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About Icinga 2

What is Icinga 2?

Icinga 2 is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages and generates performance data for reporting.

Scalable and extensible, Icinga 2 can monitor complex, large environments across multiple locations.


Icinga 2 and the Icinga 2 documentation are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, you will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the source package.


Support for Icinga 2 is available in a number of ways. Please have a look at the support overview page at [https://support.icinga.org].


There are many ways to contribute to Icinga - be it by sending patches, testing and reporting bugs, reviewing and updating the documentation. Every contribution is appreciated!

Please get in touch with the Icinga team at [https://www.icinga.org/ecosystem/].

Icinga 2 Development

You can follow Icinga 2's development closely by checking out these resources:

For general support questions, please refer to [https://www.icinga.org/support/].

Demo VM

Icinga 2 is available as Vagrant Demo VM.

What's new

What's New in Version 2.0.0 Beta 1

Lots of things. Please read Icinga 2 in a nutshell.


  • Updated sample configuration for final release.


Please check the ChangeLog file.

Icinga 2 in a Nutshell

Look for available packages on [http://packages.icinga.org] or ask your distribution's maintainer. Compiling from source is not recommended, and not the default either.

  • Real Distributed Architecture

Cluster model for distributed setups, load balancing and High-Availability installations. Secured by SSL x509 certificates, supporting IPv4 and IPv6.

  • High Performance

Multithreaded and scalable for small embedded systems as well as large scale environments. Running checks every second - not an issue anymore.

Enable only the features required for the local installation. Using Icinga Web 2 and requiring DB IDO, but no status data? No problem, just enable ido-mysql and disable statusdata. Another example: Graphite should be enabled on a dedicated cluster node. Enable it over there and point it to the carbon cache socket.

Next to the Icinga 1.x status and log files and the IDO database backend the commonly used Livestatus protocol is available with Icinga 2. Either as unix or tcp socket.

Icinga 2 still supports writing performance data files for graphing addons, but also adds the capability of writing performance data directly onto a Graphite tcp socket simplifying realtime monitoring graphs.

  • Dynamic configuration language

Simple apply and assign rules for creating configuration object relationships based on patterns. Supported with duration literals for interval attributes, expression operators, function calls for pattern and regex matching and (global) constants. Sample configuration for common plugins is shipped with Icinga 2 as part of the Icinga Template Library.

  • Revamped Commands

One command to rule them all - supporting optional and conditional command arguments. Environment variables exported on-demand populated with runtime evaluated macros. Three types of commands used for different actions: checks, notifications and events. Check timeout for commands instead of a global option. Command custom attributes allowing you to specify default values for the command.

  • Custom Runtime Macros

Access custom attributes with their short name, for example mysql_user, or any object attribute, for example host.notes. Additional macros with runtime and statistic information are available as well. Use these runtime macros in the command line, environment variables and custom attribute assignments.

  • Notifications simplified

Multiple notifications for one host or service with existing users and notification commands. No more duplicated contacts for different notification types. Telling notification filters by state and type, even more fine-grained than Icinga 1.x. Escalation notifications and delayed notifications are just notifications with additional begin and/or end time attribute.

  • Dependencies between Hosts and Services

Classic dependencies between host and parent hosts, and services and parent services work the same way as "mixed" dependencies from a service to a parent host and vice versa. Host checks depending on an upstream link port (as service) are not a problem anymore. No more additional parents settings - host dependencies already define the host parent relationship required for network reachability calculations.

Forget the external cronjob scheduling downtimes on-demand. Configure them right away as Icinga 2 configuration objects and set their active time window.

  • Embedded Health Checks

No more external statistic tool but an instance and cluster health check providing direct statistics as performance data for your graphing addon, for example Graphite.

  • Compatibility with Icinga 1.x

All known interfaces are optional available: status files, logs, DB IDO MySQL/PostgreSQL, performance data, external command pipe and for migration reasons a checkresult file reader too. All Monitoring Plugins can be integrated into Icinga 2 with newly created check command configuration if not already provided. Configuration migration is possible through the Icinga Web 2 CLI tool. Additional information on the differences is documented in the migration chapter.

Used for demo cases and development tests. Get Icinga 2 running within minutes and spread the #monitoringlove to your friends and partners.