This change updates test cases to assume that the "next" method is only
loaded from a synchronous iterator once, and is re-used for each call to
Async-from-Sync, based on
Update behaviour based on changes from
The actual spec change PR for async iteration is not yet uploaded.
This does not include any changes to Async-from-Sync Iterator.
Incorrect $DONE handlers which led to calling $DONE twice
- async-generators/
- dstr-assignment-for-await/
$DONE handler not called at all:
- dstr-assignment-for-await/
- dstr-assignment-for-await/
Incorrect assumed execution sequence in IteratorDestructuringAssignmentEvaluation:
- dstr-assignment-for-await/
Tests doesn't use async functionality and don't call $DONE, so remove
"async" flag:
- src/params/error/async-gen-named-func-expr.template
- test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-abrupt.js
- test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-ref-later.js
- test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-ref-self.js
Intl.PluralRules.prototype is no longer a Intl.Prototype instance:
- test/intl402/PluralRules/prototype/prototype.js
Intl.PluralRules throws an error when called as a function:
- test/intl402/PluralRules/undefined-newtarget-throws.js
Module namespace objects call OrdinaryDelete for symbol properties:
- test/language/module-code/namespace/internals/delete-non-exported.js
Async generators no longer retrieves "done" property twice:
- src/async-generators/
- src/async-generators/
- src/async-generators/
Minor units of CLF is 4, so we need to test with maximumFractionDigits=3
to get an error:
- test/intl402/NumberFormat/dft-currency-mnfd-range-check-mxfd.js
DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts length property was changed from
0 to 1:
- test/intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatToParts/length.js
minimumSignificantDigits and maximumSignificantDigits properties are
only retrieved once:
- test/intl402/NumberFormat/11.1.1_32.js