When it used 32 bits for set FSP global data pointer under X64 build,
it should get FSP global data pointer with 32 bits data under X64 build.
Signed-off-by: Hongbin1 Zhang <hongbin1.zhang@intel.com>
Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: Duggapu Chinni B <chinni.b.duggapu@intel.com>
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Cc: Ted Kuo <ted.kuo@intel.com>
Cc: Ashraf Ali S <ashraf.ali.s@intel.com>
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4114
FSP specification supports input UPD as NULL cases which FSP will
use built-in UPD region instead.
FSP should not return INVALID_PARAMETER in such cases.
In FSP-T entry point case, the valid FSP-T UPD region pointer will be
passed to platform FSP code to consume.
In FSP-M and FSP-S cases, valid UPD pointer will be decided when
updating corresponding pointer field in FspGlobalData.
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Ted Kuo <ted.kuo@intel.com>
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3916
Adopt MultiPhase functions for both FspSecCoreS and FspSecCoreM.
For backward compatibility, new INF are created for new modules.
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3993
Add FSP-I API entry point for SMM support.
Also update 64bit API entry code to assign ApiIdx to RAX
to avoid confusion.
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Hongbin1 Zhang <hongbin1.zhang@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
1.Added EFIAPI to FspNotifyPhasePeimEntryPoint, SwapStack and
2.Treat both MAX_ADDRESS and MAX_UINT32 as invalid address for
FSP global data in FspApiCallingCheck().
3.Changed AsmReadEsp to AsmReadStackPointer.
4.Changed the type of the return value of AsmReadStackPointer
from UINT32 to UINTN.
5.Changed the type of TemporaryMemoryBase, PermenentMemoryBase
and BootLoaderStack from UINT32 to UINTN.
6.Some type casting to pointers are UINT32. Changed them to
UINTN to accommodate both IA32 and X64.
7.Corrected some typos.
Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Cc: Ashraf Ali S <ashraf.ali.s@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Ted Kuo <ted.kuo@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3737
Apply uncrustify changes to .c/.h files in the IntelFsp2Pkg package
Cc: Andrew Fish <afish@apple.com>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <leif@nuviainc.com>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <michael.kubacki@microsoft.com>
Reviewed-by: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2698
To enhance FSP silicon initialization flexibility an optional
Multi-Phase API is introduced and FSP header needs update for
new API offset. Also new SecCore module created for
FspMultiPhaseSiInit API
New ARCH_UPD introduced for enhancing FSP debug message
flexibility now bootloader can pass its own debug handler
function pointer and FSP will call the function to handle
debug message.
To support calling bootloader functions, a FspGlobalData field
added to indicate if FSP needs to switch stack when FSP running
on separate stack from bootloader.
Cc: Maurice Ma <maurice.ma@intel.com>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
1. Do not use tab characters
2. No trailing white space in one line
3. All files must end with CRLF
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
Signed-off-by: Liming Gao <liming.gao@intel.com>
Add FSP2.0 support.
This series of patch is to support FSP2.0 specification at
Some major updates include:
1) One FSP binary is separated to multiple components:
FSP-T, FSP-M, FSP-S, and optional FSP-O.
Each component has its own configuration data region.
2) All FSP-APIs use same UPD format - FSP_UPD_HEADER.
3) Add EnumInitPhaseEndOfFirmware notifyphase.
4) FSP1.1/FSP1.0 compatibility is NOT maintained.
5) We also add rename Fsp* to FspWrapper* in IntelFsp2WrapperPkg,
to indicate that it is for FspWrapper only.
IntelFspPkg and IntelFspWrapperPkg will be deprecated.
The new Intel platform will follow FSP2.0 and use IntelFsp2Pkg
and IntelFsp2WrapperPkg.
The old platform can still use IntelFspPkg and IntelFspWrapperPkg
for compatibility consideration.
Cc: Giri P Mudusuru <giri.p.mudusuru@intel.com>
Cc: Maurice Ma <maurice.ma@intel.com>
Cc: Ravi P Rangarajan <ravi.p.rangarajan@intel.com>
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Jiewen Yao <jiewen.yao@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Giri P Mudusuru <giri.p.mudusuru@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Maurice Ma <maurice.ma@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Ravi P Rangarajan <ravi.p.rangarajan@intel.com>