- Edit control in Date Time for Custom format
- Tooltip in Delimiter for Word character list
- Fix blurry text in Link for Clickable Link Settings
Fix#11497, close#11498
For the sake of maintenance of Scintilla (future update), we try to not modify Scintilla project, or at least minimize its modification.
Hence the compiling boost part is shifted to Notepad++ project.
Fix#11014, close#11485
Scrolling "Document List" to make the selected item visible after:
- selecting
- opening a file or files
- the program startup
- adding/removing columns
This commit doesn't cover the case of the selected item becoming invisible after resizing of the window.
Fix#11204, close#11471
* Add new preference setting to allow function list to be sorted lexicographically by default.
* Fix sorting for mixed mode function list parsers on new file open.
* Add new translations to english.xml and german.xml.
Fix#11446, close#11447
1. Scintilla and Lexilla intermediate files are created in the same folder as NPP build file (`bin.i686.build` or `bin.x86_64.build`), but in subfolder `_lexilla.build` and `_scintilla.build`. I added `_` char at the beginning so these folders are always at the beginning. If you prefer a different name or location it can be change.
2. Stop build and dispaly error message when someone run "outside build" (use `-f` option) and source path has any spaces. It won't work anyway, so it's worth stopping the process and give a clear message.
3. Add new phony target `sciclean` and `lexclean` for deleting Scintilla or Lexilla intermediate files separately.
4. Change `_` to `|` for temporary replacement of space characters when detect proper shell. Char `_` is allowed in paths and should not be used for that purpose.
5. Add one more condition for `MAKELEVEL` variable to prevent unnecessary second calls to Scintilla and Lexilla makefile.
6. Update also `nppSpecifics_mingw.mak` file to works with above change.
Now we don't have to remember to clean up the previous files when we switch to different compiler (32-bit or 64-bit) or when we generate a debug version.
Fix 10991, close#11450
Make external lexer library work again after upgrading to Scintilla5.
Old external lexer libraries needs to add CreateLexer export function which returns ILexer5 instance (Lexilla protocol interface of Scintilla5).
Tested with papyrus lexer plugin, this external lexer plugin is compatible with Notepad++ next release:
Update with https://www.scintilla.org/scintilla521.ziphttps://www.scintilla.org/lexilla515.zip
- fix setting to bring Scintilla::PositionCR from ScintillaStructures.h inline with Sci_Position.h Sci_PositionCR
- add workaround to enable lexer for searchResult
commented out SCI_SETILEXER call on searchResult to get one result which is correctly handled by the lexer,
added comment about the current problem with property @MarkingsStruct which seems to disappear after call to SCI_SETILEXER or CreateLexer
- corrected usage of ObjC lexer
- removed unnecessary filter stuff
- use own sections for scintilla and lexilla build targets and allow parallel builds
- as libscilex is no longer existing, changed to libscintilla
- adapt makefiles and cmake
- use VS2019
- started simple changes for createlexer adaptations, nullpointercheck missing on return of lexer name from deprecated LexerNameFromID -> undefined behaviour
- movement from id -> lexer name, mostly done via LexerNameFromID + switching off corresponding compiler warning
- changed to SCI_SETILEXER from SCI_SETLEXER, SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE needs to be corrected, see Scintilla5Migration.html
- just commented out: SCI_LOADLEXERLIBRARY
Fix#10504, close#11419
* move labels to resemble v8.2 positioning
* resize IDD_FINDINFILES_DIR_COMBO to make it end with the other comboboxes
* resize IDD_FINDINFILES_BROWSE_BUTTON to match combobox height
* expand GroupBox to allow for a wider IDREDOTMATCHNL
* improve scaling algorithm for those ComboBoxes
Fix#11318, close#11386
In commit f9118dd13c **"npp-compatible-versions"** has been added in plugin list for helping not only Plugin Admin, but also Plugin Manager (Plugin Loader) to check the compatibility with the latest version of plugin (if the version of installed plugin is the latest one).
However, if the version of installed plugin is the previous one, there's no info to know if this plugin with old version is compatible with running Notepad++. In order to filter better old version plugins, **"old-versions-compatibility"** is added in plugin list, so Plugin Manager can use it to check the compatibility to decide load it or not.
The value of "old-versions-compatibility" is a string made by 2 interval versions as following:
`"old-versions-compatibility": "[,2.6][,8.2.1]"`
The first interval versions are for old plugin versions: [,2.6] means from all the versions to v2.6 included.
The second interval versions are for Notepad++ versions: [,8.2.1] means from all the versions to v8.2.1 included.
Both interval versions together means: the plugin in question from the 1st version to v2.6 is compatible with Notepad++ v8.2.1 and all Notepad++ previous versions.
Here is the sample:
"folder-name": "mimeTools",
"display-name": "Mime tools",
"version": "2.7",
"npp-compatible-versions": "[8.3,]",
"old-versions-compatibility": "[,2.6][,8.2.1]",
"id": "b65fbfaa15b443131eb69188069cacbff04eca66e0cb84130631303a1d3895f8",
"repository": "https://github.com/npp-plugins/mimetools/releases/download/v2.7/mimetools.v2.7.zip",
"description": "Implements several main functionalities defined in MIME.",
"author": "Don HO",
"homepage": "https://github.com/npp-plugins/mimetools"
Considering these 2 scenarios:
1. The current distributed plugin version is v2.7 (the latest one normally), and it is compatible with all Notepad++ version from v8.3. If installed MineTools plugin is v2.7 and running Notepad++ is v8.3.3 then it's OK, and MineTools v2.7 will be loaded.
2. If installed MineTools plugin is v2.6 and running Notepad++ is v8.3.3 then Plugin Manager learns it's a previous version (v2.6 < v2.7), so it will check "old-versions-compatibility" - it will find v2.6 is in the 1st interval [,2.6] - it's matched, then Plugin Manager keep checking the running Notepad++'s compatibility: v8.3.3 is not in the 2nd interval [,8.2.1] - it's not compatible, then MineTools plugin v2.6 won't be loaded.
Here are the test instructions for this PR:
1. download x64 debug binary here:
2. Create an empty file "nppPluginList.json" in your `npp\plugins\Config\`
and copy the following content
and paste into `npp\plugins\Config\nppPluginList.json`
You have to copy "updater" folder (which contains GUP.exe) to enable plugin list.
3. Download DSpellCheck plugin v1.4.22 which is not compatible with Notepad++ from v8.3 and later version here:
Install it into plugin folder manually.
4. Now launch Notepad++ x64 debug binary and watch it crash.
5. Edit "nppPluginList.json" by adding `"old-versions-compatibility": "[,1.4.22][,8.2.1]",` into DSpellCheck section.
6. Startup Notepad++. Notepad++ doesn't crash. and now you can check DSpellCheck plugin is not loaded on the startup.
Fix #11358, fix#11349, close #11356
For some reason, the file name ComboBox isn't present when enumerating windows in OnFolderChange().
Because of that, we can't call onPreFileOk() in keyboard hook procedure.
Fix that by retrying window search in OnSelectionChange() if we didn't find them previously.
Fix#11305, fix#11355
A new ability for checking plugins' compatibility with running Notepad++ has been added in Plugin List & Plugin Admin (a06b404708).
This PR extends this ability by using Plugin Admin's plugin list to filter plugins to load - if any plugin to load with **the same folder name**, **the same version** (as in the plugin list) and it's **not compatible** with the running Notepad++ version found while loading plugins, it will be skipped for being loaded.
Fix#11353, close#11350
4 new API are added:
* Added support for custom auto-indentation for external lexer.
* Also added messages to fetch current Macro status (Idle, Recording, Stopped, Running) -> for this also affects auto-indentation behavior.
* Also added capability to query for the current User Settings of "Use Auto Indentation".
Fix#11253, close#11278
Implement: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/nppPluginList/issues/416
While PluginAdmin loading nppPluginList.dll, it will check an attribute "npp-compatible-versions" (optional),
in order to determinate if plugin is compatible to the current version of Notepad++. If plugin is not compatible,
then this plugin will be ignored, therefore it won't be shown on the PluginAdmin's plugin list.
Note that it's only about pluginsAdmin's plugin list:
it prevent from Notepad++ install/update a plugin non-compatible to current version of Notepad++,
but it still allows Notepad++ load this plugin in question, if it's already installed.
Here is the attribite "npp-compatible-versions" looks like in plugin list json file:
"name": "npp-pluginList",
"version": "1.4.7",
"arch": "32",
"npp-plugins": [
"folder-name": "demoPluginA",
"display-name": "Demo Plugin A",
"version": "1.8.7",
"npp-compatible-versions": "[4.2,6.6.6]",
"id": "9c566a9083ef66a0ce93a3ce5f55977faea559b5b0993e37a1461b87f4aeb6f0",
"folder-name": "demoPluginB",
"display-name": "Demo Plugin B",
"version": "",
"id": "8a6b9dadbf2ec37d5c60a12a5445f0eec2ef00e6eaa80452925789fd73950193",
It's optional. In the case of its absence, it's considered compatible to all versions of Notepad++.
The format of value for "npp-compatible-versions" is following (no white space is allowed):
"6.9" : exact version 6.9
"[4.2,6.6.6]" : from version 4.2 to 6.6.6 inclusive
"[8.3,]" : any version from 8.3 to the latest one
"[,8.2.1]" : 8.2.1 and any previous version
Fix#11338, close#11334