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Run OpenSSH Pester Tests:

To setup the test environment before test run:

Import-Module  .\openssh-portable\contrib\win32\openssh\OpenSSHTestHelper.psm1 Force

Set-OpenSSHTestEnvironment contains below parameters:

  • -OpenSSHBinPath: Specify the location where ssh.exe should be picked up. If not specified, the function will prompt to user if he/she want to choose the first ssh.exe found in $env:path if exists.
  • -TestDataPath: Specify the location where the test binaries deploy to. The default is $env:SystemDrive\OpenSSHTests if it not specified.
  • -Quiet: If it is set, the function will do all the changes without prompting to user to confirm.
  • -DebugMode: If it is set, the subsequent tests will be running in debug mode. User can modify by setting $OpenSSHTestInfo["DebugMode"] .

To run the test suites:


To run a particular test, just run the script or the executatlbe directly


To verify / modify (Ex- DebugMode) the Test setup environment

$OpenSSHTestInfo["DebugMode"] = $true

To revert what's done in Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment:


Guidelines for writing Pester based OpenSSH test cases

Follow these simple steps for test case indexing

  • Initialize the following variables at start
  $tC = 1
  $tI = 0
  • Place the following blocks in Describe
    BeforeEach {
        $stderrFile=Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.stderr.txt"
        $stdoutFile=Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.stdout.txt"
        $logFile = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.log.txt"
    AfterEach {$tI++;}
  • Place the following blocks in each Context
  BeforeAll {$tI=1}
  • Prefix any test out file with $tC.$tI. You may use pre-created $stderrFile, $stdoutFile, $logFile for this purpose