The expected errors in these tests cannot be asserted with the
`assert.throws` helper function for various reasons. Re-format their
meta-data according to the latest design in order to more precisely
describe test expectations.
The file previously named `values-binding-types_.js` is not intended to
be interpreted as a test. Therefor (in accordance with the project's
`` file), its name should include `_FIXTURE` as a suffix.
* Tests for new lastIndex semantics
Add and update tests for the lastIndex semantic change introduced in
* Address comments
This test is being added because the committee is considering changing
this evaluation order (as discussed at the May 2016 Munich meeting). The
consequences of this spec change will be more clear as a test change
than a simple test addition.
* Assert creation of 'arguments' object
Ensure that the 'arguments' object is created in cases where it is not
required by the body but is required by the parameters.
* Add tests for cases that disable "arguments" map
* Add tests for NewTarget override of bound function
* Add test for properties of exotic String objects
ECMA262 allows for an arbitrary number of "ScriptJob"s to run in a given realm.
Although there is no standard mechanism for enqueuing these jobs, many
implementations offer this functionality through custom APIs. In those hosts,
the semantics describing script interactions are directly observable.
In order to guarantee conformance to the specification in advance of a
standardized API, Test262 now requires that hosts provide a $.evalScript
function whose behavior is defined in the project's "" file.
Use this host-provided API to ensure that implementations correctly observe the
specification text that dictates script interactions.
(In writing these tests, I noticed some gaps in coverage that are observable
from a single script execution. This patch includes a dedicated commit for
these tests that do not require $.evalScript.)
* Improve coverage of GlobalDeclarationInstantiation
* Add tests for script interactions
Use the host-provied `$.evalScript` method to assert conformance to the
specification text that defines script interactions.
* fixup! Improve coverage of GlobalDeclarationInstantiation
* Update tests for Proxy.[[SetPrototypeOf]]
Expand coverage for proxies' [[SetPrototypeOf]] and update tests to
verify that target's [[IsExtensible]] is not called anymore if trap
returns a falsy value.
Ref tc39/ecma262#331
* Add tests for abrupt completions during JSON.parse
Due to the use of the IsArray abstract operation, observing many of the
targeted semantics requires the use of a Proxy exotic object. Mark the
tests that require this unrelated ES2015 feature using a dedicated
"features" flag.
* Re-generate tests
The test generation tool has been modified in the time since these tests
were first generated and committed to the project. Re-generate the tests
using the latest version of the tool.
* Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
The "variable-like" function hoisting semantics defined in Annex B
extension B.3.3 is only applied if "[...] replacing the
FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a
BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors [...]". Test262
previously included tests for this condition when the disqualifying
early error originated from the ScriptBody and FunctionBody productions.
Add test cases to assert the behavior when it is disqualified by all
other relevant early errors: Block statements, `for` statements,
`for-of` statements, `for-in` statements, and Switch statements.
* Generate tests
* fixup! Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
* fixup! Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
Correct test case "info" meta-data.
* fixup! Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
Improve test bodies
* fixup! Generate tests
* Add tests for early errors in functions
* Improve tests for class accessors
Use the `propertyHelper.js` utility in order to functionally test the
property descriptors of class methods.
* Remove redundant tests
The semantics of an IdentifierReference as a PropertyDefinition within
an object initializer are exhaustively tested by the files in this
directory whose name match the pattern `prop-def-id-*.js`.
Delete the redundant tests in favor of the more descriptively-named and
more exhaustive alternatives.
* Rename tests
* Update test names to be more descriptive
* Add tests for property descriptors of accessors
* Add tests for runtime error during method dfn
* Add test for observable iteration
* Extend tests for class "name" inference
Ensure that when a class defines a static "name" method, that method
definition prevents the "name" inference behavior.
* Re-generate tests
* Express JSON syntax tests with multiple assertions
When written with a single assertion, this test verifies only that "one
or more" of the Unicode points produces a SyntaxError. Re-factor the
test so that parsing behavior for each code point can be tested in
* Re-introduce assertion
ECMAScript edition 2016 relies on the Unicode standard at version 8.0.0.
As part of a larger effort to update Test262 accordingly, the assertion
for the SyntaxError resulting from the use of the Mongolian Vowel
Separator (U+180E) was removed. However, ECMA-401 (The JSON Data
Interchange Format) continues to describe "insignificant whitespace" as
> Insignificant whitespace is allowed before or after any token.
> The whitespace characters are: character tabulation (U+0009),
> line feed (U+000A), carriage return (U+000D), and space
> (U+0020)
And because ECMA262 specifies step 2 of the `JSON.parse` algorithm as
> 2. Parse JText interpreted as UTF-16 encoded Unicode points (6.1.4) as
> a JSON text as specified in ECMA-404. Throw a SyntaxError exception
> if JText is not a valid JSON text as defined in that specification.
...the use of U+180E between JSON tokens should continue to produce a
SyntaxError, regardless of ECMA262's updated Unicode standard.
* fixup! Express JSON syntax tests with multiple assertions
This is a pure miscellaneous change to use global values of NaN and Infinity instead of their namespaced equivalents.
Ref 9ae0567a50 (r69049894)
cc @suwc
This re-factors some existing Sputnik tests to be more targeted and to use a
pattern that can be generalized to other forms. We could test these all day,
but I've limited myself to forms introduced in ES2015, specifically
YieldExpression and Note that SpiderMonkey incorrectly throws a
SyntaxError for these.
I thoughtlessly wrote ReferenceError tests for yield = 1 until I realized
that such productions are not actually recognized by the grammar, so the early
errors do not apply. Instead, I've added a negative syntax test for that case.
* Refactor test for valid cover
* Add tests for ValidSimpleAssignmentTarget
Ensure that constructs introduced in ES2015 are disallowed as assignment
targets, with or without a "cover" grammar.
* Add test for grammar precedence of YieldExpression
This changeset increases coverage for section 21, specifically "21.1 String
* Add tests for "this" validation of String methods
* Add tests for ToNumber as used by String methods
* Add test for `length` prop of exotic String objs
* fixup! Add test for `length` prop of exotic String objs
Fixes gh-696
As pointed in gh-696, the ArrayBuffer ctor won't throw a RangeError when
invoked without arguments.
Instead of fixing the invalid assertion, this commit removes it as the
coverage for subclassing is already satisfied by the use of slice.
* Improve tests for GeneratorPrototype methods
- Assert return values more consistently
- Expand tests for constraints on `this` value
* Add more tests for dynamic GeneratorFunctions
* Add more tests for GenerationFunction.prototype
* Add more tests for the GeneratorFunction object
* Extend test: GeneratorFunction.prototype.prototype
* Improve precision of tests for generator methods
Extend existing assertions to explicitly verify that execution halts at
the intended location. Correct tests which were previously asserting
this behavior in contexts that did not match their name/description.
* Remove unused variables
* fixup! Improve tests for GeneratorPrototype methods
* fixup! Improve tests for GeneratorPrototype methods
* Add missing test for early error
* Add missing test for WithBaseObject
* Improve coverage for ``
* Add test for deletion of SuperReference
* Add tests for `in` keyword restrictions
* fixup! Improve coverage for ``
The global isNaN is not precise at all, and Number.isNaN is an ES6 feature that makes it preferrable to use assert's sameValue for NaN values, as it handles it internally using the comparison.
This test was intended to assert the semantics of the `for-in`
statement, but it was mistakenly authored to use a `for-of` statement.
Update the statement under test, and improve the testing methodology to
correctly assert the creation of distinct bindings.
Ensure that early errors restricting labelled function declarations
within WithStatement and IfStatement are honored. Rename existing tests
to match the specification's spelling.
* Improve test coverage for `super` keyword
Add tests for SuperCall and SuperProperty, organized together in the
`test/language/expressions/super/` directory. For SuperProperty, include
tests for usage from within Object initializers and class bodies because
a different set of semantics are observable from each context.
The prior version of this test asserted only the property's
configurability. It was also limited to the RegExp object as returned
from the RegExp constructor.
Extend the test to verify all values of the property descriptor.
Duplicate these assertions in a separate file dedicated to the RegExp
object as created from a RegExp literal.
The previous commit removed two invalid tests designed to ensure that
the RegExpPrototype object is not itself a RegExp object. Introduce a
new test to assert this detail in a way that accounts for the
possibility of host extensions.
From ECMA262, section 16:
> Except as restricted in 16.2, an implementation may provide
> additional types, values, objects, properties, and functions beyond
> those described in this specification.
Section 16.2 makes no mention of the `lastIndex` property of the
%RegExpPrototype% intrinsic. It is therefor not a violation to define
%such an "own" property.
Remove the tests that assert otherwise.
A recent web-compatability change to ECMA262 modified the semantics of
the accessor methods on the %RegExpPrototype% intrinsic--the "get"
accessors now include steps dedicated to the case where the "this" value
is the %RegExpPrototype% object itself.
Remove the tests that have been invalidated by this change, introduce
tests asserting the new behavior, and extend coverage for other possible
"this" values.
The specification contains an explicit informative NOTE explaining that
the 'm' flag does not effect the behavior of the '^' assertion. Add a
test to verify this.
ES2015 reads:
> RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence :: u{ HexDigits }
> - It is a Syntax Error if the MV of HexDigits > 1114111.
Use the MV 0x110000 to assert the lower boundary of values which are
expected to produce the SyntaxError.
Extend test for HTML comments
The V8 engine incorrectly requires a leading newline character for
MultiLineComments which contain the optional trailing HTMLCloseComment
[1]. Extend the current tests to fail when such an invalid restriction
is in place.
A subtle aspect of the for-of iteration protocol concerns abrupt
completions that do *not* trigger iterator closing. Although this detail
is implicit in the current structure of the specification text, some
hosts may violate the protocol by closing the iterator because later
steps *do* specify that behavior.
The V8 engine is one such host--as of this writing, it incorrectly
closes the iterator when accessing the `value` property of the iterator
result produces an abrupt completion.
Add tests verifying that the iterator protocol is not violated in this
way for abrupt completions during the semantics of for-of evaluation.
ConversionError and RegExpError tests are methods that existed on
something that preceeded a IE9 Standard. They do not exist in the
specs, at least since ES5.
It's not test262 responsibility to maintain these tests as these
features can be freely implemented by any runtime.
The original implementation of the test for the absense of a
[[PromiseState]] internal slot did not actually assert the documented
semantics. Re-implement the test to rely on the IsPromise abstract
operation (via `Promise.prototype.then`) to accurately ensure that the
object does not have a [[PromiseState]] internal slot.
In relying on the semantics of the `instanceof` operator, the original
test for the [[Prototype]] internal slot was imprecise (the assertion
could be satisfied if additional objects were incorrectly defined on the
prototype chain). Re-write the test to assert the value of the
[[Prototype]] internal slot directly.
These tests have been re-factored to expand coverage of the "default
parameter" language feature and to more closely adhere to this project's
preferred file organization.
Ensure that when HasBinding of an Object environment record returns an
abrupt completion, that same completion is returned to the runtime.
Update the meta-data of related tests for consistency with this new
According to ES2015, functions created using the FunctionDeclaration
syntax may define "own" properties named "caller" and "arguments" as
long as this is done using the AddRestrictedFunctionProperties abstract
Remove the assertions that prohibit this extension.
The latest revision of ECMA262 makes special provisions for classes
which extend the `null` value [1]. Update the relevant tests
Utilize the test generation tool to increase coverage of destructuring
assignment semantics. Previously, only destructuring assignment in the
AssignmentExpression position was tested. With this change applied, the
same tests will assert expected behavior for destructuring assignment in
`for..of` statements, as well.
A limited number of tests are applied to the `` statement as
well, but due to the iteration protocol observed by that statement, many
destructuring tests are not relevant, and others cannot be automatically
generated from this format.
Because implementations are free to select any valid NaN value during
GetValueFromBuffer, tests concerning semantics for consistent NaN value
encoding cannot rely on values returned from that abstract operation.
Update the test for `` to set the same NaN
values via `map` as set in the "control" array.
Extend tests for the `escape` and `unescape` built-ins to assert their
behavior. Rely on the latest ECMAScript draft, which specifies that
`escape` returns hexadecimal codes in upper case.
Ensure that NaN values are canonicalized consistently by all invocations
of SetValueInBuffer. Also ensure that `%TypedArray%.prototype.set` and
`%TypedArray%.prototype.slice` preserve the bit-level encoding of the
source data.
Use a set of experimentally-derived expressions known to produce NaN
values with distinct bit patterns in various platforms.
Introduce a test that asserts the equality of
`Date.prototype.toGMTString` and `Date.prototype.toUTCString`, rendering
further tests for the former's behavior unnecessary.
The RegExpBuiltinExec internal operation was modified in March of 2016
[1]: instead of referencing the `global` and `sticky` properties of the
"this" value, the algorithm now infers those values from the object's
[[OriginalFlags]] internal slot.
This change invalidated a number of tests. In cases where the change
resulted in an observable behavior, update the tests to assert the
latest specification text. In cases where the change removed a
previously-observable behavior, remove the files completely.
Specification text change set:
> 1. Assert: Type(_S_) is String.
> 1. Let _length_ be the number of code units in _S_.
> 1. Let _lastIndex_ be ? ToLength(? Get(_R_, `"lastIndex"`)).
> - 1. Let _global_ be ToBoolean(? Get(_R_, `"global"`)).
> - 1. Let _sticky_ be ToBoolean(? Get(_R_, `"sticky"`)).
> + 1. Let _flags_ be the value of _R_'s [[OriginalFlags]] internal slot.
> + 1. If _flags_ contains `"g"`, let _global_ be *true*, else let _global_ be *false*.
> + 1. If _flags_ contains `"y"`, let _sticky_ be *true*, else let _sticky_ be *false*.
> 1. If _global_ is *false* and _sticky_ is *false*, let _lastIndex_ be 0.
> 1. Let _matcher_ be the value of _R_'s [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot.
> - 1. Let _flags_ be the value of _R_'s [[OriginalFlags]] internal slot.
> 1. If _flags_ contains `"u"`, let _fullUnicode_ be *true*, else let _fullUnicode_ be *false*.
> 1. Let _matchSucceeded_ be *false*.
> 1. Repeat, while _matchSucceeded_ is *false*