373 lines
16 KiB
373 lines
16 KiB
If ($PSVersiontable.PSVersion.Major -le 2) {$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path}
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force
#todo: -i -q -v -l -c -C
#todo: -S -F -V -e
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "sshclient"
Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh client" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Set-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to set test environments."
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$port = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Port"]
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$testDir = Join-Path $OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"] $suite
if(-not (Test-Path $testDir))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$acl = Get-Acl $testDir
$rights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"Read, Write"
$accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ssouser, $rights, "ContainerInherit,Objectinherit", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $testDir -AclObject $acl
$platform = Get-Platform
#skip on ps 2 becase non-interactive cmd require a ENTER before it returns on ps2
$skip = ($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2)
<#$testData = @(
Title = 'Simple logon no option';
LogonStr = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName)"
Options = ""
Title = 'Simple logon using -C -l option'
LogonStr = $server.MachineName
Options = "-C -l $($server.localAdminUserName)"
$testData1 = @(
Title = "logon using -i -q option"
LogonStr = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName)"
Options = '-i $identifyFile -q'
Title = "logon using -i option"
LogonStr = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName)"
Options = '-i $identifyFile'
Title = "logon using -i -c option"
LogonStr = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName)"
Options = '-i $identifyFile -c aes256-ctr'
-V does not redirect to file
Title = "logon using -i -V option"
LogonStr = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName)"
Options = '-i $identifyFile -V'
SkipVerification = $true
Title = 'logon using -i -l option'
LogonStr = $server.MachineName
Options = '-i $identifyFile -l $($server.localAdminUserName)'
$dfltShellRegPath = "HKLM:\Software\OpenSSH"
$dfltShellRegKeyName = "DefaultShell"
$dfltShellCmdOptionRegKeyName = "DefaultShellCommandOption"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellCmdOptionRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function ConfigureDefaultShell {
[string] $default_shell_path,
[string] $default_shell_cmd_option_val = $null
if (!(Test-Path $dfltShellRegPath)) {
New-Item -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Force | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellRegKeyName -Value $default_shell_path -PropertyType String -Force
if ($default_shell_cmd_option_val -ne $null) {
New-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellCmdOptionRegKeyName -Value $default_shell_cmd_option_val -PropertyType String -Force
BeforeEach {
$stderrFile=Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.stderr.txt"
$stdoutFile=Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.stdout.txt"
$logFile = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.log.txt"
AfterEach {$tI++;}
Context "$tC - Basic Scenarios" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
It "$tC.$tI - test version" {
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -V 2> $stderrFile`""
$stderrFile | Should Contain "OpenSSH_for_Windows"
It "$tC.$tI - test help" {
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -? 2> $stderrFile`""
$stderrFile | Should Contain "usage: ssh"
It "$tC.$tI - remote echo command" {
iex "$sshDefaultCmd echo 1234" | Should Be "1234"
Context "$tC - exit code (exit-status.sh)" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
It "$tC.$tI - various exit codes" {
foreach ($i in (0,1,4,5,44)) {
ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server exit $i
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Be $i
Context "$tC - Redirection Scenarios" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
It "$tC.$tI - stdout to file" -skip:$skip {
ssh test_target powershell get-process > $stdoutFile
$stdoutFile | Should Contain "ProcessName"
It "$tC.$tI - stdout to PS object" {
$o = ssh test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI - multiple double quotes in cmdline" {
# actual command line ssh target \"cmd\" /c \"echo hello\"
$o = ssh test_target `\`"cmd`\`" /c `\`"echo hello`\`"
$o | Should Be "hello"
It "$tC.$tI - stdin from PS object" -skip:$skip {
# execute this script that dumps the length of input data, on the remote end
$str = "begin {} process { Write-Output `$input.Length} end { }"
$EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($str))
$h = "hello123"
# ignore error stream using 2> $null
$o = $h | ssh test_target PowerShell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -EncodedCommand $EncodedText 2> $null
$o | Should Be "8"
It "$tC.$tI - stream file in and out" -skip:$skip {
# prep a file of size > 10KB (https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/908 was caught with such file size)
$str = ""
(1..100) | foreach {$str += "1234567890"}
#strem file from local to remote
$testsrc = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.testsrc"
$testdst1 = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.testdst1"
$null | Set-Content $testsrc
$null | Set-Content $testdst1
(1..105) | foreach {Add-Content -Encoding Ascii -Path $testsrc -Value $str}
# execute this script that dumps input stream in target file, on the remote end
$str = "begin {} process { Add-Content -Encoding Ascii -path $testdst1 -Value ([string]`$input)} end { }"
$EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($str))
# ignore error stream using 2> $null
get-content $testsrc | ssh test_target PowerShell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -EncodedCommand $EncodedText 2> $null
(dir $testdst1).Length | Should Be (dir $testsrc).Length
# stream file from remote to local
$testdst2 = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.testdst2"
$null | Set-Content $testdst2
(ssh test_target powershell get-content $testdst1 -Encoding Ascii) | Set-Content $testdst2 -Encoding ASCII
(dir $testdst2).Length | Should Be (dir $testsrc).Length
Context "$tC - configure powershell default shell Scenarios" {
BeforeAll {
$shell_path = (Get-Command powershell.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).path
if($shell_path -ne $null) {
ConfigureDefaultShell -default_shell_path $shell_path -default_shell_cmd_option_val "-c"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellCmdOptionRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "$tC.$tI - basic powershell" -skip:$skip {
$o = ssh test_target Write-Output 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI - basic in powershell cmdlet" -skip:$skip {
$o = ssh test_target "cd `$env:ProgramFiles;pwd"
#$o | Should Match "c:\Program Files"
It "$tC.$tI - powershell as default shell and double quotes in cmdline" {
# actual command line ssh target echo `"hello`"
$o = ssh test_target echo ``\`"hello``\`"
$o | Should Be "`"hello`""
It "$tC.$tI - multiple commands with double quotes in powershell cmdlet" -skip:$skip {
# actual command line ssh target cd "$env:programfiles";pwd
$o = ssh test_target "cd \`"`$env:programfiles\`";pwd"
$match = $o -match "Program Files"
$match.count | Should be 1
It "$tC.$tI - multiple commands with double quotes in powershell cmdlet" -skip:$skip {
# actual command line ssh target dir "$env:programfiles";cd "$env:programfiles";pwd
$o = ssh test_target "dir \`"`$env:programfiles\`";cd \`"`$env:programfiles\`";pwd"
#$o -contains "Program Files" | Should Be $True
$match = $o -match "Program Files"
$match.count | Should Be 3
It "$tC.$tI - single quotes in powershell cmdlet" -skip:$skip {
# actual command line ssh target echo '$env:computername'
$o = ssh test_target "echo '`$env:computername'"
$o | Should Be `$env:computername
Context "$tC - configure cmd as default shell" {
BeforeAll {
$shell_path = (Get-Command cmd.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).path
if($shell_path -ne $null) {
ConfigureDefaultShell -default_shell_path $shell_path -default_shell_cmd_option_val "/c"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellCmdOptionRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "$tC.$tI - default shell as cmd" -skip:$skip {
$o = ssh test_target where cmd
$o | Should Contain "cmd"
It "$tC.$tI - cmd as default shell and double quotes in cmdline" {
# actual command line ssh target echo "\"hello\""
$o = ssh test_target 'echo "\"hello\""'
$o | Should Be "`"hello`""
It "$tC.$tI - single quotes in powershell cmdlet" -skip:$skip {
# actual command line ssh target echo '$env:computername'
$o = ssh test_target "echo 'hello'"
$o | Should Be "'hello'"
Context "$tC - configure ssh-shellhost as default shell" {
BeforeAll {
$shell_path = (Get-Command ssh-shellhost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).path
ConfigureDefaultShell -default_shell_path $shell_path
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $dfltShellRegPath -Name $dfltShellCmdOptionRegKeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "$tC.$tI - shellhost as default shell and multiple double quotes in cmdline" {
# actual command line ssh target \"cmd\" /c \"echo \"hello\"\"
$o = ssh test_target `\`"cmd`\`" /c `\`"echo \`"hello\`"`\`"
$o | Should Be "`"hello`""
Context "$tC - cmdline parameters" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
It "$tC.$tI - verbose to file (-v -E)" {
$o = ssh -v -E $logFile test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
#TODO - checks below are very inefficient (time taking).
$logFile | Should Contain "OpenSSH_"
$logFile | Should Contain "Exit Status 0"
It "$tC.$tI - cipher options (-c)" {
#bad cipher
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -c bad_cipher test_target echo 1234 2>$stderrFile`""
$stderrFile | Should Contain "Unknown cipher type"
#good cipher, ensure cipher is used from debug logs
$o = ssh -c aes256-ctr -v -E $logFile test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
$logFile | Should Contain "kex: server->client cipher: aes256-ctr"
$logFile | Should Contain "kex: client->server cipher: aes256-ctr"
It "$tC.$tI - ssh_config (-F)" {
#ensure -F is working by pointing to a bad configuration
$badConfigFile = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.bad_ssh_config"
"bad_config_line" | Set-Content $badConfigFile
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -F $badConfigFile test_target echo 1234 2>$stderrFile`""
$stderrFile | Should Contain "bad_ssh_config"
$stderrFile | Should Contain "bad_config_line"
$stderrFile | Should Contain "bad configuration options"
#try with a proper configuration file. Put it on a unicode path with unicode content
#so we can test the Unicode support simultaneously
$goodConfigFile = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.Очень_хорошо_ssh_config"
"#this is a Unicode comment because it contains русский язык" | Set-Content $goodConfigFile -Encoding UTF8
"Host myhost" | Add-Content $goodConfigFile
" HostName $server" | Add-Content $goodConfigFile
" Port $port" | Add-Content $goodConfigFile
" User $ssouser" | Add-Content $goodConfigFile
$o = ssh -F $goodConfigFile myhost echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI - IP options - (-4) (-6)" {
# TODO - this test assumes target is localhost.
# make it work independent of target
$o = ssh -4 -v -E $logFile test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
$logFile | Should Contain "[]"
$o = ssh -6 -v -E $logFile test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
$logFile | Should Contain "[::1]"
It "$tC.$tI - auto populate known hosts" {
$kh = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.known_hosts"
$nul | Set-Content $kh
# doing via cmd to intercept and drain stderr output
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=`"$kh`" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no test_target hostname 2>&1`""
@(Get-Content $kh).Count | Should Be 1
It "$tC.$tI - ProxyCommand with file name only" {
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -o ProxyCommand=`"`"cmd.exe /c echo test string for invalid proxy 1>&2`"`" abc 2>$stderrFile`""
$stderrFile | Should Contain "test string for invalid proxy"
It "$tC.$tI - ProxyCommand with absolute path to the file" {
iex "cmd /c `"ssh -o ProxyCommand=`"`"$($env:ComSpec) /c echo test string for invalid proxy 1>&2`"`" abc 2>$stderrFile`""
$stderrFile | Should Contain "test string for invalid proxy"