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Running Icinga

Init Script

Icinga 2's init script is installed in /etc/init.d/icinga2 by default:

# /etc/init.d/icinga2
Usage: /etc/init.d/icinga2 {start|stop|restart|reload|checkconfig|status}


The start action starts the Icinga 2 daemon.


The stop action stops the Icinga 2 daemon.


The restart action is a shortcut for running the stop action followed by start.


The reload action sends the HUP signal to Icinga 2 which causes it to restart. Unlike the restart action reload does not wait until Icinga 2 has restarted.


The checkconfig action checks if the /etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf configuration file contains any errors.


The status action checks if Icinga 2 is running:

$ /etc/init.d/icinga2 status
Icinga 2 status: Running

Command-line Options

$ icinga2 --help
icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon.

Supported options:
  --help                show this help message
  -V [ --version ]      show version information
  -l [ --library ] arg  load a library
  -I [ --include ] arg  add include search directory
  -c [ --config ] arg   parse a configuration file
  -C [ --validate ]     exit after validating the configuration
  -x [ --debug ]        enable debugging
  -d [ --daemonize ]    detach from the controlling terminal
  -e [ --errorlog ] arg log fatal errors to the specified log file (only works
                        in combination with --daemonize)
  -u [ --user ] arg     user to run Icinga as
  -g [ --group ] arg    group to run Icinga as

Report bugs at <https://dev.icinga.org/>
Icinga home page: <http://www.icinga.org/>


Instead of loading libraries using the library config directive you can also use the --library command-line option.

Config Include Path

When including files you can specify that the include search path should be checked. You can do this by putting your config file name in angle brackets like this:

include <test.conf>

This would cause Icinga 2 to search its include path for the configuration file test.conf. By default the installation path for the Icinga Template Library is the only search directory.

Using the --include command-line option additional search directories can be added.

Config Files

Using the --config option you can specify one or more config files. Config files are processed in the order they're specified on the command-line.

Config Validation

The --validate option can be used to check if your configuration files contain errors. If any errors are found the exit status is 1, otherwise 0 is returned.

Enabling/Disabling Features

Icinga 2 provides configuration files for some commonly used features. These are installed in the /etc/icinga2/features-available directory and can be enabled and disabled using the i2enfeature and i2disfeature tools, respectively.

The i2enfeature tool creates symlinks in the /etc/icinga2/features-enabled directory which is included by default in the example configuration file.

You can view a list of available feature configuration files:

# i2enfeature
Syntax: i2enfeature <feature>
Enables the specified feature.

Available features: compat

Using the i2enfeature command you can enable features:

# i2enfeature compat
Module 'compat' was enabled.
Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.

You can disable features using the i2disfeature command:

# i2disfeature compat
Module 'compat' was disabled.
Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.


The i2enfeature and i2disfeature commands do not restart Icinga 2.