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OpenSupports can work completely fine without a frontend. You could only use this API to manage the system. This documentation is intended for application developers who are looking to integrate OpenSupports with other applications.

Request/Response Interface

The API server is located in the api/ folder of your OpenSupports' instance folder. All the requests must be done via POST method, with the exception of the path /system/download.

The response object has the following JSON structure:

  status: ["success"/"fail"],
  message: [String],
  data: [Object/Array/String]
  • status indicates "success" if the request succeeded, else contains "fail"
  • message contains the message in case of failure.
  • data contains the returned data of the request.

For each path, we will document first the Parameters, then the success content of the property data, and finally the possible error messages it can return.

Session Permissions

Some paths will not work if you're not logged in. All paths have documented a "Permission" that can be:

  • any: anyone can do a request, even if it's not logged in.
  • user: only logged regular users can do the request.
  • staff1: only a logged staff member with at least level 1 can do the request.
  • staff2: only a logged staff member with at least level 2 can do the request.
  • staff3: only a logged staff member with at least level 3 can do the request.

To login, user or staff, you have to make a request to /user/login This request will return you the session data with an userId and a token. You will use these to validate the session every time you make a request that requires a logged user.

All the paths that have permission user, staff1, staff2 or staff3, require userId and token to be passed as parameter. You need to pass them as csrf_userid and csrf_token respectively.

If you don't pass the userId and token, a NO_PERMISSION error will be returned.