The templates are being used for many tests reusing the same available function forms.
The format they are provided allow us to extend tests with cases for other tests relying
in the same formats.
- Insert a missing .next() call
- Avoid overlapping names used in test cases
Case files like `src/dstr-binding/` are already setting
bindings named `g`. Renaming them in the templates prevents overlapping names.
Tests doesn't use async functionality and don't call $DONE, so remove
"async" flag:
- src/params/error/async-gen-named-func-expr.template
- test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-abrupt.js
- test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-ref-later.js
- test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-ref-self.js
Intl.PluralRules.prototype is no longer a Intl.Prototype instance:
- test/intl402/PluralRules/prototype/prototype.js
Intl.PluralRules throws an error when called as a function:
- test/intl402/PluralRules/undefined-newtarget-throws.js
Module namespace objects call OrdinaryDelete for symbol properties:
- test/language/module-code/namespace/internals/delete-non-exported.js
Async generators no longer retrieves "done" property twice:
- src/async-generators/
- src/async-generators/
- src/async-generators/
Minor units of CLF is 4, so we need to test with maximumFractionDigits=3
to get an error:
- test/intl402/NumberFormat/dft-currency-mnfd-range-check-mxfd.js
DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts length property was changed from
0 to 1:
- test/intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatToParts/length.js
minimumSignificantDigits and maximumSignificantDigits properties are
only retrieved once:
- test/intl402/NumberFormat/11.1.1_32.js
* Re-generate tests
The test generation tool has been modified in the time since these tests
were first generated and committed to the project. Re-generate the tests
using the latest version of the tool.
* Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
The "variable-like" function hoisting semantics defined in Annex B
extension B.3.3 is only applied if "[...] replacing the
FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a
BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors [...]". Test262
previously included tests for this condition when the disqualifying
early error originated from the ScriptBody and FunctionBody productions.
Add test cases to assert the behavior when it is disqualified by all
other relevant early errors: Block statements, `for` statements,
`for-of` statements, `for-in` statements, and Switch statements.
* Generate tests
* fixup! Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
* fixup! Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
Correct test case "info" meta-data.
* fixup! Add test cases for Annex B hoisting disqualifiers
Improve test bodies
* fixup! Generate tests
* Extend tests for class "name" inference
Ensure that when a class defines a static "name" method, that method
definition prevents the "name" inference behavior.
* Re-generate tests
* Improve test coverage for `super` keyword
Add tests for SuperCall and SuperProperty, organized together in the
`test/language/expressions/super/` directory. For SuperProperty, include
tests for usage from within Object initializers and class bodies because
a different set of semantics are observable from each context.