- catch SQL errors in LoadConfig - incremented DB Version to 14 |
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ChangeLog | ||
Adiscon LogAnalyzer, a web frontend to log data from the same folks the created rsyslog
- export: add checkbox to export full filtered history (now exports only current page)
- export: place ts into export filename (range from-to)
- BUG: "Suppress duplicated messages" doesn't work
- filter: allow to specify AFTER:n BEFORE:n (if possible/fast to implement) <- include records before and after match
- export: configure columns for file export (allow to remove unnecessary columns) <- exclude list of columns
- BUG: sometimes spinner on index page is drawn in the middle of page irrespective of it's size, but should be drawn in the middle of screen
changes 230121
- datelastx - keep for backward compatibility (for saved searches); add datelastxx
changes 230114
- fix bug: WHERE ( message LIKE '%LTE%unreachable%' ) give no result on filter page, yet works for charts, i.e. input = msg:LTE%unreachable (todo# in chart records have wrong date today merged with yesterday)
- cfg[EventEmptySearchDefaultFilter] - config to use in case filter is empty (first load)
- cfg[ExportUseTodayYesterday] - allow to export date in case today/yesterday enabled
- CFG[Default_AUTORELOAD_ID] - control default autoreload mode
- cfg[SESSION_MAXIMIZED] - control maximized mode
- filter: support "limit:int" tag - disable paging and query less than configured for page (LogStreamDB->_SQLcustomLimitHaltSearchAfter)
- filter: datelastx - handle as float number
- export: allow to EXPORT_PLAIN text format
- custom bug fixes
- fix bug: chart double adding same key into search
- allow to configure ORDER BY clause
- add custom filter to chart value redirection link if such exists
- filter: support number ranges, i.e. severity:3-6 -> where severity in (3,4,5,6)
- filter: support quoted filters, i.e. syslogtag:-="dhcp,info",-="wireless,info",-"system%,account" -> where (syslogtag <> 'dhcp,info' AND syslogtag <> 'wireless,info' AND syslogtag NOT LIKE '%system%,account%' )
- filter: support TRACE severity level;
- gui: add loglevel style colors and change color for full line;
- filter: change datelastx behaviour - use number as hours indicator, i.e. datelastx:3 is 3 hours limit
- filter: allow to OR msg, i.e. key1 &key2 |key3;
- filter: date{from,to} - allow to use today/yesterday + short time, i.e. today 1h same as 1h, yesterday 2h, since/after/before/etc.
- "Maximize view" - reloads page and resets search filter, hide toolbars with js instead
- changing "Autoreload" does the same as "Max. view"
- allow to manually configure log levels (severity) instead of using constants
- cfg[ExportCSVDelimiter,ExportCSVQuoteValues] - allow to EXPORT_PLAIN text format