2015-06-24 17:48:22 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2020-10-17 02:16:54 +02:00
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
The comments are here for explanation, it's not necessary to translate them.
2020-10-17 02:16:54 +02:00
2015-06-24 17:48:22 +02:00
<NotepadPlus >
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<Native-Langue name= "English" filename= "english.xml" version= "8.5.1" >
<Menu >
<Main >
<!-- Main Menu Entries -->
<Entries >
<Item menuId= "file" name= "&File" />
<Item menuId= "edit" name= "&Edit" />
<Item menuId= "search" name= "&Search" />
<Item menuId= "view" name= "&View" />
<Item menuId= "encoding" name= "E&ncoding" />
<Item menuId= "language" name= "&Language" />
<Item menuId= "settings" name= "Se&ttings" />
<Item menuId= "tools" name= "To&ols" />
<Item menuId= "macro" name= "&Macro" />
<Item menuId= "run" name= "&Run" />
<Item menuId= "Plugins" name= "&Plugins" />
<Item menuId= "Window" name= "&Window" />
<!-- Sub Menu Entries -->
<SubEntries >
<Item subMenuId= "file-openFolder" name= "Open Containing &Folder" />
<Item subMenuId= "file-closeMore" name= "Close &Multiple Documents" />
<Item subMenuId= "file-recentFiles" name= "&Recent Files" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-insert" name= "Insert" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-copyToClipboard" name= "Cop&y to Clipboard" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-indent" name= "&Indent" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-convertCaseTo" name= "Con&vert Case to" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-lineOperations" name= "&Line Operations" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-comment" name= "Co&mment/Uncomment" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-autoCompletion" name= "&Auto-Completion" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-eolConversion" name= "&EOL Conversion" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-blankOperations" name= "&Blank Operations" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-pasteSpecial" name= "&Paste Special" />
<Item subMenuId= "edit-onSelection" name= "&On Selection" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-markAll" name= "Style &All Occurrences of Token" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-markOne" name= "Style &One Token" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-unmarkAll" name= "Clear Style" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-jumpUp" name= "&Jump Up" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-jumpDown" name= "Jump &Down" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-copyStyledText" name= "&Copy Styled Text" />
<Item subMenuId= "search-bookmark" name= "&Bookmark" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-currentFileIn" name= "View Current File in" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-showSymbol" name= "Show Symbol" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-zoom" name= "Zoom" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-moveCloneDocument" name= "Move/Clone Current Document" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-tab" name= "Tab" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-collapseLevel" name= "Fold Level" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-uncollapseLevel" name= "Unfold Level" />
<Item subMenuId= "view-project" name= "Project" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-characterSets" name= "Character Set" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-arabic" name= "Arabic" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-baltic" name= "Baltic" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-celtic" name= "Celtic" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-cyrillic" name= "Cyrillic" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-centralEuropean" name= "Central European" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-chinese" name= "Chinese" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-easternEuropean" name= "Eastern European" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-greek" name= "Greek" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-hebrew" name= "Hebrew" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-japanese" name= "Japanese" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-korean" name= "Korean" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-northEuropean" name= "North European" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-thai" name= "Thai" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-turkish" name= "Turkish" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-westernEuropean" name= "Western European" />
<Item subMenuId= "encoding-vietnamese" name= "Vietnamese" />
<Item subMenuId= "language-userDefinedLanguage" name= "User Defined Language" />
<Item subMenuId= "settings-import" name= "Import" />
<Item subMenuId= "tools-md5" name= "MD5" />
<Item subMenuId= "tools-sha256" name= "SHA-256" />
<Item subMenuId= "window-sortby" name= "Sort By" />
<!-- all menu item -->
<Commands >
<Item id= "41001" name= "&New" />
<Item id= "41002" name= "&Open..." />
<Item id= "41019" name= "Explorer" />
<Item id= "41020" name= "cmd" />
<Item id= "41025" name= "Folder as Workspace" />
<Item id= "41003" name= "&Close" />
<Item id= "41004" name= "Clos&e All" />
<Item id= "41005" name= "Close All BUT Current Document" />
<Item id= "41009" name= "Close All to the Left" />
<Item id= "41018" name= "Close All to the Right" />
<Item id= "41024" name= "Close All Unchanged" />
<Item id= "41006" name= "&Save" />
<Item id= "41007" name= "Sav&e All" />
<Item id= "41008" name= "Save &As..." />
<Item id= "41010" name= "&Print..." />
<Item id= "1001" name= "Print No&w" />
<Item id= "41011" name= "E&xit" />
<Item id= "41012" name= "Load Sess&ion..." />
<Item id= "41013" name= "Save Sess&ion..." />
<Item id= "41014" name= "Re&load from Disk" />
<Item id= "41015" name= "Save a Cop&y As..." />
<Item id= "41016" name= "Move to Recycle &Bin" />
<Item id= "41017" name= "&Rename..." />
<Item id= "41021" name= "Restore Recent Closed File" />
<Item id= "41022" name= "Open Folder as &Workspace..." />
<Item id= "41023" name= "Open in &Default Viewer" />
<Item id= "42001" name= "Cu&t" />
<Item id= "42002" name= "&Copy" />
<Item id= "42003" name= "&Undo" />
<Item id= "42004" name= "&Redo" />
<Item id= "42005" name= "&Paste" />
<Item id= "42006" name= "&Delete" />
<Item id= "42007" name= "&Select All" />
<Item id= "42020" name= "Begin/End &Select" />
<Item id= "42089" name= "Begin/End Select in Column Mode" />
<Item id= "42084" name= "Date Time (short)" />
<Item id= "42085" name= "Date Time (long)" />
<Item id= "42086" name= "Date Time (customized)" />
<Item id= "42008" name= "Increase Line Indent" />
<Item id= "42009" name= "Decrease Line Indent" />
<Item id= "42010" name= "Duplicate Current Line" />
<Item id= "42079" name= "Remove Duplicate Lines" />
<Item id= "42077" name= "Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines" />
<Item id= "42012" name= "Split Lines" />
<Item id= "42013" name= "Join Lines" />
<Item id= "42014" name= "Move Up Current Line" />
<Item id= "42015" name= "Move Down Current Line" />
<Item id= "42059" name= "Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending" />
<Item id= "42060" name= "Sort Lines Lexicographically Descending" />
<Item id= "42080" name= "Sort Lines Lex. Ascending Ignoring Case" />
<Item id= "42081" name= "Sort Lines Lex. Descending Ignoring Case" />
<Item id= "42061" name= "Sort Lines As Integers Ascending" />
<Item id= "42062" name= "Sort Lines As Integers Descending" />
<Item id= "42063" name= "Sort Lines As Decimals (Comma) Ascending" />
<Item id= "42064" name= "Sort Lines As Decimals (Comma) Descending" />
<Item id= "42065" name= "Sort Lines As Decimals (Dot) Ascending" />
<Item id= "42066" name= "Sort Lines As Decimals (Dot) Descending" />
<Item id= "42083" name= "Reverse Line Order" />
<Item id= "42078" name= "Randomize Line Order" />
<Item id= "42016" name= "&UPPERCASE" />
<Item id= "42017" name= "&lowercase" />
<Item id= "42067" name= "&Proper Case" />
<Item id= "42068" name= "Proper Case (blend)" />
<Item id= "42069" name= "&Sentence case" />
<Item id= "42070" name= "Sentence case (blend)" />
<Item id= "42071" name= "&iNVERT cASE" />
<Item id= "42072" name= "&ranDOm CasE" />
<Item id= "42073" name= "Open File" />
<Item id= "42074" name= "Open Containing Folder in Explorer" />
<Item id= "42075" name= "Search on Internet" />
<Item id= "42076" name= "Change Search Engine..." />
<Item id= "42018" name= "Start Re&cording" />
<Item id= "42019" name= "S&top Recording" />
<Item id= "42021" name= "&Playback" />
<Item id= "42022" name= "Toggle Single Line Comment" />
<Item id= "42023" name= "Block Comment" />
<Item id= "42047" name= "Block Uncomment" />
<Item id= "42024" name= "Trim Trailing Space" />
<Item id= "42042" name= "Trim Leading Space" />
<Item id= "42043" name= "Trim Leading and Trailing Space" />
<Item id= "42044" name= "EOL to Space" />
<Item id= "42045" name= "Trim both and EOL to Space" />
<Item id= "42046" name= "TAB to Space" />
<Item id= "42054" name= "Space to TAB (All)" />
<Item id= "42053" name= "Space to TAB (Leading)" />
<Item id= "42038" name= "Paste HTML Content" />
<Item id= "42039" name= "Paste RTF Content" />
<Item id= "42048" name= "Copy Binary Content" />
<Item id= "42049" name= "Cut Binary Content" />
<Item id= "42050" name= "Paste Binary Content" />
<Item id= "42082" name= "Copy link" />
<Item id= "42037" name= "Column Mode..." />
<Item id= "42034" name= "Colum&n Editor..." />
<Item id= "42051" name= "Character &Panel" />
<Item id= "42052" name= "Clipboard &History" />
<Item id= "42025" name= "&Save Currently Recorded Macro..." />
<Item id= "42026" name= "Text Direction RTL" />
<Item id= "42027" name= "Text Direction LTR" />
<Item id= "42028" name= "&Set Read-Only" />
<Item id= "42029" name= "Copy Current File Path" />
<Item id= "42030" name= "Copy Current Filename" />
<Item id= "42031" name= "Copy Current Dir. Path" />
<Item id= "42087" name= "Copy All Filenames" />
<Item id= "42088" name= "Copy All File Paths" />
<Item id= "42032" name= "&Run a Macro Multiple Times..." />
<Item id= "42033" name= "Clear Read-Only Flag" />
<Item id= "42035" name= "Single Line Comment" />
<Item id= "42036" name= "Single Line Uncomment" />
<Item id= "42055" name= "Remove Empty Lines" />
<Item id= "42056" name= "Remove Empty Lines (Containing Blank characters)" />
<Item id= "42057" name= "Insert Blank Line Above Current" />
<Item id= "42058" name= "Insert Blank Line Below Current" />
<Item id= "43001" name= "&Find..." />
<Item id= "43002" name= "Find &Next" />
<Item id= "43003" name= "&Replace..." />
<Item id= "43004" name= "&Go to..." />
<Item id= "43005" name= "Toggle Bookmark" />
<Item id= "43006" name= "Next Bookmark" />
<Item id= "43007" name= "Previous Bookmark" />
<Item id= "43008" name= "Clear All Bookmarks" />
<Item id= "43018" name= "Cut Bookmarked Lines" />
<Item id= "43019" name= "Copy Bookmarked Lines" />
<Item id= "43020" name= "Paste to (Replace) Bookmarked Lines" />
<Item id= "43021" name= "Remove Bookmarked Lines" />
<Item id= "43051" name= "Remove Non-Bookmarked Lines" />
<Item id= "43050" name= "Inverse Bookmark" />
<Item id= "43052" name= "Find characters in rang&e..." />
<Item id= "43053" name= "Select All Between &Matching Braces" />
<Item id= "43009" name= "Go to &Matching Brace" />
<Item id= "43010" name= "Find &Previous" />
<Item id= "43011" name= "&Incremental Search" />
<Item id= "43013" name= "Find in Fi&les" />
<Item id= "43014" name= "Find (&Volatile) Next" />
<Item id= "43015" name= "Find (&Volatile) Previous" />
<Item id= "43022" name= "Using 1st Style" />
<Item id= "43023" name= "Clear 1st Style" />
<Item id= "43024" name= "Using 2nd Style" />
<Item id= "43025" name= "Clear 2nd Style" />
<Item id= "43026" name= "Using 3rd Style" />
<Item id= "43027" name= "Clear 3rd Style" />
<Item id= "43028" name= "Using 4th Style" />
<Item id= "43029" name= "Clear 4th Style" />
<Item id= "43030" name= "Using 5th Style" />
<Item id= "43031" name= "Clear 5th Style" />
<Item id= "43032" name= "Clear All Styles" />
<Item id= "43033" name= "1st style" />
<Item id= "43034" name= "2nd style" />
<Item id= "43035" name= "3rd style" />
<Item id= "43036" name= "4th style" />
<Item id= "43037" name= "5th style" />
<Item id= "43038" name= "Find Mark Style" />
<Item id= "43039" name= "1st style" />
<Item id= "43040" name= "2nd style" />
<Item id= "43041" name= "3rd style" />
<Item id= "43042" name= "4th style" />
<Item id= "43043" name= "5th style" />
<Item id= "43044" name= "Find Mark Style" />
<Item id= "43055" name= "1st Style" />
<Item id= "43056" name= "2nd Style" />
<Item id= "43057" name= "3rd Style" />
<Item id= "43058" name= "4th Style" />
<Item id= "43059" name= "5th Style" />
<Item id= "43060" name= "All Styles" />
<Item id= "43061" name= "Find Mark Style" />
<Item id= "43062" name= "Using 1st Style" />
<Item id= "43063" name= "Using 2nd Style" />
<Item id= "43064" name= "Using 3rd Style" />
<Item id= "43065" name= "Using 4th Style" />
<Item id= "43066" name= "Using 5th Style" />
<Item id= "43045" name= "Search Results &Window" />
<Item id= "43046" name= "Next Search Resul&t" />
<Item id= "43047" name= "Previous Search Resul&t" />
<Item id= "43048" name= "&Select and Find Next" />
<Item id= "43049" name= "&Select and Find Previous" />
<Item id= "43054" name= "Mar&k..." />
<Item id= "43501" name= "Close Selected" />
<Item id= "43502" name= "Close Others" />
<Item id= "43503" name= "Copy Selected Names" />
<Item id= "43504" name= "Copy Selected Pathnames" />
<Item id= "44009" name= "Post-It" />
<Item id= "44010" name= "Fold All" />
<Item id= "44011" name= "Distraction Free Mode" />
<Item id= "44019" name= "Show All Characters" />
<Item id= "44020" name= "Show Indent Guide" />
<Item id= "44022" name= "Word wrap" />
<Item id= "44023" name= "Zoom &In (Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up)" />
<Item id= "44024" name= "Zoom &Out (Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down)" />
<Item id= "44025" name= "Show Space and Tab" />
<Item id= "44026" name= "Show End of Line" />
<Item id= "44029" name= "Unfold All" />
<Item id= "44030" name= "Fold Current Level" />
<Item id= "44031" name= "Unfold Current Level" />
<Item id= "44049" name= "Summary..." />
<Item id= "44080" name= "Document Map" />
<Item id= "44070" name= "Document List" />
<Item id= "44084" name= "Function List" />
<Item id= "44085" name= "Folder as Workspace" />
<Item id= "44086" name= "1st Tab" />
<Item id= "44087" name= "2nd Tab" />
<Item id= "44088" name= "3rd Tab" />
<Item id= "44089" name= "4th Tab" />
<Item id= "44090" name= "5th Tab" />
<Item id= "44091" name= "6th Tab" />
<Item id= "44092" name= "7th Tab" />
<Item id= "44093" name= "8th Tab" />
<Item id= "44094" name= "9th Tab" />
<Item id= "44095" name= "Next Tab" />
<Item id= "44096" name= "Previous Tab" />
<Item id= "44097" name= "Monitoring (tail -f)" />
<Item id= "44098" name= "Move Tab Forward" />
<Item id= "44099" name= "Move Tab Backward" />
<Item id= "44110" name= "Remove Color" />
<Item id= "44111" name= "Apply Color 1" />
<Item id= "44112" name= "Apply Color 2" />
<Item id= "44113" name= "Apply Color 3" />
<Item id= "44114" name= "Apply Color 4" />
<Item id= "44115" name= "Apply Color 5" />
<Item id= "44130" name= "Show Non-Printing Characters" />
<Item id= "44131" name= "Show Control Characters & Unicode EOL" />
<Item id= "44032" name= "Toggle Full Screen Mode" />
<Item id= "44033" name= "Restore Default Zoom" />
<Item id= "44034" name= "Always on Top" />
<Item id= "44035" name= "Synchronise Vertical Scrolling" />
<Item id= "44036" name= "Synchronise Horizontal Scrolling" />
<Item id= "44041" name= "Show Wrap Symbol" />
<Item id= "44072" name= "Focus on Another View" />
<Item id= "44081" name= "Project Panel 1" />
<Item id= "44082" name= "Project Panel 2" />
<Item id= "44083" name= "Project Panel 3" />
<Item id= "45001" name= "Windows (CR LF)" />
<Item id= "45002" name= "Unix (LF)" />
<Item id= "45003" name= "Macintosh (CR)" />
<Item id= "45004" name= "ANSI" />
<Item id= "45005" name= "UTF-8-BOM" />
<Item id= "45006" name= "UTF-16 BE BOM" />
<Item id= "45007" name= "UTF-16 LE BOM" />
<Item id= "45008" name= "UTF-8" />
<Item id= "45009" name= "Convert to ANSI" />
<Item id= "45010" name= "Convert to UTF-8" />
<Item id= "45011" name= "Convert to UTF-8-BOM" />
<Item id= "45012" name= "Convert to UTF-16 BE BOM" />
<Item id= "45013" name= "Convert to UTF-16 LE BOM" />
<Item id= "45060" name= "Big5 (Traditional)" />
<Item id= "45061" name= "GB2312 (Simplified)" />
<Item id= "45054" name= "OEM 861: Icelandic" />
<Item id= "45057" name= "OEM 865: Nordic" />
<Item id= "45053" name= "OEM 860: Portuguese" />
<Item id= "45056" name= "OEM 863: French" />
<Item id= "10001" name= "Move to Other View" />
<Item id= "10002" name= "Clone to Other View" />
<Item id= "10003" name= "Move to New Instance" />
<Item id= "10004" name= "Open in New Instance" />
<Item id= "46001" name= "Style Configurator..." />
<Item id= "46250" name= "Define your language..." />
<Item id= "46300" name= "Open User Defined Language folder..." />
<Item id= "46301" name= "Notepad++ User Defined Languages Collection" />
<Item id= "46180" name= "User-Defined" />
<Item id= "47000" name= "About Notepad++" />
<Item id= "47010" name= "Command Line Arguments..." />
<Item id= "47001" name= "Notepad++ Home" />
<Item id= "47002" name= "Notepad++ Project Page" />
<Item id= "47003" name= "Notepad++ Online User Manual" />
<Item id= "47004" name= "Notepad++ Community (Forum)" />
<Item id= "47012" name= "Debug Info..." />
<Item id= "47005" name= "Get More Plugins" />
<Item id= "47006" name= "Update Notepad++" />
<Item id= "47009" name= "Set Updater Proxy..." />
<Item id= "48005" name= "Import plugin(s)..." />
<Item id= "48006" name= "Import style theme(s)..." />
<Item id= "48018" name= "Edit Popup ContextMenu" />
<Item id= "48009" name= "Shortcut Mapper..." />
<Item id= "48011" name= "Preferences..." />
<Item id= "48014" name= "Open Plugins Folder..." />
<Item id= "48015" name= "Plugins Admin..." />
<Item id= "48501" name= "Generate..." />
<Item id= "48502" name= "Generate from files..." />
<Item id= "48503" name= "Generate from selection into clipboard" />
<Item id= "48504" name= "Generate..." />
<Item id= "48505" name= "Generate from files..." />
<Item id= "48506" name= "Generate from selection into clipboard" />
<Item id= "49000" name= "&Run..." />
<Item id= "50000" name= "Function Completion" />
<Item id= "50001" name= "Word Completion" />
<Item id= "50002" name= "Function Parameters Hint" />
<Item id= "50010" name= "Function Parameters Previous Hint" />
<Item id= "50011" name= "Function Parameters Next Hint" />
<Item id= "50005" name= "Toggle macro record" />
<Item id= "50006" name= "Path Completion" />
<Item id= "44042" name= "Hide Lines" />
<Item id= "42040" name= "Open All Recent Files" />
<Item id= "42041" name= "Empty Recent Files List" />
<Item id= "48016" name= "Modify Shortcut/Delete Macro..." />
<Item id= "48017" name= "Modify Shortcut/Delete Command..." />
<Item id= "11001" name= "&Windows..." />
<Item id= "11002" name= "Name A to Z" />
<Item id= "11003" name= "Name Z to A" />
<Item id= "11004" name= "Path A to Z" />
<Item id= "11005" name= "Path Z to A" />
<Item id= "11006" name= "Type A to Z" />
<Item id= "11007" name= "Type Z to A" />
<Item id= "11008" name= "Size Smaller to Larger" />
<Item id= "11009" name= "Size Larger to Smaller" />
<TabBar >
<Item CMDID= "41003" name= "Close" />
<Item CMDID= "0" name= "Close Multiple Tabs" />
<Item CMDID= "41005" name= "Close All BUT This" />
<Item CMDID= "41009" name= "Close All to the Left" />
<Item CMDID= "41018" name= "Close All to the Right" />
<Item CMDID= "41024" name= "Close All Unchanged" />
<Item CMDID= "41006" name= "Save" />
<Item CMDID= "41008" name= "Save As..." />
<Item CMDID= "1" name= "Open into" />
<Item CMDID= "41019" name= "Open Containing Folder in Explorer" />
<Item CMDID= "41020" name= "Open Containing Folder in cmd" />
<Item CMDID= "41025" name= "Open Containing Folder as Workspace" />
<Item CMDID= "41023" name= "Open in Default Viewer" />
<Item CMDID= "41017" name= "Rename..." />
<Item CMDID= "41016" name= "Move to Recycle Bin" />
<Item CMDID= "41014" name= "Reload" />
<Item CMDID= "41010" name= "Print..." />
<Item CMDID= "42028" name= "Read-Only" />
<Item CMDID= "42033" name= "Clear Read-Only Flag" />
<Item CMDID= "2" name= "Copy to Clipboard" />
<Item CMDID= "42029" name= "Copy Full File Path" />
<Item CMDID= "42030" name= "Copy Filename" />
<Item CMDID= "42031" name= "Copy Current Dir. Path" />
<Item CMDID= "3" name= "Move Document" />
<Item CMDID= "10001" name= "Move to Other View" />
<Item CMDID= "10002" name= "Clone to Other View" />
<Item CMDID= "10003" name= "Move to New Instance" />
<Item CMDID= "10004" name= "Open in New Instance" />
<Item CMDID= "4" name= "Apply Color to Tab" />
<Item CMDID= "44111" name= "Apply Color 1" />
<Item CMDID= "44112" name= "Apply Color 2" />
<Item CMDID= "44113" name= "Apply Color 3" />
<Item CMDID= "44114" name= "Apply Color 4" />
<Item CMDID= "44115" name= "Apply Color 5" />
<Item CMDID= "44110" name= "Remove Color" />
<TrayIcon >
<Item id= "43101" name= "Activate" />
<Item id= "43102" name= "New" />
<Item id= "43103" name= "New and Paste" />
<Item id= "43104" name= "Open..." />
<Item id= "43013" name= "Find in Files..." />
<Item id= "43105" name= "Close Tray Icon" />
<Dialog >
<Find title= "" titleFind= "Find" titleReplace= "Replace" titleFindInFiles= "Find in Files" titleFindInProjects= "Find in Projects" titleMark= "Mark" >
<Item id= "1" name= "Find Next" />
<Item id= "1722" name= "Backward direction" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Close" />
<Item id= "1620" name= "&Find what :" />
<Item id= "1603" name= "Match &whole word only" />
<Item id= "1604" name= "Match &case" />
<Item id= "1605" name= "Re&gular expression" />
<Item id= "1606" name= "Wra&p around" />
<Item id= "1614" name= "Coun&t" />
<Item id= "1615" name= "Mark All" />
<Item id= "1616" name= "Book&mark line" />
<Item id= "1618" name= "Purge for each search" />
<Item id= "1611" name= "Rep&lace with :" />
<Item id= "1608" name= "&Replace" />
<Item id= "1609" name= "Replace &All" />
<Item id= "1687" name= "On losing focus" />
<Item id= "1688" name= "Always" />
<Item id= "1632" name= "In select&ion" />
<Item id= "1633" name= "Clear all marks" />
<Item id= "1635" name= "Replace All in All &Opened Documents" />
<Item id= "1636" name= "Find All in All &Opened Documents" />
<Item id= "1654" name= "Filter&s :" />
<Item id= "1655" name= "Dir&ectory :" />
<Item id= "1656" name= "Find All" />
<Item id= "1658" name= "In all su&b-folders" />
<Item id= "1659" name= "In &hidden folders" />
<Item id= "1624" name= "Search mode" />
<Item id= "1625" name= "&Normal" />
<Item id= "1626" name= "E&xtended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...)" />
<Item id= "1660" name= "Replace in Files" />
<Item id= "1665" name= "Replace in Projects" />
<Item id= "1661" name= "Follow current doc." />
<Item id= "1662" name= "Project Panel 1" />
<Item id= "1663" name= "Project Panel 2" />
<Item id= "1664" name= "Project Panel 3" />
<Item id= "1641" name= "Find All in Current Document" />
<Item id= "1686" name= "Transparenc&y" />
<Item id= "1703" name= "&. matches newline" />
<Item id= "1721" name= "▲" />
<Item id= "1723" name= "▼ Find Next" />
<Item id= "1725" name= "Copy Marked Text" />
<Menu >
<Item id= "1726" name= "⇅ Swap Find with Replace" />
<Item id= "1727" name= "⤵ Copy from Find to Replace" />
<Item id= "1728" name= "⤴ Copy from Replace to Find" />
<IncrementalFind title= "" >
<Item id= "1681" name= "Find" />
<Item id= "1685" name= "Match case" />
<Item id= "1690" name= "Highlight all" />
<FindCharsInRange title= "Find Characters in Range..." >
<Item id= "2" name= "&Close" />
<Item id= "2901" name= "&Non-ASCII characters (128– 255)" />
<Item id= "2902" name= "&ASCII characters (0– 127)" />
<Item id= "2903" name= "Custom &range (0– 255):" />
<Item id= "2906" name= "&Up" />
<Item id= "2907" name= "&Down" />
<Item id= "2908" name= "Direction" />
<Item id= "2909" name= "Wra&p around" />
<Item id= "2910" name= "&Find" />
<GoToLine title= "Go to..." >
<Item id= "2007" name= "&Line" />
<Item id= "2008" name= "&Offset" />
<Item id= "1" name= "Go" />
<Item id= "2" name= "I'm going nowhere" />
<Item id= "2004" name= "You are here:" />
<Item id= "2005" name= "You want to go to:" />
<Item id= "2006" name= "You can't go further than:" />
<Run title= "Run..." >
<Item id= "1903" name= "The Program to Run" />
<Item id= "1" name= "Run" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Cancel" />
<Item id= "1904" name= "Save..." />
<MD5FromFilesDlg title= "Generate MD5 digest from files" >
<Item id= "1922" name= "Choose files to &generate MD5..." />
<Item id= "1924" name= "Co&py to Clipboard" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&Close" />
<MD5FromTextDlg title= "Generate MD5 digest" >
<Item id= "1932" name= "Treat each line as a &separate string" />
<Item id= "1934" name= "Co&py to Clipboard" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&Close" />
<SHA256FromFilesDlg title= "Generate SHA-256 digest from files" >
<Item id= "1922" name= "Choose files to &generate SHA-256..." />
<Item id= "1924" name= "Co&py to Clipboard" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&Close" />
<SHA256FromTextDlg title= "Generate SHA-256 digest" >
<Item id= "1932" name= "Treat each line as a &separate string" />
<Item id= "1934" name= "Co&py to Clipboard" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&Close" />
<PluginsAdminDlg title= "Plugins Admin" titleAvailable= "Available" titleUpdates= "Updates" titleInstalled= "Installed" titleIncompatible= "Incompatible" >
<ColumnPlugin name= "Plugin" />
<ColumnVersion name= "Version" />
<Item id= "5501" name= "Search:" />
<Item id= "5503" name= "Install" />
<Item id= "5504" name= "Update" />
<Item id= "5505" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "5508" name= "Next" />
<Item id= "5509" name= "Plugin list version: " />
<Item id= "5511" name= "Plugin list repository" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Close" />
<StyleConfig title= "Style Configurator" >
<Item id= "2" name= "Cancel" />
<Item id= "2301" name= "Save && Close" />
<Item id= "2303" name= "Transparency" />
<Item id= "2306" name= "Select theme: " />
<SubDialog >
<Item id= "2204" name= "Bold" />
<Item id= "2205" name= "Italic" />
<Item id= "2206" name= "Foreground color" />
<Item id= "2207" name= "Background color" />
<Item id= "2208" name= "Font name:" />
<Item id= "2209" name= "Font size:" />
<Item id= "2211" name= "Style:" />
<Item id= "2212" name= "Color Style" />
<Item id= "2213" name= "Font Style" />
<Item id= "2214" name= "Default ext.:" />
<Item id= "2216" name= "User ext.:" />
<Item id= "2218" name= "Underline" />
<Item id= "2219" name= "Default keywords" />
<Item id= "2221" name= "User-defined keywords" />
<Item id= "2225" name= "Language:" />
<Item id= "2226" name= "Enable global foreground color" />
<Item id= "2227" name= "Enable global background color" />
<Item id= "2228" name= "Enable global font" />
<Item id= "2229" name= "Enable global font size" />
<Item id= "2230" name= "Enable global bold font style" />
<Item id= "2231" name= "Enable global italic font style" />
<Item id= "2232" name= "Enable global underline font style" />
<Item id= "2234" name= "Go to settings" />
<ShortcutMapper title= "Shortcut Mapper" >
<Item id= "2602" name= "Modify" />
<Item id= "2603" name= "Delete" />
<Item id= "2606" name= "Clear" />
<Item id= "2607" name= "Filter: " />
<Item id= "1" name= "Close" />
<ColumnName name= "Name" />
<ColumnShortcut name= "Shortcut" />
<ColumnCategory name= "Category" />
<ColumnPlugin name= "Plugin" />
<MainMenuTab name= "Main menu" />
<MacrosTab name= "Macros" />
<RunCommandsTab name= "Run commands" />
<PluginCommandsTab name= "Plugin commands" />
<ScintillaCommandsTab name= "Scintilla commands" />
<ConflictInfoOk name= "No shortcut conflicts for this item." />
<ConflictInfoEditing name= "No conflicts . . ." />
<WindowCategory name= "Window" />
<FileCategory name= "File" />
<EditCategory name= "Edit" />
<SearchCategory name= "Search" />
<ViewCategory name= "View" />
<FormatCategory name= "Format" />
<LangCategory name= "Lang" />
<AboutCategory name= "About" />
<SettingCategory name= "Setting" />
<ToolCategory name= "Tool" />
<ExecuteCategory name= "Execute" />
<ModifyContextMenu name= "Modify" />
<DeleteContextMenu name= "Delete" />
<ClearContextMenu name= "Clear" />
<MainCommandNames >
<Item id= "41019" name= "Open containing folder in Explorer" />
<Item id= "41020" name= "Open containing folder in Command Prompt" />
<Item id= "41021" name= "Restore Recent Closed File" />
<Item id= "45001" name= "EOL Conversion to Windows (CR LF)" />
<Item id= "45002" name= "EOL Conversion to Unix (LF)" />
<Item id= "45003" name= "EOL Conversion to Macintosh (CR)" />
<Item id= "43022" name= "Style all using 1st style" />
<Item id= "43024" name= "Style all using 2nd style" />
<Item id= "43026" name= "Style all using 3rd style" />
<Item id= "43028" name= "Style all using 4th style" />
<Item id= "43030" name= "Style all using 5th style" />
<Item id= "43062" name= "Style one using 1st style" />
<Item id= "43063" name= "Style one using 2nd style" />
<Item id= "43064" name= "Style one using 3rd style" />
<Item id= "43065" name= "Style one using 4th style" />
<Item id= "43066" name= "Style one using 5th style" />
<Item id= "43023" name= "Clear 1st style" />
<Item id= "43025" name= "Clear 2nd style" />
<Item id= "43027" name= "Clear 3rd style" />
<Item id= "43029" name= "Clear 4th style" />
<Item id= "43031" name= "Clear 5th style" />
<Item id= "43032" name= "Clear all styles" />
<Item id= "43033" name= "Previous style of 1st style" />
<Item id= "43034" name= "Previous style of 2nd style" />
<Item id= "43035" name= "Previous style of 3rd style" />
<Item id= "43036" name= "Previous style of 4th style" />
<Item id= "43037" name= "Previous style of 5th style" />
<Item id= "43038" name= "Previous style of Find Mark style" />
<Item id= "43039" name= "Next style of 1st style" />
<Item id= "43040" name= "Next style of 2nd style" />
<Item id= "43041" name= "Next style of 3rd style" />
<Item id= "43042" name= "Next style of 4th style" />
<Item id= "43043" name= "Next style of 5th style" />
<Item id= "43044" name= "Next style of Find Mark style" />
<Item id= "43055" name= "Copy Styled Text of 1st Style" />
<Item id= "43056" name= "Copy Styled Text of 2nd Style" />
<Item id= "43057" name= "Copy Styled Text of 3rd Style" />
<Item id= "43058" name= "Copy Styled Text of 4th Style" />
<Item id= "43059" name= "Copy Styled Text of 5th Style" />
<Item id= "43060" name= "Copy Styled Text of All Styles" />
<Item id= "43061" name= "Copy Styled Text of Find Mark style" />
<Item id= "44100" name= "View current file in Firefox" />
<Item id= "44101" name= "View current file in Chrome" />
<Item id= "44103" name= "View current file in IE" />
<Item id= "44102" name= "View current file in Edge" />
<Item id= "50003" name= "Switch to previous document" />
<Item id= "50004" name= "Switch to next document" />
<Item id= "44051" name= "Fold Level 1" />
<Item id= "44052" name= "Fold Level 2" />
<Item id= "44053" name= "Fold Level 3" />
<Item id= "44054" name= "Fold Level 4" />
<Item id= "44055" name= "Fold Level 5" />
<Item id= "44056" name= "Fold Level 6" />
<Item id= "44057" name= "Fold Level 7" />
<Item id= "44058" name= "Fold Level 8" />
<Item id= "44061" name= "Unfold Level 1" />
<Item id= "44062" name= "Unfold Level 2" />
<Item id= "44063" name= "Unfold Level 3" />
<Item id= "44064" name= "Unfold Level 4" />
<Item id= "44065" name= "Unfold Level 5" />
<Item id= "44066" name= "Unfold Level 6" />
<Item id= "44067" name= "Unfold Level 7" />
<Item id= "44068" name= "Unfold Level 8" />
<Item id= "44081" name= "Toggle Project Panel 1" />
<Item id= "44082" name= "Toggle Project Panel 2" />
<Item id= "44083" name= "Toggle Project Panel 3" />
<Item id= "44085" name= "Toggle Folder as Workspace" />
<Item id= "44080" name= "Toggle Document Map" />
<Item id= "44070" name= "Toggle Document List" />
<Item id= "44084" name= "Toggle Function List" />
<Item id= "50005" name= "Toggle macro recording" />
<Item id= "44104" name= "Switch to Project Panel 1" />
<Item id= "44105" name= "Switch to Project Panel 2" />
<Item id= "44106" name= "Switch to Project Panel 3" />
<Item id= "44107" name= "Switch to Folder as Workspace" />
<Item id= "44109" name= "Switch to Document List" />
<Item id= "44108" name= "Switch to Function List" />
<Item id= "44110" name= "Remove Tab Color" />
<Item id= "44111" name= "Apply Tab Color 1" />
<Item id= "44112" name= "Apply Tab Color 2" />
<Item id= "44113" name= "Apply Tab Color 3" />
<Item id= "44114" name= "Apply Tab Color 4" />
<Item id= "44115" name= "Apply Tab Color 5" />
<Item id= "11002" name= "Sort By Name A to Z" />
<Item id= "11003" name= "Sort By Name Z to A" />
<Item id= "11004" name= "Sort By Path A to Z" />
<Item id= "11005" name= "Sort By Path Z to A" />
<Item id= "11006" name= "Sort By Type A to Z" />
<Item id= "11007" name= "Sort By Type Z to A" />
<Item id= "11008" name= "Sort By Size Smaller to Larger" />
<Item id= "11009" name= "Sort By Size Larger to Smaller" />
<ShortcutMapperSubDialg title= "Shortcut" >
<Item id= "1" name= "OK" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Cancel" />
<Item id= "5006" name= "Name" />
<Item id= "5008" name= "Add" />
<Item id= "5009" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "5010" name= "Apply" />
<Item id= "5007" name= "This will remove shortcut from this command" />
<Item id= "5012" name= "CONFLICT FOUND!" />
<UserDefine title= "User-Defined" >
<Item id= "20001" name= "Dock" />
<Item id= "20002" name= "Rename" />
<Item id= "20003" name= "Create new..." />
<Item id= "20004" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "20005" name= "Save As..." />
<Item id= "20007" name= "User language" />
<Item id= "20009" name= "Ext.:" />
<Item id= "20012" name= "Ignore case" />
<Item id= "20011" name= "Transparency" />
<Item id= "20015" name= "Import..." />
<Item id= "20016" name= "Export..." />
<Item id= "20017" name= "Undock" />
<StylerDialog title= "Styler Dialog" >
<Item id= "25030" name= "Font options" />
<Item id= "25006" name= "Foreground color" />
<Item id= "25007" name= "Background color" />
<Item id= "25031" name= "Name:" />
<Item id= "25032" name= "Size:" />
<Item id= "25001" name= "Bold" />
<Item id= "25002" name= "Italic" />
<Item id= "25003" name= "Underline" />
<Item id= "25029" name= "Nesting" />
<Item id= "25008" name= "Delimiter 1" />
<Item id= "25009" name= "Delimiter 2" />
<Item id= "25010" name= "Delimiter 3" />
<Item id= "25011" name= "Delimiter 4" />
<Item id= "25012" name= "Delimiter 5" />
<Item id= "25013" name= "Delimiter 6" />
<Item id= "25014" name= "Delimiter 7" />
<Item id= "25015" name= "Delimiter 8" />
<Item id= "25018" name= "Keyword 1" />
<Item id= "25019" name= "Keyword 2" />
<Item id= "25020" name= "Keyword 3" />
<Item id= "25021" name= "Keyword 4" />
<Item id= "25022" name= "Keyword 5" />
<Item id= "25023" name= "Keyword 6" />
<Item id= "25024" name= "Keyword 7" />
<Item id= "25025" name= "Keyword 8" />
<Item id= "25016" name= "Comment" />
<Item id= "25017" name= "Comment line" />
<Item id= "25026" name= "Operator 1" />
<Item id= "25027" name= "Operator 2" />
<Item id= "25028" name= "Numbers" />
<Item id= "25033" name= "Transparent" />
<Item id= "25034" name= "Transparent" />
<Item id= "1" name= "OK" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Cancel" />
<Folder title= "Folder && Default" >
<Item id= "21101" name= "Default style" />
<Item id= "21102" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "21105" name= "Documentation" />
<Item id= "21104" name= "Temporary doc site:" />
<Item id= "21106" name= "Fold &compact (fold empty lines too)" />
<Item id= "21220" name= "Folding in code 1 style" />
<Item id= "21224" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "21225" name= "Middle:" />
<Item id= "21226" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "21227" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "21320" name= "Folding in code 2 style (separators needed)" />
<Item id= "21324" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "21325" name= "Middle:" />
<Item id= "21326" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "21327" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "21420" name= "Folding in comment style" />
<Item id= "21424" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "21425" name= "Middle:" />
<Item id= "21426" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "21427" name= "Styler" />
<Keywords title= "Keywords Lists" >
<Item id= "22101" name= "1st Group" />
<Item id= "22201" name= "2nd Group" />
<Item id= "22301" name= "3rd Group" />
<Item id= "22401" name= "4th Group" />
<Item id= "22451" name= "5th Group" />
<Item id= "22501" name= "6th Group" />
<Item id= "22551" name= "7th Group" />
<Item id= "22601" name= "8th Group" />
<Item id= "22121" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22221" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22321" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22421" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22471" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22521" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22571" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22621" name= "Prefix mode" />
<Item id= "22122" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22222" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22322" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22422" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22472" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22522" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22572" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "22622" name= "Styler" />
<Comment title= "Comment && Number" >
<Item id= "23003" name= "Line comment position" />
<Item id= "23004" name= "Allow anywhere" />
<Item id= "23005" name= "Force at beginning of line" />
<Item id= "23006" name= "Allow preceding whitespace" />
<Item id= "23001" name= "Allow folding of comments" />
<Item id= "23326" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "23323" name= "Open" />
<Item id= "23324" name= "Continue character" />
<Item id= "23325" name= "Close" />
<Item id= "23301" name= "Comment line style" />
<Item id= "23124" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "23122" name= "Open" />
<Item id= "23123" name= "Close" />
<Item id= "23101" name= "Comment style" />
<Item id= "23201" name= "Number style" />
<Item id= "23220" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "23230" name= "Prefix 1" />
<Item id= "23232" name= "Prefix 2" />
<Item id= "23234" name= "Extras 1" />
<Item id= "23236" name= "Extras 2" />
<Item id= "23238" name= "Suffix 1" />
<Item id= "23240" name= "Suffix 2" />
<Item id= "23242" name= "Range:" />
<Item id= "23244" name= "Decimal separator" />
<Item id= "23245" name= "Dot" />
<Item id= "23246" name= "Comma" />
<Item id= "23247" name= "Both" />
<Operator title= "Operators && Delimiter" >
<Item id= "24101" name= "Operators style" />
<Item id= "24113" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24116" name= "Operators 1" />
<Item id= "24117" name= "Operators 2 (separators required)" />
<Item id= "24201" name= "Delimiter 1 style" />
<Item id= "24220" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24221" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24222" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24223" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24301" name= "Delimiter 2 style" />
<Item id= "24320" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24321" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24322" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24323" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24401" name= "Delimiter 3 style" />
<Item id= "24420" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24421" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24422" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24423" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24451" name= "Delimiter 4 style" />
<Item id= "24470" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24471" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24472" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24473" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24501" name= "Delimiter 5 style" />
<Item id= "24520" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24521" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24522" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24523" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24551" name= "Delimiter 6 style" />
<Item id= "24570" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24571" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24572" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24573" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24601" name= "Delimiter 7 style" />
<Item id= "24620" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24621" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24622" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24623" name= "Styler" />
<Item id= "24651" name= "Delimiter 8 style" />
<Item id= "24670" name= "Open:" />
<Item id= "24671" name= "Escape:" />
<Item id= "24672" name= "Close:" />
<Item id= "24673" name= "Styler" />
<Preference title= "Preferences" >
<Item id= "6001" name= "Close" />
<Global title= "General" >
<Item id= "6101" name= "Toolbar" />
<Item id= "6102" name= "Hide" />
<Item id= "6103" name= "Fluent UI: small" />
<Item id= "6104" name= "Fluent UI: large" />
<Item id= "6129" name= "Filled Fluent UI: small" />
<Item id= "6130" name= "Filled Fluent UI: large" />
<Item id= "6105" name= "Standard icons: small" />
<Item id= "6106" name= "Tab Bar" />
<Item id= "6107" name= "Reduce" />
<Item id= "6108" name= "Lock (no drag and drop)" />
<Item id= "6109" name= "Darken inactive tabs" />
<Item id= "6110" name= "Draw a colored bar on active tab" />
<Item id= "6111" name= "Show status bar" />
<Item id= "6112" name= "Show close button on each tab" />
<Item id= "6113" name= "Double click to close document" />
<Item id= "6118" name= "Hide" />
<Item id= "6119" name= "Multi-line" />
<Item id= "6120" name= "Vertical" />
<Item id= "6121" name= "Exit on close the last tab" />
<Item id= "6131" name= "Menu" />
<Item id= "6122" name= "Hide menu bar (use Alt or F10 key to toggle)" />
<Item id= "6132" name= "Hide right shortcuts + ▼ ✕ from the menu bar (Need to restart Notepad++)" />
<Item id= "6123" name= "Localization" />
<Item id= "6128" name= "Alternate icons" />
<Scintillas title= "Editing" >
<Item id= "6216" name= "Caret Settings" />
<Item id= "6217" name= "Width :" />
<Item id= "6219" name= "Blink rate :" />
<Item id= "6221" name= "F" />
<Item id= "6222" name= "S" />
<Item id= "6246" name= "Make current level folding/unfolding commands toggleable" />
<Item id= "6225" name= "Enable Multi-Editing (Ctrl+Mouse click/selection)" />
<Item id= "6227" name= "Line Wrap" />
<Item id= "6228" name= "Default" />
<Item id= "6229" name= "Aligned" />
<Item id= "6230" name= "Indent" />
<Item id= "6234" name= "Disable advanced scrolling feature due to touchpad issue" />
<Item id= "6215" name= "Enable smooth font" />
<Item id= "6236" name= "Enable scrolling beyond last line" />
<Item id= "6239" name= "Keep selection when right-click outside of selection" />
<Item id= "6245" name= "Enable virtual space" />
<Item id= "6651" name= "Current Line Indicator" />
<Item id= "6652" name= "None" />
<Item id= "6653" name= "Highlight Background" />
<Item id= "6654" name= "Frame" />
<Item id= "6655" name= "Width" />
<Item id= "6247" name= "EOL (CRLF)" /> <!-- Don't translate "(CRLF)" -->
<Item id= "6248" name= "Default" />
<Item id= "6249" name= "Plain Text" />
<Item id= "6250" name= "Custom Color" />
<Item id= "6252" name= "Non-Printing Characters" />
<Item id= "6254" name= "Abbreviation" />
<Item id= "6255" name= "Codepoint" />
<Item id= "6256" name= "Custom Color" />
<Item id= "6258" name= "Apply to C0, C1 & Unicode EOL" />
<DarkMode title= "Dark Mode" >
<Item id= "7131" name= "Light mode" />
<Item id= "7132" name= "Dark mode" />
<Item id= "7133" name= "Follow Windows" />
<Item id= "7102" name= "Black" />
<Item id= "7103" name= "Red" />
<Item id= "7104" name= "Green" />
<Item id= "7105" name= "Blue" />
<Item id= "7107" name= "Purple" />
<Item id= "7108" name= "Cyan" />
<Item id= "7109" name= "Olive" />
<Item id= "7115" name= "Customized" />
<Item id= "7116" name= "Top" />
<Item id= "7117" name= "Menu hot track" />
<Item id= "7118" name= "Active" />
<Item id= "7119" name= "Main" />
<Item id= "7120" name= "Error" />
<Item id= "7121" name= "Text" />
<Item id= "7122" name= "Darker text" />
<Item id= "7123" name= "Disabled text" />
<Item id= "7124" name= "Edge" />
<Item id= "7125" name= "Link" />
<Item id= "7126" name= "Edge highlight" />
<Item id= "7127" name= "Edge disabled" />
<Item id= "7130" name= "Reset" />
<Item id= "7135" name= "Tones" />
<MarginsBorderEdge title= "Margins/Border/Edge" >
<Item id= "6201" name= "Fold Margin Style" />
<Item id= "6202" name= "Simple" />
<Item id= "6203" name= "Arrow" />
<Item id= "6204" name= "Circle tree" />
<Item id= "6205" name= "Box tree" />
<Item id= "6226" name= "None" />
<Item id= "6291" name= "Line Number" />
<Item id= "6206" name= "Display" />
<Item id= "6292" name= "Dynamic width" />
<Item id= "6293" name= "Constant width" />
<Item id= "6207" name= "Display bookmark" />
<Item id= "6223" name= "Display Change History" />
<Item id= "6211" name= "Vertical Edge Settings" />
<Item id= "6213" name= "Background mode" />
<Item id= "6237" name= "Add y o u r c o l u m n m a r k e r b y i n d i c a t i n g i t s p o s i t i o n w i t h a d e c i m a l n u m b e r .
2020-04-17 16:51:02 +02:00
You can define several column markers by using white space to separate the different numbers."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<Item id= "6231" name= "Border Width" />
<Item id= "6235" name= "No edge" />
<Item id= "6208" name= "Padding" />
<Item id= "6209" name= "Left" />
<Item id= "6210" name= "Right" />
<Item id= "6212" name= "Distraction Free" />
<NewDoc title= "New Document" >
<Item id= "6401" name= "Format (Line ending)" />
<Item id= "6402" name= "Windows (CR LF)" />
<Item id= "6403" name= "Unix (LF)" />
<Item id= "6404" name= "Macintosh (CR)" />
<Item id= "6405" name= "Encoding" />
<Item id= "6406" name= "ANSI" />
<Item id= "6407" name= "UTF-8" />
<Item id= "6408" name= "UTF-8 with BOM" />
<Item id= "6409" name= "UTF-16 Big Endian with BOM" />
<Item id= "6410" name= "UTF-16 Little Endian with BOM" />
<Item id= "6411" name= "Default language :" />
<Item id= "6419" name= "New Document" />
<Item id= "6420" name= "Apply to opened ANSI files" />
<DefaultDir title= "Default Directory" >
<Item id= "6413" name= "Default Open/Save file Directory" />
<Item id= "6414" name= "Follow current document" />
<Item id= "6415" name= "Remember last used directory" />
<Item id= "6431" name= "Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping" />
<FileAssoc title= "File Association" >
<Item id= "4008" name= "Please exit Notepad++ and relaunch Notepad++ in Administrator mode to use this feature." />
<Item id= "4009" name= "Supported extensions:" />
<Item id= "4010" name= "Registered extensions:" />
<Language title= "Language" >
<Item id= "6505" name= "Available items" />
<Item id= "6506" name= "Disabled items" />
<Item id= "6507" name= "Make language menu compact" />
<Item id= "6508" name= "Language Menu" />
<Item id= "6301" name= "Tab Settings" />
<Item id= "6302" name= "Replace by space" />
<Item id= "6303" name= "Tab size: " />
<Item id= "6510" name= "Use default value" />
<Item id= "6335" name= "Treat backslash as escape character for SQL" />
<Highlighting title= "Highlighting" >
<Item id= "6351" name= "Style All Occurrences of Token" />
<Item id= "6352" name= "Match case" />
<Item id= "6353" name= "Match whole word only" />
<Item id= "6333" name= "Smart Highlighting" />
<Item id= "6326" name= "Enable" />
<Item id= "6354" name= "Matching" />
<Item id= "6332" name= "Match case" />
<Item id= "6338" name= "Match whole word only" />
<Item id= "6339" name= "Use Find dialog settings" />
<Item id= "6340" name= "Highlight another view" />
<Item id= "6329" name= "Highlight Matching Tags" />
<Item id= "6327" name= "Enable" />
<Item id= "6328" name= "Highlight tag attributes" />
<Item id= "6330" name= "Highlight comment/php/asp zone" />
<Print title= "Print" >
<Item id= "6601" name= "Print line n&umber" />
<Item id= "6602" name= "Color Options" />
<Item id= "6603" name= "W&YSIWYG" />
<Item id= "6604" name= "I&nvert" />
<Item id= "6605" name= "Black on &white" />
<Item id= "6606" name= "No bac&kground color" />
<Item id= "6607" name= "Margin Settings (Unit:mm)" />
<Item id= "6612" name= "&Left" />
<Item id= "6613" name= "&Top" />
<Item id= "6614" name= "&Right" />
<Item id= "6615" name= "Botto&m" />
<Item id= "6706" name= "&Bold" />
<Item id= "6707" name= "&Italic" />
<Item id= "6708" name= "Header" />
<Item id= "6709" name= "L&eft part" />
<Item id= "6710" name= "&Middle part" />
<Item id= "6711" name= "Ri&ght part" />
<Item id= "6717" name= "Bol&d" />
<Item id= "6718" name= "Itali&c" />
<Item id= "6719" name= "Footer" />
<Item id= "6720" name= "Le&ft part" />
<Item id= "6721" name= "Middle &part" />
<Item id= "6722" name= "Rig&ht part" />
<Item id= "6723" name= "&Add" />
<ComboBox id= "6724" >
<Element name= "Full file name path" />
<Element name= "File name" />
<Element name= "File directory" />
<Element name= "Page" />
<Element name= "Short date format" />
<Element name= "Long date format" />
<Element name= "Time" />
<Item id= "6725" name= "&Variable:" />
<Item id= "6727" name= "Here display your variable settings" />
<Item id= "6728" name= "Header and Footer" />
<Searching title= "Searching" >
<Item id= "6902" name= "Use monospaced font in Find dialog (Need to restart Notepad++)" />
<Item id= "6903" name= "Find dialog remains open after search that outputs to results window" />
<Item id= "6904" name= "Confirm Replace All in All Opened Documents" />
<Item id= "6905" name= "Replace: Don't move to the following occurrence" />
<Item id= "6906" name= "Search Result window: show only one entry per found line" />
<Item id= "6907" name= "When Find Dialog is Invoked" />
<Item id= "6908" name= "Fill Find Field with Selected Text" />
<Item id= "6909" name= "Select Word Under Caret when Nothing Selected" />
<RecentFilesHistory title= "Recent Files History" >
<Item id= "6304" name= "Recent Files History" />
<Item id= "6306" name= "Max. number of entries:" />
<Item id= "6305" name= "Don't check at launch time" />
<Item id= "6429" name= "Display" />
<Item id= "6424" name= "In Submenu" />
<Item id= "6425" name= "Only File Name" />
<Item id= "6426" name= "Full File Name Path" />
<Item id= "6427" name= "Customize Maximum Length:" />
<Backup title= "Backup" >
<Item id= "6817" name= "Session snapshot and periodic backup" />
<Item id= "6818" name= "Enable session snapshot and periodic backup" />
<Item id= "6819" name= "Backup in every" />
<Item id= "6821" name= "seconds" />
<Item id= "6822" name= "Backup path:" />
<Item id= "6309" name= "Remember current session for next launch" />
<Item id= "6801" name= "Backup on save" />
<Item id= "6315" name= "None" />
<Item id= "6316" name= "Simple backup" />
<Item id= "6317" name= "Verbose backup" />
<Item id= "6804" name= "Custom Backup Directory" />
<Item id= "6803" name= "Directory :" />
<AutoCompletion title= "Auto-Completion" >
<Item id= "6115" name= "Auto-indent" />
<Item id= "6807" name= "Auto-Completion" />
<Item id= "6808" name= "Enable auto-completion on each input" />
<Item id= "6809" name= "Function completion" />
<Item id= "6810" name= "Word completion" />
<Item id= "6816" name= "Function and word completion" />
<Item id= "6869" name= "Insert Selection" />
<Item id= "6870" name= "TAB" /> <!-- TAB key on the keyboard, it's not necessary to translate it normally -->
<Item id= "6871" name= "ENTER" /> <!-- ENTER key on the keyboard, it's not necessary to translate it normally -->
<Item id= "6824" name= "Ignore numbers" />
<Item id= "6811" name= "From" />
<Item id= "6813" name= "th character" />
<Item id= "6872" name= "Make auto-completion list brief" />
<Item id= "6815" name= "Function parameters hint on input" />
<Item id= "6851" name= "Auto-Insert" />
<Item id= "6857" name= " html/xml close tag" />
<Item id= "6858" name= "Open" />
<Item id= "6859" name= "Close" />
<Item id= "6860" name= "Matched pair 1:" />
<Item id= "6863" name= "Matched pair 2:" />
<Item id= "6866" name= "Matched pair 3:" />
<MultiInstance title= "Multi-Instance & Date" >
<Item id= "6151" name= "Multi-instance settings *" />
<Item id= "6152" name= "Open session in a new instance (and save session automatically on exit)" />
<Item id= "6153" name= "Always in multi-instance mode" />
<Item id= "6154" name= "Default (mono-instance)" />
<Item id= "6155" name= "* The modification of this setting needs to restart Notepad++" />
<Item id= "6171" name= "Customize insert Date Time" />
<Item id= "6175" name= "Reverse default date time order (short && long formats)" />
<Item id= "6172" name= "Custom format:" />
<Item id= "6181" name= "Panel State and [-nosession] *" />
<Item id= "6182" name= "Remember panel state (panel is open) in other instances (multi-instance mode) or when using command line parameter [-nosession]" />
<Item id= "6183" name= "Clipboard History" />
<Item id= "6184" name= "Document List" />
<Item id= "6185" name= "Character Panel" />
<Item id= "6186" name= "Folder as Workspace" />
<Item id= "6187" name= "Project Panels" />
<Item id= "6188" name= "Document Map" />
<Item id= "6189" name= "Function List" />
<Item id= "6190" name= "Plugin Panels" />
<Delimiter title= "Delimiter" >
<Item id= "6251" name= "Delimiter selection settings (Ctrl + Mouse double click)" />
<Item id= "6252" name= "Open" />
<Item id= "6255" name= "Close" />
<Item id= "6256" name= "Allow on several lines" />
<Item id= "6161" name= "Word character list" />
<Item id= "6162" name= "Use default Word character list as it is" />
<Item id= "6163" name= "Add y o u r c h a r a c t e r a s p a r t o f w o r d
2017-01-15 22:16:17 +01:00
(don't choose it unless you know what you're doing)"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<Performance title= "Performance" >
<Item id= "7141" name= "Large File Restriction" />
<Item id= "7143" name= "Enable Large File Restriction (no syntax highlighting)" />
<Item id= "7144" name= "Define Large File Size:" />
<Item id= "7146" name= "MB (1 - 4096)" />
<Item id= "7147" name= "Allow Brace Match" />
<Item id= "7148" name= "Allow Auto-Completion" />
<Item id= "7149" name= "Allow Smart Highlighting" />
<Item id= "7150" name= "Deactivate Word Wrap globally" />
<Item id= "7151" name= "Allow URL Clickable Link" />
<Cloud title= "Cloud & Link" >
<Item id= "6262" name= "Settings on cloud" />
<Item id= "6263" name= "No Cloud" />
<Item id= "6267" name= "Set your cloud location path here:" />
<Item id= "6318" name= "Clickable Link Settings" />
<Item id= "6319" name= "Enable" />
<Item id= "6320" name= "No underline" />
<Item id= "6350" name= "Enable fullbox mode" />
<Item id= "6264" name= "URI customized schemes:" />
<SearchEngine title= "Search Engine" >
<Item id= "6271" name= "Search Engine (for command "Search on Internet")" />
<Item id= "6272" name= "DuckDuckGo" />
<Item id= "6273" name= "Google" />
<Item id= "6274" name= "Bing" />
<Item id= "6275" name= "Yahoo!" />
<Item id= "6276" name= "Set your search engine here:" />
<!-- Don't change anything after Example: -->
<Item id= "6278" name= "Example: https://www.google.com/search?q=$(CURRENT_WORD)" />
<MISC title= "MISC." >
<ComboBox id= "6347" >
<Element name= "Enable" />
<Element name= "Enable for all opened files" />
<Element name= "Disable" />
<Item id= "6308" name= "Minimize to system tray" />
<Item id= "6312" name= "File Status Auto-Detection" />
<Item id= "6313" name= "Update silently" />
<Item id= "6325" name= "Scroll to the last line after update" />
<Item id= "6322" name= "Session file ext.:" />
<Item id= "6323" name= "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater" />
<Item id= "6324" name= "Document Switcher (Ctrl+TAB)" />
<Item id= "6331" name= "Show only filename in title bar" />
<Item id= "6334" name= "Autodetect character encoding" />
<Item id= "6349" name= "Use DirectWrite (May improve rendering special characters, need to restart Notepad++)" />
<Item id= "6337" name= "Workspace file ext.:" />
<Item id= "6114" name= "Enable" />
<Item id= "6117" name= "Enable MRU behaviour" />
<Item id= "6344" name= "Document Peeker" />
<Item id= "6345" name= "Peek on tab" />
<Item id= "6346" name= "Peek on document map" />
<Item id= "6360" name= "Mute all sounds" />
<Item id= "6361" name= "Enable Save All confirm dialog" />
<MultiMacro title= "Run a Macro Multiple Times" >
<Item id= "1" name= "&Run" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&Cancel" />
<Item id= "8006" name= "Macro to run" />
<Item id= "8001" name= "Run" />
<Item id= "8005" name= "times" />
<Item id= "8002" name= "Run until the &end of file" />
<Window title= "Windows" >
<Item id= "1" name= "&Activate" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&OK" />
<Item id= "7002" name= "&Save" />
<Item id= "7003" name= "&Close window(s)" />
<Item id= "7004" name= "Sort &tabs" />
<ColumnEditor title= "Column Editor" >
<Item id= "2023" name= "&Text to Insert" />
<Item id= "2033" name= "&Number to Insert" />
<Item id= "2030" name= "&Initial number :" />
<Item id= "2031" name= "Increase b&y :" />
<Item id= "2038" name= "&Leading :" />
<ComboBox id= "2039" >
<Element name= "None" />
<Element name= "Zeros" />
<Element name= "Spaces" />
<Item id= "2036" name= "&Repeat :" />
<Item id= "2032" name= "Format" />
<Item id= "2024" name= "&Dec" />
<Item id= "2025" name= "&Oct" />
<Item id= "2026" name= "&Hex" />
<Item id= "2027" name= "&Bin" />
<Item id= "1" name= "OK" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Cancel" />
<FindInFinder title= "Find in search results" >
<Item id= "1" name= "Find All" />
<Item id= "2" name= "Close" />
<Item id= "1711" name= "&Find what :" />
<Item id= "1713" name= "Search only in found lines" />
<Item id= "1714" name= "Match &whole word only" />
<Item id= "1715" name= "Match &case" />
<Item id= "1716" name= "Search Mode" />
<Item id= "1717" name= "&Normal" />
<Item id= "1719" name= "Re&gular expression" />
<Item id= "1718" name= "E&xtended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...)" />
<Item id= "1720" name= "&. matches newline" />
<DoSaveOrNot title= "Save" >
<Item id= "1761" name= "Save file "$STR_REPLACE$" ?" />
<Item id= "6" name= "&Yes" />
<Item id= "7" name= "&No" />
<Item id= "2" name= "&Cancel" />
<Item id= "4" name= "Yes to &all" />
<Item id= "5" name= "N&o to all" />
<DoSaveAll title= "Save All Confirmation" >
<Item id= "1766" name= "Are y o u s u r e y o u w a n t t o s a v e a l l m o d i f i e d d o c u m e n t s ?
2021-08-22 17:49:35 +02:00
2021-08-31 15:41:04 +02:00
Choose " Always Yes" if you don't want to see this dialog again.
2021-08-22 17:49:35 +02:00
You can re-activate this dialog in Preferences later."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<Item id= "6" name= "&Yes" />
<Item id= "7" name= "&No" />
<Item id= "4" name= "Always Yes" />
</DoSaveAll> <!-- HowToReproduce: Check the 'Enable Save All confirm dialog' checkbox in Preference - >MISC, now click 'Save all' -->
<MessageBox >
<!-- $INT_REPLACE$ and $STR_REPLACE$ are place holders, don't translate these place holders. -->
<ContextMenuXmlEditWarning title= "Editing contextMenu" message= "Editing c o n t e x t M e n u . x m l a l l o w s y o u t o m o d i f y y o u r N o t e p a d + + p o p u p c o n t e x t m e n u .
2017-08-22 21:39:18 +02:00
You have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<SaveCurrentModifWarning title= "Save Current Modification" message= "You s h o u l d s a v e t h e c u r r e n t m o d i f i c a t i o n .
2017-08-22 21:39:18 +02:00
All the saved modifications can not be undone.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
Continue?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: when you openned file is modified but unsaved yet, and you are changing file encoding. -->
<LoseUndoAbilityWarning title= "Lose Undo Ability Warning" message= "You s h o u l d s a v e t h e c u r r e n t m o d i f i c a t i o n .
2017-08-22 21:39:18 +02:00
All the saved modifications can not be undone.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
Continue?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: when you openned file is modified and saved, then you are changing file encoding. -->
<CannotMoveDoc title= "Move to new Notepad++ Instance" message= "Document is modified, save it then try again." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: From your Notepad++ drag & drop a clean (not dirty) file to outside of Notepad++, another instance of Notepad++ will be created. Then from your first Notepad++ drag & drop an unsaved file to the new instance. -->
<DocReloadWarning title= "Reload" message= "Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?" />
<FileLockedWarning title= "Save failed" message= "Please check whether if this file is opened in another program" />
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title= "" message= "The file is already opened in Notepad++." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Open a new document and open a file "c:/tmp/foo", save this new document by choosing "c:/tmp/foo" as file to save, reply the override popup "yes", then this message appears. -->
<RenameTabTemporaryNameAlreadyInUse title= "Rename failed" message= "The specified name is already in use on another tab." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Rename the tab of an untitled document and provide a name that is the same as an already - existing tab of an untitled document. -->
<DeleteFileFailed title= "Delete File" message= "Delete File failed" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<NbFileToOpenImportantWarning title= "Amount of files to open is too large" message= "$INT_REPLACE$ f i l e s a r e a b o u t t o b e o p e n e d .
Are you sure you want to open them?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: Check "Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping" in "Default Directory" of Preferences dialog, then drop a folder which contains more then 200 files into Notepad++. -->
<SettingsOnCloudError title= "Settings on Cloud" message= "It s e e m s t h e p a t h o f s e t t i n g s o n c l o u d i s s e t o n a r e a d o n l y d r i v e ,
2017-08-22 21:39:18 +02:00
or on a folder needed privilege right for writing access.
Your settings on cloud will be canceled. Please reset a coherent value via Preference dialog."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<FilePathNotFoundWarning title= "File Open" message= "The file you're trying to open doesn't exist." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<SessionFileInvalidError title= "Could not Load Session" message= "Session file is either corrupted or not valid." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Save current session via menu "File - > Save Session...", use another editor to modify the session you saved to make it an invalid xml file. Then load this invalid session via menu "File - > Load Session...". -->
<DroppingFolderAsProjectModeWarning title= "Invalid action" message= "You c a n o n l y d r o p f i l e s o r f o l d e r s b u t n o t b o t h , b e c a u s e y o u ' r e i n d r o p p i n g F o l d e r a s P r o j e c t m o d e .
2018-02-04 16:51:38 +01:00
you have to enable " Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping" in " Default Directory" section of Preferences dialog to make this operation work."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<SortingError title= "Sorting Error" message= "Unable to perform numeric sorting due to line $INT_REPLACE$." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<ColumnModeTip title= "Column Mode Tip" message= "
2023-02-02 20:10:47 +01:00
There are 3 ways to switch to column-select mode:
1. (Keyboard and Mouse) Hold Alt while left-click dragging
2. (Keyboard only) Hold Alt+Shift while using arrow keys
3. (Keyboard or Mouse)
Put caret at desired start of column block position, then
execute " Begin/End Select in Column Mode" command;
Move caret to desired end of column block position, then
execute " Begin/End Select in Column Mode" command again"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<BufferInvalidWarning title= "Save failed" message= "Cannot save: Buffer is invalid." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<DoCloseOrNot title= "Keep non existing file" message= "The f i l e & q u o t ; $ S T R _ R E P L A C E $ & q u o t ; d o e s n ' t e x i s t a n y m o r e .
2018-02-04 21:38:49 +01:00
Keep this file in editor?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<DoDeleteOrNot title= "Delete file" message= "The f i l e & q u o t ; $ S T R _ R E P L A C E $ & q u o t ;
2018-02-04 21:38:49 +01:00
will be moved to your Recycle Bin and this document will be closed.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<NoBackupDoSaveFile title= "Save" message= "Your b a c k u p f i l e c a n n o t b e f o u n d ( d e l e t e d f r o m o u t s i d e ) .
2018-02-04 21:38:49 +01:00
Save it otherwise your data will be lost
Do you want to save file " $STR_REPLACE$" ?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<DoReloadOrNot title= "Reload" message= ""$STR_REPLACE$"
2018-02-04 21:38:49 +01:00
This file has been modified by another program.
Do you want to reload it?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<DoReloadOrNotAndLooseChange title= "Reload" message= ""$STR_REPLACE$"
2018-02-04 21:38:49 +01:00
This file has been modified by another program.
Do you want to reload it and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<PrehistoricSystemDetected title= "Prehistoric system detected" message= "It seems you still use a prehistoric system. This feature works only on a modern system, sorry." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Launch "Document Map" under Windows XP. -->
<XpUpdaterProblem title= "Notepad++ Updater" message= "Notepad++ u p d a t e r i s n o t c o m p a t i b l e w i t h X P d u e t o t h e o b s o l e t e s e c u r i t y l a y e r u n d e r X P .
Do you want to go to Notepad++ page to download the latest version?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: Run menu "? - > Update Notepad++" under Windows XP. -->
<GUpProxyConfNeedAdminMode title= "Proxy Settings" message= "Please relaunch Notepad++ in Admin mode to configure proxy." />
<DocTooDirtyToMonitor title= "Monitoring problem" message= "The document is dirty. Please save the modification before monitoring it." />
<DocNoExistToMonitor title= "Monitoring problem" message= "The file should exist to be monitored." />
<FileTooBigToOpen title= "File size problem" message= "File is too big to be opened by Notepad++" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Try to open a 4GB file (it's not easy to reproduce, it depends on your system). -->
<FileLoadingException title= "Exception code: $STR_REPLACE$" message= "An error occurred while loading the file!" />
<WantToOpenHugeFile title= "Opening huge file warning" message= "Opening a h u g e f i l e o f 2 G B + c o u l d t a k e s e v e r a l m i n u t e s .
2022-01-27 09:17:25 +01:00
Do you want to open it?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<CreateNewFileOrNot title= "Create new file" message= ""$STR_REPLACE$" doesn't exist. Create it?" />
<CreateNewFileError title= "Create new file" message= "Cannot create the file "$STR_REPLACE$"." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<OpenFileError title= "ERROR" message= "Can not open file "$STR_REPLACE$"." />
<OpenFileNoFolderError title= "Cannot open file" message= ""$STR_REPLACE1$" c a n n o t b e o p e n e d :
2023-02-21 13:05:37 +01:00
Folder " $STR_REPLACE2$" doesn't exist."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<FileBackupFailed title= "File Backup Failed" message= "The p r e v i o u s v e r s i o n o f t h e f i l e c o u l d n o t b e s a v e d i n t o t h e b a c k u p d i r e c t o r y a t & q u o t ; $ S T R _ R E P L A C E $ & q u o t ; .
Do you want to save the current file anyways?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<LoadStylersFailed title= "Load stylers.xml failed" message= "Load "$STR_REPLACE$" failed!" />
<LoadLangsFailed title= "Configurator" message= "Load l a n g s . x m l f a i l e d !
Do you want to recover your langs.xml?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: Close Notepad++. Use another editor to remove all content of "langs.xml" (0 length) then save it. Open Notepad++. -->
<LoadLangsFailedFinal title= "Configurator" message= "Load langs.xml failed!" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Close Notepad++. Use another editor to make "langs.xml" an invalid xml file then save it. Open Notepad++. -->
<FolderAsWorspaceSubfolderExists title= "Folder as Workspace adding folder problem" message= "A s u b - f o l d e r o f t h e f o l d e r y o u w a n t t o a d d e x i s t s .
Please remove its root from the panel before you add folder " $STR_REPLACE$" ."/> <!-- HowToReproduce: Add a folder like "c:\temp\aFolder\" into "Folder as Workspace" panel, then try to add "c:\temp\". -->
<ProjectPanelChanged title= "$STR_REPLACE$" message= "The workspace was modified. Do you want to save it?" />
<ProjectPanelSaveError title= "$STR_REPLACE$" message= "An e r r o r o c c u r r e d w h i l e w r i t i n g y o u r w o r k s p a c e f i l e .
Your workspace has not been saved."/> <!-- HowToReproduce: this message prevents from system failure. It's hard to reproduce. -->
<ProjectPanelOpenDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title= "Open Workspace" message= "The current workspace was modified. Do you want to save the current project?" />
<ProjectPanelNewDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title= "New Workspace" message= "The current workspace was modified. Do you want to save the current project?" />
<ProjectPanelOpenFailed title= "Open Workspace" message= "The w o r k s p a c e c o u l d n o t b e o p e n e d .
2018-02-06 03:02:28 +01:00
It seems the file to open is not a valid project file."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<ProjectPanelRemoveFolderFromProject title= "Remove folder from project" message= "All t h e s u b - i t e m s w i l l b e r e m o v e d .
2018-02-06 03:02:28 +01:00
Are you sure you want to remove this folder from the project?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<ProjectPanelRemoveFileFromProject title= "Remove file from project" message= "Are you sure you want to remove this file from the project?" />
<ProjectPanelReloadError title= "Reload Workspace" message= "Cannot find the file to reload." />
<ProjectPanelReloadDirty title= "Reload Workspace" message= "The c u r r e n t w o r k s p a c e w a s m o d i f i e d . R e l o a d i n g w i l l d i s c a r d a l l m o d i f i c a t i o n s .
2018-02-06 03:02:28 +01:00
Do you want to continue?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<UDLNewNameError title= "UDL Error" message= "This n a m e i s u s e d b y a n o t h e r l a n g u a g e ,
2018-02-08 02:57:07 +01:00
please give another one."/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<UDLRemoveCurrentLang title= "Remove the current language" message= "Are you sure?" />
<SCMapperDoDeleteOrNot title= "Are you sure?" message= "Are you sure you want to delete this shortcut?" />
<FindCharRangeValueError title= "Range Value problem" message= "You should type between 0 and 255." />
<OpenInAdminMode title= "Save failed" message= "The f i l e c a n n o t b e s a v e d a n d i t m a y b e p r o t e c t e d .
2018-03-01 10:59:22 +01:00
Do you want to launch Notepad++ in Administrator mode?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<OpenInAdminModeWithoutCloseCurrent title= "Save failed" message= "The f i l e c a n n o t b e s a v e d a n d i t m a y b e p r o t e c t e d .
2018-03-01 10:59:22 +01:00
Do you want to launch Notepad++ in Administrator mode?"/>
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<OpenInAdminModeFailed title= "Open in Administrator mode failed" message= "Notepad++ cannot be opened in Administrator mode." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: When you have no Admin privilege and you try to save a modified file in a protected location (for example: any file in sub - folder of "C:\Program Files\". This message will appear after replying "Yes" to "Open in Admin mode" dialog. -->
<ViewInBrowser title= "View Current File in Browser" message= "Application cannot be found in your system." />
<ExitToUpdatePlugins title= "Notepad++ is about to exit" message= "If y o u c l i c k Y E S , y o u w i l l q u i t N o t e p a d + + t o c o n t i n u e t h e o p e r a t i o n s .
2019-07-08 18:57:36 +02:00
Notepad++ will be restarted after all the operations are terminated.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
<NeedToRestartToLoadPlugins title= "Notepad++ need to be relaunched" message= "You have to restart Notepad++ to load plugins you installed." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Import a plugin via menu "Settings - >Import - >Import Plugin(s)...". -->
<ChangeHistoryEnabledWarning title= "Notepad++ need to be relaunched" message= "You have to restart Notepad++ to enable Change History." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: uncheck "Display Change History" via Preferences dialog "Marges/Border/Edge. -->
<WindowsSessionExit title= "Notepad++ - Windows session exit" message= "Windows session is about to be terminated but you have some data unsaved. Do you want to exit Notepad++ now?" />
<LanguageMenuCompactWarning title= "Compact Language Menu" message= "This option will be changed on the next launch." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: toggle "Make language menu compact" via Preferences dialog "Language/Language Menu. -->
<SwitchUnsavedThemeWarning title= "$STR_REPLACE$" message= "Unsaved c h a n g e s a r e a b o u t t o b e d i s c a r d e d !
Do you want to save your changes before switching themes?"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: In the Style Configurator dialog change some theme and switch to other theme without saving. -->
<MacroAndRunCmdlWarning title= "Macro and Run Commands Compatibility" message= "Your M a c r o a n d R u n c o m m a n d s s a v e d i n N o t e p a d + + v . 8 . 5 . 2 ( o r o l d e r ) m a y n o t b e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h t h e c u r r e n t v e r s i o n o f N o t e p a d + + .
2023-04-26 20:29:17 +02:00
Please test those commands and, if needed, re-edit them.
Alternatively, you can downgrade to Notepad++ v8.5.2 and restore your previous data.
Notepad++ will backup your old " shortcuts.xml" and save it as " shortcuts.xml.v8.5.2.backup" .
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
Renaming " shortcuts.xml.v8.5.2.backup" -> " shortcuts.xml" , your commands should be restored and work properly."/> <!-- HowToReproduce: Close Notepad++, remove shortcuts.xml.v8.5.2.backup & v852ShortcutsCompatibilityWarning.xml if present, relaunch Notepad++, delete or modify a shortcuts via Shortcut Mapper, close Notepad++, then the message will show up -->
<ClipboardHistory >
<PanelTitle name= "Clipboard History" />
<DocList >
<PanelTitle name= "Document List" />
<ColumnName name= "Name" />
<ColumnExt name= "Ext." />
<ColumnPath name= "Path" />
<ListGroups name= "Group by View" />
<WindowsDlg >
<ColumnName name= "Name" />
<ColumnPath name= "Path" />
<ColumnType name= "Type" />
<ColumnSize name= "Size" />
<NbDocsTotal name= "total documents:" />
<MenuCopyName name= "Copy Name(s)" />
<MenuCopyPath name= "Copy Pathname(s)" />
<AsciiInsertion >
<PanelTitle name= "ASCII Codes Insertion Panel" />
<ColumnVal name= "Value" />
<ColumnHex name= "Hex" />
<ColumnChar name= "Character" />
<ColumnHtmlName name= "HTML Name" />
<ColumnHtmlNumber name= "HTML Decimal" />
<ColumnHtmlHexNb name= "HTML Hexadecimal" />
<DocumentMap >
<PanelTitle name= "Document Map" />
<FunctionList >
<PanelTitle name= "Function List" />
<SortTip name= "Sort" />
<ReloadTip name= "Reload" />
<PreferencesTip name= "Preferences" />
<PreferencesInitialSort name= "Sort functions (A to Z) by default" />
<FolderAsWorkspace >
<PanelTitle name= "Folder as Workspace" />
<SelectFolderFromBrowserString name= "Select a folder to add in Folder as Workspace panel" />
<ExpandAllFoldersTip name= "Unfold all" />
<CollapseAllFoldersTip name= "Fold all" />
<LocateCurrentFileTip name= "Locate current file" />
<Menu >
<Item id= "3511" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "3512" name= "Remove All" />
<Item id= "3513" name= "Add" />
<Item id= "3514" name= "Run by system" />
<Item id= "3515" name= "Open" />
<Item id= "3516" name= "Copy path" />
<Item id= "3517" name= "Find in Files..." />
<Item id= "3518" name= "Explorer here" />
<Item id= "3519" name= "CMD here" />
<Item id= "3520" name= "Copy file name" />
<ProjectManager >
<PanelTitle name= "Project" />
<WorkspaceRootName name= "Workspace" />
<NewProjectName name= "Project Name" />
<NewFolderName name= "Folder Name" />
<Menus >
<Entries >
<Item id= "0" name= "Workspace" />
<Item id= "1" name= "Edit" />
<WorkspaceMenu >
<Item id= "3122" name= "New Workspace" />
<Item id= "3123" name= "Open Workspace" />
<Item id= "3124" name= "Reload Workspace" />
<Item id= "3125" name= "Save" />
<Item id= "3126" name= "Save As..." />
<Item id= "3127" name= "Save a Copy As..." />
<Item id= "3121" name= "Add New Project" />
<Item id= "3128" name= "Find in Projects..." />
<ProjectMenu >
<Item id= "3111" name= "Rename" />
<Item id= "3112" name= "Add Folder" />
<Item id= "3113" name= "Add Files..." />
<Item id= "3117" name= "Add Files from Directory..." />
<Item id= "3114" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "3118" name= "Move Up" />
<Item id= "3119" name= "Move Down" />
<FolderMenu >
<Item id= "3111" name= "Rename" />
<Item id= "3112" name= "Add Folder" />
<Item id= "3113" name= "Add Files..." />
<Item id= "3117" name= "Add Files from Directory..." />
<Item id= "3114" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "3118" name= "Move Up" />
<Item id= "3119" name= "Move Down" />
<FileMenu >
<Item id= "3111" name= "Rename" />
<Item id= "3115" name= "Remove" />
<Item id= "3116" name= "Modify File Path" />
<Item id= "3118" name= "Move Up" />
<Item id= "3119" name= "Move Down" />
<MiscStrings >
<!-- $INT_REPLACE$ and $STR_REPLACE$ are place holders, don't translate these place holders. -->
<word-chars-list-tip value= "This allows you to include additional character into current word characters while double clicking for selection or searching with "Match whole word only" option checked." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: In "Delimiter" section of Preferences dialog, hover your mouse on the "?" button. -->
<!-- Don't translate "("EOL custom color")" -->
<eol-custom-color-tip value= "Go to Style Configurator to change the default EOL custom color ("EOL custom color").." />
<word-chars-list-warning-begin value= "Be aware: " />
<word-chars-list-space-warning value= "$INT_REPLACE$ space(s)" />
<word-chars-list-tab-warning value= "$INT_REPLACE$ TAB(s)" />
<word-chars-list-warning-end value= " in your character list." /> <!-- HowToReproduce: In "Delimiter" section of Preferences dialog, check "Add your character as part of word\r(don't choose it unless you know what you're doing)", then type a white - space in the text field. -->
<backup-select-folder value= "Select a folder as backup directory" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Settings > Preferences > Backup > [...] -->
<cloud-invalid-warning value= "Invalid path." />
<cloud-restart-warning value= "Please restart Notepad++ to take effect." />
<cloud-select-folder value= "Select a folder from/to where Notepad++ reads/writes its settings" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: In "Cloud" section of Preferences dialog, check "Set your cloud location path here: ", then click the button "...". This message is displayed in the "Browse For Folder" dialog. -->
<default-open-save-select-folder value= "Select a folder as default directory" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Settings > Preferences > Default Directory > [...] -->
<shift-change-direction-tip value= "Use Shift+Enter to search in the opposite direction" />
<two-find-buttons-tip value= "2 find buttons mode" />
<file-rename-title value= "Rename" />
<find-in-files-filter-tip value= "Find i n c p p , c x x , h , h x x & a m p ; & a m p ; h p p :
2019-11-22 14:28:13 +01:00
*.cpp *.cxx *.h *.hxx *.hpp
Find in all files except exe, obj & & log:
2022-01-02 15:55:30 +01:00
*.* !*.exe !*.obj !*.log
Find in all files but exclude folders tests, bin & & bin64:
*.* !\tests !\bin*
Find in all files but exclude all folders log or logs recursively:
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
*.* !+\log*"/> <!-- HowToReproduce: Tip of mouse hovered on "Filters" label in "Find in Files" section of Find dialog. -->
<find-in-files-select-folder value= "Select a folder to search from" /> <!-- HowToReproduce: Search > Find in Files > [...] -->
<find-status-top-reached value= "Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The beginning of the document has been reached." />
<find-status-end-reached value= "Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of the document has been reached." />
<find-status-replaceinfiles-1-replaced value= "Replace in Files: 1 occurrence was replaced" />
<find-status-replaceinfiles-nb-replaced value= "Replace in Files: $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences were replaced" />
<find-status-replaceinfiles-re-malformed value= "Replace in Opened Files: The regular expression is malformed" />
<find-status-replaceinopenedfiles-1-replaced value= "Replace in Opened Files: 1 occurrence was replaced" />
<find-status-replaceinopenedfiles-nb-replaced value= "Replace in Opened Files: $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences were replaced" />
<find-status-mark-re-malformed value= "Mark: The regular expression to search is malformed" />
<find-status-invalid-re value= "Find: Invalid regular expression" />
<find-status-search-failed value= "Find: Search failed" />
<find-status-mark-1-match value= "Mark: 1 match" />
<find-status-mark-nb-matches value= "Mark: $INT_REPLACE$ matches" />
<find-status-count-re-malformed value= "Count: The regular expression to search is malformed" />
<find-status-count-1-match value= "Count: 1 match" />
<find-status-count-nb-matches value= "Count: $INT_REPLACE$ matches" />
<find-status-replaceall-re-malformed value= "Replace All: The regular expression is malformed" />
<find-status-replaceall-1-replaced value= "Replace All: 1 occurrence was replaced" />
<find-status-replaceall-nb-replaced value= "Replace All: $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences were replaced" />
<find-status-replaceall-readonly value= "Replace All: Cannot replace text. The current document is read only" />
<find-status-replace-end-reached value= "Replace: Replaced the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of document has been reached" />
<find-status-replace-top-reached value= "Replace: Replaced the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The begin of document has been reached" />
<find-status-replaced-next-found value= "Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced. The next occurrence found." />
<find-status-replaced-without-continuing value= "Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced." />
<find-status-replaced-next-not-found value= "Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced. No more occurrences were found." />
<find-status-replace-not-found value= "Replace: no occurrence was found" />
<find-status-replace-readonly value= "Replace: Cannot replace text. The current document is read only" />
<find-status-cannot-find value= "Find: Can't find the text "$STR_REPLACE$"" />
<find-status-scope-selection value= "in selected text" />
<find-status-scope-all value= "in entire file" />
<find-status-scope-backward value= "from start-of-file to caret" />
<find-status-scope-forward value= "from caret to end-of-file" />
<finder-find-in-finder value= "Find in these search results..." />
<finder-close-this value= "Close these search results" />
<finder-collapse-all value= "Fold all" />
<finder-uncollapse-all value= "Unfold all" />
<finder-copy value= "Copy Selected Line(s)" />
<finder-copy-verbatim value= "Copy" />
<finder-copy-paths value= "Copy Pathname(s)" />
<finder-select-all value= "Select all" />
<finder-clear-all value= "Clear all" />
<finder-open-all value= "Open all" />
<finder-purge-for-every-search value= "Purge for every search" />
<finder-wrap-long-lines value= "Word wrap long lines" />
<common-ok value= "OK" />
<common-cancel value= "Cancel" />
<common-name value= "Name" />
<tabrename-title value= "Rename Current Tab" />
<tabrename-newname value= "New name" />
<splitter-rotate-left value= "Rotate to left" />
<splitter-rotate-right value= "Rotate to right" />
<userdefined-title-new value= "Create New Language..." />
<userdefined-title-save value= "Save Current Language Name As..." />
<userdefined-title-rename value= "Rename Current Language Name" />
<summary value= "Summary" />
<summary-filepath value= "Full file path: " />
<summary-filecreatetime value= "Created: " />
<summary-filemodifytime value= "Modified: " />
<summary-nbchar value= "Characters (without line endings): " />
<summary-nbword value= "Words: " />
<summary-nbline value= "Lines: " />
<summary-nbbyte value= "Document length: " />
<summary-nbsel1 value= " selected characters (" />
<summary-nbsel2 value= " bytes) in " />
<summary-nbrange value= " ranges" />
<progress-hits-title value= "Hits:" />
<progress-cancel-button value= "Cancel" />
<progress-cancel-info value= "Cancelling operation, please wait..." />
<find-in-files-progress-title value= "Find In Files progress..." />
<replace-in-files-confirm-title value= "Are you sure?" />
<replace-in-files-confirm-directory value= "Are you sure you want to replace all occurrences in :" />
<replace-in-files-confirm-filetype value= "For file type :" />
<replace-in-files-progress-title value= "Replace In Files progress..." />
<replace-in-projects-confirm-title value= "Are you sure?" />
<replace-in-projects-confirm-message value= "Do you want to replace all occurrences in all documents in the selected Project Panel(s)?" />
<replace-in-open-docs-confirm-title value= "Are you sure?" />
<replace-in-open-docs-confirm-message value= "Are you sure you want to replace all occurrences in all open documents?" />
<find-result-caption value= "Search results" />
<find-result-title value= "Search" /> <!-- Must not begin with space or tab character -->
<find-result-title-info value= "($INT_REPLACE1$ hits in $INT_REPLACE2$ files of $INT_REPLACE3$ searched)" />
<find-result-title-info-selections value= "($INT_REPLACE1$ hits in $INT_REPLACE2$ selections of $INT_REPLACE3$ searched)" />
<find-result-title-info-extra value= " - Line Filter Mode: only display the filtered results" />
<find-result-hits value= "($INT_REPLACE$ hits)" />
<find-result-line-prefix value= "Line" /> <!-- Must not begin with space or tab character -->
<find-regex-zero-length-match value= "zero length match" />
<session-save-folder-as-workspace value= "Save Folder as Workspace" />
<tab-untitled-string value= "new " />
<file-save-assign-type value= "&Append extension" />
<close-panel-tip value= "Close" />
<IncrementalFind-FSFound value= "$INT_REPLACE$ matches" />
<IncrementalFind-FSNotFound value= "Phrase not found" />
<IncrementalFind-FSTopReached value= "Reached top of page, continued from bottom" />
<IncrementalFind-FSEndReached value= "Reached end of page, continued from top" />
<contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken value= "Style all occurrences of token" />
<contextMenu-styleOneToken value= "Style one token" />
<contextMenu-clearStyle value= "Clear style" />
<contextMenu-PluginCommands value= "Plugin commands" />
<largeFileRestriction-tip value= "Some f e a t u r e s m a y s l o w p e r f o r m a n c e i n l a r g e f i l e s . T h e s e f e a t u r e s c a n b e a u t o - d i s a b l e d o n o p e n i n g a l a r g e f i l e . Y o u c a n c u s t o m i z e t h e m h e r e .
2022-10-21 01:14:23 +02:00
1. Modifying options here requires re-open currently opened large files to get proper behavior.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
2. If " Deactivate Word Wrap globally" is checked and you open a large file, " Word Wrap" will be disabled for all files. You can re-enable it via menu " View-> Word Wrap" ." />
<npcNote-tip value= "Representation o f s e l e c t e d & q u o t ; n o n - A S C I I & q u o t ; w h i t e s p a c e a n d n o n - p r i n t i n g ( c o n t r o l ) c h a r a c t e r s .
2023-01-31 18:07:26 +01:00
Using representation will disable character effects on text.
For the full list of selected whitespace and non-printing characters check User Manual.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
Click on this button to open website with User Manual." />
<npcAbbreviation-tip value= "Abbreviation : n a m e
2023-01-31 18:07:26 +01:00
NBSP : no-break space
ZWSP : zero-width space
ZWNBSP : zero-width no-break space
For the full list check User Manual.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
Click on " ?" button on right to open website with User Manual." />
<npcCodepoint-tip value= "Codepoint : n a m e
2023-01-31 18:07:26 +01:00
U+00A0 : no-break space
U+200B : zero-width space
U+FEFF : zero-width no-break space
For the full list check User Manual.
2023-05-08 16:35:03 +02:00
Click on " ?" button on right to open website with User Manual." />
<!-- Don't translate "("Non - printing characters custom color")" -->
<npcCustomColor-tip value= "Go to Style Configurator to change the default custom color for selected whitespace and non-printing characters ("Non-printing characters custom color")." />
<npcIncludeCcUniEol-tip value= "Apply non-printing characters appearance settings to C0, C1 control and Unicode EOL (next line, line separator and paragraph separator) characters." />
2015-06-24 17:48:22 +02:00
2020-08-11 16:27:03 +02:00