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Macros may be used in command definitions to dynamically change how the command is executed.

Here is an example of a command definition which uses user-defined macros:

object CheckCommand "my-ping" inherits "plugin-check-command" {
  command = [
    "-H", "$address$",
    "-w", "$wrta$,$wpl$%",
    "-c", "$crta$,$cpl$%",
    "-p", "$packets$",
    "-t", "$timeout$"

  macros = {
    wrta = 100,
    wpl = 5,

    crta = 200,
    cpl = 15,

    packets = 5,
    timeout = 0


If you have previously used Icinga 1.x you may already be familiar with user and argument macros (e.g., USER1 or ARG1). Unlike in Icinga 1.x macros may have arbitrary names and arguments are no longer specified in the check_command setting.

Macro names must be enclosed in two * signs, e.g. *$plugindir. When executing commands Icinga 2 checks the following objects in this order to look up macros:

  1. User object (only for notifications)
  2. Service object
  3. Host object
  4. Command object
  5. Global macros in the IcingaMacros variable

This execution order allows you to define default values for macros in your command objects. The my-ping command shown above uses this to set default values for some of the latency thresholds and timeouts.

When using the my-ping command you can override all or some of the macros in the service definition like this:

object Host "my-server1" {
  services["ping"] = {
    check_command = "my-ping",

    macros["packets"] = 10 // Overrides the default value of 5 given in the command

  macros["address"] = ""

If a macro isn't defined anywhere an empty value is used and a warning is emitted to the Icinga 2 log.


Macros in capital letters (e.g. HOSTNAME) are reserved for use by Icinga 2 and should not be overwritten by users.

By convention every host should have an address macro. Hosts which have an IPv6 address should also have an address6 macro.

The plugindir macro should be set to the path of your check plugins. The /etc/icinga2/conf.d/macros.conf file is usually used to define global macros including this one.

Host Macros

The following host macros are available in all commands that are executed for hosts or services:

Name Description
HOSTNAME The name of the host object.
HOSTDISPLAYNAME The value of the display_name attribute.
HOSTALIAS This is an alias for the HOSTDISPLAYNAME macro.
HOSTSTATE The host's current state. Can be one of UNREACHABLE, UP and DOWN.
HOSTSTATEID The host's current state. Can be one of 0 (up), 1 (down) and 2 (unreachable).
HOSTSTATETYPE The host's current state type. Can be one of SOFT and HARD.
HOSTATTEMPT The current check attempt number.
MAXHOSTATTEMPT The maximum number of checks which are executed before changing to a hard state.
LASTHOSTSTATE The host's previous state. Can be one of UNREACHABLE, UP and DOWN.
LASTHOSTSTATEID The host's previous state. Can be one of 0 (up), 1 (down) and 2 (unreachable).
LASTHOSTSTATETYPE The host's previous state type. Can be one of SOFT and HARD.
HOSTLATENCY The host's check latency.
HOSTEXECUTIONTIME The host's check execution time.
HOSTOUTPUT The last check's output.
HOSTPERFDATA The last check's performance data.
LASTHOSTCHECK The timestamp when the last check was executed.
HOSTADDRESS This is an alias for the address macro. If the address macro is not defined the host object's name is used instead.
HOSTADDRESS6 This is an alias for the address6 macro. If the address macro is not defined the host object's name is used instead.

Service Macros

The following service macros are available in all commands that are executed for services:

Name Description
SERVICEDESC The short name of the service object.
SERVICEDISPLAYNAME The value of the display_name attribute.
SERVICESTATE The service's current state. Can be one of OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNCHECKABLE and UNKNOWN.
SERVICESTATEID The service's current state. Can be one of 0 (ok), 1 (warning), 2 (critical), 3 (unknown) and 4 (uncheckable).
SERVICESTATETYPE The service's current state type. Can be one of SOFT and HARD.
SERVICEATTEMPT The current check attempt number.
MAXSERVICEATTEMPT The maximum number of checks which are executed before changing to a hard state.
LASTSERVICESTATE The service's previous state. Can be one of OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNCHECKABLE and UNKNOWN.
LASTSERVICESTATEID The service's previous state. Can be one of 0 (ok), 1 (warning), 2 (critical), 3 (unknown) and 4 (uncheckable).
LASTSERVICESTATETYPE The service's previous state type. Can be one of SOFT and HARD.
LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE The last state change's timestamp.
SERVICELATENCY The service's check latency.
SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME The service's check execution time.
SERVICEOUTPUT The last check's output.
SERVICEPERFDATA The last check's performance data.
LASTSERVICECHECK The timestamp when the last check was executed.

User Macros

The following service macros are available in all commands that are executed for users:

Name Description
USERNAME The name of the user object.
USERDISPLAYNAME The value of the display_name attribute.
USEREMAIL This is an alias for the email macro.
USERPAGER This is an alias for the pager macro.

Global Macros

The following macros are available in all commands:

Name Description
TIMET Current UNIX timestamp.
LONGDATETIME Current date and time including timezone information.
SHORTDATETIME Current date and time.
DATE Current date.
TIME Current time including timezone information.