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Vagrant Demo VM

The Icinga 2 Git repository contains support for Vagrant with VirtualBox. In order to build the Vagrant VM first you will have to check out the Git repository:

$ git clone git://git.icinga.org/icinga2.git

Once you have checked out the Git repository you can build the VM using the following command:

$ vagrant up


Vagrant and VirtualBox are available for various distributions. Please note that Vagrant version 1.0.x is not supported. At least version 1.2.x is required to be installed (for example from http://downloads.vagrantup.com).

The Vagrant VM is based on CentOS 6.4 and uses the official Icinga 2 RPM packages from packages.icinga.org. The check plugins are installed from EPEL providing RPMs with sources from the Monitoring Plugins project.

SSH login is available using vagrant ssh.

Vagrant Demo GUIs

In addition to installing Icinga 2 the Vagrant puppet modules also install the Icinga 1.x Classic UI and Icinga Web.

GUI Url Credentials
Classic UI http://localhost:8080/icinga icingaadmin/icingaadmin
Icinga Web http://localhost:8080/icinga-web root/password

Vagrant on Windows

You need to install VirtualBox next to Vagrant for Windows. For SSH access you need to install Git for Windows too.

Either download and extract the Icinga 2 tarball (or git archive) or clone the git repository using your preferred git gui.

Open the Windows command prompt (cmd+R) and change the directory to your Icinga 2 directory containing the Vagrantfile file and start the Vagrant box.

c:> cd C:\Users\admin\icinga2
c:> vagrant up


If SSH access is not working, you may need to add the Git binary path to the system path.

c:> set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
c:> vagrant ssh

For manual SSH access using Putty you'll need the following default credentials:

Name Value
port 2222
connection type ssh
username vagrant
password vagrant