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The INI configuration file config/resources.ini contains information about data sources that can be referenced in other configuration files. This allows you to manage all data sources at one central place, avoiding the need to edit several different files, when the information about a data source changes.


Each section in config/resources.ini represents a data source with the section name being the identifier used to reference this specific data source. Depending on the data source type, the sections define different directives. The available data source types are db, ldap, ssh and livestatus which will described in detail in the following paragraphs.


A Database resource defines a connection to a SQL databases which can contain users and groups to handle authentication and authorization, monitoring data or user preferences.

Directive Description
type db
db Database management system. In most cases mysql or pgsql.
host Connect to the database server on the given host. For using unix domain sockets, specify localhost for MySQL and the path to the unix domain socket directory for PostgreSQL.
port Port number to use. Mandatory for connections to a PostgreSQL database.
username The username to use when connecting to the server.
password The password to use when connecting to the server.
dbname The database to use.


type      = db
db        = mysql
host      =
port      = 3306
username  = icingaweb
password  = icingaweb
dbname    = icingaweb

type      = db
db        = mysql
host      = localhost
username  = icingaweb
password  = icingaweb
dbname    = icingaweb

type      = db
db        = pgsql
host      = /var/run/postgresql
port      = 5432
username  = icingaweb
password  = icingaweb
dbname    = icingaweb

### <a id="resources-configuration-ldap"></a> LDAP

A LDAP resource represents a tree in a LDAP directory. LDAP is usually used for authentication and authorization.

Directive       | Description
**type**        | `ldap`
**hostname**    | Connect to the LDAP server on the given host.
**port**        | Port number to use for the connection.
**root_dn**     | Root object of the tree, e.g. "ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org"
**bind_dn**     | The user to use when connecting to the server.
**bind_pw**     | The password to use when connecting to the server.


[ad] type = ldap hostname = localhost port = 389 root_dn = "ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org" bind_dn = "cn=admin,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org" bind_pw = admin`

### <a id="resources-configuration-ssh"></a> SSH

A SSH resource contains the information about the user and the private key location, which can be used for the key-based
ssh authentication.

Directive           | Description
**type**            | `ssh`
**user**            | The username to use when connecting to the server.
**private_key**     | The path to the private key of the user.


[ssh] type = "ssh" user = "ssh-user" private_key = "/etc/icingaweb2/ssh/ssh-user"

### <a id="resources-configuration-livestatus"></a> Livestatus

A Livestatus resource represents the location of a Livestatus socket which is used for fetching monitoring data.

Directive       | Description
**type**        | `livestatus`
**socket**      | Location of the Livestatus socket. Either a path to a local Livestatus socket or a path to a remote Livestatus socket in the format `tcp://<host>:<port>`.


[livestatus] type = livestatus socket = /var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus