0 Building OpenSSH for Windows (using LibreSSL crypto)
Tess Gauthier edited this page 2023-10-12 12:01:08 -04:00

Download Latest Source

  • Download and Install Visual Studio - latest install here.

    • If using the Visual Studio installer, select the following:

      • Desktop Development with C++ Workload
      • Windows 11 SDK 10.0.22621.0 Individual Component
      • MSVC 143 Build Tool(s) Individual Component(s) - up to 3 depending on which architecture(s) will be built: x86/x64, ARM, ARM64
      • MSVC 143 Spectre-Mitigated Lib(s) Individual Component(s) - up to 3 depending on which architecture(s) will be built: x86/x64, ARM, ARM64
    • Confirm the selections look something like this: Visual Studio Installer GUI

    • Confirm the Desktop Development with C++ Kit was installed properly by checking ${env:ProgramFiles}\Microsoft Visual Studio\*\*\VC\Auxiliary\Build for a vcvarsall.bat file, as shown in the image below: C++ Development Kit Folder Location

  • Install Windows SDK 10.0.22621.0 during Visual Studio install, or download from here

    • Confirm the SDK was installed properly by checking ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\10\Bin for a 10.0.22621.0 folder, as shown in the image below: Windows 10 SDK Folder Location
  • Confirm the Build Tools were installed properly by checking ${env:ProgramFiles}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\*\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170 for a Microsoft.Cpp.Default.Props file, as shown in the image below: Microsoft Build Tools 2022 Folder Location

  • Open contrib\win32\openssh\Win32-OpenSSH.sln in Visual Studio, if prompted ensure platform toolset is set to "no upgrade" and Windows SDK is set to "10.0.22621.0"

  • If necessary, change the configuration and architecture from the middle toolbar

  • Build the Win32-OpenSSH binaries

  • Note: after the first build of a configuration & architecture or if a new libcrypto version is being pulled in, the corresponding libcrypto.dll needs to be copied from \contrib\win32\openssh\libressl\bin\desktop\{Architecture}\ to .\bin\{Architecture}\{Configuration}

    • Binaries will be in a \bin\{Architecture}\{Configuration} folder, as shown in the image below for an x64, Debug build: OpenSSH Binaries Folder Location

Building OpenSSH for Windows Using Build Script

In Powershell:

  • cd repository-root
  • ipmo .\contrib\win32\openssh\OpenSSHBuildHelper.psm1 -Force
  • Start-OpenSSHBuild -Configuration <Release|Debug> -NativeHostArch <x64|x86|ARM|ARM64>

Deploying OpenSSH for Windows

  • Start-OpenSSHPackage -Configuration <Release|Debug> -NativeHostArch <x64|x86|ARM|ARM64>
  • Above generates Zipped binary and symbols payload. Follow further installation instructions here.