
4.2 KiB

The Icinga Director REST API


Icinga Director has been designed with a REST API in mind. Most URLs you can access with your browser will also act as valid REST url endpoints.

Base Headers

All your requests MUST have a valid accept header. The only acceptable variant right now is application/json, so please always append a header as follows to your requests:

Accept: application/json


Please use HTTP authentication and any valid Icinga Web 2 user, granted enough permissions to accomplish the desired actions. The restrictions and permissions that have been assigned to web users will also be enforced for API users. In addition, the permission director/api is required for any API access.


Many REST APIs include version strings in their URLs, Icinga Director doesn't. We will try hard to not break compatibility with future versions. Sure, sooner or later we also might be forced to introduce some kind of versioning. But who knows? So we decided to not pollute our beautiful URLs with ugly extensions like /v1/.

As a developer you can trust us to not remove any existing REST url or any provided property. However, you must always be ready to accept new properties.

URL scheme and supported methods

POST director/host gives 201 on success GET director/host?name=hostname.example.com PUT director/host?name=hostname.example.com gives 200 ok on success and 304 not modified on no change DELETE director/host?name=hostname.example.com gives 200 on success

First example request with CURL

curl -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     -u 'username:password' \

Should I use HTTPS?

Sure, absolutely, no doubt. There is no, absolutely no reason to NOT use HTTPS these days. Especially not for a configuration tool allowing you to configure check commands that are going to be executed on all your servers.

Icinga Objects

Special parameters

Resolve object properties

In case you add the resolve parameter to your URL, all inherited object properties will be resolved. Such a URL could look as follows:


Retrieve all properties

Per default properties with null value are skipped when shipping a result. You can influence this behavior with the properties parameter. Just append properties=ALL to your URL:


Retrieve only specific properties

The properties parameter also allows you to specify a list of specific properties. In that case, only the given properties will be returned, even when they have no (null) value:




  "address": "",
  "check_command": null,
  "check_interval": null,
  "display_name": "pe2015 (example.com)",
  "enable_active_checks": null,
  "flapping_threshold": null,
  "groups": [ ],
  "imports": [
  "retry_interval": null,
  "vars": {
    "facts": {
      "aio_agent_build": "1.2.5",
      "aio_agent_version": "1.2.5",
      "architecture": "amd64",
      "augeas": {
        "version": "1.4.0"


    "address": "",
    "check_command": "tom_ping",
    "check_interval": "60",
    "display_name": "pe2015 (example.com)",
    "enable_active_checks": true,
    "groups": [ ],
    "imports": [
    "retry_interval": "10",
    "vars": {
      "facts": {
        "aio_agent_build": "1.2.5",
        "aio_agent_version": "1.2.5",
        "architecture": "amd64",
        "augeas": {
          "version": "1.4.0"


Return Last-Modified und ETag header? -> If-Modified-Since -> mtime? -> If-Unmodified-Since -> mtime

SHA1 sum as ETag? For PUT and DELETE: -> If-Match -> SHA1 sum as ETag?! -> If-None-Match -> SHA1 sum as ETag?!

304, 412