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/** @file
The TPM2 definition block in ACPI table for TCG2 physical presence
and MemoryClear.
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
(c)Copyright 2016 HP Development Company, L.P.<BR>
Copyright (c) 2017, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. <BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
DefinitionBlock (
Scope (\_SB)
Device (TPM)
// TCG2
// TAG for patching TPM2.0 _HID
Name (_HID, "NNNN0000")
Name (_CID, "MSFT0101")
// Readable name of this device, don't know if this way is correct yet
Name (_STR, Unicode ("TPM 2.0 Device"))
// Operational region for Smi port access
OperationRegion (SMIP, SystemIO, 0xB2, 1)
Field (SMIP, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
IOB2, 8
// Operational region for TPM access
OperationRegion (TPMR, SystemMemory, 0xfed40000, 0x5000)
Field (TPMR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
ACC0, 8, // TPM_ACCESS_0
STS0, 32, // TPM_STS_0
// ignore the rest
// Operational region for TPM support, TPM Physical Presence and TPM Memory Clear
// Region Offset 0xFFFF0000 and Length 0xF0 will be fixed in C code.
OperationRegion (TNVS, SystemMemory, 0xFFFF0000, 0xF0)
Field (TNVS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
PPIN, 8, // Software SMI for Physical Presence Interface
PPIP, 32, // Used for save physical presence paramter
PPRP, 32, // Physical Presence request operation response
PPRQ, 32, // Physical Presence request operation
PPRM, 32, // Physical Presence request operation parameter
LPPR, 32, // Last Physical Presence request operation
FRET, 32, // Physical Presence function return code
MCIN, 8, // Software SMI for Memory Clear Interface
MCIP, 32, // Used for save the Mor paramter
MORD, 32, // Memory Overwrite Request Data
MRET, 32, // Memory Overwrite function return code
UCRQ, 32, // Phyical Presence request operation to Get User Confirmation Status
IRQN, 32, // IRQ Number for _CRS
SFRB, 8 // Is shortformed Pkglength for resource buffer
// Possible resource settings returned by _PRS method
// RESS : ResourceTemplate with PkgLength <=63
// RESL : ResourceTemplate with PkgLength > 63
// The format of the data has to follow the same format as
// _CRS (according to ACPI spec).
Name (RESS, ResourceTemplate() {
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xfed40000, 0x5000)
Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , ) {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
Name (RESL, ResourceTemplate() {
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xfed40000, 0x5000)
Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , ) {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}
// Current resource settings for _CRS method
Name(RES0, ResourceTemplate () {
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xfed40000, 0x5000, REG0)
Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , INTR) {12}
Name(RES1, ResourceTemplate () {
Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xfed40000, 0x5000, REG1)
// Return the resource consumed by TPM device.
// IRQNum = 0 means disable IRQ support
If (LEqual(IRQN, 0)) {
Return (RES1)
CreateDWordField(RES0, ^INTR._INT, LIRQ)
Return (RES0)
// Set resources consumed by the TPM device. This is used to
// assign an interrupt number to the device. The input byte stream
// has to be the same as returned by _CRS (according to ACPI spec).
// Platform may choose to override this function with specific interrupt
// programing logic to replace FIFO/TIS SIRQ registers programing
// Do not configure Interrupt if IRQ Num is configured 0 by default
If (LNotEqual(IRQN, 0)) {
// Update resource descriptor
// Use the field name to identify the offsets in the argument
// buffer and RES0 buffer.
CreateDWordField(Arg0, ^INTR._INT, IRQ0)
CreateDWordField(RES0, ^INTR._INT, LIRQ)
Store(IRQ0, LIRQ)
Store(IRQ0, IRQN)
CreateBitField(Arg0, ^INTR._HE, ITRG)
CreateBitField(RES0, ^INTR._HE, LTRG)
CreateBitField(Arg0, ^INTR._LL, ILVL)
CreateBitField(RES0, ^INTR._LL, LLVL)
// Update TPM FIFO PTP/TIS interface only, identified by TPM_INTERFACE_ID_x lowest
// nibble.
// 0000 - FIFO interface as defined in PTP for TPM 2.0 is active
// 1111 - FIFO interface as defined in TIS1.3 is active
If (LOr(LEqual (And (TID0, 0x0F), 0x00), LEqual (And (TID0, 0x0F), 0x0F))) {
// If FIFO interface, interrupt vector register is
// available. TCG PTP specification allows only
// values 1..15 in this field. For other interrupts
// the field should stay 0.
If (LLess (IRQ0, 16)) {
Store (And(IRQ0, 0xF), INTV)
// Interrupt enable register (TPM_INT_ENABLE_x) bits 3:4
// contains settings for interrupt polarity.
// The other bits of the byte enable individual interrupts.
// They should be all be zero, but to avoid changing the
// configuration, the other bits are be preserved.
// 00 - high level
// 01 - low level
// 10 - rising edge
// 11 - falling edge
// ACPI spec definitions:
// _HE: '1' is Edge, '0' is Level
// _LL: '1' is ActiveHigh, '0' is ActiveLow (inverted from TCG spec)
If (LEqual (ITRG, 1)) {
Or(INTE, 0x00000010, INTE)
} Else {
if (LEqual (ILVL, 0)) {
Or(INTE, 0x00000008, INTE)
} Else {
// IRQNum = 0 means disable IRQ support
If (LEqual(IRQN, 0)) {
Return (RES1)
} ElseIf(LEqual(SFRB, 0)) {
// Long format. Possible resources PkgLength > 63
Return (RESL)
} Else {
// Short format. Possible resources PkgLength <=63
Return (RESS)
Method (PTS, 1, Serialized)
// Detect Sx state for MOR, only S4, S5 need to handle
If (LAnd (LLess (Arg0, 6), LGreater (Arg0, 3)))
// Bit4 -- DisableAutoDetect. 0 -- Firmware MAY autodetect.
If (LNot (And (MORD, 0x10)))
// Trigger the SMI through ACPI _PTS method.
Store (0x02, MCIP)
// Trigger the SMI interrupt
Store (MCIN, IOB2)
Return (0)
Method (_STA, 0)
if (LEqual (ACC0, 0xff))
Return (0)
Return (0x0f)
// TCG Hardware Information
Method (HINF, 1, Serialized, 0, {BuffObj, PkgObj}, {UnknownObj}) // IntObj
// Switch by function index
Switch (ToInteger(Arg0))
Case (0)
// Standard query
Return (Buffer () {0x03})
Case (1)
// Return failure if no TPM present
Name(TPMV, Package () {0x01, Package () {0x2, 0x0}})
if (LEqual (_STA (), 0x00))
Return (Package () {0x00})
// Return TPM version
Return (TPMV)
Default {BreakPoint}
Return (Buffer () {0})
Name(TPM2, Package (0x02){
Name(TPM3, Package (0x03){
// TCG Physical Presence Interface
Method (TPPI, 2, Serialized, 0, {BuffObj, PkgObj, IntObj, StrObj}, {UnknownObj, UnknownObj}) // IntObj, PkgObj
// Switch by function index
Switch (ToInteger(Arg0))
Case (0)
// Standard query, supports function 1-8
Return (Buffer () {0xFF, 0x01})
Case (1)
// a) Get Physical Presence Interface Version
Return ("$PV")
Case (2)
// b) Submit TPM Operation Request to Pre-OS Environment
Store (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x00)), PPRQ)
Store (0, PPRM)
Store (0x02, PPIP)
// Trigger the SMI interrupt
Store (PPIN, IOB2)
Return (FRET)
Case (3)
// c) Get Pending TPM Operation Requested By the OS
Store (PPRQ, Index (TPM2, 0x01))
Return (TPM2)
Case (4)
// d) Get Platform-Specific Action to Transition to Pre-OS Environment
Return (2)
Case (5)
// e) Return TPM Operation Response to OS Environment
Store (0x05, PPIP)
// Trigger the SMI interrupt
Store (PPIN, IOB2)
Store (LPPR, Index (TPM3, 0x01))
Store (PPRP, Index (TPM3, 0x02))
Return (TPM3)
Case (6)
// f) Submit preferred user language (Not implemented)
Return (3)
Case (7)
// g) Submit TPM Operation Request to Pre-OS Environment 2
Store (7, PPIP)
Store (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x00)), PPRQ)
Store (0, PPRM)
If (LEqual (PPRQ, 23)) {
Store (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x01)), PPRM)
// Trigger the SMI interrupt
Store (PPIN, IOB2)
Return (FRET)
Case (8)
// e) Get User Confirmation Status for Operation
Store (8, PPIP)
Store (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x00)), UCRQ)
// Trigger the SMI interrupt
Store (PPIN, IOB2)
Return (FRET)
Default {BreakPoint}
Return (1)
Method (TMCI, 2, Serialized, 0, IntObj, {UnknownObj, UnknownObj}) // IntObj, PkgObj
// Switch by function index
Switch (ToInteger (Arg0))
Case (0)
// Standard query, supports function 1-1
Return (Buffer () {0x03})
Case (1)
// Save the Operation Value of the Request to MORD (reserved memory)
Store (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x00)), MORD)
// Trigger the SMI through ACPI _DSM method.
Store (0x01, MCIP)
// Trigger the SMI interrupt
Store (MCIN, IOB2)
Return (MRET)
Default {BreakPoint}
Return (1)
Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized, 0, UnknownObj, {BuffObj, IntObj, IntObj, PkgObj})
// TCG Hardware Information
If(LEqual(Arg0, ToUUID ("cf8e16a5-c1e8-4e25-b712-4f54a96702c8")))
Return (HINF (Arg2))
// TCG Physical Presence Interface
If(LEqual(Arg0, ToUUID ("3dddfaa6-361b-4eb4-a424-8d10089d1653")))
Return (TPPI (Arg2, Arg3))
// TCG Memory Clear Interface
If(LEqual(Arg0, ToUUID ("376054ed-cc13-4675-901c-4756d7f2d45d")))
Return (TMCI (Arg2, Arg3))
Return (Buffer () {0})