The changelog for historic versions of Notepad++ v1.x - v3.x
Links to particular leading versions:
02:32 25/09/2006
v3.9 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.8) :
- Remember the bookmarks, maintaining of indentation, zoom level and visibilities of white space/EOL characters in each saved session.
- Add the capacity to clear read only attribute.
- Fix the reload bug for read-only file.
- Add the capacity to write the files which have the system attribute.
- Backup file on each save (optional : verbose mode & normal mode).
- Add the close button for each tab like Opera (optional).
- Add double click on tab to close document feature (optional).
- Add word completion (Alt+Space) feature.
- Fix the line number margin display bug.
- Add Opera style task list tab switcher (Ctrl+Tab or Mouse Right Click + Mouse Wheel).
- Add Ada, Caml, AutoIt, KixTart, Matlab, Verilog language support.
- Add TeX folding support.
14:18 23/07/2006
v3.8 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.7) :
- Restore the F3 old behaviour of v3.6 (search non-volatile). Change search volatile behaviour in Ctrl-F3.
- Add run macro multiple times feature.
- Enhance macro undo/redo feature.
- Memorize the position of each file while saving the session.
- Add feature which creates a new file if file to open does not exist (from command line).
- Bug fixed : crash while NPP minimized & open file from explorer context menu.
- Bug fixed : User Defined Dialog's crash problem
- Change system tray icon behaviour : One Click to show notepad++ windows.
- Add Block comment/uncomment and Stream comment feature for User define language.
- Fix Macro recording bug : paste command is recorded 2 times.
v3.7 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.6) :
- Fix UCS2 LE bug.
- Fix search/replace in UTF-8 file problem.
- Fix the bug to paste the EOL which is not conform to destination document.
- Add the auto-expansion capacity (reacting on the cursor position) for search feature (Ctrl+F / Ctrl+Alt+I).
- Add the window (document) list feature.
- Add updating file silently feature (to enable it via Preference Dialog).
- Add CURRENT_WORD and NPP_DIRECTORY in environment variables.
- Fix the bug for New document setting.
v3.6 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.5) :
- Add Preference Dialog.
- Add the customizable default settings for new document - Format/Encoding/Language(in Preference Dialog).
- Add the customizable feature (hide or display item) for the Language Menu (in Preference Dialog).
- Fix the print bug of continued background colour on footer and header.
- Add 2 environment variables for Run Dialog :
(EXT_PART), and 3 environment variables for printing feature. - Make printing parameters customizable : colour, marges, headers and footers.
- Fix the search with match case bug for non latin-1.
v3.5 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.4) :
- Double click on blank area to have a new document (Firefox behaviour).
- Add "Set current document read only" command.
- Fix the behaviour to hold the directory of closed file as current working directory.
- Add "copy file name/full path/current directory to clipboard" feature.
- Add an X button on upper right corner to close the current document.
- Add the "incremental search" feature.
- New toolbar feel & look (For the standard icons).
v3.4 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.3) :
- Auto-detect the UTF-8 files without BOM.
- Add synchronized (vertical and/or horizontal) scrolling feature in multi-view mode.
- Add several keys (cut/copy/paste, undo/redo...) in the shortcut mapper.
- Opening a file with relative path from command line is supported.
- Fix the clear the "Style found token" problem (Find/Replace Dialog) in normal text mode.
- Fix UPPERCASE and lowercase bug under Windows 95/98.
- Enhance HOME/END key in Wrap text mode.
- Add Always on top feature.
v3.3 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.2) :
- Add the capacity to keep all the configuration files in Notepad++ installed location.
- Add shortcut Alt+F4 to menu item "Exit", user can resign the shortcut he/she want to it.
- Add shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S to menu item "Save AS".
- Add a button in Find/Replace Dialog to switch between Find Dialog and Replace Dialog.
- Support heredoc for php.
- Fix the memory leak bug while closing the document
- Improve the functionalities of "to upper case" and "to lower case".
- Support TCL, Assembler, Ruby, Lisp, Scheme, Properties, Diff, Smalltalk, Postscript and VHDL languages.
- Add customizable styles for line number margin and fold margin.
- The shortcut (hot key) assignment for plugin command is supported.
v3.2 new features and fixed bugs (from v3.1) :
- Change the behaviour for nativeLang.xml : nativeLang.xml which in the application directory will be loaded as the absence of %AppData%\Notepad++\nativeLang.xml.
- Support XP visual style.
- Fix replace all + direction up bug.
- Fix the bug that scrolls down one line as launching Notepad++ to open a file (double click).
- Fix the view shift bug while switching back (finally!!!).
- Fix the bug of failing to open the files (by using context menu or double click) with some "special" file names.
- Add "open the last session's files" feature (optional).
- Support the project file (save session and load session)
- Change the interface of Style Configurator.
- Fix the bug that open multi-instance of Notepad++ while opening several files at the first launch.
- The extensions of User Defined Languages can override the ones of supported languages now.
v3.1 new features and corrected bugs (from v3.0) :
- Add Plugin capacity.
- Add Find In Files feature.
- Set Current Working Directory according the current editing file.
- Make visible the saved macros and user commands on the menu.
- Fix some fonts non displayed in combo box bug.
- Add bi-directional text editing feature.
- Add UI RTL (Right To Left) ability.
- Fix the saving problem for the files with hidden attribute.
- Fix CSS pseudo-class keywords bug.
- Add header and footer for printing.
- Fix the bug that view changes while switch back the previous document (as "wrap text" feature is enable)
- Multiple extensions for the same User Defined Language is allowed.
- Fix the bug that notepad++ open a file twice because of sensitive case distinction for the file path.
- Fix the bug for "Find in all opened document" crash problem under some systems.
v3.0 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.9) :
- Add remapping the shortcuts feature.
- Enhance the macro feature (saving ability, mapping with shortcut).
- Enhance the run command feature (saving ability, mapping with shortcut and insert of environment variables).
- Add "Trim Trailing Space" feature.
- Fix the User Defined Language Dialog splash problem during the launch of Notepad++.
- Fix the Regular Expression Search problem for an empty word.
- Fix the problem that Notepad++ creep up each launch time when taskbar at top of screen.
- Fix "New Notepad Document" disappearing problem (in context menu) after associate .txt with Notepad++ via the File Association Manager
- Add "Close tab with the middle mouse button" feature.
- Add "go to line #" command line argument.
- Add find features Find selected Next(Shift+F3), Find Prev(Ctrl+F3) and Find selected Prev(Ctrl+Shift+F3).
- Fix the Ucs-2 little/big endian encoding bug.
- Fix the sql string highlighting problem.
- Add shortcuts Alt+0 and Alt+Shift+0 for respectively "Fold all" and "Unfold all".
v2.9 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.8) :
- fix a regular expression's replace bug.
- enhance the regular expression find/replace feature.
- fix Search Next/Previous Bookmark without bookmark bug.
- "Find All" not only marks, but also keeps the style now.
- add "Replace all in selection zone" feature.
- add "Mark all in in selection zone" feature.
- add "Replace all in all opened document" feature.
- add "Find all in all opened document" feature.
- fix a minor bug of restoring window position and size from previous session.
- Add a "clear" button to clear all marks in Find Dialog.
v2.8 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.7) :
- Recent Files History menu is now dynamic.
- Change the shortcuts "Collapse the levels" (From Ctrl-Alt-# to Alt-#) and the shortcuts "Uncollapse the levels" (From Ctrl-Alt-Shift-# to Alt-Shift-#)
- The feature to minimize to system tray is added.
- Block Comment features are added
v2.7 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.6) :
- A regular expression's find/replace bug is fixed.
- A folding status' bug is fixed.
- The bug of saving file while displaying as UTF-8 is fixed.
- The horizontal scrollbar bug is fixed.
- The auto-completion for User Define Language is supported.
- 2 Delimiter Groups are added in the User Language Define System.
- 2 functionalities are added - to Upper case and to lower case.
- "Go to matching brace" feature is added.
- Macro Recording and playing features are added.
- A "Replace All" bug is fixed, as well the "Replace All" performance are optimized.
- Add new menu item "Open All Recent File".
- File Auto-detection is configurable now.
- A file name separation problem is fixed.
- Checking of Recent file list at launch time is able to disable now.
- The crash because of column mode selection is corrected.
v2.6 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.5) :
- Add the File Associations Manager.
- A bug of User Define Language panel is fixed : After creating a new language and restarting Notepad++, all font foreground colors change to white.
- Increase the capacity of User Define Language keyword list : from 1024 bytes to 4096 bytes
- Behaviour issue : fixed the problem that the folded document is unfolded while switching back.
- A fixed bug : the position of document is entirely memorized while switching among the document.
- New feature for User Language Define System : the comment and comment line symbols can be recognized even the followed character is not a white space (optional to user).
- The behaviour of functionality "Fold all" fixed : From now on, not only the folders, bot also all the sub-folders are collapsed when this command is executed.
- Add features : user can collapse/uncollapse the current level (the caret current position).
- Add features : user can collapse/uncollapse whichever folder level (1-8) he/she wants.
- Add Underline check box in User Define Language Panel.
- Add Prefix feature (optional) for each keyword in User Define Language.
- Add a feature that treating the comment tokens as symbols (allow no white space) is optional in User Define Language.
- Add a feature that the case sensitive is an option in User Define Language.
- Add full screen toggle feature (F11).
- A fixed bug : Infinite search when counting (or marking) words backwards.
- A fixed bug : Replace all.
- Add the UI limit of language name for User Define Language Panel.
v2.5 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.4) :
- Add the capacity that user can add his/her extension for each supported language.
- Add the capacity that user can add his/her keywords for each supported language.
- Add the new menu entries/features: Insert/Remove TAB, Duplicate or transpose current line, split/join lines and Move Up/Down current line.
- Add the support of languages TEX, NSIS, FLASH actionscript, Unix/Linux SHELL script and FORTRAN.
- Add the new font style Underline.
- Add the Multi-instance functionality: Pass the parameter -multiInst (case-sensitive) on the command line to activate it.
- Add the feature to open file by resigning the syntax highlighting, that user can pass the parameter -l (case-sensitive) to specify the set language.
- Enhance Notepad replacement of View source under IExplorer: The syntax highlighting will be set automatically as HTML (optional in Installer).
- Add the selected characters number display on the status bar.
- Add the total characters number display on the status bar.
- Correct a bug of the limit number of open file via the open file dialog.
- Correct a bug (symbol ^ as operator) for User Language Define System.
- Add the shortcut CTRL-R to Launch the Run Dialog.
- Enhance the Run Dialog: The ability to interpreter the environment variables.
- Add the Display as UTF-8 menu entry.
- Correct an UTF-8 document display bug under Chinese/Korean/Japanese Windows.
v2.4 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.3) :
- Add the transparency to the Find/Replace dialog, Styler Configurator dialog and User Define Language dialog (for w2k and xp only).
- Correct a bug of VB lexer.
- Correct a bug of Perl lexer.
- Add VB Net keywords.
- Add scroll bar in User Define Language dialog in the dock mode (for the people who has the prehistoric configuration - 14" monitor with 640*480 resolution :-) ).
- Add the option in the Find/Replace Dialog box to show the found token at the top, in the middle or at the buttom of the edit zone.
- Update the keywords list of javascript.
- Add the feature to change the toolbar icons.
- Add the Unicode encoding feature.
v2.3 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.2) :
- Multi-Native Language (For non English speaking user).
- Correct a bug of updating the document in dual view while reloading the document modified from outside.
- Correct a bug of showing minimised Notepad++ while the opened document is deleted from outside.
- Correct a PHP Keywords bug.
- Correct a bug about the update of document state while switching with Ctrl+TAB or Ctrl+Shift+TAB.
- Correct a minor bug of losing focus while reaching the end of search by using the F3 key (The focus is not restored while ending the notice dialog box) .
- Add 2 menu entries to show the white space/TAB and EOL separately.
- Add right vertical edge line.
- Add Context Menu Entry under explorer (optional in the installer) 10.Add the ability to replace "the default source viewer" for the iexplorer (optional in the installer)
- An auto-completion bug is corrected.
v2.2 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.1) :
- Improve the user define language feature (add syntax folding) and allow to user to save the user define language.
- Support Unicode (UTF-8, UCS-2).
- Add "Mark all", "Style All" and "Count" feature in the Find Dialog.
- Correct "Replace All" infinite loop bug. For example : Find "poo" to replace by "pooo".
- Add shortcut key Ctrl + F4 and Ctrl + W to close file.
- Text foreground colour remains the same when text is selected (change only the selected text background colour).
- Add C# language support.
- Add Lua language support.
- Correct a minor bug for the Splitter window (no more context menu for the fix splitter).
- Add css.api file and some CSS keywords (Thanks to Caroline Guénette).
v2.1 new features and corrected bugs (from v2.0) :
- Support le language Batch (*.bat, *.cmd & *.nt).
- Add the ugly standard icons for the toolbar.
- Make Tabbar height configurable (Normal <-> Reduce)
- Change the caret to the ordinary one.
- Add Toggle fold all feature.
- Fix the current line highlighting toggle display bug
v2.0 new features and corrected bugs (from v1.9) :
- Add autocomplete list box (intern keywords list or extern file.api). Ctrl + Space to trigger it.
- Support le language CSS.
- Support le language Python.
- Support le language Perl.
- Support le language Pascal.
- Support *.js file (extern javascript file).
- add php 5 keywords.
- Notepad++ remembers now the size and the position of the last session.
- Notepad++ remembers also if wrap was enable in the last session (do wrap or not).
- The focus is always on edit control when Find Dialog appears..
v1.9 new features and corrected bugs (from v1.8) :
- Buffer over run on Find and Replace Dialog is corrected - The limit of character number to search is set to 256.
- Add "Set Max Number of Opened Files" menu entry (Setting->Set Max Number of History Files), that allows user to set max opened files history. Note that the maximum number is 30. Enter for accepting the nb max file value and Esc for cancel the action.
- Tab size and replacing tab by space are configurable now (Setting->Tab Setting). Enter for accepting the tab size value and Esc for cancel the action.
- Support now Unix and Mac format (before v 1.9 Notepad++ supported only read mode). The user can also convert his doc to the 2 other formats (Unix -> Mac / Dos, Dos -> Unix / Mac and Mac -> Dos / Unix).
- Launch problem under NT 4 is corrected
v1.8 new features (from v1.7) :
- VB & VBS is supported.
- SQL is supported.
- Objective-C is supported.
- Installer is added
v1.7 new features and fixed bugs (from v1.6) :
- Syntax folding for MS ini file is added
- Improve the asp language support
- Style Configurator is added. From now on Notepad++ is configurable completely!!!
v1.6 new features and fixed bugs (from v1.5) :
- Support now the hot key Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab to switch to the next / previous document.
- Current Line Highlighting is added (to enable/disable : Menu View -> Current Line Highlighting).
- Recent File History is now enhanced (eliminate non-available file path before loading Recent File History).
- go to line # Dialog Box is added (access to it by Ctrl+G or Menu Search->Go to line...)
- Status Bar is enhanced : a. display the current position Ln & Col of caret - double click on this zone will launch "go to line # Dialog Box" b. display the insertion mode INS|OVR - simple click on this zone will switch the alternative insertion mode (The same effect of key stroke Insert)
- Fixed bug : The focus wasn't restored after switching back to Notepad++.
v1.5 new features and fixed bugs (from v1.4) :
- Brace and Indent guideline Highlight : When the caret stay beside of one of those symbol "{ } ( )" the symbol beside of caret and its symmetric opposite symbol will be highlighted, as well as the indent guideline in order to locate the bloc more easily.
- A fixed bug : the incorrect display of line number margin by doing the zoom is corrected.
- The tooltips for the tool bar are added.
- Another fixed bug : The position of the document wasn't restored correctly after closing or drag-and-dropping a document.
- fixed bug again : the Find text dialog didn't memorize the searched words.
- Syntax Highlighting of asp file is added.
v1.4 change log (from v1.3) :
- Codepage auto-detection is done. Notepad++ works automatically now under Traditional/Simplified Chinese Windows. as well under Korean and Japanese Windows (ie. the native characters will be displayed correctly).
- Bookmark feature is added. User can just click on the bookmark margin (located right side of line number margin) or type Ctrl+F2 to toggle a book mark. To reach the bookmark, type just F2 (Next bookmark) or Shift+F2 (Previous bookmark). To clear all bookmarks, click the Menu "Search->Clear All bookmarks".
- An icon of "wrap the text" is added into the tool bar.
- Syntax highlighting of *.ini is added.
- Multi-user configuration system is done. From now on the personal GUI configuration and history are saved in the user directory. Also it's no more need to modify the user configuration file manually, Notepad++ memorizes automatically the current GUI configuration for the next session.
- An "pseudo" bug of find string is corrected. This "pseudo bug" is that if the user try to find a whatever string just after opening a file (without placing the caret), he will find nothing because the caret is at the end of file. The remedy is Notepad++ puts the caret at the beginning of the opened document.
Notepad++ v1.3
from v1.2 :
- add the xml configurator
- add the new functionality of "close all but current document"
- add doxygen syntax highlighting.
- add the new functionality of History (the list of the opened document)
corrected bugs & new feature :
- Add text wrap function.
- Add automatic indentation. (not intelligent indentation yet).
- remove no needed fold marge for some types of document.
- correct the problem of different size of fold margin for the different type of document.
- correct the problem that the dialogs don't receive the key stroke of ENTER.
- Add new menu entry to support traditional Chinese codepage, so from now on N++ works under the Chinese windows system.
Notepad++ v1.1 enhancements and bug-fixes (from v1.0 Bis) :
- Add 1 menu entry for shell execution, to launch the program from n++.
1.0 Bis
Notepad++ v1.0 Bis enhancements and bug-fixes (from v1.0) :
- A miniature bug for tool-bar display is corrected.
- Add 2 menu entries for the existing functions go to another view and clone to another view, and remove one invalid menu entry.
Notepad++ v1.0 enhancements and bug-fixes (from v1.0 Beta) :
- A makefile, working for MinGW 3.0., is available.
- An enhancement on the filter of the File Open dialog.
- When user launches find & Replace dialog (with CTRL+F or CTRL+H), NPP checks if there's selected text. If yes, the selected text will be inserted into the list box of the Find & Replace Dialog.
1.0 Beta
- Notepad++ is a Scintilla-based source editor written in C++ with the win32 API (without MFC).
- The aim of Notepad++ is to offer the programmer a better GUI and to offer the general user a better customizable Notepad.