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The MK Livestatus project implements a query protocol that lets users query their Icinga instance for status information. It can also be used to send commands.


Only install the Livestatus feature if your web interface or addon requires you to do so (for example, Icinga Web 2). Icinga Classic UI and Icinga Web do not use Livestatus as backend.

The Livestatus component that is distributed as part of Icinga 2 is a re-implementation of the Livestatus protocol which is compatible with MK Livestatus.

Details on the available tables and attributes with Icinga 2 can be found in the Livestatus Schema section.

You can enable Livestatus using icinga2 feature enable:

# icinga2 feature enable livestatus

After that you will have to restart Icinga 2:

Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS 6 and SUSE:

# service icinga2 restart

RHEL/CentOS 7 and Fedora:

# systemctl restart icinga2

By default the Livestatus socket is available in /var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus.

In order for queries and commands to work you will need to add your query user (e.g. your web server) to the icingacmd group:

# usermod -a -G icingacmd www-data

The Debian packages use nagios as the user and group name. Make sure to change icingacmd to nagios if you're using Debian.

Change www-data to the user you're using to run queries.

In order to use the historical tables provided by the livestatus feature (for example, the log table) you need to have the CompatLogger feature enabled. By default these logs are expected to be in /var/log/icinga2/compat. A different path can be set using the compat_log_path configuration attribute.

# icinga2 feature enable compatlog

Livestatus Sockets

Other to the Icinga 1.x Addon, Icinga 2 supports two socket types

  • Unix socket (default)
  • TCP socket

Details on the configuration can be found in the LivestatusListener object configuration.

Livestatus GET Queries


All Livestatus queries require an additional empty line as query end identifier. The nc tool (netcat) provides the -U parameter to communicate using a unix socket.

There also is a Perl module available in CPAN for accessing the Livestatus socket programmatically: Monitoring::Livestatus

Example using the unix socket:

# echo -e "GET services\n" | /usr/bin/nc -U /var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus

Example using the tcp socket listening on port 6558:

# echo -e 'GET services\n' | netcat 6558

# cat servicegroups <<EOF
GET servicegroups


(cat servicegroups; sleep 1) | netcat 6558

Livestatus COMMAND Queries

A list of available external commands and their parameters can be found here

$ echo -e 'COMMAND <externalcommandstring>' | netcat 6558

Livestatus Filters

and, or, negate

Operator | Negate | Description ----------|------------------------ = | != | Equality ~ | !~ | Regex match =~ | !=~ | Equality ignoring case ~~ | !~~ | Regex ignoring case < | | Less than

   |          | Greater than

<= | | Less than or equal

= | | Greater than or equal

Livestatus Stats

Schema: "Stats: aggregatefunction aggregateattribute"

Aggregate Function Description
avg sum / count
std standard deviation
suminv sum (1 / value)
avginv suminv / count
count ordinary default for any stats query if not aggregate function defined


GET hosts
Filter: has_been_checked = 1
Filter: check_type = 0
Stats: sum execution_time
Stats: sum latency
Stats: sum percent_state_change
Stats: min execution_time
Stats: min latency
Stats: min percent_state_change
Stats: max execution_time
Stats: max latency
Stats: max percent_state_change
OutputFormat: json
ResponseHeader: fixed16

Livestatus Output

  • CSV

CSV output uses two levels of array separators: The members array separator is a comma (1st level) while extra info and host|service relation separator is a pipe (2nd level).

Separators can be set using ASCII codes like:

Separators: 10 59 44 124
  • JSON

Default separators.

Livestatus Error Codes

Code Description
200 OK
404 Table does not exist
452 Exception on query

Livestatus Tables

Table Join Description
hosts   host config and status attributes, services counter
hostgroups   hostgroup config, status attributes and host/service counters
services hosts service config and status attributes
servicegroups   servicegroup config, status attributes and service counters
contacts   contact config and status attributes
contactgroups   contact config, members
commands   command name and line
status   programstatus, config and stats
comments services status attributes
downtimes services status attributes
timeperiods   name and is inside flag
endpoints   config and status attributes
log services, hosts, contacts, commands parses compatlog and shows log attributes
statehist hosts, services parses compatlog and aggregates state change attributes
hostsbygroup hostgroups host attributes grouped by hostgroup and its attributes
servicesbygroup servicegroups service attributes grouped by servicegroup and its attributes
servicesbyhostgroup hostgroups service attributes grouped by hostgroup and its attributes

The commands table is populated with CheckCommand, EventCommand and NotificationCommand objects.

A detailed list on the available table attributes can be found in the Livestatus Schema documentation.