want to help update this documentation, please read this howto.

Icinga 2 Development

You can follow Icinga 2's development closely by checking out these resources:

For general support questions, please refer to the community support channels.

How to Report a Bug or Feature Request

More details in the Icinga FAQ.

What's New

What's New in Version 2.5.3


This release addresses an issue with PostgreSQL support for the IDO database module.


  • Bug 12533 (DB IDO): ido pgsql migration from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 : wrong size for config_hash

What's New in Version 2.5.2


  • Bug 12527 (DB IDO): Newly added group member tables in the IDO database are not updated
  • Bug 12529 (Checker): Icinga 2 sends SOFT recovery notifications

What's New in Version 2.5.1


  • Bug 12517 (Notifications): Icinga 2 sends recovery notifications for SOFT NOT-OK states

What's New in Version 2.5.0


  • InfluxdbWriter feature
  • API
    • New endpoints: /v1/variables and /v1/templates (GET requests), /v1/action/generate-ticket (POST request)
    • State/type filters for notifications/users are now string values (PUT, POST, GET requests)
  • Configuration
    • TimePeriod excludes/includes attributes
    • DateTime object for formatting time strings
    • New prototype methods: Array#filter, Array#unique, Array#map, Array#reduce
    • icinga2.conf now includes plugins-contrib, manubulon, windows-plugins, nscp by default (ITL CheckCommand definitions)
    • Performance improvements (config compiler and validation)
  • CLI
    • 'icinga2 object list' formats state/type filters as string values
    • Compiled config files are now visible with "notice" debug level (hidden by default)
    • CA serial file now uses a hash value (HA cluster w/ 2 CA directories)
  • Cluster
    • There is a known issue with >2 endpoints inside a zone. Icinga 2 will now log a warning.
    • Support for accepted ciphers and minimum TLS version
    • Connection and error logging has been improved.
  • DB IDO
    • Schema upgrade required (2.5.0.sql)
    • Incremental config dump (performance boost)
    • categories attribute is now an array. Previous method is deprecated and to be removed.
    • DbCatLog is not enabled by default anymore.
    • SSL support for MySQL
  • New packages
    • vim-icinga2 for syntax highlighting
    • libicinga2 (Debian), icinga2-libs (RPM) for Icinga Studio packages


  • Feature 7355 (libicinga): Exclude option for TimePeriod definitions
  • Feature 8401 (Packages): Package for syntax highlighting
  • Feature 9184 (Perfdata): Add timestamp support for GelfWriter
  • Feature 9264 (ITL): Extend CheckCommand definitions for nscp-local
  • Feature 9725 (DB IDO): Add SSL support for the IdoMysqlConnection feature
  • Feature 9839 (Configuration): Implement support for formatting date/time
  • Feature 9858 (Perfdata): Gelf module: expose 'perfdata' fields for 'CHECK_RESULT' events
  • Feature 10140 (libicinga): Remove the deprecated IcingaStatusWriter feature
  • Feature 10480 (Perfdata): Add InfluxDbWriter feature
  • Feature 10553 (Documentation): Update SELinux documentation
  • Feature 10669 (ITL): Add IPv4/IPv6 support to the rest of the monitoring-plugins
  • Feature 10722 (ITL): icinga2.conf: Include plugins-contrib, manubulon, windows-plugins, nscp by default
  • Feature 10816 (libbase): Add name attribute for WorkQueue class
  • Feature 10952 (Packages): Provide packages for icinga-studio on Fedora
  • Feature 11063 (API): Implement SSL cipher configuration support for the API feature
  • Feature 11290 (API): ApiListener: Force server's preferred cipher
  • Feature 11292 (API): ApiListener: Make minimum TLS version configurable
  • Feature 11359 (ITL): Add "retries" option to check_snmp command
  • Feature 11419 (Configuration): Config parser should not log names of included files by default
  • Feature 11423 (libicinga): Cleanup downtimes created by ScheduleDowntime
  • Feature 11445 (Configuration): Allow strings in state/type filters
  • Feature 11599 (Documentation): Documentation review
  • Feature 11612 (Configuration): Improve performance for field accesses
  • Feature 11623 (Installation): Add script for automatically cherry-picking commits for minor versions
  • Feature 11659 (Configuration): Remove the (unused) 'inherits' keyword
  • Feature 11706 (API): Improve logging for HTTP API requests
  • Feature 11739 (Packages): Windows Installer: Remove dependency on KB2999226 package
  • Feature 11772 (Cluster): Add lag threshold for cluster-zone check
  • Feature 11837 (Documentation): Use HTTPS for debmon.org links in the documentation
  • Feature 11869 (ITL): Add CIM port parameter for esxi_hardware CheckCommand
  • Feature 11875 (Tests): Add debugging mode for Utility::GetTime
  • Feature 11931 (ITL): Adding option to access ifName for manubulon snmp-interface check command
  • Feature 11941 (API): Support for enumerating available templates via the API
  • Feature 11955 (API): Implement support for getting a list of global variables from the API
  • Feature 11967 (DB IDO): Update DB IDO schema version to 1.14.1
  • Feature 11968 (DB IDO): Enhance IDO check with schema version info
  • Feature 11970 (ITL): add check command for plugin check_apache_status
  • Feature 12006 (ITL): Add check command definitions for kdc and rbl
  • Feature 12018 (Graphite): Add acknowledgement type to Graphite, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB metadata
  • Feature 12024 (DB IDO): Change Ido*Connection 'categories' attribute to an array
  • Feature 12041 (API): API: Add missing downtime_depth attribute
  • Feature 12061 (ITL): Add check command definition for db2_health
  • Feature 12106 (DB IDO): Do not populate logentries table by default
  • Feature 12116 (Cluster): Enhance client disconnect message for "No data received on new API connection."
  • Feature 12189 (ITL): Add support for "-A" command line switch to CheckCommand "snmp-process"
  • Feature 12194 (Cluster): Improve log message for connecting nodes without configured Endpoint object
  • Feature 12201 (Cluster): Improve error messages for failed certificate validation
  • Feature 12215 (Cluster): Include IP address and port in the "New connection" log message
  • Feature 12221 (ITL): A lot of missing parameters for (latest) mysql_health
  • Feature 12222 (Cluster): Log a warning if there are more than 2 zone endpoint members
  • Feature 12234 (CLI): Add history for icinga2 console
  • Feature 12247 (Configuration): Add map/reduce and filter functionality for the Array class
  • Feature 12254 (API): Remove obsolete debug log message
  • Feature 12256 (ITL): Add check command definition for check_graphite
  • Feature 12287 (Cluster): Enhance TLS handshake error messages with connection information
  • Feature 12304 (Notifications): Add the notification type into the log message
  • Feature 12314 (ITL): Add command definition for check_mysql_query
  • Feature 12327 (API): Support for determining the Icinga 2 version via the API
  • Feature 12329 (libicinga): Implement process_check_result script method for the Checkable class
  • Feature 12336 (libbase): Improve logging for the WorkQueue class
  • Feature 12338 (Configuration): Move internal script functions into the 'Internal' namespace
  • Feature 12386 (Documentation): Rewrite Client and Cluster chapter and; add service monitoring chapter
  • Feature 12389 (libbase): Include compiler name/version and build host name in --version
  • Feature 12392 (ITL): Add custom variables for all check_swap arguments
  • Feature 12393 (libbase): Implement support for marking functions as deprecated
  • Feature 12407 (CLI): Implement support for inspecting variables with LLDB/GDB
  • Feature 12408 (Configuration): Implement support for namespaces
  • Feature 12412 (Documentation): Add URL and short description for Monitoring Plugins inside the ITL documentation
  • Feature 12424 (ITL): Add perfsyntax parameter to nscp-local-counter CheckCommand
  • Feature 12426 (Configuration): Implement comparison operators for the Array class
  • Feature 12433 (API): Add API action for generating a PKI ticket
  • Feature 12434 (DB IDO): Remove unused code from the IDO classes
  • Feature 12435 (DB IDO): Incremental updates for the IDO database
  • Feature 12448 (libbase): Improve performance for type lookups
  • Feature 12450 (Cluster): Improve performance for Endpoint config validation
  • Feature 12457 (libbase): Remove unnecessary Dictionary::Contains calls
  • Feature 12468 (ITL): Add interfacetable CheckCommand options --trafficwithpkt and --snmp-maxmsgsize
  • Feature 12477 (Documentation): Development docs: Add own section for gdb backtrace from a running process
  • Feature 12481 (libbase): Remove some unused #includes


  • Bug 7354 (libicinga): Disable immediate hard state after first checkresult
  • Bug 9242 (Cluster): Custom notification external commands do not work in a master-master setup
  • Bug 9848 (libbase): Function::Invoke should optionally register ScriptFrame
  • Bug 10061 (DB IDO): IDO: icinga_host/service_groups alias columns are TEXT columns
  • Bug 10066 (DB IDO): Missing indexes for icinga_endpoints* and icinga_zones* tables in DB IDO schema
  • Bug 10069 (DB IDO): IDO: check_source should not be a TEXT field
  • Bug 10070 (DB IDO): IDO: there is no usable object index on icinga_{scheduleddowntime,comments}
  • Bug 10075 (libbase): Race condition in CreatePipeOverlapped
  • Bug 10363 (Notifications): Notification times w/ empty begin/end specifications prevent sending notifications
  • Bug 10570 (API): /v1 returns HTML even if JSON is requested
  • Bug 10903 (Perfdata): GELF multi-line output
  • Bug 10937 (Configuration): High CPU usage with self-referenced parent zone config
  • Bug 11182 (DB IDO): IDO: entry_time of all comments is set to the date and time when Icinga 2 was restarted
  • Bug 11196 (Cluster): High load when pinning command endpoint on HA cluster
  • Bug 11483 (libicinga): Numbers are not properly formatted in runtime macro strings
  • Bug 11562 (Notifications): last_problem_notification should be synced in HA cluster
  • Bug 11590 (Notifications): notification interval = 0 not honoured in HA clusters
  • Bug 11622 (Configuration): Don't allow flow control keywords outside of other flow control constructs
  • Bug 11648 (Packages): Reload permission error with SELinux
  • Bug 11650 (Packages): RPM update starts disabled icinga2 service
  • Bug 11688 (DB IDO): Outdated downtime/comments not removed from IDO database (restart)
  • Bug 11730 (libicinga): Icinga 2 client gets killed during network scans
  • Bug 11782 (Packages): Incorrect filter in pick.py
  • Bug 11793 (Documentation): node setup: Add a note for --endpoint syntax for client-master connection
  • Bug 11817 (Installation): Windows: Error with repository handler (missing /var/lib/icinga2/api/repository path)
  • Bug 11823 (DB IDO): Volatile check results for OK->OK transitions are logged into DB IDO statehistory
  • Bug 11825 (libicinga): Problems with check scheduling for HARD state changes (standalone/command_endpoint)
  • Bug 11832 (Tests): Boost tests are missing a dependency on libmethods
  • Bug 11847 (Documentation): Missing quotes for API action URL
  • Bug 11851 (Notifications): Downtime notifications do not pass author and comment
  • Bug 11862 (libicinga): SOFT OK-state after returning from a soft state
  • Bug 11887 (ITL): Add "fuse.gvfsd-fuse" to the list of excluded file systems for check_disk
  • Bug 11890 (Configuration): Config validation should not delete comments/downtimes w/o reference
  • Bug 11894 (Configuration): Incorrect custom variable name in the hosts.conf example config
  • Bug 11898 (libicinga): last SOFT state should be hard (max_check_attempts)
  • Bug 11899 (libicinga): Flapping Notifications dependent on state change
  • Bug 11903 (Documentation): Fix systemd client command formatting
  • Bug 11905 (Documentation): Improve "Endpoint" documentation
  • Bug 11926 (API): Trying to delete an object protected by a permissions filter, ends up deleting all objects that match the filter instead
  • Bug 11933 (DB IDO): SOFT state changes with the same state are not logged
  • Bug 11962 (DB IDO): Overflow in current_notification_number column in DB IDO MySQL
  • Bug 11991 (Documentation): Incorrect URL for API examples in the documentation
  • Bug 11993 (DB IDO): Comment/Downtime delete queries are slow
  • Bug 12003 (libbase): Hang in TlsStream::Handshake
  • Bug 12008 (Documentation): Add a note about creating Zone/Endpoint objects with the API
  • Bug 12016 (Configuration): ConfigWriter::EmitScope incorrectly quotes dictionary keys
  • Bug 12022 (Configuration): Icinga crashes when using include_recursive in an object definition
  • Bug 12029 (Documentation): Migration docs still show unsupported CHANGE_*MODATTR external commands
  • Bug 12044 (Packages): Icinga fails to build with OpenSSL 1.1.0
  • Bug 12046 (Documentation): Typo in Manubulon CheckCommand documentation
  • Bug 12067 (Documentation): Documentation: Setting up Plugins section is broken
  • Bug 12077 (Documentation): Add a note to the docs that API POST updates to custom attributes/groups won't trigger re-evaluation
  • Bug 12085 (DB IDO): deadlock in ido reconnect
  • Bug 12092 (API): Icinga incorrectly disconnects all endpoints if one has a wrong certificate
  • Bug 12098 (Configuration): include_recursive should gracefully handle inaccessible files
  • Bug 12099 (Packages): Build fails with Visual Studio 2013
  • Bug 12100 (libbase): Ensure to clear the SSL error queue before calling SSL_{read,write,do_handshake}
  • Bug 12107 (DB IDO): Add missing index on state history for DB IDO cleanup
  • Bug 12135 (ITL): ITL: check_iftraffic64.pl default values, wrong postfix value in CheckCommand
  • Bug 12144 (Documentation): pkg-config is not listed as a build requirement in INSTALL.md
  • Bug 12147 (DB IDO): IDO module starts threads before daemonize
  • Bug 12179 (Cluster): Duplicate messages for command_endpoint w/ master and satellite
  • Bug 12180 (Cluster): CheckerComponent sometimes fails to schedule checks in time
  • Bug 12193 (Cluster): Increase cluster reconnect interval
  • Bug 12199 (API): Fix URL encoding for '&'
  • Bug 12204 (Documentation): Improve author information about check_yum
  • Bug 12210 (DB IDO): Do not clear {host,service,contact}group_members tables on restart
  • Bug 12216 (libicinga): icinga check reports "-1" for minimum latency and execution time and only uptime has a number but 0
  • Bug 12217 (Documentation): Incorrect documentation about apply rules in zones.d directories
  • Bug 12219 (Documentation): Missing explanation for three level clusters with CSR auto-signing
  • Bug 12225 (libicinga): Icinga stats min_execution_time and max_execution_time are invalid
  • Bug 12227 (Perfdata): Incorrect escaping / formatting of perfdata to InfluxDB
  • Bug 12237 (Installation): Increase default systemd timeout
  • Bug 12257 (Notifications): Notification interval mistimed
  • Bug 12259 (Documentation): Incorrect API permission name for /v1/status in the documentation
  • Bug 12267 (Notifications): Multiple notifications when master fails
  • Bug 12274 (ITL): -q option for check_ntp_time is wrong
  • Bug 12288 (DB IDO): Change the way outdated comments/downtimes are deleted on restart
  • Bug 12293 (Notifications): Missing notification for recovery during downtime
  • Bug 12302 (Cluster): Remove obsolete README files in tools/syntax
  • Bug 12310 (Notifications): Notification sent too fast when one master fails
  • Bug 12318 (Configuration): Icinga doesn't delete temporary icinga2.debug file when config validation fails
  • Bug 12331 (libbase): Fix building Icinga with -fvisibility=hidden
  • Bug 12333 (Notifications): Incorrect downtime notification events
  • Bug 12334 (libbase): Handle I/O errors while writing the Icinga state file more gracefully
  • Bug 12390 (libbase): Disallow casting "" to an Object
  • Bug 12391 (libbase): Don't violate POSIX by ensuring that the argument to usleep(3) is less than 1000000
  • Bug 12395 (libicinga): Flexible downtimes should be removed after trigger_time+duration
  • Bug 12401 (DB IDO): Fixed downtime start does not update actual_start_time
  • Bug 12402 (Notifications): Notification resent, even if interval = 0
  • Bug 12404 (Notifications): Add log message if notifications are forced (i.e. filters are not checked)
  • Bug 12409 (Configuration): 'use' keyword cannot be used with templates
  • Bug 12416 (Documentation): The description for the http_certificate attribute doesn't have the right default value
  • Bug 12417 (DB IDO): IDO does duplicate config updates
  • Bug 12418 (DB IDO): IDO marks objects as inactive on shutdown
  • Bug 12422 (CLI): pki sign-csr does not log where it is writing the certificate file
  • Bug 12425 (libicinga): CompatUtility::GetCheckableNotificationStateFilter is returning an incorrect value
  • Bug 12428 (DB IDO): Fix the "ido" check command for use with command_endpoint
  • Bug 12430 (DB IDO): ido CheckCommand returns returns "Could not connect to database server" when HA enabled
  • Bug 12432 (Cluster): Only allow sending command_endpoint checks to directly connected child zones
  • Bug 12438 (libbase): Replace GetType()->GetName() calls with GetReflectionType()->GetName()
  • Bug 12442 (Documentation): Missing documentation for "legacy-timeperiod" template
  • Bug 12452 (Installation): Remove unused functions from icinga-installer
  • Bug 12453 (libbase): Use hash-based serial numbers for new certificates
  • Bug 12454 (API): API: action schedule-downtime requires a duration also when fixed is true
  • Bug 12458 (DB IDO): Insert fails for the icinga_scheduleddowntime table due to duplicate key
  • Bug 12459 (DB IDO): Query for customvariablestatus incorrectly updates the host's/service's insert ID
  • Bug 12460 (Cluster): DB IDO started before daemonizing (no systemd)
  • Bug 12461 (DB IDO): IDO query fails due to key contraint violation for the icinga_customvariablestatus table
  • Bug 12464 (API): API: events for DowntimeTriggered does not provide needed information
  • Bug 12473 (Documentation): Docs: API example uses wrong attribute name
  • Bug 12474 (libmethods): ClrCheck is null on *nix
  • Bug 12475 (Cluster): Incorrect certificate validation error message
  • Bug 12487 (Configuration): Memory leak when using closures
  • Bug 12488 (Documentation): Typo in Notification object documentation