1 Installation
Martin Dobrev edited this page 2013-10-25 07:32:58 -07:00

Follow the Installation instructions in README.md. Then for MySQL support:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Create a DB in MySQL and apply the SQL script inside the xo-server/config folder

mysql -u root -p
create database xoa;
mysql -u root -p xoa < db.mysql.sql

Once ready please change the settings in local.yaml in order to enable MySQL support and switch userdb type to it

# configuration of the MySQL server.
    # Is MySQL enabled?
    # Default: false
    enabled: true

    # host
    # Default: localhost
    #host: localhost

    # port
    # Default: 3306
    #port: 3306

    # username
    # Default: xoauser
    username: xoauser

    # password
    # Default: xoapass
    password: xoapass

    # database
    # Default: xoa
    database: xoa

# Configuration of the userdb
    # Type of the backend?
    # Syntax: mysql, redis, postgres, ldap
    # /!\ Currently supported backends: redis, mysql
    # Default: redis
    type: mysql