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OpenSupports v4.0

Build Status

Getting up and running FRONT-END

  1. update sudo apt-get update
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Install node 4.x version
    • sudo apt-get install curl
    • curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  4. Install npm sudo apt-get install npm
  5. Install gulp sudo npm install -g gulp
  6. Go to repo cd os4-react
  7. Install dependences sudo npm install
  8. Rebuild node-sass sudo npm rebuild node-sass
  9. Run gulp dev
  10. Go to the main app: http://localhost:3000/app or the component demo http://localhost:3000/demo

Getting up and running

  1. Create MySQL Database
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Run npm install from the root directory
  4. Create a mysql database
  5. Run gulp dev (may require installing Gulp globally npm install gulp -g)
  6. Your browser will automatically be opened and directed to the browser-sync proxy address
  7. To prepare assets for production, run the gulp prod task (Note: the production task does not fire up the express server, and won't provide you with browser-sync's live reloading. Simply use gulp dev during development. More information below)

Now that gulp dev is running, the server is up as well and serving files from the /build directory. Any changes in the /src directory will be automatically processed by Gulp and the changes will be injected to any open browsers pointed at the proxy address.

Create MySQL Database

  1. Install mysql-server


    sudo apt-get install mysql-server

    Cent OS

    sudo yum install mysql-server /etc/init.d/mysqld start

  2. Access the mysql shell

    mysql -u root -p

  3. Create a new database


  4. Assign privileges to user

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON os_dev.* To 'os_dev'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'os_dev';

  5. Run the MySQL server

    sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

Production Task

Just as there is the gulp dev task for development, there is also a gulp prod task for putting your project into a production-ready state. This will run each of the tasks, while also adding the image minification task discussed above. There is also an empty gulp deploy task that is included when running the production task. This deploy task can be fleshed out to automatically push your production-ready site to your hosting setup.

Reminder: When running the production task, gulp will not fire up the express server and serve your index.html. This task is designed to be run before the deploy step that may copy the files from /build to a production web server.