Determine perfdata pie color from host or service state, display zero percent piecharts, only render displayabl PieCharts with min and max values, move perfdata to piechart conversion functions into the Perfdata object.
Display generic chart titles for the whole piechart that only contain title and percentage and don't style perfdata piecharts using HTML properties.
refs #7077
refs #6200
refs #7304
Add the option to define custom renderers for menu items and implement renderers to
display all unhandled services and host in a badge in the navigation.
Especially on browsers with slow JS like IE8 iterating again and again
over all rows used to harm response rendering. Immagine a dasboard with
a total of a few hundred rows refreshing every 10 seconds while taking
3 secs to render one dashlet... it's far better right now.
refs #6417