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# Pandora Data Server
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena,
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Includes list
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple; # Useful XML functions
use Digest::MD5; # MD5 generation
use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation
use DBI; # DB interface with MySQL
use Date::Manip; # Needed to manipulate DateTime formats of input, output and compare
use File::Copy; # Needed to manipulate files
use threads;
use threads::shared;
# Librerias / Modulos de pandora
use pandora_config;
use pandora_tools;
use pandora_db;
# FLUSH in each IO, only for DEBUG, very slow !
$| = 1;
my %pa_config;
# Inicio del bucle principal de programa
pandora_init(\%pa_config,"Pandora Server");
# Read config file for Global variables
pandora_loadconfig (\%pa_config,0);
# Audit server starting
pandora_audit (\%pa_config, "Pandora Daemon starting", "SYSTEM", "System");
# BE CAREFUL, if you daemonize, you need to launch threads BEFORE daemonizing.
if ($pa_config{"daemon"} eq "1" ){
# KeepAlive checks for Agents, only for master servers, in separate thread
threads->new( \&pandora_keepalived, \%pa_config);
# Module processor subsystem
#--------------------- Main Perl Code below this line-------------------------------
# Main loop
sub pandora_dataserver {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $file_data;
my $file_md5;
my @file_list;
my $onefile; # Each item of incoming directory
my $agent_filename;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306",$pa_config->{"dbuser"}, $pa_config->{"dbpass"},{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
while ( 1 ) { # Pandora module processor main loop
opendir(DIR, $pa_config->{'incomingdir'} ) or die "[FATAL] Cannot open Incoming data directory at $pa_config->{'incomingdir'}: $!";
while (defined($onefile = readdir(DIR))){
push @file_list,$onefile; # Push in a stack all directory entries for this loop
while (defined($onefile = pop @file_list)) { # Begin to process files
$file_data = "$pa_config->{'incomingdir'}/$onefile";
next if $onefile =~ /^\.\.?$/; # Skip . and .. directory
if ( $onefile =~ /([\-\:\;\.\,\_\s\a\*\=\(\)a-zA-Z0-9]*).data\z/ ) { # First filter any file that doesnt like ".data"
$agent_filename = $1;
$file_md5 = "$pa_config->{'incomingdir'}/$agent_filename.checksum";
if (( -e $file_md5 ) or ($pa_config->{'pandora_check'} == 0)){ # If check is disabled, ignore if file_md5 exists
# Comprobamos integridad
my $check_result;
$check_result = md5check ($file_data,$file_md5);
if (($pa_config->{'pandora_check'} == 0) || ($check_result == 1)){
# PERL cannot "free" memory on user demmand, so
# we are declaring $config hash reference in inner loop
# to force PERL system to realloc memory in each loop.
# In Pandora 1.1 in "standard" PERL Implementations, we could
# have a memory leak problem. This is solved now :-)
# Source :
# Procesa_Datos its the main function to process datafile
my $config; # Hash Reference, used to store XML data
# But first we needed to verify integrity of data file
if ($pa_config->{'pandora_check'} == 1){
logger ($pa_config, "Integrity of Datafile using MD5 is verified: $file_data",3);
eval { # XML Processing error catching procedure. Critical due XML was no validated
logger ($pa_config, "Ready to parse $file_data",4);
$config = XMLin($file_data, forcearray=>'module');
if ($@) {
logger ($pa_config, "[ERROR] Error processing XML contents in $file_data",0);
copy ($file_data,$file_data."_BADXML");
if (($pa_config->{'pandora_check'} == 1) && ( -e $file_md5 )) {
copy ($file_md5,$file_md5."_BADCHECKUM");
procesa_datos($pa_config, $config, $dbh);
undef $config;
# If _everything_ its ok..
# delete files
unlink ($file_data);
if ( -e $file_md5 ) {
unlink ($file_md5);
} else { # md5 check fails
logger ( $pa_config, "[ERROR] MD5 Checksum failed! for $file_data",0);
# delete files
unlink ($file_data);
if ( -e $file_md5 ) {
unlink ($file_md5);
} # No existe fichero de checksum, ignoramos el archivo
sleep $pa_config->{"server_threshold"};
} # End of main loop function
## SUB pandora_keepalived
## Pandora Keepalive alert daemon subsystem
sub pandora_keepalived {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306",$pa_config->{"dbuser"}, $pa_config->{"dbpass"},{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
while ( 1 ){
sleep $pa_config->{"server_threshold"};
pandora_serverkeepaliver($pa_config,0,$dbh); # 0 for dataserver
## SUB keep_alive_check ()
## Calculate a global keep alive check for agents without data and an alert defined
sub keep_alive_check {
# Buscamos si existe una alerta definida para cada item de la tablacombinacion agente/modulo
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $dbh = $_[1];
my $query_idag = "select * from talerta_agente_modulo";
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
my @data; my $err; my $flag;
if ($s_idag->rows != 0) {
while (@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array()) {
my $id_aam = $data[0];
my $id_alerta = $data[2];
my $id_agente_modulo = $data[1];
# Only checks keep_alive special modules (-1 on type)
if (dame_id_tipo_modulo($pa_config, $id_agente_modulo, $dbh) == -1) {
my $campo1 = $data[3];
my $campo2 = $data[4];
my $campo3 = $data[5];
my $dis_max = $data[7];
my $dis_min = $data[8];
my $threshold = $data[9];
my $last_fired = $data[10];
my $max_alerts = $data[11];
my $times_fired = $data[12];
my $alert_fired = 0;
my $fecha_ultima_alerta = ParseDate($last_fired);
my $ahora_mysql = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $timestamp = $ahora_mysql;
my $fecha_actual = ParseDate( $ahora_mysql );
# If we need to update MYSQL last_fired will use $ahora_mysql
# Calculate if INTERVAL x2 for this agent is bigger than sub last contact date with actual date
my $nombre_agente = dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo($pa_config, $id_agente_modulo, $dbh);
my $id_agente = dame_agente_id($pa_config, $nombre_agente, $dbh);
if (dame_desactivado($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh) == 0){
my $fecha_ultimocontacto = dame_ultimo_contacto($pa_config,$id_agente,$dbh);
my $intervalo = dame_intervalo($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh); # Seconds
my $intervalo_2 = $intervalo*2;
$fecha_ultimocontacto = ParseDate($fecha_ultimocontacto);
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($fecha_ultimocontacto,"+ $intervalo_2 seconds",\$err);
$flag = Date_Cmp($fecha_actual,$fecha_limite);
if ( $flag >= 0) { $alert_fired = 1 } else { $alert_fired=0 } ;
if (( $flag >= 0 ) && ($max_alerts >= $times_fired)){ # Calculate if max_alerts for this time is exhausted
# Alert Trigger is ON !
# Check if alert is fired by event-success
my $time_threshold = $threshold; # from defined alert
$fecha_limite = DateCalc($fecha_ultima_alerta,"+ $time_threshold seconds",\$err);
$flag = Date_Cmp($fecha_actual,$fecha_limite);
if ( $flag >= 0 ) {
# Alert Trigger is fired by time-threshold
# Get "command" string from Alert Definition in DB
my $comando = dame_comando_alerta($pa_config, $id_alerta, $dbh);
$times_fired = $times_fired + 1;
$query_idag = "update talerta_agente_modulo set times_fired = $times_fired, last_fired = '$ahora_mysql' where id_aam = $id_aam ";
my $s3_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s3_idag ->execute;
my $nombre_agente = dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo($pa_config,$id_agente_modulo,$dbh);
logger($pa_config, "Alert (KeepAlive) TRIGGERED for $nombre_agente ! ",1);
my $id_grupo = dame_grupo_agente($pa_config,$id_agente,$dbh);
my $descripcion = "Agent down";
pandora_event($pa_config, $descripcion,$id_grupo,$id_agente,$dbh);
if ($id_alerta > 0){ # id_alerta 0 is reserved for internal audit system
$comando =~ s/_field1_/"$campo1"/gi;
$comando =~ s/_field2_/"$campo2"/gi;
$comando =~ s/_field3_/"$campo3"/gi;
$comando =~ s/_agent_/$nombre_agente/gi;
$comando =~ s/_timestamp_/$timestamp/gi;
$comando =~ s/\^M/\r\n/g; # Replace Carriage rerturn and line feed
# Clean up some "tricky" characters
$comando =~ s/>/>/g;
eval {
my $exit_value = system ($comando);
$exit_value = $? >> 8; # Shift 8 bits to get a "classic" errorlevel
if ($exit_value != 0) {
logger( $pa_config,"Executed command for triggered alert had errors (errorlevel =! 0) ",0);
if ($@){
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: Error executing alert command ( $comando )",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR Code: $@",2);
} else { # id_alerta = 0, is a internal system audit
logger($pa_config, "Internal audit lauch for agent name $nombre_agente",2);
$campo1 =~ s/_timestamp_/$timestamp/g;
pandora_audit ($pa_config, $campo1, $nombre_agente, "User Alert",$dbh);
} # if $flag >=0 (for time-firing calculation)
} elsif (($alert_fired == 0) && ($times_fired != 0)){ # If alert doesnt fired and fired counter isnt zero, lets reset counter
$query_idag = "update talerta_agente_modulo set times_fired = 0 where id_aam = $id_aam ";
my $s3_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s3_idag ->execute;
$s3_idag ->finish();
my $id_grupo = dame_grupo_agente($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh);
my $descripcion = "Agent up";
pandora_event($pa_config, $descripcion,$id_grupo,$id_agente, $dbh);
} # if $flag >= 0 (for time-threshold)
} # Disabled agent
} #if (dame_id_tipo_modulo($id_agente_modulo) == -1)
} # While
} # if ($s_idag->rows != 0)
## SUB procesa_datos (par1)
## Procesa un paquete de datos (XML preprocesado)
## param_1 : Nombre de la estructura contenedora de datos (XML)
sub procesa_datos {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $datos = $_[1];
my $dbh = $_[2];
my $tipo_modulo; my $agent_name;
my $timestamp; my $interval;
my $os_version; my $agent_version;
my $id_agente; my $module_name;
$agent_name = $datos->{'agent_name'};
$timestamp = $datos->{'timestamp'};
$agent_version = $datos->{'version'};
$interval = $datos->{'interval'};
$os_version = $datos->{'os_version'};
# Check for parameteres, not all version agentes gives the same parameters !
if (length($interval) == 0){ $interval = -1; } # No update for interval !
if (length($os_version) == 0){ $os_version = "N/A"; } # No update for interval !
if (defined $agent_name){
$id_agente = dame_agente_id($pa_config,$agent_name,$dbh);
if ($id_agente > 0) {
pandora_lastagentcontact($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_name, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh);
foreach my $part(@{$datos->{module}}) {
$tipo_modulo = $part->{type}->[0];
$module_name = $part->{name}->[0];
logger($pa_config, "Processing packet Name ( ".$module_name." ) type ( $tipo_modulo ) for agent ( $agent_name )",5);
if ($tipo_modulo eq 'generic_data') {
module_generic_data($pa_config, $part,$timestamp,$agent_name,"generic_data", $dbh);
elsif ($tipo_modulo eq 'generic_data_inc') {
module_generic_data_inc($pa_config, $part,$timestamp,$agent_name,"generic_data_inc", $dbh);
elsif ($tipo_modulo eq 'generic_data_string') {
module_generic_data_string($pa_config,$part,$timestamp,$agent_name,"generic_data_string", $dbh);
elsif ($tipo_modulo eq 'generic_proc') {
module_generic_proc($pa_config,$part,$timestamp,$agent_name,"generic_proc", $dbh);
else {
logger($pa_config,"ERROR: Received data from an unknown module ($tipo_modulo)",2);
} else {
logger($pa_config,"ERROR: There is no agent defined with name $agent_name ($id_agente)",2);
} else {
logger($pa_config,"ERROR: Received data from an unnamed agent",1);