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The commandtransports.ini configuration file
The commandtransports.ini defines how Icinga Web 2 accesses the command pipe of your Icinga instance in order to submit external commands. Depending on the config path (default: /etc/icingaweb2) of your Icinga Web 2 installation you can find it under ./modules/monitoring/commandtransports.ini.
You can define multiple command transports in the commandtransports.ini. Icinga Web 2 will utilize the first transport as the default for a specific Icinga instance.
Every transport starts with a section header containing its name, followed by the config directives for this transport in the standard INI-format.
Using a local command pipe
A local Icinga instance requires the following directives:
transport = local
path = /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd
When sending commands to the Icinga instance, Icinga Web 2 opens the file found on the local filesystem underneath 'path' and writes the external command to it.
Using SSH for accessing a remote command pipe
A command pipe on a remote host's filesystem can be accessed by configuring a SSH based command transport and requires the following directives:
transport = remote
path = /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd
host = example.tld
;port = 22 ; Optional. The default is 22
user = icinga
To make this example work, you'll need to permit your web-server's user public-key based access to the defined remote host so that Icinga Web 2 can connect to it and login as the defined user.
You can also make use of a dedicated SSH resource to permit access for a different user than the web-server's one. This way, you can provide a private key file on the local filesystem that is used to access the remote host.
To accomplish this, a new resource is required that is defined in your transport's configuration instead of a user:
transport = remote
path = /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd
host = example.tld
;port = 22 ; Optional. The default is 22
resource = example.tld-icinga2
The resource's configuration needs to be put into the resources.ini file:
type = ssh
user = icinga
private_key = /etc/icingaweb2/ssh/icinga
Configuring transports for different Icinga instances
If there are multiple but different Icinga instances writing to your IDO you can define which transport belongs to which Icinga instance by providing the directive 'instance'. This directive should contain the name of the Icinga instance you want to assign to the transport:
instance = icinga1 ; Optional. The default is "default"
instance = icinga2 ; Optional. The default is "default"