Merge pull request #986 from ZyX-I/developer-documentation

Developer documentation and module layout refactoring
This commit is contained in:
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Pavlov 2014-08-15 20:21:13 +04:00
commit cdd36aa778
47 changed files with 506 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
" [1]:
" [2]:
let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args = '--ignore=W191,E501,E121,E122,E123,E128,E225,W291,E126'
let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args = '--ignore=W191,E501,E128,W291,E126,E101'
let b:syntastic_checkers = ['flake8']

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Getting started
already exist.
* Clearly describe the issue.
* If the issue is a bug: Make sure you include steps to reproduce, and
* If the issue is a bug: make sure you include steps to reproduce, and
include the earliest revision that you know has the issue.
* Fork the repository on GitHub.
@ -60,12 +60,13 @@ Programming style
* The project uses *tabs for indentation* and *spaces for alignment*, this
is also included in a vim modeline on top of every script file.
* Run your code through ``flake8
--ignore=W191,E501,E121,E122,E123,E128,E225`` to fix any style errors. Use
common sense regarding whitespace warnings, not all ``flake8`` warnings
need to be fixed.
* Run your code through ``flake8 --ignore=W191,E501,E128,W291,E126,E101`` to fix
any style errors. Use common sense regarding whitespace warnings, not all
``flake8`` warnings need to be fixed.
* Trailing whitespace to indicate a continuing paragraph is OK in comments,
documentation and commit messages.
* It is allowed to have too long lines. It is advised though to avoid lines
wider then a hundred of characters.
Submitting changes

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``common`` key in
letters, Cyrillic letters). Valid values: any positive integer; it is
suggested that you only set it to 1 (default) or 2.
.. _config-common-watcher:
Select filesystem watcher. Variants are
@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``common`` key in
:ref:`module segment option <config-themes-seg-module>`. Paths defined here
have priority when searching for modules.
.. _config-common-log:
Defines path which will hold powerline logs. If not present, logging will be
done to stderr.
@ -121,7 +125,16 @@ Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``ext`` key in
is either ``matcher_module.module_attribute`` or ``module_attribute``
(``matcher_module`` defaults to ``powerline.matchers.vim``) and
``module_attribute`` should point to a function that returns boolean value
indicating that current buffer has (not) matched conditions.
indicating that current buffer has (not) matched conditions. There is an
exception for ``matcher_name`` though: if it is ``__tabline__`` no functions
are loaded. This special theme is used for ``tabline`` Vim option.
For shell and ipython it is a simple ``{prompt_type : theme_name}``, where
``prompt_type`` is a string with no special meaning (specifically it does
not refer to any Python function). Shell has ``continuation``, and
``select`` prompts with rather self-explanatory names, IPython has ``in2``,
``out`` and ``rewrite`` prompts (refer to IPython documentation for more
details) while ``in`` prompt is the default.
Determines which extension components should be enabled. This key is highly
@ -239,7 +252,7 @@ Themes
:Location: :file:`powerline/themes/{top_theme}.json`,
Theme files are processed in order given: definitions from each next file
@ -318,6 +331,8 @@ ascii Theme without any unicode characters at all
.. note:: Top-level themes are out of equation here: they are merged
before the above merging process happens.
.. _config-themes-segments:
A dict with a ``left`` and a ``right`` lists, consisting of segment
dictionaries. Shell themes may also contain ``above`` list of dictionaries.
@ -424,6 +439,8 @@ ascii Theme without any unicode characters at all
Segments are removed according to their priority, with low priority
segments being removed first.
.. _config-themes-seg-draw_divider:
``draw_hard_divider``, ``draw_soft_divider``
Whether to draw a divider between this and the adjacent segment. The
adjacent segment is to the *right* for segments on the *left* side, and

docs/source/develop.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Developer guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Creating new powerline extension
Powerline extension is a code that tells powerline how to highlight and display
segments in some set of applications. Specifically this means
#. Creating a :py:class:`powerline.Powerline` subclass that knows how to obtain
:ref:`local configuration overrides <local-configuration-overrides>`. It also
knows how to load local themes, but not when to apply them.
Instance of this class is the only instance that interacts directly with
bindings code, so it has a proxy :py:meth:`powerline.Powerline.render` and
:py:meth:`powerline.Powerline.shutdown` methods and other methods which may
be useful for bindings.
This subclass must be placed directly in :file:`powerline` directory (e.g. in
:file:`powerline/`) and named like ``VimPowerline`` (version of the
file name without directory and extension and first capital letter
+ ``Powerline``). There is no technical reason for naming classes like this.
#. Creating a :py:class:`powerline.renderer.Renderer` subclass that knows how to
highlight a segment or reset highlighting to the default value (only makes
sense in prompts). It is also responsible for selecting local themes and
computing text width.
This subclass must be placed directly in :file:`powerline/renderers`
directory (if you are creating powerline extension for a set of applications
use :file:`powerline/renderers/{ext}/*.py`) and named like ``ExtRenderer`` or
``AppPromptRenderer``. For technical reasons the class itself must be
referenced in ``renderer`` module attribute thus allowing only one renderer
per one module.
#. Creating an extension bindings. These are to be placed in
:file:`powerline/bindings/{ext}` and may contain virtually anything which may
be required for powerline to work inside given applications, assuming it does
not fit in other places.
Powerline class
.. autoclass:: powerline.Powerline
Renderer class
.. autoclass:: powerline.renderer.Renderer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Local themes
From the user point of view local themes are the regular themes with a specific
scope where they are applied (i.e. specific vim window or specific kind of
prompt). Used themes are defined in :ref:`local_themes key
Vim local themes
Vim is the only available extension that has a wide variaty of options for local
themes. It is the only extension where local theme key refers to a function as
described in :ref:`local_themes value documentation <config-ext-local_themes>`.
This function always takes a single value named ``matcher_info`` which is the
same dictionary as :ref:`segment_info dictionary <dev-segment_info-vim>`. Unlike
segments it takes this single argument as a *positional* argument, not as
a keyword one.
Matcher function should return a boolean value: ``True`` if theme applies for
the given ``matcher_info`` dictionary or ``False`` if it is not. When one of the
matcher functions returns ``True`` powerline takes the corresponding theme at
uses it for the given window. Matchers are not tested in any particular order.
In addition to :ref:`local_themes configuration key <config-ext-local_themes>`
developer of some plugin which wishes to support powerline without including his
code in powerline tree may use
:py:meth:`powerline.vim.VimPowerline.add_local_theme` method. It accepts two
arguments: matcher name (same as in :ref:`local_themes
<config-ext-local_themes>`) and dictionary with theme. This dictionary is merged
with :ref:`top theme <config-ext-top_theme>` and
:file:`powerline/themes/vim/__main__.json`. Note that if user already specified
your matcher in his configuration file ``KeyError`` is raised.
Other local themes
Except for Vim only IPython and shells have local themes. Unlike Vim these
themes are names with no special meaning (they do not refer to or cause loading
of any Python functions):
|Extension|Theme name |Description |
|Shell |continuation|Shown for unfinished command (unclosed quote, |
| | |unfinished cycle). |
| +------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
| |select |Shown for ``select`` command available in some shells. |
|IPython |in2 |Continuation prompt: shown for unfinished (multiline) |
| | |expression, unfinished class or function definition. |
| +------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
| |out |Displayed before the result. |
| +------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
| |rewrite |Displayed before the actually executed code when |
| | |``autorewrite`` IPython feature is enabled.  |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
Writing segments
Each powerline segment is a callable object. It is supposed to be either
a Python function or :py:class:`powerline.segments.Segment` class. As a callable
object it should receive the following arguments:
.. note:: All received arguments are keyword arguments.
A :py:class:`powerline.PowerlineLogger` instance. It must be used every time
you need to log something.
A dictionary. It is only received if callable has
``powerline_requires_segment_info`` attribute.
Refer to :ref:`segment_info detailed description <dev-segments-info>` for
further details.
Function that will create filesystem watcher once called. Which watcher will
be created exactly is controlled by :ref:`watcher configuration option
And also any other argument(s) specified by user in :ref:`args key
<config-themes-seg-args>` (no additional arguments by default).
This callable object should may return either a string (``unicode`` in Python2
or ``str`` in Python3, *not* ``str`` in Python2 or ``bytes`` in Python3) object
or a list of dictionaries. String object is a short form of the following return
.. code-block:: python
'contents': original_return,
'highlight_group': [segment_name],
Returned list is a list of segments treated independently, except for
:ref:`draw_inner_divider key <dev-segments-draw_inner_divider>`.
All keys in segments returned by the function override those obtained from
:ref:`configuration <config-themes-segments>` and have the same meaning.
Detailed description of used dictionary keys:
Text displayed by segment. Should be a ``unicode`` (Python2) or ``str``
(Python3) instance.
``draw_hard_divider``, ``draw_soft_divider``
Determines whether given divider should be drawn. Both have the same meaning
as :ref:`the similar keys in configuration
.. _dev-segments-draw_inner_divider:
Determines whether *any* divider between segments returned by function
should be drawn. Defaults to ``False``.
.. _dev-segments-highlight_group:
Determines segment highlighting. Refer to :ref:`themes documentation
<config-themes-seg-highlight_group>` for more details.
Defaults to the name of the segment.
.. note::
If you want to include your segment in powerline you must specify all
highlighting groups used in the segment documentation in the form::
Highlight groups used: ``g1``[ or ``g2``]*[, ``g3`` (gradient)[ or ``g4``]*]*.
I.e. use::
Highlight groups used: ``foo_gradient`` (gradient) or ``foo``, ``bar``.
to specify that your segment uses *either* ``foo_gradient`` group or
``foo`` group *and* ``bar`` group meaning that ``powerline-lint`` will
check that at least one of the first two groups is defined (and if
``foo_gradient`` is defined it must use at least one gradient color) and
third group is defined as well.
You must specify all groups on one line.
Determines segment divider highlight group. Only applicable for soft
dividers: colors for hard dividers are determined by colors of adjacent
.. note::
If you want to include your segment in powerline you must specify used
groups in the segment documentation in the form::
Divider highlight group used: ``group``.
This text must not wrap and you are supposed to end all divider
highlight group names with ``:divider``: e.g. ``cwd:divider``.
First and the only key that may not be specified in user configuration. It
determines which color should be used for this segment when one of the
highlighting groups specified by :ref:`highlight_group
<dev-segments-highlight_group>` was defined to use the color gradient.
This key may have any value from 0 to 100 inclusive, value is supposed to be
an ``int`` or ``float`` instance.
No error occurs if segment has this key, but no used highlight groups use
gradient color.
Segments layout
Powerline segments are all located in one of the ``powerline.segments``
submodules. For extension-specific segments ``powerline.segments.{ext}`` module
should be used (e.g. ````), for extension-agnostic there
is ``powerline.segments.common``.
Plugin-specific segments (currently only those that are specific to vim plugins)
should live in ``powerline.segments.{ext}.plugin.{plugin_name}``: e.g.
.. _dev-segments-info:
Segment information used in various extensions
Each ``segment_info`` value should be a dictionary with at least the following
Current environment, may be an alias to ``os.environ``. Is guaranteed to
have ``__getitem__`` and ``get`` methods and nothing more.
.. warning::
You must not ever use ``os.environ``. If your segment is run in daemon
you will get daemons environment which is not correct. If your segment
is run in Vim or in zsh with libzpython you will get Vim or zsh
environment at python startup.
Function that returns current working directory being called with no
arguments. You must not use ``os.getcwd`` for the same reasons you must not
use ``os.environ``, except that current working directory is valid in Vim
and zsh (but not in daemon).
Current home directory. May be false.
.. _dev-segment_info-vim:
Vim ``segment_info`` argument is a dictionary with the following keys:
``vim.Window`` object. You may obtain one using ``vim.current.window`` or
``[number - 1]``. May be a false object, in which case you should
not use any of this objects properties.
Window number. Same as ``segment_info['window'].number`` *assuming* Vim is
new enough for ``vim.Window`` object to have ``number`` attribute.
Internal powerline window id, unique for each newly created window. You
should assume that this ID is hashable and supports equality comparison, but
you must not use any other assumptions about it. Currently uses integer
numbers incremented each time window is created.
``vim.Buffer`` object. You may obtain one using ``vim.current.buffer``,
``segment_info['window'].buffer`` or ``vim.buffers[some_number]``. Note that
in the latter case depending on vim version ``some_number`` may be ``bufnr``
or the internal Vim buffer index which is *not* buffer number. For this
reason to get ``vim.Buffer`` object other then stored in ``segment_info``
dictionary you must iterate over ``vim.buffers`` and check their ``number``
Buffer number.
``vim.Tabpage`` object. You may obtain one using ``vim.current.tabpage`` or
``vim.tabpages[number - 1]``. May be a false object, in which case you
should not use any of this objects properties.
Tabpage number.
Current mode.
.. note::
Your segment generally should not assume that it is run for the current
window, current buffer or current tabpage. “Current window” and “current
buffer” restrictions may be ignored if you use ``window_cached`` decorator,
“current tabpage” restriction may be safely ignored if you do not plan to
ever see your segment in the tabline.
.. warning::
Powerline is being tested with vim-7.2 and will be tested with it until
travis changes used vim version. This means that you may not use most of the
functionality like ``vim.Window.number``, ``vim.*.vars``, ``vim.*.options``
or even ``dir(vim object)`` if you want your segment to be included in
Parsed shell arguments: a ``argparse.Namespace`` object. Check out
``powerline-render --help`` for the list of all available arguments.
Currently it is expected to contain at least the following attributes:
Exit code returned by last shell command.
List of exit codes returned by last programs in the pipe or some false
object. Only available in ``zsh``.
Number of background jobs.
Dictionary containing some keys that are additional arguments used by
shell bindings. *You must not use this attribute directly*: all
arguments from this dictionary are merged with ``segment_info``
dictionary. Known to have at least the following keys:
Identifier unique to one shell instance. Is used to record instance
state by powerline daemon.
It is not guaranteed that existing client ID will not be retaken
when old shell with this ID quit: usually process PID is used as
a client ID.
It is also not guaranteed that client ID will be process PID, number
or something else at all. It is guaranteed though that client ID
will be some hashable object which supports equality comparison.
Local theme that will be used by shell. One should not rely on the
existence of this key.
Other keys, if any, are specific to segments.
Some object which has ``prompt_count`` attribute. Currently it is guaranteed
to have only this attribute.
Attribute ``prompt_count`` contains the so-called “history count”
(equivalent to ``\N`` in ``in_template``).
Segment class
.. autoclass:: powerline.segments.Segment
PowerlineLogger class
.. autoclass:: powerline.PowerlineLogger

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Powerline

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ statusline:
.. code-block:: vim
set laststatus=2 " Always display the statusline in all windows
set showtabline=2 " Always display the tabline, even if there is only one tab
set noshowmode " Hide the default mode text (e.g. -- INSERT -- below the statusline)
.. _tips-and-tricks-urxvt:

View File

@ -36,6 +36,24 @@ def _find_config_files(search_paths, config_file, config_loader=None, loader_cal
class PowerlineLogger(object):
'''Proxy class for logging.Logger instance
It emits messages in format ``{ext}:{prefix}:{message}`` where
is a used powerline extension (e.g. vim, shell, ipython).
is a local prefix, usually a segment name.
is the original message passed to one of the logging methods.
Each of the methods (``critical``, ``exception``, ``info``, ``error``,
``warn``, ``debug``) expects to receive message in an ``str.format`` format,
not in printf-like format.
Log is saved to the location :ref:`specified by user <config-common-log>`.
def __init__(self, use_daemon_threads, logger, ext):
self.logger = logger
self.ext = ext
@ -261,23 +279,26 @@ class Powerline(object):
colorschemes, render module (``powerline.renders.{ext}``).
:param str renderer_module:
Overrides renderer module (defaults to ``ext``). Should be the name of
the package imported like this: ``powerline.renders.{render_module}``.
If this parameter contains a dot, ``powerline.renderers.`` is not
the package imported like this: ``powerline.renderers.{render_module}``.
If this parameter contains a dot ``powerline.renderers.`` is not
prepended. There is also a special case for renderers defined in
toplevel modules: ``foo.`` (note: dot at the end) tries to get renderer
from module ``foo`` (because ``foo`` (without dot) tries to get renderer
from module ````).
from module ````). When ``.foo`` (with leading
dot) variant is used ``renderer_module`` will be
:param bool run_once:
Determines whether .renderer.render() method will be run only once
Determines whether :py:meth:`render` method will be run only once
during python session.
:param Logger logger:
If present, no new logger will be created and this logger will be used.
If present no new logger will be created and the provided logger will be
:param bool use_daemon_threads:
Use daemon threads for.
When creating threads make them daemon ones.
:param Event shutdown_event:
Use this Event as shutdown_event.
Use this Event as shutdown_event instead of creating new event.
:param ConfigLoader config_loader:
Class that manages (re)loading of configuration.
Instance of the class that manages (re)loading of the configuration.
def __init__(self,
@ -289,15 +310,20 @@ class Powerline(object):
self.ext = ext
self.renderer_module = renderer_module or ext
self.run_once = run_once
self.logger = logger
self.use_daemon_threads = use_daemon_threads
if '.' not in self.renderer_module:
self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + self.renderer_module
elif self.renderer_module[-1] == '.':
self.renderer_module = self.renderer_module[:-1]
if not renderer_module:
self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + ext
elif '.' not in renderer_module:
self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + renderer_module
elif renderer_module.startswith('.'):
self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + ext + renderer_module
elif renderer_module.endswith('.'):
self.renderer_module = renderer_module[:-1]
self.renderer_module = renderer_module
self.find_config_files = generate_config_finder(self.get_config_paths)

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ _powerline_prompt() {
# Arguments: side, last_exit_code, jobnum
--width="${COLUMNS:-$(_powerline_columns_fallback)}" \
-r bash_prompt \
-r.bash \
--last_exit_code=$2 \
--jobnum=$3 \
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ _powerline_set_prompt() {
local jobnum="$(jobs -p|wc -l)"
PS1="$(_powerline_prompt aboveleft $last_exit_code $jobnum)"
PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -rbash_prompt $last_exit_code $jobnum continuation)"
PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -r.bash $last_exit_code $jobnum continuation)"
PS3="$(_powerline_local_prompt left '' $last_exit_code $jobnum select)"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ _powerline_setup_prompt() {
test "x$PROMPT_COMMAND" != "x${PROMPT_COMMAND%_powerline_set_prompt*}" ||
PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -rbash_prompt 0 0 continuation)"
PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -r.bash 0 0 continuation)"
PS3="$(_powerline_local_prompt left '' 0 0 select)"

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@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ _powerline_tmux_set_columns() {
_powerline_set_renderer_arg() {
case "$1" in
bb|ash) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-rbash_prompt" ;;
mksh|ksh) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-rksh_prompt" ;;
bb|ash) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-r .bash" ;;
mksh|ksh) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-r .ksh" ;;

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ if ( { $POWERLINE_CONFIG shell --shell=tcsh uses prompt } ) then
alias _powerline_above '$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell above --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS'
alias _powerline_set_prompt 'set prompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell left -r tcsh_prompt --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS`"'
alias _powerline_set_rprompt 'set rprompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell right -r tcsh_prompt --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS` "'
alias _powerline_set_prompt 'set prompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell left -r .tcsh --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS`"'
alias _powerline_set_rprompt 'set rprompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell right -r .tcsh --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS` "'
alias _powerline_set_columns 'set POWERLINE_COLUMNS=`stty size|cut -d" " -f2` ; set POWERLINE_COLUMNS=`expr $POWERLINE_COLUMNS - 2`'
alias precmd 'set POWERLINE_STATUS=$? ; '"`alias precmd`"' ; _powerline_set_columns ; _powerline_above ; _powerline_set_prompt ; _powerline_set_rprompt'

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def get_var_config(var):
class Args(object):
__slots__ = ('last_pipe_status', 'last_exit_code')
ext = ['shell']
renderer_module = 'zsh_prompt'
renderer_module = '.zsh'
def config(self):

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ _powerline_setup_prompt() {
local add_args='-r zsh_prompt'
local add_args='-r .zsh'
add_args+=' --last_exit_code=$?'
add_args+=' --last_pipe_status="$pipestatus"'
add_args+=' --renderer_arg="client_id=$$"'

View File

@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
"help": "help",
"quickfix": "quickfix",
"powerline.matchers.plugin.nerdtree.nerdtree": "plugin_nerdtree",
"powerline.matchers.plugin.ctrlp.ctrlp": "plugin_ctrlp",
"powerline.matchers.plugin.gundo.gundo": "plugin_gundo",
"powerline.matchers.plugin.gundo.gundo_preview": "plugin_gundo-preview"
"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.nerdtree.nerdtree": "plugin_nerdtree",
"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.ctrlp.ctrlp": "plugin_ctrlp",
"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.gundo.gundo": "plugin_gundo",
"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.gundo.gundo_preview": "plugin_gundo-preview"
"wm": {

View File

@ -55,13 +55,13 @@
"exclude_modes": ["nc"],
"module": "powerline.segments.plugin.syntastic",
"module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.syntastic",
"name": "syntastic",
"priority": 50
"exclude_modes": ["nc"],
"module": "powerline.segments.plugin.tagbar",
"module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.tagbar",
"name": "current_tag",
"draw_soft_divider": false,
"priority": 50

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"default_module": "powerline.segments.plugin.ctrlp",
"default_module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.ctrlp",
"segments": {
"left": [

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"default_module": "powerline.segments.plugin.nerdtree",
"default_module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.nerdtree",
"segments": {
"left": [

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class IpythonPowerline(Powerline):
def __init__(self, is_prompt, old_widths):
super(IpythonPowerline, self).__init__(
renderer_module=('ipython_prompt' if is_prompt else 'ipython'),
renderer_module=('.prompt' if is_prompt else None),
self.old_widths = old_widths

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class TreeStatusCache(dict):
if, logger=logger, ignore_event=getattr(repo, 'ignore_event', None)):
self.pop(key, None)
except OSError as e:
logger.warn('Failed to check %s for changes, with error: %s'% key, e)
logger.warn('Failed to check %s for changes, with error: %s' % key, e)
return self.cache_and_get(key, repo.status)

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@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ def check_matcher_func(ext, match_name, data, context, echoerr):
match_function = match_name
with WithPath(import_paths):
func = getattr(__import__(match_module, fromlist=[match_function]), unicode(match_function))
func = getattr(__import__(str(match_module), fromlist=[str(match_function)]), str(match_function))
except ImportError:
echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions',
problem='failed to load module {0}'.format(match_module),
@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ def check_key_compatibility(segment, data, context, echoerr):
def check_segment_module(module, data, context, echoerr):
with WithPath(data['import_paths']):
except ImportError as e:
if echoerr.logger.level >= logging.DEBUG:
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ def import_segment(name, data, context, echoerr, module=None):
with WithPath(data['import_paths']):
func = getattr(__import__(unicode(module), fromlist=[unicode(name)]), unicode(name))
func = getattr(__import__(str(module), fromlist=[str(name)]), str(name))
except ImportError:
echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context_key(context)),
problem='failed to import module {0}'.format(module),
@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ segment_spec = Spec(
segments_spec = Spec().optional().list(segment_spec).copy
segdict_spec = Spec(
left=segments_spec().context_message('Error while loading segments from left side (key {key})'),
right=segments_spec().context_message('Error while loading segments from right side (key {key})'),

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def gen_matcher_getter(ext, import_paths):
oldpath = sys.path
sys.path = import_paths + sys.path
return getattr(__import__(match_module, fromlist=[match_function]), match_function)
return getattr(__import__(str(match_module), fromlist=[str(match_function)]), match_function)
sys.path = oldpath
return get

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from powerline.renderers.zsh_prompt import ZshPromptRenderer
from import ZshPromptRenderer
class TcshPromptRenderer(ZshPromptRenderer):

View File

@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ def get_function(data, segment):
oldpath = sys.path
sys.path = data['path'] + sys.path
segment_module = str(segment.get('module', data['default_module']))
name = str(segment['name'])
return None, getattr(__import__(segment_module, fromlist=[segment['name']]), segment['name']), segment_module
return None, getattr(__import__(segment_module, fromlist=[name]), name), segment_module
sys.path = oldpath

View File

@ -13,7 +13,14 @@ __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
class Segment(object):
'''Base class for any segment that is not a function
Required for powerline.lint.inspect to work properly.
Required for powerline.lint.inspect to work properly: it defines methods for
omitting existing or adding new arguments.
.. note::
Until python-3.4 ``inspect.getargspec`` does not support querying
callable classes for arguments of their ``__call__`` method, requiring
to use this method directly (i.e. before 3.4 you should write
``getargspec(obj.__call__)`` in place of ``getargspec(obj)``).
if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
def argspecobjs(self):

View File

@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ def _get_battery(pl):
if int(devget('Type'))!= 2:
if int(devget('Type')) != 2:
pl.debug('Not using DBUS+UPower with {0}: invalid type', devpath)
if not bool(devget('IsPresent')):

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def get_argparser(parser=None, *args, **kwargs):
p.add_argument('ext', nargs=1, help='Extension: application for which powerline command is launched (usually `shell\' or `tmux\')')
p.add_argument('side', nargs='?', choices=('left', 'right', 'above', 'aboveleft'), help='Side: `left\' and `right\' represent left and right side respectively, `above\' emits lines that are supposed to be printed just above the prompt and `aboveleft\' is like concatenating `above\' with `left\' with the exception that only one Python instance is used in this case.')
p.add_argument('-r', '--renderer_module', metavar='MODULE', type=str,
help='Renderer module. Usually something like `bash_prompt\' or `zsh_prompt\', is supposed to be set only in shell-specific bindings file.')
help='Renderer module. Usually something like `.bash\' or `.zsh\', is supposed to be set only in shell-specific bindings file.')
p.add_argument('-w', '--width', type=int, help='Maximum prompt with. Triggers truncation of some segments')
p.add_argument('--last_exit_code', metavar='INT', type=int, help='Last exit code')
p.add_argument('--last_pipe_status', metavar='LIST', default='', type=lambda s: [int(status) for status in s.split()], help='Like above, but is supposed to contain space-separated array of statuses, representing exit statuses of commands in one pipe.')

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class TestParser(TestCase):
(['shell', '--config_path'], 'expected one argument'),
(['shell', '--renderer_arg'], 'expected one argument'),
(['shell', '--jobnum'], 'expected one argument'),
(['-r', 'zsh_prompt'], 'too few arguments|the following arguments are required: ext'),
(['-r', '.zsh'], 'too few arguments|the following arguments are required: ext'),
(['shell', '--last_exit_code', 'i'], 'invalid int value'),
(['shell', '--last_pipe_status', '1 i'], 'invalid <lambda> value'),
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ class TestParser(TestCase):
err = StrIO()
with replace_attr(sys, 'stdout', out, 'stderr', err):
for argv, expargs in [
(['shell'], {'ext': ['shell']}),
(['shell', '-r', 'zsh_prompt'], {'ext': ['shell'], 'renderer_module': 'zsh_prompt'}),
(['shell'], {'ext': ['shell']}),
(['shell', '-r', '.zsh'], {'ext': ['shell'], 'renderer_module': '.zsh'}),
'-r', 'zsh_prompt',
'-r', '.zsh',
'--last_exit_code', '10',
'--last_pipe_status', '10 20 30',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class TestParser(TestCase):
], {
'ext': ['shell'],
'side': 'left',
'renderer_module': 'zsh_prompt',
'renderer_module': '.zsh',
'last_exit_code': 10,
'last_pipe_status': [10, 20, 30],
'jobnum': 10,

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class TestConfig(TestCase):
def test_zsh(self):
from import ShellPowerline
args = Args(last_pipe_status=[1, 0], jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='zsh_prompt')
args = Args(last_pipe_status=[1, 0], jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='.zsh')
segment_info = {'args': args}
with ShellPowerline(args, run_once=False) as powerline:
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class TestConfig(TestCase):
def test_bash(self):
from import ShellPowerline
args = Args(last_exit_code=1, jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='bash_prompt', config={'ext': {'shell': {'theme': 'default_leftonly'}}})
args = Args(last_exit_code=1, jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='.bash', config={'ext': {'shell': {'theme': 'default_leftonly'}}})
with ShellPowerline(args, run_once=False) as powerline:
powerline.render(segment_info={'args': args})
with ShellPowerline(args, run_once=False) as powerline: