17 Troubleshooting Steps
Manoj Ampalam edited this page 2019-06-10 12:12:29 -07:00

See Logging Facilities to modify logging location.

See if you have the right file permissions set.

Troubleshooting steps for typical service startup and connection issues:

  • If you see connection getting reset right after sending SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT, see if this may help.

  • Server side: run sshd in debug mode

    • Stop-Service sshd (if sshd service is running)
    • sshd.exe -d This will run sshd in interactive mode under currently logged on user (typically as admin). Note that, in this mode, you can only login as the "currently logged on user" and only using "key based auth". To overcome these restrictions, you should instead run psexec -s sshd.exe -d to run sshd as SYSTEM.
    • This will dump debug logs in real time to stdout on the console
    • You can also add additional ds for more detailed loggin:
      • sshd.exe -dd or sshd.exe -ddd
  • Client side: start ssh in verbose mode

    • ssh.exe -v ...
    • This will dump verbose logs in real time to stdout on the console
    • You can also add additional vs to get more verbose messages:
      • ssh.exe -vv ... or ssh.exe -vvv

Troubleshooting more complex issues:

  • Server side
    • Stop sshd
      • Stop-Service sshd
    • Delete sshd.log and ssh-agent.log (under %programdata%\ssh\logs)
    • Set the following in sshd_config
      • SyslogFacility LOCAL0
      • LogLevel to DEBUG (or DEBUG2/DEBUG3 for higher levels of logging)
    • Rerun the workflow that's giving you problems. logs\sshd.log will contain sshd related traces.
    • If the problem isn't clear, please post these logs along with some steps to help us reproduce your problem in our GitHub Issues.
  • Client side
    • Set LogLevel to DEBUG (or DEBUG2/DEBUG3 for higher levels of logging) in ssh_config.
    • Run ssh.exe in verbose mode as detailed above