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package PandoraFMS::DiscoveryServer;
# Pandora FMS Discovery Server.
# Pandora FMS. the Flexible Monitoring System.
# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use POSIX qw(strftime ceil);
use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
use MIME::Base64;
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5';
use PandoraFMS::Tools;
use PandoraFMS::DB;
use PandoraFMS::Core;
use PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer;
use PandoraFMS::GIS;
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
use PandoraFMS::Recon::Base;
# Patched Nmap::Parser. See
use PandoraFMS::NmapParser;
# Inherits from PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer
our @ISA = qw(PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer);
# Global variables
my @TaskQueue :shared;
my %PendingTasks :shared;
my $Sem :shared;
my $TaskSem :shared;
# IDs from tconfig_os.
use constant OS_OTHER => 10;
use constant OS_ROUTER => 17;
use constant OS_SWITCH => 18;
# Discovery Server class constructor.
sub new ($$$$$$) {
my ($class, $config, $dbh) = @_;
return undef unless $config->{'reconserver'} == 1 || $config->{'discoveryserver'} == 1;
if (! -e $config->{'nmap'}) {
logger ($config, ' [E] ' . $config->{'nmap'} . " needed by " . $config->{'rb_product_name'} . " Discovery Server not found.", 1);
print_message ($config, ' [E] ' . $config->{'nmap'} . " needed by " . $config->{'rb_product_name'} . " Discovery Server not found.", 1);
return undef;
# Initialize semaphores and queues
@TaskQueue = ();
%PendingTasks = ();
$Sem = Thread::Semaphore->new;
$TaskSem = Thread::Semaphore->new (0);
# Restart automatic recon tasks.
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE trecon_task SET utimestamp = 0 WHERE id_recon_server = ? AND status <> -1 AND interval_sweep > 0',
get_server_id ($dbh, $config->{'servername'}, DISCOVERYSERVER));
# Reset (but do not restart) manual recon tasks.
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE trecon_task SET status = -1 WHERE id_recon_server = ? AND status <> -1 AND interval_sweep = 0',
get_server_id ($dbh, $config->{'servername'}, DISCOVERYSERVER));
2016-10-27 15:31:51 +02:00
# Call the constructor of the parent class
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($config, DISCOVERYSERVER, \&PandoraFMS::DiscoveryServer::data_producer, \&PandoraFMS::DiscoveryServer::data_consumer, $dbh);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# Run.
sub run ($) {
my $self = shift;
my $pa_config = $self->getConfig ();
print_message ($pa_config, " [*] Starting " . $pa_config->{'rb_product_name'} . " Discovery Server.", 1);
my $threads = $pa_config->{'recon_threads'};
# Use hightest value
if ($pa_config->{'discovery_threads'} > $pa_config->{'recon_threads'}) {
$threads = $pa_config->{'discovery_threads'};
$self->SUPER::run (\@TaskQueue, \%PendingTasks, $Sem, $TaskSem);
# Data producer.
sub data_producer ($) {
my $self = shift;
my ($pa_config, $dbh) = ($self->getConfig (), $self->getDBH ());
my @tasks;
my $server_id = get_server_id ($dbh, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $self->getServerType ());
return @tasks unless defined ($server_id);
# Manual tasks have interval_sweep = 0
# Manual tasks are "forced" like the other, setting the utimestamp to 1
# By default, after create a tasks it takes the utimestamp to 0
# Status -1 means "done".
my @rows = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM trecon_task
WHERE id_recon_server = ?
AND disabled = 0
AND ((utimestamp = 0 AND interval_sweep != 0 OR status = 1)
OR (status = -1 AND interval_sweep > 0 AND (utimestamp + interval_sweep) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $server_id);
foreach my $row (@rows) {
# Update task status
update_recon_task ($dbh, $row->{'id_rt'}, 1);
push (@tasks, $row->{'id_rt'});
return @tasks;
# Data consumer.
sub data_consumer ($$) {
my ($self, $task_id) = @_;
my ($pa_config, $dbh) = ($self->getConfig (), $self->getDBH ());
# Get recon task data
my $task = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM trecon_task WHERE id_rt = ?', $task_id);
return -1 unless defined ($task);
# Is it a recon script?
if (defined ($task->{'id_recon_script'}) && ($task->{'id_recon_script'} != 0)) {
exec_recon_script ($pa_config, $dbh, $task);
} else {
logger($pa_config, 'Starting recon task for net ' . $task->{'subnet'} . '.', 10);
eval {
my @subnets = split(/,/, safe_output($task->{'subnet'}));
my @communities = split(/,/, safe_output($task->{'snmp_community'}));
my @auth_strings = ();
if(defined($task->{'auth_strings'})) {
@auth_strings = split(/,/, safe_output($task->{'auth_strings'}));
my $main_event = pandora_event($pa_config, "[Discovery] Execution summary",$task->{'id_group'}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'system', 0, $dbh);
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
my $recon = new PandoraFMS::Recon::Base(
communities => \@communities,
dbh => $dbh,
group_id => $task->{'id_group'},
id_os => $task->{'id_os'},
id_network_profile => $task->{'id_network_profile'},
os_detection => $task->{'os_detect'},
parent_detection => $task->{'parent_detection'},
parent_recursion => $task->{'parent_recursion'},
pa_config => $pa_config,
recon_ports => $task->{'recon_ports'},
resolve_names => $task->{'resolve_names'},
snmp_auth_user => $task->{'snmp_auth_user'},
snmp_auth_pass => $task->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
snmp_auth_method => $task->{'snmp_auth_method'},
snmp_checks => $task->{'snmp_checks'},
snmp_enabled => $task->{'snmp_enabled'},
snmp_privacy_method => $task->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
snmp_privacy_pass => $task->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
snmp_security_level => $task->{'snmp_security_level'},
snmp_timeout => $task->{'snmp_timeout'},
snmp_version => $task->{'snmp_version'},
subnets => \@subnets,
2017-03-10 12:04:35 +01:00
task_id => $task->{'id_rt'},
vlan_cache_enabled => $task->{'vlan_enabled'},
wmi_enabled => $task->{'wmi_enabled'},
auth_strings_array => \@auth_strings,
autoconfiguration_enabled => $task->{'autoconfiguration_enabled'},
main_event_id => $main_event,
if ($@) {
update_recon_task ($dbh, $task_id, -1);
# Update recon task status.
sub update_recon_task ($$$) {
my ($dbh, $id_task, $status) = @_;
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE trecon_task SET utimestamp = ?, status = ? WHERE id_rt = ?', time (), $status, $id_task);
# Executes recon scripts
sub exec_recon_script ($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $task) = @_;
# Get recon plugin data
my $script = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM trecon_script WHERE id_recon_script = ?', $task->{'id_recon_script'});
return -1 unless defined ($script);
logger($pa_config, 'Executing recon script ' . safe_output($script->{'name'}), 10);
my $command = safe_output($script->{'script'});
my $macros = safe_output($task->{'macros'});
# \r and \n should be escaped for decode_json().
$macros =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$macros =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
my $decoded_macros;
if ($macros) {
eval {
$decoded_macros = decode_json(encode_utf8($macros));
my $macros_parameters = '';
# Add module macros as parameter
if(ref($decoded_macros) eq "HASH") {
# Convert the hash to a sorted array
my @sorted_macros;
while (my ($i, $m) = each (%{$decoded_macros})) {
$sorted_macros[$i] = $m;
# Remove the 0 position
shift @sorted_macros;
foreach my $m (@sorted_macros) {
$macros_parameters = $macros_parameters . ' "' . $m->{"value"} . '"';
my $ent_script = 0;
my $args = enterprise_hook('discovery_custom_recon_scripts',[$pa_config, $dbh, $task, $script]);
if (!$args) {
$args = "$task->{'id_rt'} $task->{'id_group'} $task->{'create_incident'} $macros_parameters";
} else {
$ent_script = 1;
if (-x $command) {
my $exec_output = `$command $args`;
logger($pa_config, "Execution output: \n". $exec_output, 10);
} else {
logger($pa_config, "Cannot execute recon task command $command.", 10);
# Only update the timestamp in case something went wrong. The script should set the status.
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE trecon_task SET utimestamp = ? WHERE id_rt = ?', time (), $task->{'id_rt'});
if ($ent_script == 1) {
enterprise_hook('discovery_clean_custom_recon',[$pa_config, $dbh, $task, $script]);
logger($pa_config, 'Done executing recon script ' . safe_output($script->{'name'}), 10);
return 0;
# Guess the OS using xprobe2 or nmap.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::guess_os($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# OS detection disabled. Use the device type.
if ($self->{'os_detection'} == 0) {
my $device_type = $self->get_device_type($device);
return OS_OTHER unless defined($device_type);
return OS_ROUTER if ($device_type eq 'router');
return OS_SWITCH if ($device_type eq 'switch');
return OS_OTHER;
# Use xprobe2 if available
if (-e $self->{pa_config}->{xprobe2}) {
my $output = `"$self->{pa_config}->{xprobe2}" $device 2>$DEVNULL | grep 'Running OS' | head -1`;
return OS_OTHER if ($? != 0);
return pandora_get_os($self->{'dbh'}, $output);
# Use nmap by default
if (-e $self->{pa_config}->{nmap}) {
my $output = `"$self->{pa_config}->{nmap}" -F -O $device 2>$DEVNULL | grep 'Aggressive OS guesses'`;
return OS_OTHER if ($? != 0);
return pandora_get_os($self->{'dbh'}, $output);
return OS_OTHER;
# Returns the number of open ports from the given list.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::tcp_scan ($$) {
my ($self, $host) = @_;
my $open_ports = `"$self->{pa_config}->{nmap}" -p$self->{recon_ports} $host | grep open | wc -l`;
return $open_ports;
# Create network profile modules for the given agent.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$$) {
my ($self, $agent_id, $device) = @_;
return unless ($self->{'id_network_profile'} > 0);
# Get network components associated to the network profile.
my @np_components = get_db_rows($self->{'dbh'}, 'SELECT * FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_np = ?', $self->{'id_network_profile'});
foreach my $np_component (@np_components) {
# Get network component data
my $component = get_db_single_row($self->{'dbh'}, 'SELECT * FROM tnetwork_component WHERE id_nc = ?', $np_component->{'id_nc'});
if (!defined ($component)) {
$self->call('message', "Network component ID " . $np_component->{'id_nc'} . " not found.", 5);
# Use snmp_community from network task instead the component snmp_community
$component->{'snmp_community'} = safe_output($self->get_community($device));
$component->{'tcp_send'} = $self->{'snmp_version'};
$component->{'custom_string_1'} = $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'};
$component->{'custom_string_2'} = $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'};
$component->{'custom_string_3'} = $self->{'snmp_security_level'};
$component->{'plugin_parameter'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_method'};
$component->{'plugin_user'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_user'};
$component->{'plugin_pass'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'};
pandora_create_module_from_network_component($self->{'pa_config'}, $component, $agent_id, $self->{'dbh'});
# Connect the given devices in the Pandora FMS database.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::connect_agents($$$$$) {
my ($self, $dev_1, $if_1, $dev_2, $if_2) = @_;
# Get the agent for the first device.
my $agent_1 = get_agent_from_addr($self->{'dbh'}, $dev_1);
if (!defined($agent_1)) {
$agent_1 = get_agent_from_name($self->{'dbh'}, $dev_1);
return unless defined($agent_1);
# Get the agent for the second device.
my $agent_2 = get_agent_from_addr($self->{'dbh'}, $dev_2);
if (!defined($agent_2)) {
$agent_2 = get_agent_from_name($self->{'dbh'}, $dev_2);
return unless defined($agent_2);
# Use ping modules by default.
$if_1 = 'ping' if ($if_1 eq '');
$if_2 = 'ping' if ($if_2 eq '');
# Check whether the modules exists.
my $module_name_1 = $if_1 eq 'ping' ? 'ping' : "${if_1}_ifOperStatus";
my $module_name_2 = $if_2 eq 'ping' ? 'ping' : "${if_2}_ifOperStatus";
my $module_id_1 = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, $module_name_1, $agent_1->{'id_agente'});
if ($module_id_1 <= 0) {
$self->call('message', "ERROR: Module " . safe_output($module_name_1) . " does not exist for agent $dev_1.", 5);
my $module_id_2 = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, $module_name_2, $agent_2->{'id_agente'});
if ($module_id_2 <= 0) {
$self->call('message', "ERROR: Module " . safe_output($module_name_2) . " does not exist for agent $dev_2.", 5);
# Connect the modules if they are not already connected.
my $connection_id = get_db_value($self->{'dbh'}, 'SELECT id FROM tmodule_relationship WHERE (module_a = ? AND module_b = ?) OR (module_b = ? AND module_a = ?)', $module_id_1, $module_id_2, $module_id_1, $module_id_2);
if (! defined($connection_id)) {
db_do($self->{'dbh'}, 'INSERT INTO tmodule_relationship (`module_a`, `module_b`, `id_rt`) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', $module_id_1, $module_id_2, $self->{'task_id'});
# Create an agent for the given device. Returns the ID of the new (or
# existing) agent, undef on error.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
my @agents = get_db_rows($self->{'dbh'},
'SELECT * FROM taddress, taddress_agent, tagente
WHERE tagente.id_agente = taddress_agent.id_agent
AND taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a
AND ip = ?', $device
# Does the host already exist?
my $agent;
foreach my $candidate (@agents) {
$agent = {map {$_} %$candidate}; # copy contents, do not use shallow copy
# exclude $device itself, because it handle corner case when target includes NAT
my @registered = map {$_->{ip}} get_db_rows($self->{'dbh'},
'SELECT ip FROM taddress, taddress_agent, tagente
WHERE tagente.id_agente = taddress_agent.id_agent
AND taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a
AND tagente.id_agente = ?
AND taddress.ip != ?', $agent->{id_agente}, $device
foreach my $ip_addr (@registered) {
my @matched = grep { $_ =~ /^$ip_addr$/ } $self->get_addresses($device);
if (scalar(@matched) == 0) {
$agent = undef;
last if(defined($agent)); # exit loop if match all ip_addr
if (!defined($agent)) {
$agent = get_agent_from_name($self->{'dbh'}, $device);
my ($agent_id, $agent_learning);
if (!defined($agent)) {
# Resolve hostnames.
my $host_name = $self->{'resolve_names'} == 1 ? gethostbyaddr (inet_aton($device), AF_INET) : $device;
$host_name = $device unless defined ($host_name);
# Guess the OS.
my $id_os = $self->guess_os($device);
# Are we filtering hosts by OS?
return if ($self->{'id_os'} > 0 && $id_os != $self->{'id_os'});
# Are we filtering hosts by TCP port?
return if ($self->{'recon_ports'} ne '' && $self->tcp_scan($device) == 0);
my $location = get_geoip_info($self->{'pa_config'}, $device);
$agent_id = pandora_create_agent($self->{'pa_config'}, $self->{'pa_config'}->{'servername'}, $host_name, $device,
$self->{'group_id'}, 0, $id_os,
'', 300, $self->{'dbh'}, undef,
$location->{'longitude'}, $location->{'latitude'}
return undef unless defined ($agent_id) and ($agent_id > 0);
# Autoconfigure agent
if (defined($self->{'autoconfiguration_enabled'}) && $self->{'autoconfiguration_enabled'} == 1) {
my $agent_data = PandoraFMS::DB::get_db_single_row($self->{'dbh'}, 'SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent_id);
# Update agent configuration once, after create agent.
enterprise_hook('autoconfigure_agent', [$self->{'pa_config'}, $host_name, $agent_id, $agent_data, $self->{'dbh'}, 1]);
if (defined($self->{'main_event_id'})) {
my $addresses_str = join(',', safe_output($self->get_addresses($device)));
$self->{'pa_config'}, $self->{'dbh'}, $self->{'main_event_id'},
"[Discovery] New " . safe_output($self->get_device_type($device)) . " found " . $host_name . " (" . $addresses_str . ") Agent $agent_id."
$agent_learning = 1;
# Create network profile modules for the agent
$self->create_network_profile_modules($agent_id, $device);
else {
$agent_id = $agent->{'id_agente'};
$agent_learning = $agent->{'modo'};
# Do not create any modules if the agent is not in learning mode.
return unless ($agent_learning == 1);
# Add found IP addresses to the agent.
foreach my $ip_addr ($self->get_addresses($device)) {
my $addr_id = get_addr_id($self->{'dbh'}, $ip_addr);
$addr_id = add_address($self->{'dbh'}, $ip_addr) unless ($addr_id > 0);
next unless ($addr_id > 0);
# Assign the new address to the agent
my $agent_addr_id = get_agent_addr_id($self->{'dbh'}, $addr_id, $agent_id);
if ($agent_addr_id <= 0) {
db_do($self->{'dbh'}, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (`id_a`, `id_agent`)
VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
# Create a ping module.
my $module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "ping", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 6,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "ping",
'descripcion' => '',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device);
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
# Add interfaces to the agent if it responds to SNMP.
return $agent_id unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
my $community = $self->get_community($device);
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
my @output = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINDEX);
foreach my $if_index (@output) {
next unless ($if_index =~ /^[0-9]+$/);
# Check the status of the interface.
if ($self->{'all_ifaces'} == 0) {
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
my $if_status = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOPERSTATUS.$if_index");
next unless $if_status == 1;
# Fill the module description with the IP and MAC addresses.
my $mac = $self->get_if_mac($device, $if_index);
my $ip = $self->get_if_ip($device, $if_index);
my $if_desc = ($mac ne '' ? "MAC $mac " : '') . ($ip ne '' ? "IP $ip" : '');
# Get the name of the network interface.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
my $if_name = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFNAME.$if_index");
$if_name = "if$if_index" unless defined ($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
# Check whether the module already exists.
my $module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "${if_name}_ifOperStatus", $agent_id);
next if ($module_id > 0 && !$agent_learning);
# Encode problematic characters.
$if_name = safe_input($if_name);
$if_desc = safe_input($if_desc);
# Interface status module.
$module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "${if_name}_ifOperStatus", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 18,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "${if_name}_ifOperStatus",
'descripcion' => $if_desc,
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOPERSTATUS.$if_index"
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
} else {
my %module = (
'descripcion' => $if_desc,
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
# Incoming traffic module.
my $if_hc_in_octets = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCINOCTECTS.$if_index");
if (defined($if_hc_in_octets)) {
$module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "${if_name}_ifHCInOctets", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 16,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "${if_name}_ifHCInOctets",
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCINOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
} else {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
# ifInOctets
elsif (defined($self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINOCTECTS.$if_index"))) {
$module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "${if_name}_ifInOctets", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 16,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "${if_name}_ifInOctets",
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
} else {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
# Outgoing traffic module.
my $if_hc_out_octets = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCOUTOCTECTS.$if_index");
if (defined($if_hc_out_octets)) {
$module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "${if_name}_ifHCOutOctets", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 16,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "${if_name}_ifHCOutOctets",
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCOUTOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
} else {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
# ifOutOctets
elsif (defined($self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOUTOCTECTS.$if_index"))) {
$module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, "${if_name}_ifOutOctets", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 16,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "${if_name}_ifOutOctets",
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOUTOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
} else {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
return $agent_id;
# Delete already existing connections.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::delete_connections($) {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->call('message', "Deleting connections...", 10);
db_do($self->{'dbh'}, 'DELETE FROM tmodule_relationship WHERE id_rt=?', $self->{'task_id'});
# Print log messages.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::message($$$) {
my ($self, $message, $verbosity) = @_;
logger($self->{'pa_config'}, "[Recon task " . $self->{'task_id'} . "] $message", $verbosity);
# Connect the given hosts to its parent.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::set_parent($$$) {
my ($self, $host, $parent) = @_;
return unless ($self->{'parent_detection'} == 1);
# Get the agent for the host.
my $agent = get_agent_from_addr($self->{'dbh'}, $host);
if (!defined($agent)) {
$agent = get_agent_from_name($self->{'dbh'}, $host);
return unless defined($agent);
# Check if the parent agent exists.
my $agent_parent = get_agent_from_addr($self->{'dbh'}, $parent);
if (!defined($agent_parent)) {
$agent_parent = get_agent_from_name($self->{'dbh'}, $parent);
return unless (defined ($agent_parent));
# Is the agent in learning mode?
return unless ($agent_parent->{'modo'} == 1);
# Connect the host to its parent.
db_do($self->{'dbh'}, 'UPDATE tagente SET id_parent=? WHERE id_agente=?', $agent_parent->{'id_agente'}, $agent->{'id_agente'});
# Create a WMI module for the given agent.
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::wmi_module {
my ($self, $agent_id, $target, $wmi_query, $wmi_auth, $column,
$module_name, $module_description, $module_type, $unit) = @_;
# Check whether the module already exists.
my $module_id = get_agent_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, $module_name, $agent_id);
return if ($module_id > 0);
my ($user, $pass) = ($wmi_auth ne '') ? split('%', $wmi_auth) : (undef, undef);
my %module = (
'descripcion' => safe_input($module_description),
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'id_modulo' => 6,
'id_tipo_modulo' => get_module_id($self->{'dbh'}, $module_type),
'ip_target' => $target,
'nombre' => safe_input($module_name),
'plugin_pass' => defined($pass) ? $pass : '',
'plugin_user' => defined($user) ? $user : '',
'snmp_oid' => $wmi_query,
'tcp_port' => $column,
'unit' => defined($unit) ? $unit : ''
pandora_create_module_from_hash($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
# Update recon task status.
2017-03-13 11:13:45 +01:00
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::update_progress ($$) {
my ($self, $progress) = @_;
db_do ($self->{'dbh'}, 'UPDATE trecon_task SET utimestamp = ?, status = ? WHERE id_rt = ?', time (), $progress, $self->{'task_id'});