
37 KiB

Object Types


A host.


Unlike in Icinga 1.x hosts are not checkable objects in Icinga 2. Instead hosts inherit their state from the service that is specified using the check attribute.


object Host "localhost" {
  display_name = "The best host there is",

  groups = [ "all-hosts" ],

  services["ping"] = {
    templates = [ "ping" ]

  check = "ping"


Name Description
display_name Optional. A short description of the host.
check Optional. A service that is used to determine whether the host is up or down. This must be a service short name of a service that belongs to the host.
groups Optional. A list of host groups this host belongs to.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this host.


A group of hosts.


object HostGroup "my-hosts" {
  display_name = "My hosts",


Name Description
display_name Optional. A short description of the host group.


Service objects describe network services and how they should be checked by Icinga 2.

Best Practice

Rather than creating a Service object for a specific host it is usually easier to just create a Service template and use the apply keyword to assign the service to a number of hosts.


object Service "localhost-uptime" {
  host = "localhost",
  short_name = "uptime",

  display_name = "localhost Uptime",

  check_command = "check_snmp",

  macros = {
    community = "public",
    oid = "DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance"

  check_interval = 60s,
  retry_interval = 15s,

  groups = [ "all-services", "snmp" ],


Name Description
host Required. The host this service belongs to. There must be a Host object with that name.
short_name Required. The service name. Must be unique on a per-host basis (Similar to the service_description attribute in Icinga 1.x).
display_name Optional. A short description of the service.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this host.
check_command Required. The name of the check command.
max_check_attempts Optional. The number of times a service is re-checked before changing into a hard state. Defaults to 3.
check_period Optional. The name of a time period which determines when this service should be checked. Not set by default.
check_interval Optional. The check interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a HARD state. Defaults to 5 minutes.
retry_interval Optional. The retry interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a SOFT state. Defaults to 1 minute.
enable_notifications Optional. Whether notifications are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable_active_checks Optional. Whether active checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable_passive_checks Optional. Whether passive checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable_event_handler Optional. Enables event handlers for this service. Defaults to true.
enable_flap_detection Optional. Whether flap detection is enabled. Defaults to true.
enable_perfdata Optional. Whether performance data processing is enabled. Defaults to true.
event_command Optional. The name of an event command that should be executed every time the service's state changes.
flapping_threshold Optional. The flapping threshold in percent when a service is considered to be flapping.
volatile Optional. The volatile setting enables always HARD state types if NOT-OK state changes occur.
groups Optional. The service groups this service belongs to.
authorities Optional. A list of Endpoints on which this service check will be executed in a cluster scenario.
domains Optional. A list of Domains for this service object in a cluster scenario.


A group of services.


object ServiceGroup "snmp" {
  display_name = "SNMP services",


Name Description
display_name Optional. A short description of the service group.


Notification objects are used to specify how users should be notified in case of service state changes and other events.

Best Practice

Rather than creating a Notification object for a specific service it is usually easier to just create a Notification template and use the apply keyword to assign the notification to a number of services.


object Notification "localhost-ping-notification" {
  host = "localhost",
  service = "ping4",

  notification_command = "mail-notification",

  users = [ "user1", "user2" ]


Name Description
host Required. The name of the host this notification belongs to.
service Required. The short name of the service this notification belongs to.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this notification object.
users Optional. A list of user names who should be notified.
user_groups Optional. A list of user group names who should be notified.
times Optional. A dictionary containing begin and end attributes for the notification.
notification_command Required. The name of the notification command which should be executed when the notification is triggered.
notification_interval Optional. The notification interval (in seconds). This interval is used for active notifications. Defaults to 5 minutes.
notification_period Optional. The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
notification_type_filter Optional. A set of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
notification_state_filter Optional. A set of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.

Available notification type and state filters:




In order to notify on problem states, you will need the type filter NotificationFilterProblem.


Dependency objects are used to specify dependencies between hosts and services.

Best Practice

Rather than creating a Dependency object for a specific service it is usually easier to just create a Dependency template and use the apply keyword to assign the dependency to a number of services.


object Dependency "webserver-internet" {
  child_host = "webserver",
  child_service = "ping4",

  parent_host = "internet",
  parent_service = "ping4",

  state_filter = StateFilterOK,

  disable_checks = true


Name Description
parent_host Required. The parent host.
parent_service Optional. The parent service. When not specified the host's check service is used.
child_host Required. The child host.
child_service Optional. The child service. When not specified the host's check service is used.
disable_checks Optional. Whether to disable checks when this dependency fails. Defaults to false.
disable_notifications Optional. Whether to disable notifications when this dependency fails. Defaults to true.
period Optional. Time period during which this dependency is enabled.
state_filter Optional. A set of type filters when this dependency should be OK. Defaults to StateFilterOK | StateFilterWarning.

Available state filters:



A user.


object User "icingaadmin" {
  display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin",
  groups = [ "icingaadmins" ],

  enable_notifications = 1,
  notification_period = "24x7",

  notification_state_filter = StateFilterOK |
                              StateFilterWarning |
                              StateFilterCritical |
  notification_type_filter = NotificationFilterProblem |
  macros = {
    "name" = "Icinga 2 Admin",
    "email" = "icinga@localhost",
    "pager" = "icingaadmin@localhost.localdomain"

  custom = {
    notes = "This is the Icinga 2 Admin account.",

Available notification type and state filters:




In order to notify on problem states, you will need the type filter NotificationFilterProblem. Recovery notifications require the state filter StateFilterOK.


Name Description
display_name Optional. A short description of the user.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this user.
custom Optional. A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this user.
groups Optional. An array of group names.
enable_notifications Optional. Whether notifications are enabled for this user.
notification_period Optional. The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
notification_type_filter Optional. A set of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
notification_state_filter Optional. A set of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.


A user group.


object UserGroup "icingaadmins" {
    display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin Group"


Name Description
display_name Optional. A short description of the user group.


Time periods can be used to specify when services should be checked or to limit when notifications should be sent out.


object TimePeriod "24x7" {
  import "legacy-timeperiod",

  display_name = "Icinga 2 24x7 TimePeriod",
  ranges = {
    "monday"    = "00:00-24:00",
    "tuesday"   = "00:00-24:00",
    "wednesday" = "00:00-24:00",
    "thursday"  = "00:00-24:00",
    "friday"    = "00:00-24:00",
    "saturday"  = "00:00-24:00",
    "sunday"    = "00:00-24:00",


Name Description
display_name Optional. A short description of the time period.
methods Required. The "update" script method takes care of updating the internal representation of the time period. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "legacy-timeperiod" template to take care of this setting.
ranges Required. A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.

The /etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf file is usually used to define timeperiods including this one.


ScheduledDowntime objects can be used to set up recurring downtimes for services.

Best Practice

Rather than creating a ScheduledDowntime object for a specific service it is usually easier to just create a ScheduledDowntime template and use the apply keyword to assign the scheduled downtime to a number of services.


object ScheduledDowntime "some-downtime" {
  host = "localhost",
  service = "ping4",

  author = "icingaadmin",
  comment = "Some comment",

  fixed = false,
  duration = 30m,

  ranges = {
    "sunday" = "02:00-03:00"


Name Description
host Required. The name of the host this notification belongs to.
service Required. The short name of the service this notification belongs to.
author Required. The author of the downtime.
comment Required. A comment for the downtime.
fixed Optional. Whether this is a fixed downtime. Defaults to true.
duration Optional. How long the downtime lasts. Only has an effect for flexible (non-fixed) downtimes.
ranges Required. A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.


Specifies Icinga 2 logging to a file.


object FileLogger "my-debug-file" {
  severity = "debug",
  path = "/var/log/icinga2/icinga2-debug.log"


Name Description
path Required. The log path.
severity Optional. The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".


Specifies Icinga 2 logging to syslog.


object SyslogLogger "my-crit-syslog" {
  severity = "critical"


Name Description
severity Optional. The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".


A check command definition. Additional default command macros can be defined here.


object CheckCommand "check_snmp" {
  import "plugin-check-command",

  command = "$plugindir$/check_snmp -H $address$ -C $community$ -o $oid$",

  macros = {
    address = "",
    community = "public",


Name Description
methods Required. The "execute" script method takes care of executing the check. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "plugin-check-command" template to take care of this setting.
command Required. The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
export_macros Optional. A list of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
escape_macros Optional. A list of macros which should be shell-escaped in the command.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this command.
timeout Optional. The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.


A notification command definition.


object NotificationCommand "mail-service-notification" {
  import "plugin-notification-command",

  command = [ IcingaSysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/mail-notification.sh" ],

  export_macros = [


Name Description
methods Required. The "execute" script method takes care of executing the notification. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "plugin-notification-command" template to take care of this setting.
command Required. The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
export_macros Optional. A list of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
escape_macros Optional. A list of macros which should be shell-escaped in the command.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this command.
timeout Optional. The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.


An event command definition.


Similar to Icinga 1.x event handlers.


object EventCommand "restart-httpd-event" {
  import "plugin-event-command",

  command = "/opt/bin/restart-httpd.sh",


Name Description
methods Required. The "execute" script method takes care of executing the event handler. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "plugin-event-command" template to take care of this setting.
command Required. The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
export_macros Optional. A list of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
escape_macros Optional. A list of macros which should be shell-escaped in the command.
macros Optional. A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this command.
timeout Optional. The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.


Writes check result performance data to a defined path using macro pattern.


library "perfdata"

object PerfdataWriter "pnp" {
  perfdata_path = "/var/spool/icinga2/perfdata/service-perfdata",


  rotation_interval = 15s,


Name Description
perfdata_path Optional. Path to the service performance data file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/perfdata/perfdata".
temp_path Optional. Path to the temporary file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/tmp/perfdata".
format_template Optional. Format template for the performance data file. Defaults to a template that's suitable for use with PNP4Nagios.
rotation_interval Optional. Rotation interval for the file specified in perfdata\_path. Defaults to 30 seconds.


When rotating the performance data file the current UNIX timestamp is appended to the path specified in perfdata\_path to generate a unique filename.


Writes check result metrics and performance data to a defined Graphite Carbon host.


library "perfdata"

object GraphiteWriter "graphite" {
  host = "",
  port = 2003


Name Description
host Optional. Graphite Carbon host address. Defaults to ''.
port Optional. Graphite Carbon port. Defaults to 2003.


IDO database adapter for MySQL.


library "db_ido_mysql"

object IdoMysqlConnection "mysql-ido" {
  host = "",
  port = 3306,
  user = "icinga",
  password = "icinga",
  database = "icinga",
  table_prefix = "icinga_",
  instance_name = "icinga2",
  instance_description = "icinga2 dev instance",

  cleanup = {
    downtimehistory_age = 48h,
    logentries_age = 31d,

  categories = DbCatConfig | DbCatState


Name Description
host Optional. MySQL database host address. Defaults to "localhost".
port Optional. MySQL database port. Defaults to 3306.
user Optional. MySQL database user with read/write permission to the icinga database. Defaults to "icinga".
password Optional. MySQL database user's password. Defaults to "icinga".
database Optional. MySQL database name. Defaults to "icinga".
table_prefix Optional. MySQL database table prefix. Defaults to "icinga_".
instance_name Optional. Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to "default".
instance_description Optional. Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
cleanup Optional. Dictionary with items for historical table cleanup.
categories Optional. The types of information that should be written to the database.

Cleanup Items:

Name Description
acknowledgements_age Optional. Max age for acknowledgements table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
commenthistory_age Optional. Max age for commenthistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotifications_age Optional. Max age for contactnotifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotificationmethods_age Optional. Max age for contactnotificationmethods table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
downtimehistory_age Optional. Max age for downtimehistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
eventhandlers_age Optional. Max age for eventhandlers table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
externalcommands_age Optional. Max age for externalcommands table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
flappinghistory_age Optional. Max age for flappinghistory table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
hostchecks_age Optional. Max age for hostchecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
logentries_age Optional. Max age for logentries table rows (logentry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
notifications_age Optional. Max age for notifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
processevents_age Optional. Max age for processevents table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
statehistory_age Optional. Max age for statehistory table rows (state_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
servicechecks_age Optional. Max age for servicechecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
systemcommands_age Optional. Max age for systemcommands table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).

Data Categories:

Name Description
DbCatConfig Configuration data
DbCatState Current state data
DbCatAcknowledgement Acknowledgements
DbCatComment Comments
DbCatDowntime Downtimes
DbCatEventHandler Event handler data
DbCatExternalCommand External commands
DbCatFlapping Flap detection data
DbCatCheck Check results
DbCatLog Log messages
DbCatNotification Notifications
DbCatProgramStatus Program status data
DbCatRetention Retention data
DbCatStateHistory Historical state data

Multiple categories can be combined using the | operator. In addition to the category flags listed above the DbCatEverything flag may be used as a shortcut for listing all flags.


IDO database adapter for PostgreSQL.


library "db_ido_pgsql"

object IdoMysqlConnection "pgsql-ido" {
  host = "",
  port = 5432,
  user = "icinga",
  password = "icinga",
  database = "icinga",
  table_prefix = "icinga_",
  instance_name = "icinga2",
  instance_description = "icinga2 dev instance",

  cleanup = {
    downtimehistory_age = 48h,
    logentries_age = 31d,

  categories = DbCatConfig | DbCatState


Name Description
host Optional. PostgreSQL database host address. Defaults to "localhost".
port Optional. PostgreSQL database port. Defaults to "5432".
user Optional. PostgreSQL database user with read/write permission to the icinga database. Defaults to "icinga".
password Optional. PostgreSQL database user's password. Defaults to "icinga".
database Optional. PostgreSQL database name. Defaults to "icinga".
table_prefix Optional. PostgreSQL database table prefix. Defaults to "icinga_".
instance_name Optional. Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to "default".
instance_description Optional. Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
cleanup Optional. Dictionary with items for historical table cleanup.
categories Optional. The types of information that should be written to the database.

Cleanup Items:

Name Description
acknowledgements_age Optional. Max age for acknowledgements table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
commenthistory_age Optional. Max age for commenthistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotifications_age Optional. Max age for contactnotifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotificationmethods_age Optional. Max age for contactnotificationmethods table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
downtimehistory_age Optional. Max age for downtimehistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
eventhandlers_age Optional. Max age for eventhandlers table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
externalcommands_age Optional. Max age for externalcommands table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
flappinghistory_age Optional. Max age for flappinghistory table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
hostchecks_age Optional. Max age for hostchecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
logentries_age Optional. Max age for logentries table rows (logentry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
notifications_age Optional. Max age for notifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
processevents_age Optional. Max age for processevents table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
statehistory_age Optional. Max age for statehistory table rows (state_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
servicechecks_age Optional. Max age for servicechecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
systemcommands_age Optional. Max age for systemcommands table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).

Data Categories:

Name Description
DbCatConfig Configuration data
DbCatState Current state data
DbCatAcknowledgement Acknowledgements
DbCatComment Comments
DbCatDowntime Downtimes
DbCatEventHandler Event handler data
DbCatExternalCommand External commands
DbCatFlapping Flap detection data
DbCatCheck Check results
DbCatLog Log messages
DbCatNotification Notifications
DbCatProgramStatus Program status data
DbCatRetention Retention data
DbCatStateHistory Historical state data

Multiple categories can be combined using the | operator. In addition to the category flags listed above the DbCatEverything flag may be used as a shortcut for listing all flags.


Livestatus API interface available as TCP or UNIX socket. Historical table queries require the CompatLogger feature enabled pointing to the log files using the compat_log_path configuration attribute.


library "livestatus"

object LivestatusListener "livestatus-tcp" {
  socket_type = "tcp",
  bind_host = "",
  bind_port = "6558"

object LivestatusListener "livestatus-unix" {
  socket_type = "unix",
  socket_path = "/var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus"


Name Description
socket_type Optional. Specifies the socket type. Can be either "tcp" or "unix". Defaults to "unix".
bind_host Optional. Only valid when socket_type is "tcp". Host address to listen on for connections. Defaults to "".
bind_port Optional. Only valid when socket\_type is "tcp". Port to listen on for connections. Defaults to 6558.
socket_path Optional. Only valid when socket\_type is "unix". Specifies the path to the UNIX socket file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus".
compat_log_path Optional. Required for historical table queries. Requires CompatLogger feature enabled. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/compat"


UNIX sockets are not supported on Windows.


Periodically writes status data files which are used by the Classic UI and other third-party tools.


library "compat"

object StatusDataWriter "status" {
    status\_path = "/var/cache/icinga2/status.dat",
    objects\_path = "/var/cache/icinga2/objects.path",
    update\_interval = 30s


Name Description
status_path Optional. Path to the status.dat file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/cache/icinga2/status.dat".
objects_path Optional. Path to the objects.cache file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/cache/icinga2/objects.cache".
update_interval Optional. The interval in which the status files are updated. Defaults to 15 seconds.


Implements the Icinga 1.x command pipe which can be used to send commands to Icinga.


library "compat"

object ExternalCommandListener "external" {
    command\_path = "/var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd"


Name Description
command_path Optional. Path to the command pipe. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd".


Writes log files in a format that's compatible with Icinga 1.x.


library "compat"

object CompatLogger "my-log" {
  log\_dir = "/var/log/icinga2/compat",
  rotation\_method = "HOURLY"


Name Description
log_dir Optional. Path to the compat log directory. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/compat".
rotation_method Optional. Specifies when to rotate log files. Can be one of "HOURLY", "DAILY", "WEEKLY" or "MONTHLY". Defaults to "HOURLY".


Reads Icinga 1.x check results from a directory. This functionality is provided to help existing Icinga 1.x users and might be useful for certain cluster scenarios.


library "compat"

object CheckResultReader "reader" {
  spool_dir = "/data/check-results"


Name Description
spool_dir Optional. The directory which contains the check result files. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/lib/icinga2/spool/checkresults/".


The checker component is responsible for scheduling active checks. There are no configurable options.


library "checker"

object CheckerComponent "checker" { }


The notification component is responsible for sending notifications. There are no configurable options.


library "notification"

object NotificationComponent "notification" { }


The IcingaStatusWriter feature periodically dumps the current status and performance data from Icinga 2 and all registered features into a defined JSON file.


object IcingaStatusWriter "status" {
  status_path = IcingaLocalStateDir + "/cache/icinga2/status.json",
  update_interval = 15s


Name Description
status_path Optional. Path to cluster status file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/cache/icinga2/status.json"
update_interval Optional. The interval in which the status files are updated. Defaults to 15 seconds.


ClusterListener objects are used to specify remote cluster node peers and the certificate files used for ssl authorization.


library "cluster"

object ClusterListener "cluster" {
  ca_path = "/etc/icinga2/ca/ca.crt",
  cert_path = "/etc/icinga2/ca/icinga-node-1.crt",
  key_path = "/etc/icinga2/ca/icinga-node-1.key",

  bind_port = 8888,

  peers = [ "icinga-node-2" ]


Name Description
cert_path Required. Path to the public key.
key_path Required. Path to the private key.
ca_path Required. Path to the CA certificate file.
crl_path Optional. Path to the CRL file.
bind_host Optional. The IP address the cluster listener should be bound to.
bind_port Optional. The port the cluster listener should be bound to.
peers Optional. A list of


Endpoint objects are used to specify connection information for remote Icinga 2 instances.


library "cluster"

object Endpoint "icinga-c2" {
  host = "",
  port = 7777,

  config_files = [ "/etc/icinga2/cluster.d/*" ],

  config_files_recursive = [
    { path = "/etc/icinga2/cluster3", pattern = "*.myconf" }


Name Description
host Required. The hostname/IP address of the remote Icinga 2 instance.
port Required. The service name/port of the remote Icinga 2 instance.
config_files Optional. A list of configuration files sent to remote peers (wildcards possible).
config_files_recursive Optional. A list of configuration files sent to remote peers. Array elements can either be a string (in which case all files in that directory matching the pattern *.conf are included) or a dictionary with elements "path" and "pattern".
accept_config Optional. A list of endpoint names from which this endpoint accepts configuration files.


A Service object can be restricted using the domains attribute array specifying endpoint privileges.

A Domain object specifices the ACLs applied for each Endpoint.


object Domain "dmz-1" {
  acl = {
    node1 = DomainPrivCheckResult,
    node2 = DomainPrivReadWrite


Name Description
acl Required. Dictionary with items for Domain ACLs.

Domain ACLs:

Name Description
DomainPrivRead Endpoint reads local messages and relays them to remote nodes.
DomainPrivCheckResult Endpoint accepts check result messages from remote nodes.
DomainPrivCommand Endpoint accepts command messages from remote nodes.
DomainPrevReadOnly Equivalent to DomainPrivRead.
DomainPrivReadWrite Equivalent to DomainPrivRead | DomainPrivCheckResult | DomainPrivCommand.