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  • Apache2 with PHP >= 5.3.0 enabled
  • PHP Zend Framework
  • PHP with MySQL or PostgreSQL libraries
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL server and client software
  • Icinga 1.x or Icinga 2 as backend providers

RHEL/CentOS requires the EPEL repository enabled (which provides the php-ZendFramework package). OpenSUSE requires the server monitoring repository (which provides the php5-ZendFramework package) enabled.

configure && make

Basic installation

If you like to configurea and install icinga2-web from the command line or if you want to create packages, configure and make is the best choice for installation.

./configure && make install && make install-apache2-config

will install the application to the default target (/usr/local/icinga2-web). Also an apache configuration entry is added to your apache server, so you should restart your web server according to your systems configuration.

Installation directory

If you want to install the application to a different directory, use the --prefix flag in your configure call:

./configure --prefix=/my/target/directory


By default, icinga2-web will be installed to authenticate againts its internal database, but you can configure it to use ldap-authentication by adding the --with-ldap-authentication flag. You must provide the authentication details for your ldap server by using the --with-ldap-* flags. To see a full list of the flags, call ./configure --help

Icinga backend

The default option for icinga2web is to configure all icinga backends with the default settings (for example /usr/local/icinga/ as the icinga directory) but only enable statusdat. To use a different backend, call --with-icinga-backend= and provide ido, livestatus or statusdat as an option. To further configure your backend, take a look at the various options described in ./configure --help


It is required to set up all used Databases correctly, which basically means to create all needed user accounts and to create all database tables. You will find the installation guides for the different databases in the sections below:

IMPORTANT: Select a secure password instead of "icingaweb" and alter the config/authentication.ini accordingly.


  1. Create the user and the database

    mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE USER icingaweb@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'icingaweb'; mysql> CREATE DATABASE icingaweb; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON icingaweb.* TO icingaweb@localhost; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> quit

  2. Create all tables (You need to be in the icinga2-web folder)


RPM packages install the schema into /usr/share/doc/icingaweb-<version>/schema

bash$ mysql -u root -p icingaweb < etc/schema/accounts.mysql.sql bash$ mysql -u root -p icingaweb < etc/schema/preferences.mysql.sql


  1. Create the user and the database

    sudo su postgres psql postgres=# CREATE USER icingaweb WITH PASSWORD 'icingaweb'; postgres=# CREATE DATABASE icingaweb; postgres=# \q

  2. Enable trust authentication on localhost

Add the following lines to your pg_hba.conf (etc/postgresql/X.x/main/pg_hba.conf under debian, /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf for Redhat/Fedora) to enable trust authentication for the icingaweb user when connecting from the localhost.

local   icingaweb      icingaweb                            trust
host    icingaweb      icingaweb          trust
host    icingaweb      icingaweb      ::1/128               trust

And restart your database ('service postgresql restart' or '/etc/init.d/postgresql-X.x reload' while being root)

  1. Create all tables (You need to be in the icinga2-web folder)


RPM packages install the schema into /usr/share/doc/icingaweb-<version>/schema

bash$  psql -U icingaweb -a -f etc/schema/accounts.pgsql.sql
bash$  psql -U icingaweb -a -f etc/schema/preferences.pgsql.sql

Quick and Dirty
