danielmaya f952d5c70e tags_get_acl_tags revision 2018-10-08 17:45:26 +02:00
ajax [Tags performance] Fixed agents_get_modules to ajax calls 2018-10-05 13:32:14 +02:00
auth Fixed several attributes in a ldap configuration 2018-08-17 11:29:19 +02:00
class Removed unused code 2018-10-02 15:01:40 +02:00
db fixed errors in fullscale graph and normal graph 2017-12-05 13:44:42 +01:00
ehorus [Console] Updated the eHorus client 2017-11-13 12:02:01 +01:00
graphs fixed minor error legend graph and value avg 2018-09-12 15:57:22 +02:00
help Merge branch '1979-5352-plugin-de-monitorizacion-log-apache-dev' into 'develop' 2018-09-25 08:31:02 +02:00
javascript [Tags performance] check agents_get_modules in networkmap and removed unused code 2018-10-05 10:44:24 +02:00
languages Fixed visual error 2018-08-17 14:42:17 +02:00
styles Added class modaldeletebutton in pandora.css 2018-09-07 14:15:21 +02:00
api.php Fix the api info call 2018-08-07 13:03:53 +02:00
chart_generator.php fixed errors in graphs 2018-06-20 11:31:43 +02:00
config_process.php Auto-updated build strings. 2018-09-27 00:01:24 +02:00
constants.php Fixed new servers (migration and autoprovision) icons 2018-06-20 18:31:52 +02:00
functions.php Generate session csrf code to avoid attacks in user edition 2018-09-13 15:19:08 +02:00
functions_agents.php [Tags performance] Fixed select modules from Agent/Module dashboard widget 2018-10-08 13:45:30 +02:00
functions_alerts.php Updated tags optimization 2018-10-05 09:40:08 +02:00
functions_api.php Add intracom generic functions - #2541 2018-09-03 18:02:18 +02:00
functions_clippy.php [Rebranding] Open include root files (except networkmaps related sources) 2018-05-11 12:49:16 +02:00
functions_config.php fixed heigth charts for reports 2018-09-11 09:33:24 +02:00
functions_container.php [Graph container] Display only the containers group can see (ACL) 2018-04-16 17:37:27 +02:00
functions_cron.php Fixed month cron in console (don't substract 1) 2018-01-10 18:55:12 +01:00
functions_custom_graphs.php fixed errors in graph 2018-06-01 13:58:29 +02:00
functions_db.php fixed errors in graph slice for uncompresed 2018-07-05 11:52:52 +02:00
functions_events.php [Tags performance] Fixed check acl tags by module and removed unused code 2018-10-08 17:19:46 +02:00
functions_extensions.php Added separated window view to SNMP realtime graphs 2018-05-04 10:58:37 +02:00
functions_filemanager.php Added qw perms 2017-11-28 13:36:33 +01:00
functions_forecast.php fixed forecast report 2018-09-12 10:34:14 +02:00
functions_gis.php Added the feature of the new map items (groups) and fixed more bugs 2018-08-17 11:07:42 +02:00
functions_graph.php tags_get_acl_tags revision 2018-10-08 17:45:26 +02:00
functions_groups.php fixed view manage groups 2018-09-13 16:28:08 +02:00
functions_groupview.php fixed total counters grouw view 2018-09-10 12:58:10 +02:00
functions_html.php add new params html_debug for strig in one line and new alias hd 2018-09-20 16:00:08 +02:00
functions_io.php Improvements and fixes into the internal audit view 2018-05-04 13:38:04 +02:00
functions_maps.php Fixed colour link and delete link 2018-01-22 16:17:10 +01:00
functions_menu.php Fixed submenu2 in functions_menu.php 2018-06-12 17:41:46 +02:00
functions_modules.php [Tags performance] Some agents_get_modules checks 2018-10-03 17:00:57 +02:00
functions_netflow.php remove setup resolution graph 2018-06-13 11:32:03 +02:00
functions_networkmap.php [Tags performance] check agents_get_modules in networkmap and removed unused code 2018-10-05 10:44:24 +02:00
functions_os.php Added clustermap 2018-01-29 16:48:21 +01:00
functions_pandora_networkmap.php [Rebranding] Central node in network maps 2018-05-14 12:58:22 +02:00
functions_planned_downtimes.php [ACL API] Fixed get planned_downtimes_items and added ACL to more the rest of get functions 2018-06-07 13:11:40 +02:00
functions_profile.php Added secondary groups and no hierarchy documentation 2018-08-17 15:45:59 +02:00
functions_reporting.php Removed unused code 2018-10-04 16:31:24 +02:00
functions_reporting_html.php [Tags performance] Some agents_get_modules checks 2018-10-03 17:00:57 +02:00
functions_reporting_xml.php Moved xml report generation to a function 2017-09-21 13:22:40 +02:00
functions_reports.php Deleted reports from cron 2018-09-12 13:43:23 +02:00
functions_servers.php Fixed new servers (migration and autoprovision) icons 2018-06-20 18:31:52 +02:00
functions_snmp_browser.php fixed visual errors and console 2018-07-16 17:01:50 +02:00
functions_tactical.php [Secondary groups] Fixed duplicated agents in group view and agent detail 2018-04-04 11:17:08 +02:00
functions_tags.php tags_get_acl_tags revision 2018-10-08 17:45:26 +02:00
functions_treeview.php [Tags performance] Fixed check acl tags by module and removed unused code 2018-10-08 17:19:46 +02:00
functions_ui.php Fixed a problem with the autocomplete agent cache 2018-08-17 15:03:24 +02:00
functions_update_manager.php [Rebranding] Open include root files (except networkmaps related sources) 2018-05-11 12:49:16 +02:00
functions_users.php [Tags performance] Fixed acl propagation in child groups 2018-09-28 12:37:11 +02:00
functions_visual_map.php Removed the Static Graph requirement for all the status calculation types of the visual console linked elements 2018-09-11 14:54:26 +02:00
functions_visual_map_editor.php Bugfixes 2018-09-18 15:33:14 +02:00
functions_wmi.php Added conf to wmi modules in policies 2017-09-05 15:04:41 +02:00
test.js fixed errors in graph add phantom js 2018-05-28 17:47:40 +02:00
web2image.js fixed errors in graphs 2018-06-20 11:31:43 +02:00