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Alternative Frontends

Setting up Icinga Classic UI 1.x

Icinga 2 can write status.dat and objects.cache files in the format that is supported by the Icinga 1.x Classic UI. External commands (a.k.a. the "command pipe") are also supported. It also supports writing Icinga 1.x log files which are required for the reporting functionality in the Classic UI.

Installing Icinga Classic UI 1.x

The Icinga package repository has both Debian and RPM packages. You can install the Classic UI using the following packages:

Distribution Packages
Debian icinga2-classicui
RHEL/SUSE icinga2-classicui-config icinga-gui

The Debian packages require additional packages which are provided by the Debian Monitoring Project (debmon) repository.

libjs-jquery-ui requires at least version 1.10.* which is not available in Debian 7 (Wheezy) and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise). Add the following repositories to satisfy this dependency:

Distribution Package Repositories
Debian Wheezy wheezy-backports or debmon
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) Icinga PPA

On all distributions other than Debian you may have to restart both your web server as well as Icinga 2 after installing the Classic UI package.

Icinga Classic UI requires the StatusDataWriter, CompatLogger and ExternalCommandListener features. Enable these features and restart Icinga 2.

# icinga2 feature enable statusdata compatlog command

In order for commands to work you will need to setup the external command pipe.

Setting Up Icinga Classic UI 1.x Summary

Verify that your Icinga 1.x Classic UI works by browsing to your Classic UI installation URL:

Distribution URL Default Login
Debian http://localhost/icinga2-classicui asked during installation
all others http://localhost/icinga icingaadmin/icingaadmin

For further information on configuration, troubleshooting and interface documentation please check the official Icinga 1.x user interface documentation.

Setting up Icinga Web 1.x

Icinga 2 can write to the same schema supplied by Icinga IDOUtils 1.x which is an explicit requirement to run Icinga Web next to the external command pipe. Therefore you need to setup the DB IDO feature remarked in the previous sections.

Installing Icinga Web 1.x

The Icinga package repository has both Debian and RPM packages. You can install Icinga Web using the following packages:

Distribution Packages
RHEL/SUSE icinga-web icinga-web-{mysql,pgsql}
Debian icinga-web icinga-web-config-icinga2-ido-{mysql,pgsql}

Icinga Web 1.x on RPM based systems

Additionally you need to setup the icinga_web database and import the database schema. Details can be found in the package README files, for example README.RHEL

The Icinga Web RPM packages install the schema files into /usr/share/doc/icinga-web-*/schema (* means package version).

On SuSE-based distributions the schema files are installed in /usr/share/doc/packages/icinga-web/schema.

Example for RHEL and MySQL:

# mysql -u root -p

mysql> CREATE DATABASE icinga_web;
       GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, CREATE VIEW, INDEX, EXECUTE ON icinga_web.* TO 'icinga_web'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'icinga_web';

# mysql -u root -p icinga_web <  /usr/share/doc/icinga-web-<version>/schema/mysql.sql

Icinga Web requires the IDO feature as database backend using MySQL or PostgreSQL. Enable that feature, e.g. for MySQL.

# icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql

If you've changed your default credentials you may either create a read-only user or use the credentials defined in the IDO feature for Icinga Web backend configuration. Edit databases.xml accordingly and clear the cache afterwards. Further details can be found in the Icinga Web documentation.

# vim /etc/icinga-web/conf.d/databases.xml

# icinga-web-clearcache

Additionally you need to enable the command feature for sending external commands:

# icinga2 feature enable command

In order for commands to work you will need to setup the external command pipe.

Then edit the Icinga Web configuration for sending commands in /etc/icinga-web/conf.d/access.xml (RHEL) or /etc/icinga-web/access.xml (SUSE) setting the command pipe path to the default used in Icinga 2. Make sure to clear the cache afterwards.

# vim /etc/icinga-web/conf.d/access.xml

                    <resource name="icinga_pipe">/var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd</resource>

# icinga-web-clearcache


The path to the Icinga Web clearcache script may differ. Please check the Icinga Web documentation for details.

Icinga Web on Debian systems

Since Icinga Web 1.11.1-2 the IDO auto-configuration has been moved into additional packages on Debian and Ubuntu.

The package icinga-web no longer configures the IDO connection. You must now use one of the config packages:

  • icinga-web-config-icinga2-ido-mysql
  • icinga-web-config-icinga2-ido-pgsql

These packages take care of setting up the DB IDO configuration, enabling the external command pipe for Icinga Web and depend on the corresponding packages of Icinga 2.

Please read the README.Debian files for details and advanced configuration:

  • /usr/share/doc/icinga-web/README.Debian
  • /usr/share/doc/icinga-web-config-icinga2-ido-mysql/README.Debian
  • /usr/share/doc/icinga-web-config-icinga2-ido-pgsql/README.Debian

When changing Icinga Web configuration files make sure to clear the config cache:

# /usr/lib/icinga-web/bin/clearcache.sh


If you are using an older version of Icinga Web, install it like this and adapt the configuration manually as shown in the RPM notes:

apt-get install --no-install-recommends icinga-web

Setting Up Icinga Web 1.x Summary

Verify that your Icinga 1.x Web works by browsing to your Web installation URL:

Distribution URL Default Login
Debian http://localhost/icinga-web asked during installation
all others http://localhost/icinga-web root/password

For further information on configuration, troubleshooting and interface documentation please check the official Icinga 1.x user interface documentation.