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Xen Orchestra Server

XO-Server is part of Xen Orchestra, a web interface for XenServer or XAPI enabled hosts.

It contains all the logic of XO and handles:

  • connections to all XAPI servers/pools;
  • a cache system to provide the best response time possible;
  • users authentication and authorizations;
  • a JSON-RPC based interface for XO clients (i.e. XO-Web).

XO is currently under development and may be subject to important bugs.


There is currently no package available for XO-Server, you must therefore use the following procedure.

  1. Download the code, you may either use git git clone git://github.com/vatesfr/xo-server or download a Zip archive.
  2. You need node.js running. Go in the xo-server folder and do a npm update && npm install.
  3. Go into public/http folder and symlink to xo-web by doing this: for f in ../../../xo-web/public/*; do ln -s "$f" .;done
  4. Finally, run ./xo-server, your XO install is available on http://IPADDRESS:8080

How to report a bug?

If you are certain the bug is exclusively related to XO-Server, you may use the bugtracker of this repository.

Otherwise, please consider using the bugtracker of the general repository.